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The Awakening: The Aegis of Merlin Book 2

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by James E. Wisher

  The Awakening

  The Aegis of Merlin Book 2

  James E Wisher

  Sand Hill Publishing


  1. All aboard

  2. Arrival

  3. Day 1

  4. Attack

  5. Training Continues

  6. Back at Home

  7. The Golem Club

  8. Practical Magic

  9. The Grand Brawl

  10. Midterm

  11. Winter Break

  12. Lady Mockingbird

  13. Back to School

  Author Notes

  Also by James E Wisher

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2017 by James E Wisher

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Edited by: Janie Linn Dullard

  Cover art by: Paganus


  ISBN: 978-1-945763-08-3


  All aboard

  Conryu threw his last clean shirt into his suitcase and clicked the lid shut. Summer vacation had ended yesterday and after the attack on the apartment building no one else had bothered him. Even the press kept their distance for the most part, and thank goodness for that. If they continued pestering him he was going to lose his temper and flatten one of them. Of course they kept sending lady reporters so that made it harder. Maybe the producers thought a pretty face would overwhelm his distaste for their profession.

  When a full month had passed without an attempt on his life he’d managed to convince Mom to let him out of the building. It may have helped that being inside didn’t keep the lunatics from coming after him anyway. That was the argument he’d made at least.

  They let him go to the dojo to train and the shop to work on his bike. It wasn’t much, but after a month cooped up an all-expenses-paid world tour wouldn’t have made him any happier.

  The hours he spent out of the apartment were also hours he didn’t have to study some stupid magic book or listen to a lecture from Maria.

  He loved Maria, but if he’d had to sit through one more lesson on some esoteric point of magic he would have screamed. At least the crazy professor hadn’t returned. That alone was a gift on par with his hours of freedom. Conryu felt he should send a thank you note to the cultists. That near-death experience had really shaken Angus. Conryu doubted it would last, but you had to take what the universe gave you.

  He took one last look at his phone and set it on his nightstand. The information packet the school sent over covered all the rules, and there were a ton of them. The most strictly enforced was a ban on most forms of technology. The teachers considered it a distraction from their magical focus. Conryu thought that was stupid, but no one asked his opinion. Apparently there were only six computers in the school office and a handful of phones, landlines no less. Talk about medieval.

  “Conryu!” his mother called. “Let’s get a move on. You don’t want to miss the train.”

  “God forbid I miss the train to magic land,” Conryu muttered as he grabbed his suitcase.

  His parents were waiting by the door, his mother’s foot tapping like a mad woodpecker. “Come on, come on!”

  “Easy, dear.” Dad rubbed her shoulders, prompting a deep sigh.

  They rushed down to the parking garage, thankfully encountering no reporters. During his daily jaunt to the dojo he’d run into one of them now and again, usually Kat Gabel, the woman he’d met the day after the press conference. His cold silence combined with the world’s shortest attention spans had sent most of them off to find a chattier subject. Poor bastard.

  Conryu paused to adjust the cover on his bike. It had pained him when he had to remove her battery and put the tarp over her. It felt like pulling a shroud over a loved one. Riding his bike topped the list of things he’d miss.

  “Hurry up, Conryu,” his mother said.

  He sighed and climbed into the family SUV. The ride to the train station took half an hour, and when they arrived a veritable forest of satellite dishes greeted them. Networks from all over the Alliance packed the parking lot. A throng of reporters and cameramen had gathered by the main entrance. Ten policemen kept the entrance clear and the reporters under control, more or less. It looked a bit like herding cats, only more chaotic.

  Conryu grimaced. Now he knew why they weren’t waiting in the garage. Everyone in the world knew where to find him today. He wasn’t looking forward to running that gauntlet. Or worse, running into another would-be killer.

  Mom’s phone rang. She glanced at it and hit connect. “Hello, Orin. Yes, we’re looking for a spot now. Side entrance? That’s probably a good idea. We’ll drop him off there. Thanks.”

  She hung up and turned to Dad. “Orin says we should go to the side entrance. Go up a street and you’ll find an alley that leads to the service door. He’s waiting there.”

  Dad made no comment, simply pulling back out of the parking lot and following Mom’s directions until they reached an open area at the rear of the station, the only occupants of which were a pair of overloaded dumpsters and the flies that lived in them. A single door marked “employees only” was situated in the center of the station wall.

  “The glamorous life of a wizard.” Conryu climbed out of the car and pulled his suitcase from the trunk. The stink from whatever was rotting in the dumpsters almost knocked him over.

  Mom was on the phone again and a moment after she hung up Mr. Kane opened the door for them. “Best say your goodbyes here. The platform’s going to be awfully crowded.”

  Mom grabbed him in a bear hug and kissed his forehead. “Be careful and do your best. This is a great honor even if it’s one you didn’t seek. Write me every week.”

  Conryu hugged her back and grinned. “How? We don’t have access to email.”

  “With actual pen and paper.” She sniffed back tears.

