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Evil Wizard Hao: A Lady Jin and One-eyed Nu novel

Page 8

by Gary W. Feather

  Lady Jin looked around the room and saw a man stabbed in a corner by a boy. Not far from where that had happened she saw the two men she was looking for. Lady Jin ordered a couple of beers for herself and Nu before they walked over to where the men were seated on old rotted cushions much like the other patrons in the building.

  “Maggot Po and Flavor Teng, right?” Lady Jin sat beside Teng without asking. Nu sat beside her teacher.

  “Maybe.” Maggot Po said. He was the larger of the two men. A lot of his size was fat, but Lady Jin recognized he had some muscle under the fat. Teng was skinny as a toothpick. “Whose asking?”

  “Lady Jin. Mercenary. Sword for hire.” She pointed at Nu. “That’s my apprentice.”

  Teng’s left hand had slowly moved behind his back. I’m sure he’s got a dagger behind there.

  “You come for us?” Maggot Po asked.

  “I’m looking for information.” Lady Jin replied. She drank some of the nasty beer in her hand.

  “What about.”

  “I’ve heard rumors of a sorcerer in these parts, who might answer to the name Hao.” Lady Jin pulled out a bag of coins. “I’ll pay for information about him.”

  Maggot Po dropped his cup of beer in his lap. He didn’t pick it up. “G-go away.”

  Lady Jin removed some coins. She tossed one at Po and another at Teng. Po threw his back as if it was hot as the sun.

  “Lies!” Po shouted. “I don’t know who you're talking about!”

  “Then why are frightened?”

  “Go away!” Po shouted. He looked at Teng. “Give it back to her, fool!”


  The door burst open. Several skeletons armed with spears walked inside. Several people in the place jump up and rush out as fast as they can. The dark cavities in the skeleton’s skulls that once held eyeballs searched around the room for someone. The stopped on Po and Teng. Teng tried to run out the door, but a skeleton threw a spear into his brain. His body slammed into the wall, held there by the spear’s tip. Po hacked off that skeleton’s head with his hatchet. A second skeleton killed Po before he even knew it was behind him. The spear was shoved into his back.

  “Aaaah!” This was Po’s last words.

  Lady Jin and One-eyed Nu stood side by side with sword drawn. The skeletons looked at them and fell apart.

  “What happened?”

  “What ever magic was holding those bones together vanished.” Lady Jin said. “They weren’t needed after their mission was successful.”

  “What do we do now?” Nu asked. Lady Jin looked about the now empty building.

  “We leave.”

  “Maybe we should pay a visit to our old friend Blue Dove in Guanxibo.” Lady Jin said. She and Nu walked back to the inn.

  “Do you think he might be able to help us?” Nu said. She appeared to be glancing around searching for walking skeletons.

  “He might.” Lady Jin said. “I don’t see we have any other options.”

  “Why are you worried all of sudden about Hao making a move against us?” Nu asked. “We haven’t seen or heard of him, since we helped Mountain Lady chase him off her mountain.”

  “I know.” Lady Jin said. “I think he was hurt and needed time to gain back his power.”


  “I’m not sure.” Lady Jin stopped in front of the inn that they had reached. “It’s all I can think of.”

  “What’s that, mistress?” Nu pointed behind Lady Jin.

  “Wha-?” Lady Jin turned to see a strange foggy mist drop from the cloudless sky. It flew at them. It hovered over them. A shimmering fog of blue and orange. It smelled of decay and dead bodies.

  “Run, Nu!”

  “Mistress! I can’t move!”

  Lady Jin grabbed the girl and pulled. She wasn’t able to pull her from the spot her feet were in. The fog floated down and around Nu.


  Lady Jin held onto Nu’s arm, until the fog vanished. Nu was gone too.

  “Nu! Nu!” Lady Jin screamed.


  Several days later Lady Jin rode into Guanxibo alone. The reins of One-eyed Nu’s horse was tied to Lady Jin’s saddle. Where did she go? I’m sure it was Hao that had kidnapped her. I just wish I knew how he did it and where she was. Hopefully Blue Dove will be able to help me. Lady Jin stopped at the inn she and Nu had staid in the last time they were here. She handed the horses over to a stable boy, who led them away.

  “I’ll take a room and I will use the bath.” Lady Jin told the innkeeper. “Is the women’s bathhouse open?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He said. “I’m sorry to hear about your friend. I hope you find her.”

