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Trusting Tanner (The Collins Brothers)

Page 17

by Lexi Lawton

  “I want you so goddamned bad, Jules. All of you.”

  She took his face into her hands, rubbing her thumbs across his lips. “I want you, too, but I don’t want to rush this.” Her hands moved down to rest on his shoulders. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t you dare apologize for stopping. We both agreed to take this slow, and I’m okay with that.”

  “Are you sure? I feel like I’m always leaving you like that.” She subtly nodded toward his crotch.

  He was hard, again, and he was sure this hard-on wouldn’t go away as quickly as some of his others. “It’s fine.” He shook out his shoulders. “How about we order some takeout? We can hang out on your retro seventies porn couch and—”

  “My what?”

  “Your seventies porn couch,” he repeated.

  “It’s not even my couch. It was left here by the last tenant, and my landlord told me I could do whatever I wanted with it.”

  “Look at that thing. It’s got that ugly yellow, white, and green plaid pattern. I bet it’s polyester, too.”

  “It’s not polyester.” She crossed her arms and pretended to be angry. “And it’s not a porn couch, either.”

  “We could turn it into one.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  The corner of her mouth lifted into an almost smile. “This is why I need to buy new furniture.”

  “Let’s get some then.”


  “No, we’ll go this weekend. Saturday.” For some reason, the idea of spending the day picking out furniture with her excited him, like it was somehow symbolic of the future. “So, what’ll it be tonight? Pizza or Chinese?”


  He draped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “A woman after my own heart.” More like a woman who already had his heart.

  Chapter Twenty

  Juliana had been waiting all week for Saturday to roll around, and it was finally here. She was giddy with excitement about spending the day shopping with Tanner. Even though she wasn’t thrilled about having to dip into her savings to furnish an entire apartment, it was worth it not to have to live with Rebecca. Still, it wasn’t cheap to pay for two places—she hadn’t been able to get a refund on the res hall room—so she’d have to be mindful of her spending today.

  “If you can’t find what you want here, then it probably doesn’t exist.” Tanner pulled into the parking lot of a massive furniture warehouse.

  They’d gone to the two small stores downtown, but she hadn’t found anything she liked, so they’d driven to a neighboring city. “This place is huge. I’m sure I’ll find everything I need.”

  He parked and got out, coming around to her side to open her door. She took his hand, lacing their fingers, and walked into the store. “Where to first?” he asked.

  “This way, I guess.” She headed to the left. The back wall was lined with entertainment stands and bookshelves of varying sizes and colors. She already had a TV and small stand.

  They walked into a showroom full of living room sets. Everything was gorgeous, but her gaze was drawn to a powder blue and brown set in the center of the room. A sleek silver-and-blue floor lamp stood behind the couch. It had a shade with beaded fringe that hung halfway down the post. She walked around to get a better look and glanced at the price tag. Her eyes widened. A thousand dollars for a lamp? Yeah, I don’t like it that much.

  “That’s a cool lamp,” Tanner said.

  “It is.” She nodded. “I really like this couch.” She sat. It was a lot stiffer than it looked. The back was firm, making it hard to get comfortable, unless sitting ramrod straight was her thing—and it wasn’t.

  Tanner sat beside her. He extended his arms along the back of the couch and leaned back. Then he bounced on the cushions. “Nope.” He stood. “Not comfortable enough.”

  She shook her head and stood. “I really like those colors.”

  “There’s another blue set over there.” He pointed to a display in the far corner then took her hand and tugged her in that direction.

  The couch had oversize cushions and puffy armrests. It was a darker shade of blue than the previous one, but the style was cool. It didn’t have any brown, though. She supposed she could live without the dual colors, or she could add some brown throw pillows.

  Tanner plopped down on the couch and sunk into the cushions. He grinned. “Now this is comfortable.” He patted the spot beside him. “Come try it out.”

