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STEAMPUNK ROMANCE: An Innovative Clockwork Steampunk World Adventure: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Mystery Suspense Romance Short Stories)

Page 74

by Haven, Rose

  “Good night, Mother! It’s been a long day and I am tired.” With a curt bow, Adam turned and left his mother standing alone in the study. The study that once belonged to his father- where he sat alone for hours probably repenting having married his mother.

  No, he would never do something as foolish as falling in love. Marriage, yes, that he had to do to ensure the marquessate. But love was not necessary to get married. He would marry well, no doubt about that. But not to that Lady Rothert that his mother had chosen for him. In fact, NEVER to her!

  Adam decided that he’d have to attend all those meaningless parties in London next month after all. He was on the prowl for a suitable mate and he would most definitely find one. So he mentally braced himself to face all those ambitious mothers on the lookout for titled husbands for their daughters. “It is not going to be as difficult as you think, Adam” he said to himself. How much could dallying with a few pretty faces hurt?

  He would attend the parties, look out for some charming ladies, have conversation with a few of them and then in a matter of a few days, he would choose one of them to be his bride. No, it should not be difficult at all! In fact, he would get an opportunity to practice his charm on unsuspecting pretty chits and he was sure that most of them would find it difficult to resist him. It had always been this way and this time would be no different.

  Chapter Two

  Lady Eleanor Rothert had grown up to be an extremely fine looking young lady. As the only daughter of one of the most powerful and influential people in the whole of England, she was looked upon as a nice catch by most of the eligible bachelors in ton.

  It was her first Season in London and she was enjoying it to some extent. Though she liked mingling with other ladies and having a little chitchat, she could not stand the unwarranted display of wealth that most people indulged in at the lavish and extravagant parties. And she hated all the meaningless gossip that was such an intrinsic part of all of it. She yearned for the peace and quiet of her hometown, Dunkirk.

  Moreover, she wanted to marry for love. She knew that her father was on the lookout for a suitable match for her although she had barely turned twenty this year. But her father meant the best for her. He wanted to see her settle down in front of his eyes. Of late, he had not been in the best of health and that had been the reason why she was here in London, attending parties and meeting suitable gentlemen.

  She had often told her mother about how she felt. She wanted to have a marriage like her parents, who were so much in love, even after twenty five years of marriage. She longed for that kind of understanding and love. But her mother had always told her that love comes with time. She had told her that she hardly knew her father when they got married. But as days and weeks passed, they both grew fond of each other and then fell in love. She loved the dreamy look in her mother’s eyes whenever she narrated her story to Eleanor.

  So maybe mamma is right, Eleanor thought to herself. Maybe love did happen after marriage only. She was engrossed in these thoughts when her mother entered the room.

  "Good morning, Eleanor! “Lady Helena Rothert said kissing her forehead. Her mother's smile had the power to light up an entire room. She was the epitome of beauty and Eleanor had inherited her mother's charm and grace.

  "Good morning, Mother."

  "So, what are your plans for today? Are you going with Eliza to Hyde Park? And then maybe you both can go shopping. I think you need a couple of good gowns. The ones you have aren't too much in fashion these days.

  Besides, they are a little too modest for a lady looking to attract a gentleman's attention" quipped Helena.

  "Mother!" gasped Eleanor. "You shouldn't be saying all that to your daughter. And I don't think I need any more gowns. Already my wardrobes are overflowing with clothes I hardly wear."

  "You don't understand dear. Your father just told me that Marquess of Norfolk, Lord Sonhurst is rumored to attend Lady Botsworth's ball next week. And his mother has shown interest in taking you as her daughter-in-law. Your father is also interested in this alliance as the Sonhursts have an enviable reputation plus a good fortune to their credit."

  "Hmmm... Lord Sonhurst. I've heard that name before. Is he not that elusive Marquess who is said to be allergic to the institution of marriage? Yes, I believe he's the same gentleman. Eliza told me about him. She said he barely attends parties and balls and is a confirmed bachelor."

  "Darling, people do have change of heart. Maybe now he has realized that it's time to take a wife. After all, he needs an heir for his estate, doesn't he?" Helena pointed out.

