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The Needed

Page 7

by Nikki Hunter

  She was relieved when she didn’t find Yehven as she made her way to the kitchen, careful not to wake Bekket on her way past the living room. She dug through the cabinets, finding little food.

  A little magic never hurt anyone.

  She snapped, the necessary items to make up pancakes appearing before her. Humming to herself, she took her time making up fluffy golden pancakes for her boys. Something good to even out the news of their queen’s wrongdoings and whatever news they would tell her today.

  Camila gasped as arms wrapped around her waist. She jumped, flinging batter from the whisk in her hands. A deep rumble of laughter escaped Kade as he pulled back to wipe the batter that had caked itself in her hair. He pressed a kiss against her jaw before grinning at her outfit. She wore a light green colored plaid dress that looked as if it was from the fifties, her hair pulled back into a messy ponytail.

  “That was nice of you…” Camila stated, cocking her head to the side in curiosity. “What has gotten into you lot?”

  Ignoring her question, Kade jumped to sit on the counter raising his eyebrows as he spoke. “What’s with the outfit?”

  “What?” She smiled up at him, “I’m Suzie Homemaker.”

  Kade barked a laugh at her response, his hand sprawling against his bare chest. “And, are you making us breakfast...Suzie?”

  “Yes.” Camila scooped up the pancakes on a spatula, placing them on a large platter. “Now, go wake the others. I’m eager to hear this secret.”

  “Mmmmm…” Kade hummed, “As you wish.”

  With a wink, he strolled from the room, giving Camila a view of his muscled back and rounded rear end. She smirked to herself at the nasty thoughts that rolled through her mind.

  When all five of the men who were currently occupying the house appeared, Camila had transformed one of their couches into a large dining room table covered in an array of breakfast foods.

  “I made the pancakes. Everything else is thanks to my magic. Now sit, eat… and talk,” she demanded, running behind the group to usher them into their seats.

  Their hungry eyes widened as they took in everything she had laid out. Scrambled eggs, crisp bacon and sausage, toast with butter, biscuits with jam, a large tray of assorted fruits, even a platter with roasted ham sat before them.

  “Woah, this is fucking grand.” Bekket answered piling food on his plate.

  “You’re welcome.” She nodded, taking her seat at the head of the table.

  She watched as they groaned with pleasure, eating all of the foods she had prepared. Lance glanced up at her often throughout the meal, no one particularly saying much of anything other than, “Can you pass the…”.

  Yehven grinned between bites of pancakes, the first time Camila had seen him smile. The look was odd against his features, but a twang of happiness stirred in her. As they finished, she leaned forward, staring Lance down, his face reddening from her attention.

  “Talk.” She demanded.

  “Um,” he started, putting his fork down with a small clank against his plate, “Can you...can you change again?”

  “Into the fae form?” She asked.

  The group nodded, with the exception of Bekket who leaned back in his chair with a look of amusement.

  “Are you all going to jump me once I do?” Her eyes narrowed.

  “I make no promises.” Zayn smirked.

  Yehven sent him an angry glare, “We will not touch you.”

  Camila stood, brushing down the skirt of her dress. “Fine.”

  The tension in the room filled, pressing down on each one of them as her ears came to a point, her skin glowing, and the scent of sweet honeysuckle overcame their senses.

  “Holy shit,” Bekket yelped, falling backwards in his tilted chair.

  The men stiffened at the thud but didn’t pull their eyes away from Camila. Yehven’s hands gripped the table, the wood cracking under his touch.

  Bekket stood, his brown eyes darting from person to person until they landed back on Camila. “You,” he stammered, “You’re my mate.”

  “She’s all of our mates, you jackass,” Yehven growled.

  That’s when Camila felt it, really felt it for the first time. Something inside her, something deeper than the bond of the jin to those in need. Her chest heaved as she stared back, like heavy woven strands of rope, she could feel her tie to each man and something else that snapped into place. Something that fulfilled her, yet made her feel empty without their touch against her skin.

  “You’re my mates,” she whispered.


  Book two, The Wanted, is now available on preorder, releasing in March of 2018!

  Also by Nikki Hunter

  The Royal Harem Series

  The Hundred Year Curse

  The Curse of the Sea

  The Legend of the Cursed Princess

  Coming Soon by Nikki Hunter

  Day of Ruin

  About Nikki Hunter

  Nikki Hunter is a mom and wife, but also a Friends nerd. When she’s not writing she spends her time binge watching Seven Brides for Seven Brothers while making her husband crazy.




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