  “Thank you.”

  Later Lady Jin leaned back against the edge of the bathtub. She couldn’t relax. She tried not to think of Nu and Hao. She popped her toes out of the water. Her toenails look well groomed for she had cut them with a small grooming knife. Lady Jin dried off, dressed in a robe, and went to her room to put on a clean dress. She left for Blue Dove’s house and knocked on the door.

  “You may enter, Lady Jin!” A familiar voice yelled from within.

  Inside the house was seated an old man dressed in blue robes. He sat in front of a table with two cups in front of him. He waved at the spot on the opposite side of the table. Lady Jin walked in with a smile and sat on the cushion waiting for her. She picked up the cup and so did Blue Dove. The cup felt warm. She took a testing sip. Tea.

  “Lovely tea, Blue Dove.”

  “Thank you, Lady Jin.”

  “Should I assume you know why I’m here?” Lady Jin tilted her head, while holding the cup in her hands. She drank some more tea.

  “I do know some of it.” Blue Dove replied and drank some tea from his cup. “I don’t know where Nu is, nor do I know where Hao is. I do know that they are both in the area.”


  “I don’t know for sure.”

  Lady Jin pounded her fist on the table.

  “Don’t be rude.” Blue Dove frowned at her.

  “I’m sorry, Blue Dove.” Lady Jin down at her hands. “I’m very worried and…”

  “You’re upset. You’re angry. You are off balanced.” Blue Dove nodded.

  Lady Jin looked at the old wizard.

  “This is what Hao wants, Lady Jin. He wants you confused and angry beyond reason, so that it will be easy for him to kill you.”

  Lady Jin raised her fist. She didn’t drop it again. Lady Jin focused on her deep breathing. She opened her hand and set it down gently. “Yes. You are right, Blue Dove. I will try to calm myself.”

  “Good.” Blue Dove smiled. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a small glass bottle. “This will save your life some day. When it is needed. Sprinkle it in a circle around you and shout out the name of where you want to go.”

  “Thank you, Blue Dove.” Lady Jin accepted the gift and bowed deeply to him.

  Chapter thirteen

  Hours later at night Lady Jin sat at a table in the inn. She had ordered some noodles and wine. A young woman with a sword walked up to her table. She bowed to Lady Jin.

  “Ma’am, may I join you at your table?”

  The young woman looked to be in her late teens, like Nu. Lady Jin agreed and the other woman sat. She carried a straight sword on her hip with a yellow dress with green flower. She also had a friendly smile, though she didn’t look naive.

  “Thank you. My name is Xixi.”

  “Sword for hire?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Xixi bowed her head. “I’ve heard you are looking for a man named Hao. A sorcerer. Is that true?”


  “I’ve heard of a place he has been seen.


  Xixi led Lady Jin to the ruins of an ancient city. By the time the reached it was late afternoon.

  “What is this place?” Lady Jin pulled back the reins of her horse.

  “It is old. Very old.” Xixi said. The two women looked around at the broken gates an
d fallen walls of the ancient city. “I’ve heard it said that this place was thriving and old when Yu tamed the Yellow River during the great floods. Some of the buildings still stand and offer shelter to travelers, who pass by.”

  “Have you been here before, Xixi?”

  “Yes.” Xixi nodded. She stopped and held silent for a minute. Lady Jin held her breath and heard the sounds of footsteps. Many footsteps. Lady Jin’s hand reached for her sword. She noted that Xixi did too.

  Suddenly a man jumped from the shadows of a fallen wall and knocked Xixi off her horse. Another man with a burning torch raced toward Lady Jin to shove the flame into her horse’s face. The horse reared up and fell from her horse. Lady Jin turned in mid-air and landed on her feet. The man was now fighting to hold onto Lady Jin’s horse. A man with a net attacked Lady Jin. He tossed the net over her head. It wrapped around her body. It seems to grab me like it’s alive? What is this thing? Lady Jin tried to cut her way free. The net man had a club. He pulled on one end of the net and stuck her on the shoulder. Lady Jin turned to fight back, but the net tightened around her. It doesn’t have needles or spikes to dig into my body like nets are suppose to have. It still squeezes me like a big snake would. He’s controling it somehow. I got to kill him, but it hurts to turn. I must! Aaah! Lady Jin saw him raise his club to stike at her head. Lady Jin felt her ribs burn. She forced herself to twist and stabbed out with her sword. She felt the net loosen and worked to free herself. Once free she stood and saw a dozen men armed with bow and arrows.