  "You may be right Mother. But I am not promising anything. I'll only consider him if I genuinely like the gentleman."

  "Of course, dear" smiled Helena. "It’s not like your father will force you into marrying him. He loves you too much to do that! You can form an acquaintance with Lord Sonhurst and if you feel he is suitable enough for you, you can give him an opportunity to court you."

  "Sure, Mother. Now let get ready or Eliza will be after me for being late", laughed Eleanor. Eliza was Eleanor's best friend and her father and Lord Rothert were great friends too. It was her second Season and she was determined to find a perfect suitor this time around. Eliza had also taken upon herself the task of getting Eleanor acquainted with the who's who of London and she gave some very useful fashion tips to her too. Like wearing the corset a tad too tight gives the effect of ample bosom! Eleanor laughed at that ridiculous fashion tip. She loved Eliza, so what if she gave such questionable statements!

  Helena kissed her daughter goodbye and left the room. Eleanor called the maid to fill her bath. She had a long day ahead. First a visit to the Hyde Park and then as mother suggested, she had to buy a few more gowns for the upcoming balls. Her thoughts strayed to Lord Adam Sonhurst. She decided to extract as much information on the gentleman from Eliza as she could. Surely she would know all about this mysterious man who avoided parties and London like the plague. She hoped Eliza had good things to say about him.

  Chapter Three

  The next week went by like a blur for Adam. He had almost resurrected his estate to its former glory and he was proud of the fact. Now the most pressing matter at hand was to find a suitable bride and then produce an heir for his estate. He planned to go to London to attend Lady Botsworth’s ball.

  Lady Botsworth was known for her lavish balls and they were attended by almost all the members of the town. He absolutely hated attending such parties but then if he had to look for his Marchioness, there was no place better than that damned ball.

  Adam downed his last glass of whiskey and moved to his chamber for a peaceful night’s sleep. Tomorrow he would have to leave early for London.

  “My Goodness, Lord Sonhurst! Why, it has been ages since you attended my ball. I hope everything here is to your liking,” Lady Botsworth exclaimed in delight upon seeing Adam.

  “I am extremely sorry for my absence at your previous functions, Lady Botsworth,” Adam unleashed his charm on the Baroness. “You see, Norfolk is a large estate and I have been extremely busy these past days with some pressing matters. As for the party, I assure you your arrangements are par excellence as always. I don’t remember having so much fun of late.” Lady Botsworth swelled with pride at his words.

  Adam politely excused himself and moved towards the refreshment tables for another drink. The Season was in full swing. He could feel a lot of curious gazes upon him but ignored them. Many pretty faces tried catching his attention but none really caught his fancy. He was sure Lady….er… what was her name - Eleanor Rothert was among these eager looking debutantes. He had to avoid her at all costs. He had already seen her father, the Earl of Dunkirk, engaged in a deep conversation with a few gentlemen on his right. He planned to go to the opposite side of the room lest the Earl notice him and subject him to his daughter’s attentions. He would not marry Lady Eleanor Rothert, not if she were the last woman on this Earth.

  And just when he started towards the other end of the ballroom, he saw
his mother. She was laughing merrily apparently at some joke that the balding man accompanying her had just shared. Upon further scrutiny, he found that the man was none other than Lord Collin, his late father’s best friend.

  After his father’s demise, Lord Collin had been like a father-figure to Adam. He was a widower and Adam held him in high regard. But the way his mother and Lord Collin were getting cozy, Adam just couldn’t stand it. He didn’t understand how any intelligent and sane man could easily fall into his mother’s trap. No doubt she was a charming lady, but surely any man could see behind that pretty façade. When he saw his mother literally batting her eyelashes at Lord Collin, Adam could take it no more. He wanted leave this party as soon as he could.

  Suddenly, Adam started feeling as if the room was closing in on him. He felt suffocated and couldn’t stand the music and the noise anymore. He started moving towards the balcony for some fresh air. As soon as he opened the doors to the balcony, he felt relieved. Outside, the night was quiet and peaceful. A mild breeze was blowing and he thought to himself that he would prefer the chirping of crickets any day to the loud music that was playing inside. He thought of staying there for a few moments and then making an early exit.