  Conryu sent a pleading look at his father. He knew Mom was going to start crying, but he still wasn’t comfortable with it.

  Dad gently guided Mom to one side and hugged Conryu. “Be sure to keep up your training. We’ll see you at winter break. Good luck.”

  “Thanks, Dad. Love you guys.” He hustled through the door, ignoring the tightness in his throat. This was his first time away from his parents for an extended period and while part of him was looking forward to it, another part was anxious. The fact that he was going to a completely unfamiliar environment didn’t help.

  Mr. Kane spoke to his parents for a minute then joined him in a damp, gloomy hallway. Water dripped from heavy iron pipes overhead and spiderwebs crowded the corners above the door. All they needed was a guy in a rubber monster suit to complete the effect.

  “Ready to begin your adventure, my boy?” Mr. Kane patted him on the back and they started up the passage.

  “If I say no can I go to vocational school instead?”

  “No, sorry.” He didn’t sound sorry, but Conryu didn’t comment. “I have some news about the people responsible for the attempts on your life.”

  “Good news, I hope.”

  Mr. Kane looked away.

  Bad news, of course. Why did he even allow himself the illusion of something positive? Ever since that test his life had been a series of catastrophes, why should today be any different?

  “Don’t keep me in suspense.”

  The distant murmur of voices prompted Mr. Kane to stop. “We’re pretty certain the Le Fay Society is behind the shadow beast attack. Mercia is m
ost likely a member. It’s doubtful she could have managed everything on her own. It’s also a dead certainty they have something bigger in mind. I have people working on it. You should know that the Society has a sorority branch at the academy. I don’t believe they’d be so brazen as to actually attempt to murder you, but keep your eyes open for dirty tricks and pranks, some of which may be dangerous. And frankly, just because I think it’s unlikely they’ll try something lethal, doesn’t mean I’m right.”

  Conryu shook his head, trying to process what Mr. Kane had said. “So I’m walking into a situation where I’ll have to be on the look out for pranks and potential murderers? This is the worst college ever. Not only do I have to study a subject I have no interest in, I also have to watch for assassins. Any other good news?”


  “Really? There’s more?”

  “Angus put in a request to serve as your advisor. He argued that as a man you’d need another man to talk to now and then. Since he’s the world’s foremost expert on male wizards and no one else spoke up they agreed to let him make a weekly visit to the campus.”

  “Seriously? I have to talk to the professor once a week too? I think I’d prefer to take my chances with the assassins. And how can someone be an expert on a subject that up until two months ago the whole world believed was a fantasy?”

  Mr. Kane shrugged. “You don’t have to talk to him if you don’t want to, but one reason I didn’t overrule Angus’s request was because I thought he’d serve as a useful courier should I need to pass you information or vice versa. Anything written could potentially be compromised, so I’d appreciate it if you just poked your head in when he makes his visit.”

  “Fine, but I can’t imagine a less likely spy. I doubt he could keep a secret if his life depended on it.”

  “Depending how serious the Society is,” Mr. Kane said. “It just might.”

  With that cheery thought they continued on out of the hall and up onto the main boarding platform. Several scores of families were gathered in little clumps, saying their goodbyes. There was a lot of crying and hugging which Conryu did his best to ignore.

  “How many passed the test citywide?” Conryu asked as they worked their way through the throng.

  “Forty-three. It was actually a little below average this year. Sentinel had fifty going last year. Even so, we had the biggest contingent in the Alliance. Central City only had thirty-five.”

  “What’s the total class size?”

  “Four hundred and something, I can’t remember the exact number.”

  “So there’s going to be around sixteen hundred students, all girls, except me? Maybe this college won’t be so bad after all.”

  They found Maria and Mrs. Kane waiting beside a pillar near the boarding platform. Whispers and mutters followed them as he and Mr. Kane made their way across the crowded room. All the stares made Conryu feel like a circus freak, or maybe a monkey. He debated between sticking his tongue out at them and ignoring everyone before settling on the latter.

  Beyond some turnstiles at the end of the room rested the shining silver high-speed maglev train that would carry them to Central City, then on to the academy campus. He’d never ridden the train, but they said it was so smooth you couldn’t even tell you were moving. Conryu didn’t fully understand the mechanics behind it, much less the magic, but it sounded fascinating.

  Maria frowned the moment she noticed him. What had he done now? He hadn’t even said hello.

  “You’re wearing that to your first day on campus?” She pointed at his black t-shirt.

  He looked down at his shirt, jeans, and boots. They were all clean and didn’t have any holes. What more did she want?

  He glanced around and noticed all the girls had on expensive dresses and jewelry, fancy shoes and purses. Even their luggage looked new. He turned his attention back to Maria, finally taking note of her white dress, silver jewelry, and heels.

  “Maybe they’ll take one look and kick me out.” As if he’d get that lucky.

  “You look fine, Conryu.” Mrs. Kane smiled. “I’m going to need my ring back though.”