  After running her hand along the back, admiring the smooth fabric, she sat beside him. The cushion deflated beneath her, and she tipped toward him. “Whoa.” Her eyes widened, and she tried to right herself, but with his weight holding the cushion down, she couldn’t do anything but lean against him.

  He put his arm around her and kissed her forehead. “I vote for this one.”


  “I might have ulterior motives for wanting it.” Nudging her, he said, “Okay, get up.”

  He stood and then stretched out on the couch, extending his legs. “Oh yeah.” He scooted back and motioned for her to join him.

  “You want me to lie down with you?”

  He propped his head on his hand and grinned. “Buying new furniture is a big investment. You want to make sure it meets all your needs.”

  She crossed her arms and stared down at him with amusement. “And what sort of needs do you think I’m going to have for this couch?”

  His grin widened. “Come find out.”

  Her jaw dropped. He couldn’t be serious. She glanced around. The store was busy. Every salesperson was occupied with customers, and more people walked through the door by the minute.

  “C’mere.” Tanner reached for her hand, and she gave in.

  Lying down so her back was to his front, he draped his arm across her body and nuzzled against her neck. God, she loved it when he did that. She sighed softly and wiggled closer.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispered, and she did. “Now imagine we’re in your apartment. All the lights are off. It’s dark outside. And we’re lying on this couch, just like we are right now, watching scary movies. I’m holding you close, kissing your neck.” The feel of his lips on her neck sent a shudder through her. “Caressing your body.” He dragged his hand up her arm and back down, leaving a trail of goose bumps in his wake. His voice was rich and velvety, which only made his words more erotic.

  “Ahem.” A man cleared his throat. “Can I help you two with something?”

  Juliana’s eyes snapped open, and she jumped up. “I want this couch,” she blurted. Flames of embarrassment licked up her neck and exploded on her face. Behind her, Tanner chuckled, unfazed by what just happened.

  “Okay.” The salesman nodded. “Just the couch?” His gaze shifted from her to Tanner, a knowing glint in his eye.

  “No. The couch, coffee table, and the two end tables.”

  Tanner stood next to her, his arm protectively—and possessively—around her waist.

  She turned back to the salesman. “I’m also going to need a kitchen table, chairs, and a bedroom set.”

  “Did you have something in mind?” he asked.

  “We haven’t had a chance to look yet,” Tanner said.

  The guy nodded. “Well, take some time and browse. My name is Brandon.” He gathered the sales tags from the furniture. “When you’re ready, come on up to the front desk and ask for me. Did you want the matching recliner?”

  Juliana hesitated. There was enough room in her apartment for the chair and couch. “No, I don’t think so.” She shook her head.

  “You don’t want the chair?” Tanner asked, somewhat surprised. “What if we have friends over?”

  We? He said we. Her heart raced, thundering in her ears, making it impossible to hear what else he’d said. And then she smiled, unable to stop herself. “A majority of the time it’s just you and me. How often do you think we’re going to have people over?” The words sounded surreal to her.

  “I’ll take the ta
g and hang onto it until you’re ready to cash out,” Brandon said. “And if I can answer any questions, let me know.”

  “Thanks,” Juliana said. When he walked away, she turned to Tanner. “Let’s go find a table, huh?”

  They spent half an hour trying to decide on a table. He wanted her to get one with a solid glass top, but she’d refused. It was a gorgeous table, but it was way bigger than what she needed, and the glass would’ve been a nightmare to keep clean. They finally compromised on a simple oak one with four chairs. After leaving the tags with Brandon, they headed toward the bedroom furniture.

  Jules stopped in the doorway and surveyed the room. Tanner came up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her stomach and rested his chin on her shoulder. “I’ve been waiting all day for when we could start testing out the beds.”

  She glanced back at him. “Behave yourself.”

  He gave her a sexy, innocent smile. “I do have one favor to ask, though. Promise me you’ll buy something you love?”