  “Drop you sword, bitch!” None of the men with bows had spoken. Lady Jin dropped her sword and glanced to her side to see two men tying ropes around Xixi’s arms.

  A man in a blue robe with silver dragon embroidery walked forward to face her. He carried a scimitar with red rubies on the handle.

  “I am Big Dog Liu!” he laughed and rubbed his smooth chin. “You girls are my prisoners! We will enjoy our time together!”


  Lady Jin yanked on the rope that held her arms together. Her legs with also tied together tightly. A guard watched her closely. Lady Jin had dubbed Noseless, because someone must had cut his nose off. Lady Jin suspected she was going to be raped soon and by more than one man. She pushed the fear down and tried not to tremble. Is Xixi being raped right at this moment? Could Noseless being holding me, until it’s my turn to be raped? Lady Jin was familiar with what she suspected was going on. They were to be raped. Broken like a horse, until they were submissive enough to be sound to brothels. The bandits were too good at tying the rope and was having trouble freeing herself. I’m sure I could kill that guard if I could just get loose. She heard footsteps. Another man walked into the room. Noseless bowed submissively to him. This man was the leader that Lady Jin had seen earlier. He handed Noseless a bone with meat on it. Noseless thanked him. The man. Big Dog Liu looked down at her with a twist grin. He was a big man. Over six foot. A giant among the Chinese people, though Lady Jin had met a few foreigners almost that tall.

  “The other girl said you’re name is Lady Jin.” Big Dog Liu rubbed his nose with a greasy hand. He licked a finger. “You hunger, Lady Jin?”

  Noseless laughed. Big Dog Liu exchanged a friendly nod with his flunky.

  “What do you want?” Lady Jin asked. Don’t tremble. Don’t let him see your fear.

  “Wealth and power.” Big Dog Liu squatted down beside her. He gazed into her eyes as he massaged her calf and then her thigh. “Just like any other man.”

  He patted her leg and stood up. He walked over to Noseless and sat by him. The two man talked and laughed. Lady Jin could see he was a handsome man. She had felt herself aroused by his touched. She cursed herself. In a different circumstance she would have been very attracted to him, but at the moment he was a threat.

  “Hao.” Big Dog Liu suddenly said. “You’re looking for Hao. Is that right?”

  “Yes.” Lady Jin said.

  “Good. We can get along you and I. We can have a lot of fun together. Just me and you.” Liu nodded and gave her a devilish grin. He walked over to her with a little meat in his hand. Just a bite. He placed it to her lips. Lady Jin sucked it in. She licked his finger. He smiled and pushed back her hair with his other hand. She bit his finger. He backhander across the face. Lady Jin fell on her back. Hard. She could have stopped the fall if her weren’t tied together. “Bitch!”

  Liu got on top of her. Lady Jin could hear the other man clap and cheer from behind Liu.

  “Hao is a friend mine.” Liu kissed her on the cheek. She tried to bite him again. He laughed. Lady Jin growled and shook at her ropes. “He came by here recently with a girl. This girl had a patch over one eye. Still very pretty. He said you would be by, but sadly he wanted you for himself.”

  Big Dog Liu got off of her. Noseless whined.

  “Shut up!” Liu snapped at him. He then turned back to Lady Jin. “But don’t worry it won’t be too long. Your dear Hao will be here to mount the way need it!”

  “Fuck you!” Lady Jin spit at him.

  Liu laughed and left.

  Noiseless had fallen asleep about an hour after Liu had left. Lady Jin wiggled her body towards him. She stopped. He moved. Shit! He silent for a few minutes. She wiggled closer. He had a knife on his belt. Lady Jin reached for the handle. She slowly moved. Oh so slowly. Don’t wake him. I must careful. Out the knife came. He turned. Shit! He mumbled. She didn’t move. The knife held in the air by her hands that were tied together. He didn’t move. Cut the rope! Quick! The knife wasn’t as sharp as she had hoped it was. Cut! Cut! Finally she had cut through. Free! My hands are free! Lady Jin turned to her legs that were tied at the ankles and the knees. She sat with her knees up. She looked for the knot that held the ropes together, but couldn’t get to it easily. It was under her knees, so again she worked hard on the ropes like before. Cut you worthless blade! Maybe I should just kill him in his sleep before he wakes. Lady Jin found such a killing dishonest, but she might have no choice in the matter. A little sweet dripped from her temple. She licked her lips. Cut! Cut! The old blade cut through. Finally! Now the ankles! Lady Jin leaned forward resting her breasts on her knees. She began to cut on the ropes that held her ankles together. Cut! Cut! Lady Jin glanced at Noseless. His eyes are open! He sees! Before he can call out she covered his mouth and shoved the blade into his throat. She pulled out and stabbed again. His body shook and blood dripped from his mouth into her hand. He stopped moving and was silent. Lady Jin wiped her hand on his shirt. She wiped sweet off her face. She sat there a few minutes panting, until she remembered what needed to be done. Shit! Cut! Cut! Soon she was free.