  He had yet not accomplished his purpose of attending the ball, but he couldn’t torture himself anymore. He just had to leave. He probably needed a woman’s company for the night. The thought made him smile and he decided to pay a visit to one of his old acquaintances in London.

  As he was thinking of a valid excuse to give for his early departure, the swishing noise of doors made him turn. A beautiful, no, exquisitely beautiful lady was walking out of the ballroom and moving towards the terrace. Apparently, she too was in need of some fresh air. From where Adam was standing, she could not see him. But Adam caught a full view of her small frame. Yes, she was small, she would hardly reach his shoulders. In the darkness of the night, Adam couldn’t clearly see the color of her dress, but he could tell that it was some pastel shade. And a beautiful dress it was, hugging her curves at all the right places.

  She had worn her hair in a loose bun and few tendrils had escaped that were now teasing her bare shoulder. How his fingers ached to put those daring tendrils back to their place. He was amazed at his body’s reaction towards a complete stranger. It had been too many days since he’d had a woman in his bed. This reaction was probably a result of that only.

  Now Adam suddenly didn’t want to leave early. He wanted to talk to this lady who had caught his attention. By the way she walked, he could make out that she was from nobility. He stood there mesmerized by her beauty. In the soft moonlight, she looked no less than an angel. Adam decided to go up to her and introduce himself. He knew it would be improper to do so as he could see the lady was unchaperoned. But he could not resist himself. And his “Devil may care” attitude was not famous without reason!

  Chapter Four

  What a beautiful night it was! Eleanor was truly enjoying herself. She was wearing an off shoulder baby pink gown, a little too daring for her own taste, but she knew that she was looking gorgeous in it. Eliza had forced her to buy this gown and now she was thanking her in her heart for it. Her mother too had loved the gown at the first glance.

  By the way she was attracting gentlemen, she was sure that the gown had worked its charm. Her dance card was almost full and her cheeks were aching terribly with constant smiling. Almost every man in the party had requested a dance with her. She was a bit overwhelmed, what with the continuous introductions, dances and chatting. Eleanor now knew the names of almost all the gentlemen in the party but none of them was Lord Adam Sonhurst. She wondered if he was actually attending the party or not.

  She had asked Eliza about the elusive Lord but she too didn’t have much information about him. She had only told her that Lord Sonhurst had a rakish reputation and was a treat to look at. It wouldn’t be such a task to fall in love with a man who is a ‘treat to look at’, Eleanor had thought in her heart. She smiled to herself at the thought.

  Eleanor could see Eliza was having a great time too. Dressed in a lilac gown complete with intricate embroidery, she looked like an angel from Heaven. Apparently she had caught the fancy of a young Baron and he seemed completely besotted with her. She was hoping to hear an announcement of Eliza’s engagement soon.

  Just as she finished a dance with one of the gentlemen, Eleanor heard her father calling her to meet someone. “Come, my dear. Meet Lady Elizabeth Sonhurst, the Marchioness of Norfolk. And my lady, this is my beautiful daughter that you were so eager to meet.”

  “Good evening, my Lady” Eleanor gave a small curtsey and smiled at the most strikingly handsome woman in front of her.

  “Good evening, my dear. I hope you are having a gala time, what with being the center of attraction with this elegant and charming demeanor of yours” replied Lady Sonhurst politely.

  Eleanor decided immediately that she liked the lady. Although her smile was a little icy, she could feel that she was a good woman at heart. Suddenly, something at the back of her head caught Lady Sonhurst’s attention. When Eleanor turned to see what it was, she found nothing extraordinary. The Marchioness quickly composed herself and said to Eleanor, “My dear, you look so flushed with all the dancing. Why don’t you go outside to the terrace for a breath of fresh air? I’ll accompany you as soon as I finish talking to your father about an important matter.”

  Eleanor was a little surprised at the Lady’s suggestion to go to the terrace unchaperoned. But then she thought that the Marchioness would soon accompany her and probably that’s why her father also did not object to the suggestion. Eleanor excused herself and proceeded towards the balcony doors. She was grateful for the small respite since her feet were aching with the continuous dancing.

