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The Wanderer

Page 7

by Jan Irving

  Now Gabriels hands were tangled in Judes hair and Jude was no longer resisting him. His body was slumped into the larger form behind him, cradled in sinewy arms as Gabriels gaze flicked over his body and Jude chewed his bottom lip.

  “You have a very respectable cock yourself, Doc,” Gabriel murmured, sparks of humor and appreciation lighting his dark eyes. He ran the tip of one finger over Judes length.

  “Uhhh.” Jude thrust into the touch.

  “Easy, pet,” Gabriel comforted. “Were almost done, and then Ill give you what you need.”

  Jude met Gabriels eyes in the mirror. “Promise?” he whispered.

  “Oh, yes. I want to make you come.”

  Jude squirmed, wanting that too.

  “Turn around, and Ill show you one of my favorite things to do.”

  Jude thought he could guess, but he turned and then watched over his shoulder as Gabriel cupped his rear end, fingers digging deep into his white flesh. “When I see this, I am primeval man. I want to fuck.” Gabriel pulled Judes cheeks open gently, and Jude hid his face. “Jude, look. Look at where I want to put my cock.”

  Jude peeked and saw Gabriels finger rub against his opening. His opening contracted, and he could almost feel something thick and hard penetrating him for the first time.

  “Last of all, I point out your lips, your eyes, and the shape of your face. Your nose is a little crooked. I saw that the first day when I was imagining what it would feel like buried between my legs. Would you smell me? I love to smell a man, especially when hes panting on my bed, his cum drying on his stomach.”

  “Gabriel.” Judes arms curled urgently around Gabriels neck. “Will you consider…? That is…”

  “Jude, talk to me.” Gabriel rocked him gently.

  “You said you went to…to illicit places where you could purchase the affections you desired.”

  “Yes,” Gabriel rumbled. “And youre curious about such a place, arent you, Doc?”

  Jude figured he was as red as the tomatoes in Mrs. Downs vegetable garden. “I am…curious. Can we pretend to be in such a place?” Jude asked.

  “You want me to play the role of the experienced client?”

  Jude nodded. Gabriel reached down and stroked him, and he whimpered. All the talk and touch…he would disgrace himself any moment.

  “And youll be my boy, then, Jude.” Gabriels voice dropped to a lower octave. “My boy to pleasure me.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Gabriel, I am undone,” Jude whispered. He was quivering like taut guitar strings played by his tarnished angel.

  “You need to come,” Gabriel said calmly.

  Judes eyes widened. “Here? In the light?”

  “Did you expect it in the bed, hidden under the wedding ring quilt?” Gabriel asked. “Jude, I want to see it, splash my own come on you.”

  Jude leaned against Gabriel, letting him stroke his cock, feeling Gabriel thrusting against the pillow of his ass cheek. Their reflected eyes were heavy, dazed.

  Jude licked his lips, and Gabriel pushed him against the dresser so Jude was bent over, his ass high. Gabriel raised him higher with two strong hands on his waist, lifting him up on his toes so he could drag his penis in the upper divide of Judes rear end.

  “Jude…Jude,” Gabriel chanted. “Doc, Im going to come on you. Mark you.” He kissed Judes sweaty neck. “My wanton.” His hand moved down so his fist could tighten around Judes cock, and Jude gasped, his body arching, clawing at the neatly laid items on the dresser so that a comb fell to the floor.

  Then he was staring into Gabriels dark eyes in the mirror as he felt hot liquid hit his back and ass, as he spilled into Gabriels hand, helpless, needy.

  Puffing, Jude whispered, “You gave me no choice but to come.”

  “Yes.” Gabriels jaw flexed.

  * * *

  “Doc Jude!” Jude wrenched away from Gabriels trembling body, from the cock he could feel, wet and softening, against his back.

  “Mouse!” Gabriel muttered. He grabbed a linen towel beside the basin, gave himself a couple of brisk swipes, and then snatched his denim trousers and gun belt.

  Cheeks flaming, Jude used another cloth on himself, flinching because he was very sensitive. He dropped it and looked around for his discarded clothes, picked up a wrinkled shirt.