  Lady Jin picked up Noseless’ scimitar. She stuck the knife into her belt. Outside she the hint of a sun coming up in the darkness. Lady Jin’s night vision was good enough to see in faint sunlight. She could see she was still somewhere inside the ruins. I hope I can find Xixi in all of this mess. She shook the curved sword in her hand, twirled, and made some cuts in the air to get a feel for the sword. She preferred a straighter blade, but any sword was good enough when you had few options.

  Lady Jin walked cautiously down an old road paved with stone. Much of the stones was covered in grass and some had been removed. She found a fallen building in her way and crawled over it. Landing on the other side of the building she heard noise up ahead. She saw light coming out of a building and headed towards it out of curiosity. She heard a girl scream. Lady Jin ran to find Xixi inside with a knife in her hands. Her attacker had slashed her arm. The man carried a scimitar like Noseless had.

  “Xixi!” Lady Jin called out. She pulled out her knife and tossed her scimitar at Xixi’s feet.

  “Thanks!” Xixi snatched up the sword. She engaged the man. Their blades stuck and spun. Metal against metal. A dance of death. Lady Jin was impressed by the skill of the girl. Xixi danced around her attacker with deadly intent. Lady Jin not surprised when Xixi cut him down with a low chop through his knee. Xixi finished him off with a stab.

  Xixi took th
e deadman’s scimitar and tossed the other one back to Lady Jin. Lady Jin caught. “Thank you, Lady Jin.”

  “Your welcome.”

  “You could have killed him yourself.” Xixi said. She pulled the sheath off the deadman. “Why did you give me your sword? You could have killed him.”

  “I thought you needed to do it yourself.” Lady Jin said. “A warrior is given challenges by the gods and we have to face them ourselves. Sometimes friends can help us in our fights, but they can’t fight our battles for us. We have to fight our own battles alone.”

  “Yes. I see.” Xixi nodded. “Thank you.”

  “Let’s get out of here.” Lady Jin said. “Do you know where our horses are?”

  “I think so.”

  Lady Jin was led to their horses and they rushed out of the ruined city.


  “I know where there’s a village not to far away.” Lady Jin said. She looked up at vultures circling above them. “They’ll give us shelter, food, and drink. They’re a good people.”

  “I hope so.” Xixi said. “Those damn bandits stole all of the food and water we had packed.”

  “I know.” Lady Jin said.

  The two women rode along in silence, until the sun fell from the sky. They had no tent with them, but each had a blanket to roll up in. The desert could be a cold place after the sun went down. Lady Jin shut her eyes and ignored her growling belly. In the morning she opened her eyes and licked her dried lips. Xixi placed a foot on Lady Jin’s belly. A blade hovered over Lady Jin’s eyes.

  “Good morning, Lady Jin.” Xixi giggled.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Lady Jin snapped. Her sword was missing.

  “Sorry. We just thought we would have a little fun with you.” Big Dog Liu laughed. “And they don’t call me Big Dog, because I’m the boss around here. She is!”

  “That right. I’m Xixi the bandit princess!”

  Along with Liu, Lady Jin saw seven other bandits with bow and arrows watching her.

  “It’s over, Lady Jin.” Xixi said. “I win.” Xixi released Lady Jin, so she could stand up.

  Lady Jin acted defeated. Actually she reached for the bottle that Blue Dove had given her. Before they had been captured she had hidden the bottle in a secret pocket inside her saddle. Unbeknown to Xixi Lady Jin had retrieved the bottle and hid it in her riding pants. Lady Jin pulled the cork out of bottle with her teeth. She sidekicked Xixi in the solar plexus. Lady Jin snatched Xixi’s scimitar out of her hand and sprinkled the bottle’s blue powder in a circle.


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