  She gave him a weird look. “As opposed to what? Buying something I hate?”

  “If I have my way, we’re going to be spending a lot of time in the bedroom. It’d be a shame if you had to live with furniture you don’t like.” He kissed her cheek then sauntered into the showroom, hands tucked casually in his pockets, like what they were doing was perfectly normal. “Coming?” he asked over his shoulder.

  With a deep breath, she followed him. They walked past half a dozen bedroom sets that were either too big, too expensive, or ugly.

  “What about this one?” he asked.

  It was a simple set that included a dresser, two nightstands, a bedframe with shelves in each corner, and a hope chest. She nodded, impressed with Tanner’s eye for design. He had good taste.

  Having decided on the set, they moved over to the mattresses, bouncing on one, then another. And another. Finding one that felt right, she climbed on and lay on her back. The mattress was soft, yet firm enough to give her the amount of support she wanted.

  Tanner stood off to the side, watching her intently. She knew he was waiting for her to invite him to join her, and she wanted to. She wanted to know what it would feel like to have him in her bed, but she was worried about getting too lost in the moment and giving the entire store a show they didn’t want or need to see.

  She took a moment to let the gravity of this moment settle in her mind. This was going to be the bed they’d be in the first time they had sex. The bed they’d sleep in, cuddle in, the place they’d share all their secrets and make plans for their future. With a slight incline of her head, she motioned for him to get on. He lay down on his back, hands tucked behind his head.

  “Well? What do you think?” she asked after several moments of silence.

  “I don’t know.” He adjusted so he was leaning over her. His fingers brushed across her forehead and down the side of her face, tracing the line of her jaw. She stared up into his dark eyes and held her breath, waiting. He lowered his head, and then his lips were on hers in a sweet kiss. “I think you’ve found your new bed.”

  His choice of words hit her hard. Her new bed? “You know damn well I won’t be the only one sleeping in this bed.” Her tone was harsher than she intended.

  “I know.” He ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “But I’d sleep on the floor if it meant being with you. This bed’s for you, sweetheart. If you want it, then I want it.” He rolled over and off the bed, getting to his feet.

  Juliana blew out a breath then stood. She snaked her hands around Tanner and rested her head on his chest, taking comfort in his embrace. After spending almost two hours paying and scheduling delivery, she and Tanner were in his car and headed back toward her apartment.

  “Thanks for doing this with me today,” she said as he pulled into the bakery parking lot.

  He nodded. “Can I ask you something?” He killed the engine but left the keys in the ignition.

  “Of course.” There was a slight tremor in her voice, and she hoped he didn’t notice. Wasn’t he going to come inside?

  “How were you able to afford all of that furniture today? That was a hefty bill for anyone to pay, let alone a med student.” He turned toward her, his expression guarded but compassionate.

  Oh God. She tensed and stared out the windshield. Should she delve into the whole, painful story? Eventually, she’d have to tell him. But not now. She wasn’t ready to relive that part of her life. “I had some money saved.” She smiled, hoping he didn’t prod. “Do you want to come up?” She was tempted to invite him to spend the night—something they hadn’t done yet—but she was sleeping on the couch, and it wasn’t big enough for the both of them. Soon, though.

  “I was hoping you’d ask.” He took the keys from the ignition and got out of the car.

  Relief washed through her.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Today was the last day of classes before fall break, and Tanner was set to leave for Miami tomorrow morning.


  Any time he allowed himself to even think about getting in his car and leaving her here for four days, his chest would seize and he’d have trouble breathing.

  “Everything all right?” Juliana asked as she sat beside him on the couch. “You’ve been quiet all day.” She tucked her legs under her and rested her head on his shoulder.

  He put his hand on her leg. “Yeah.” He’d debated all day whether to call Xander and tell him he wasn’t coming. But he couldn’t disappoint his brother.

  She draped her arm across his stomach and snuggled closer.