  Gabriel was already dressed. He picked up his Winchester rifle and gripped Judes shoulder, whispering, “Ill find out whats wrong. Stay here.”

  “Stay here…” Jude fumed.

  Some of his clothing had fallen onto the loft stairs, so Jude grabbed his pants while Gabriel reached the cabin door. Clothing balled in his hand, Jude hesitated a moment and held Gabriels gaze, seeing reflected regret that their moment had been interrupted. He swallowed, his bare feet on the midnight blue lace of the corset, wondering what had got into him that he should ever wear such a thing.

  “Jude,” Gabriel called softly.

  “Im…decent.” Jude began doing up the buttons of his shirt.

  “For that Im sorry,” Gabriel said.

  Jude couldnt help but smile at the sorrow seasoning Gabriels tone, but then he heard the door creak open, and his heart sped up again.

  Why had Mouse summoned him so early in the morning? It could only be trouble.

  “Jude, you should stay inside,” Gabriel ordered, and Jude caught the groan of the cabins porch under the big mans weight. Jude grabbed his duster and boots.

  “No, please, Gabriel,” Mouse called from outdoors. “She needs Doc Jude!”

  Unwilling to wait another moment once his boots were on, Jude grabbed his medical bag off the wobbly table and pushed cautiously through the door. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the soft glow of starlight melding with the golden light of dawn, the tall trees beyond the meadow still in deep shadow. He could hear the hush of the running water from the stream.

  Gabriels horse whinnied sharply.

  And then Jude made out a small silhouette in the ruined corral. His breath caught in his throat. A black bear cub standing on two feet.

  “Mouse, what are you doing?” Jude whispered. The blind boy was within attack range of the wild animal!

  “Mouse, step away from the bear,” Gabriel ordered calmly. He had the rifle raised, one eye closed as he sighted from the porch.

  “No!” Mouse growled. “Somethin had been sleeping in the lean-to. I could smell it. And shes hurt.”

  Oh, God. “Mouse, please,” Jude pleaded. “If shes hurt, she might be very dangerous.”

  “Mouse, let me put the bear out of its misery,” Gabriel said. “Its the kindest thing.”

  Mouse shook his head, moving his thin body between the sound of Gabriels voice and the bear. “I can hear its not breathing right, and it smells sick. When I woke up, it was in the lean-to with me, but it didnt hurt me none. I had to take your horse and mule out though. They didnt like the bear.”

  “Jude,” Gabriel prodded, clearly expecting Jude to reason with Mouse. He looked over his shoulder, his hair still stuck up like sweaty haystacks from Judes hands.

  Jude swallowed, one hand wrapped around a porch pillar. Mouses face was pale and twisted with anguish under the bit of sun coming out from behind a cloud.

  “All right, Mouse, Ill see what I can do, but in exchange, you must move to safety.”

  “Jude!” Gabriel barked, glaring at him.

  * * *

  “Jude, we have to have a plan,” Gabriel said, tapping his hat against his thigh as he came to stand in front of Jude as he dug through his medical bag. The bear cub was lying in the center of the corral, panting. “I dont think its wise to approach a bear without one, even if it is on the small side.”

  Jude cleared his throat. His fingers were shaking. “Youre right.” Gabriel looked surprised, and Jude gave a weak smile. “You didnt think Id see common sense?”

  “You havent shown it, Doc. I wish youd take Mouse somewhere and then—”

  “No. Mouse deserves to be a part of the decision making. We cant protect
him, because youre right; hes becoming a man,” Jude said. “If the cub needs to be…euthanized, then we will discuss the gentlest way to go about it.” The boy was sitting stubbornly at one end of the corral, still a little too close to the bear for Judes peace of mind. “I have treated pigs, sheep, horses in my practice, but a coyote with a damaged paw is the only predator other than peoples cats and dogs.”

  Gabriel reached out and gripped Judes arm. “Ill be right beside you. If I have to, Ill shoot the bear to protect you.” His dark eyes burned, and Jude swallowed, remembering this man had shot the boy he loved to put him out of unspeakable pain.

  “I understand,” he said quietly. He couldnt resist reaching up and cupping Gabriels cheek. “Thank you, Gabriel.”

  Gabriel nodded, his eyes shimmering with tears.