  As she opened the doors, she was greeted by a gush of fresh air. How she loved the quiet of the night after all that loud music and chatter. She moved towards the terrace and bent down to take off her slippers. She was sure that she would have swollen feet by the time the night ended.

  A sudden movement behind her made her turn. And she was dumbstruck by what she saw. A tall and terribly handsome man stood in front of her. She was sure she had never seen such a strikingly handsome man before- handsome but in a rakish sort of way. And he was tall, very tall! In fact, Eleanor would hardly reach his ears even if she stood on her toes. She continued to stare at him with her mouth agape.

  “May I take the opportunity to introduce myself to you, my lady? I am Adam Sonhurst, the Marquess of Norfolk”, he said with a curt bow.

  Oh! So this was the man she was so desperate to see!

  Adam cleared his throat and this brought Eleanor out of her trance. She blushed a crimson red when she realized that she had been openly staring at the gentleman.

  "I am sorry, my lord. I didn't hear you coming and thus was a bit taken aback." She replied hastily.

  "Oh! In that case, I am sorry to have frightened you thus. Please accept my apologies."

  Adam was stunned at her beauty. She had absolutely clear skin and deep blue eyes. He felt as if he could look into those eyes forever. A few wisps of her dark auburn hair had escaped her bun and were falling gracefully on her creamy shoulders. Adam fought a sudden urge to put his lips on those bare shoulders of hers to see if they were as smooth as they looked.

  "So, YOU are the elusive Lord Sonhurst!" Eleanor blurted out before she could stop herself.

  Adam raised one of his eyebrows. So she had heard about him. He smiled inwardly.

  "Yes, I am Lord Sonhurst. I see that my reputation precedes me. I can only hope that you've heard all good things about me," replied Adam with a smile.

  Eleanor noticed that a small dimple formed on his right cheek when he smiled. And that made him look even more attractive. They were standing close enough for Eleanor to see the dark specs in his otherwise light brown eyes. His hair was neither too long nor too short, just about the perfect length.

  “Oh! Of course. You have an impeccable reput
ation, I hear”, she lied. She didn’t know anything about him except that he was an extremely good looking marquess who didn’t like socializing for some reason.

  Adam could see that she was lying when she refused to make any eye contact with him while talking. She looked so innocent and naïve. Adam felt the urge to protect her from this fake and superficial world.

  Protect her? Hell, what was happening to his brain? He had just met this woman and he wanted to protect her! From whom? The truth was that if this pretty little thing needed protection from anybody, it was HIM! He had no idea why his brain and heart were behaving in such a strange manner. He had been with some very stunning ladies but none of them had affected him like this young chit. One moment, she looked sensual and the other, as innocent as a child.

  Chapter Five

  Eleanor was usually proud of her confidence and conversational skills. But at this moment, she felt dumbstruck. Her brain couldn’t seem to form a coherent response to Lord Sonhurst’s queries. She felt strangely shy.

  “A lady like yourself would enjoy a party like this, I believe. May I take the liberty to ask why you have come out to the terrace when the ball is in full swing”, asked Adam. “And that too unchaperoned?”

  ”Umm….Well, yes, I was enjoying the party very much. But after a while this music and noise gets unbearable for me. I just came out for some fresh air. Besides, my feet are aching badly after almost two hours of relentless dancing.”

  Adam saw that she had taken off her shoes. Her feet actually appeared a bit swollen.

  “As for being unchaperoned, my chaperone will be joining me any moment now.” Eleanor had finally started to relax.

  Just then a gush of wind blew a few more wisps of her hair over her heart-shaped face. Adam raised his hand, gathered the soft tendrils and gently pushed them behind her ears. As his fingers came into contact with her skin, Eleanor shivered. Adam didn’t want to stop. He ran his index finger from the back of her ear to her neck and then to bare shoulder. Eleanor felt her flesh burn at his gentle yet sensual touch. She knew this was highly improper. She knew the Marchioness could come upon them any moment. But still she didn’t want him to stop. It was as if her common sense had decided it was for a break.


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