  Four fucking days. Four days without her touch, the taste of her lips, the sound of her voice. He let his head fall back against the couch and groaned. There had been so many opportunities to ask her to go with him, but he hadn’t taken any of them. Mostly because he didn’t want to pressure her into something she wasn’t ready for, but also because he didn’t know how he’d react if she said no. But now he was out of time.

  “Jules, honey.” He put his arm around her. His heart was in his throat, and speaking became difficult. “I want you to go with me this weekend. To Miami to meet my brothers.” He mentally rehearsed the speech he’d prepared because he knew she’d probably say no, and he had a solid argument to convince her otherwise.

  She sat up. “Seriously?”

  “Yes.” His heart raced, and his breath quickened. He moved to sit on the coffee table so he could face her, and he took her hands into his. “I cannot stand the thought of being away from you all weekend.” He brushed his thumbs along the back of her hands. “We’ll get a hotel room near the beach and hang out with my brothers. Absolutely no pressure for anything more.”

  “Right, because meeting your brothers won’t be stressful?”

  He froze. Of all the arguments he’d formulated, he hadn’t come up with one for that. “Uh, well, no…” He scrunched up his face. She had him on that one. “I mean, sure, they can be a handful, but I’ll let them know you’re coming and—” And what, he had no idea. Because if he told them to be cool and take it easy on her, they’d take that as an invitation to be anything but.

  She crossed her arms and stared at him, waiting.

  Shit. This wasn’t going at all like he’d planned. He rubbed the back of his neck. “They’re going to love you, Jules. I promise. It’ll be fun.”

  “Oh, I know that. I’m not worried about them not liking me.”

  His jaw dropped. “You’re not?”

  “No. I’m worried I won’t like them, and then that will make things weird between us.” She shook her head. “It’s just too risky.”

  He was speechless. In all the time he’d known her, he hadn’t once seen her not like someone. Except Rebecca, but she didn’t count because she was fucking nuts. Did she really believe she wouldn’t like his brothers?

  She forced a cough then chuckled. “I’m kidding, Tanner. I’d love to go with you.”

  “Really?” His eyes widened.

  “Yes, really. But if that’s no
t the answer you wanted, I can change it to better suit you.”

  “Don’t you dare.” He laughed. “I’m going to go pack, but I’ll be back in half an hour. Can you be ready by then?”

  “Wait, you want to leave right now?”

  “Yeah, why not?”

  “Why would we?” She laughed incredulously. “Wait. Is this payback for all that crap I just said? Are you fucking with me right now?”

  He smirked. “Maybe?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Is there a reason we can’t leave tomorrow like you planned?”

  “Honestly, I’m worried you’ll change your mind.” And he wasn’t going to give her a reason to say no. He kissed her softly, not lingering even though he wanted to. He licked his lips, savoring the remnants of their kiss, of her taste. “Thirty minutes.” Standing, he pulled her to her feet. “Is that enough time for you to pack?”

  “I’ll be ready.” Her lips were plump from his kisses, and it took every shred of willpower he had not to lean down and take another.

  Tanner pulled up in front of the bakery and parked. He was thrilled he’d been able to convince her to go away with him. He got out of the car and raced upstairs. He knocked, then opened the door. “Hope you’re ready.”

  Laughing, she walked out of the bedroom with a packed duffel bag. “You said thirty minutes. It’s only been twenty-seven.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “You’re impossibly impatient.” She set her bag near the door and slid her arms around his neck. As soon as she leaned forward, his mouth was on hers. When her tongue glided over his, he pinned her against the door, needing to feel her body pressed to his. He deepened the kiss.

  “We’re never going to make it to the beach if you keep kissing me like this.”

  He loved how breathless she sounded. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  She curled her fingers into his front pockets and yanked him closer, which he didn’t think was possible until he felt his erection press against her stomach and heard her sharp intake of breath. “You can kiss me like that all you want.”


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