  “All right,” Jude said when Mouse and Gabriel were squatted beside him in the dirt next to the corral. “I cannot help an animal unless it is sedated, and that will be a challenge.”

  “The Cherokee used blow guns to knock animals out,” Gabriel noted.

  “And some natives in South America used curare, I know,” Jude said. “But we dont have a blow gun and…all I have is some chloroform.”

  Gabriel looked at the cub and raised his brows.

  “I have used chloroform to some success before with smaller animals in treating cataracts. And I read an article some time ago inHarper’s about using it to sedate bears in zoological parks for medical treatment. Typically they used a saturated sponge…” Jude held up a sea sponge he had rummaged from his medical bag.

  “I can help.” Mouse spoke up.

  Jude squeezed his shoulder. “It would be better if you let Gabriel and me handle the cub. If we are able to help her, you can play a part.”

  Mouse chewed his lip. “If I could see…”

  “Yes, that is a factor, Mouse,” Jude admitted. “But also Gabriel and I could not see you in danger. Do you understand?”

  “I wouldnt be…” Mouse grumbled, but Jude knew he was listening.

  He had saved the hardest for last. “From walking around her, I think your bear is in very poor condition. Her lungs sound congested. She has infected wounds on her back; thats the bad smell, Mouse.”

  “You think youll have to kill her,” Mouse said. “Doc, I slept against her. Her fur was so soft, and I didnt know she was even there till I woke up properly.”

  “Well do what we can for her, but sometimes thats a hard thing,” Jude warned.

  Mouse swallowed. “I know. Like when you had to decide which baby to save, my brother or me…”

  Jude felt his eyes round. Mouse knew that story? It must have come from Mrs. Wilson, the midwife who had assisted during the difficult birth. “Your brother was already blue,” he said. “It was unlikely I could have helped him.”

  “Shen Lei says part of me walks in the spirit world because my brother was my other half.”

  Jude was amazed Shen Lei had confided such an idea in anyone. Mings halfbreed son was extremely shy. But he and Mouse had always had a special friendship, both unwanted by the town.

  “Im sorry I couldnt save him for you,” Jude said.

  Mouse shrugged.

  “So how exactly are you going to put that bear to sleep, Doc?” Gabriel intervened.

  “I have to get fairly close to her…”

  “Ill do it.”

  “Gabriel, you cant. Ive tried to estimate her weight, and Im the only one with the experience to administer the drug.”

  Gabriel lifted his tall-crowned hat off and shoved his hair back. “Well, shit,” he said.

  * * *

  “Have you ever heard of how sheep shearing is done, Doc?” Gabriel asked as they circled closer to the cub. She was watching them through slitted eyes, still panting. Jude was concerned about dehydration. The sun was coming up, and it would be another scorcher.

  “I know very little about the process.”

  “You have to wrestle the sheep in running water, rinsing out their wool. They kick some, and the coat floats.” Gabriel gave a grim smile. “I worked as a shepherd for a season.”

  Jude thought about those aristocrats sensitive hands on his flesh. And yet Gabriel had made his way however he had to. “You are a man of many talents.”

  Gabriels eyes glinted. “Yes.” He cleared his throat. “The cub, if I get hold of her, can you—-”

  “Gabriel, she is armed with claws and teeth. She might be reduced in strength, but she is not a sheep.”

  “No, sir, she is not, but I dont see what other choice we have since you and Mouse wont let me do the sensible thing. Ill hold her and you drug her. Just be damned quick about it!”

  Jude gulped.

  “You ready, Doc?”

  Jude nodded, inching closer to the animal. The bears pupils were dark pinpricks staring into his eyes. The face almost looked human in that moment, like a heavily bearded old man. “I want to help you,” Jude whispered, as if voicing his intention would somehow make this easy.

  “On three…” Gabriel rasped. He was directly behind the black bear now, his booted feet braced, his arms stretched out. There was a wet gleam to his upper lip and forehead.

  Jude took a deep breath.

  “One. Two. Now!”

  Gabriel grabbed the cub. She straightened and bellowed a challenge. “D-Doc!”

  Jude tried to evade the flailing paws as he shoved the sponge soaked in chloroform against her large black nostrils.