  Conryu held up the hand with the silver ring. He’d been wearing it for so long he’d forgotten all about it. The ring had become a part of him.

  Mrs. Kane spoke a word of magic and the ring enlarged and floated off his finger over to her. She grabbed it out of the air and tucked it into her leather purse. “It’s not that I mind you keeping it, but outside magic isn’t allowed at the academy. The teachers would confiscate it the moment you arrived. It’s more for safety than anything else. It’ll be waiting for you when you get back for winter break.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. Kane. Can we load up or what?”

  Mr. Kane handed them each a ticket. “I’ve arranged a private room for you two. Until you reach the campus you’re a target. The Department wizards have put special protections in place, so please try to stay inside for as much of the trip as possible.”

  House arrest again, swell. Conryu pocketed his ticket and grabbed his bag and Maria’s two. She gave her parents one last hug then they walked through the turnstile.

  They’d barely cleared it when a familiar voice called, “Conryu Koda!”

  He turned and sure enough there was Kat Gabel, dressed in a short skirt and tight top. That was almost enough to make him forget she was a reporter and stop. Almost.

  No cameraman with her today. Maybe she was on the outs with her station since she couldn’t convince him to do an interview. That would explain the outfit: she was desperate. Whatever, it wasn’t his problem. He started for the train.

  “Wait! Mr. Koda, a word, please.”

  Conryu kept moving. “Which car are we in?”

  “The last one.” Maria looked up from her ticket. “Are you just going to ignore her?”

  “That was my plan.” Conryu eyed the length of the train. Twenty cars to go and it felt like Maria had packed everything she owned. “Do you have a better suggestion?”

  She pursed her lips then shook her head. “I guess not. It just seems rude.”

  The reporter ran ahead of them then turned to face Conryu. “Just a few questions. Maybe we could talk more on the ride to Central.”

  Conryu looked at Maria. “I thought this train was just for students.”

  “No, they set aside four cars for us. The rest is open to the public.”

  “Great.” Conryu tried to step around the annoying reporter, but she moved to block him. “Excuse me.”

  “Just a quick interview. Please?”

  “Go bother someone else. There’re forty girls back there who I’m sure would be thrilled to answer any question you might have.”

  The reporter put her fists on her hips. “No offense to those girls, but they’re not news. You are.”

  “Then you’re shit out of luck.” Conryu marched forward. She’d either move aside or he’d run her over.

  Kat held her ground for a few steps, but when it became clear he wasn’t stopping she backpedalled. “How does it feel to be the first male student at the academy?”

  Conryu lowered his head and strode on.

  “What sort of magic are you most interested in?”

  She was stubborn, no doubt about that.

  Maria placed a restraining hand on his arm, bringing him up short. “You might want to watch out.”

  It took him a moment to realize she wasn’t talking to him. There was a thump and Conryu looked up. The reporter had tripped on a baggage rack and landed on top of a pile of suitcases.

  He grinned. “Let’s go.”

  He and Maria jogged down the platform to the final car where a station employee wearing a red-and-gold uniform waited in front of the car door.

  “Tickets please,” he said.

  Maria showed hers, but Conryu couldn’t reach his without putting all the bags down. “Could you get mine?”

  By the time he realized he’d asked her to reach into his pants pocket her hand was already digging around.
He tried to think about anything other than what Maria’s hand was moving around next to, but his mind went blank. It was with a mixture of relief and disappointment that she finally pulled the ticket out.

  The guy looked him and Maria over and stepped aside. “Enjoy your trip.”

  They climbed aboard before the reporter caught up. Inside, a narrow hall ran down the middle of the car, separating two rows of private cabins.

  “We’re in number ten,” Maria said.

  She led the way while he struggled to lug the suitcases down the hall. If he ever got ahold of the person that designed these cars, god help them. Maria had the door open for him when he finally reached the end of the hall.

  He grunted and heaved the cases through the door. The small cabin was well appointed with two soft chairs separated by a low table. Conryu wrestled the suitcases into the overhead storage compartments. A door led to a private bathroom. Assuming food was delivered they really wouldn’t have to leave the cabin.

  Conryu plopped into the left-hand chair and was pleased to note it had a lever on the side to put the feet up. Out on the platform students were piling into the other cars. “How long a trip is this anyway?”

  Maria sat opposite him. “It’s eighteen hundred miles to Central City. So three or four hours, assuming no issues. Then another hour or so while they switch the cars to the academy track and take us the rest of the way.”

  “The academy isn’t actually in Central?”

  “Too many distractions. The campus is situated in the wilderness fifty miles outside the city. There’s a lake and forest. The pictures I’ve seen are quite beautiful.”

  “Great. Hey, I just realized, I didn’t see any older girls out there. Where are the upperclassmen?”

  “They went in yesterday. It’s a tradition that the freshmen arrive a day after so they can get a big welcome. Don’t worry, I’m sure it won’t be as bad as you think.” Maria put her feet up and smiled.

  Conryu just sighed. “It’ll probably be worse.”


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