  “Hold her! Ouch—”


  “Hold her, damn it!” Jude struggled to keep the sponge up. The cub was stronger than hed ever dreamed. Another body flew through the air, grabbing one of her paws. Mouse.

  Choking dust rose in a plume. The bear struck Jude with her full weight, and he went down.

  * * *

  Panting, Jude sat up. He looked over at Gabriel and then at Mouse. All three of them were tangled around the felled mound of fur.

  “How long will that keep her out?” Gabriel demanded, huffing. He was touching his left eye gingerly. It was already swelling.

  “I cant be absolutely sure,” Jude said. “I must see to her immediately, and you and Mouse have to construct some kind of stable pen for her recuperation.”

  “Uh-huh,” Gabriel said. He staggered to his feet, looked around, and found his hat, which was mashed flat. “Mouse.” He touched the boys shoulder and then helped him to his feet. “Youre all right?”

  “Yeah. Told ya she wouldnt hurt me.”

  Gabriels lips quirked, and Jude knew he was thinking that hadnt exactly held true for him and Jude.

  “Theres wood to repair the corral next to the lean-to,” Mouse said.

  Jude was digging through the blood and pus oozing from a wound on the bears back, absorbed. He didnt look up when he heard Mouse and Gabriel walk away.

  * * *

  Mouse refilled a chipped bread-making bowl with water from the stream for the cub. Jude saw how he used his finger in the bowl to ascertain it was full.

  “Careful giving that to her,” Jude warned. “Weve tied her, but she could still be unpredictable.”

  “She drank all the water I brung her before,” Mouse said.

  “Thats good.”

  Gabriel was stripping off his shirt and underwear by the stream. Judes gaze was caught, held. “Youre bruised.” He climbed to his feet, his body a poor, weary thing, but when dark eyes caught his shy look, he felt different…desirable.

  “You should take a closer look.” Gabriels eyelids were sleepy. His lips curved, outlined by stubble. “I am, after all, the victim of your prank.”

  “It was an adventure.” Judes fingers skimmed the lump of a bruise on Gabriels muscled shoulder. Giving in to impulse, he pressed his lips against it in a stolen kiss. “I was inadequately supplied.”

  Gabriels eyes shut, and he breathed out a sigh. A large, trembling hand cupped the back of Judes head. “Christ, Jude.”

  “Shes drinking more water, Doc Jude!” Mouses e
xcited voice interrupted the moment.

  Jude stepped back hastily, and Gabriels eyes narrowed. He turned back to the stream and, without so much as a warning, shed the rest of his clothing and stepped into the water. “Someone used your cub for bearbaiting,” Gabriel said, sitting down in the center of the channel and falling back to let rivulets funnel through his long brown hair. Some of it webbed over his skin, one lock in particular curling around a pebbled brown nipple.

  Jude wet his lips, trying to calm his body after the flash of Gabriels pale, hard ass, his long back and broad shoulders. He was still gaunt, but Jude wanted to put his mouth against that tanned skin. Kiss and taste him, suckle on the tip of his erection.

  He brought his mind back to their conversation, a little shamed at how he wanted to revel in his lust. “She had been prodded by something…a sharpened stick. I had to remove some of her teeth because her gums had rotted.”

  “How will you keep her from rubbing off all those salves you made with moldy bread?” Gabriel was scrubbing his shoulders with a handful of sand. Jude knelt beside him and assumed the duty of his devoted attendant.

  Jude sighed. “I will have to stay with her and keep her dosed for a while. The tricky part will be her recovery since healing skin itches like the devil.”

  “It worked, Doc,” Gabriel said. He gave a long satisfied sigh as Jude began to massage his powerful shoulders. “It wasnt pretty, and it sure as hell wasnt a good idea, but it did the job.”

  “If Id had access to all the supplies in my clinic…” Jude shrugged. “I hope Ming is able to pick up my shipment on the next stage. I was running low.”

  Gabriel twisted around. “You still cater to that town? Even after they burned your home, ran you out?”

  Jude gaped. “Its my home.”

  “Its your prison,” Gabriel countered. He took a deep breath. “You can be with me out here…” His voice had softened to a whisper.


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