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Page 3

by Belle Winters

  I put the bat down and wished that I could have a drink. My palms were sweaty and my nerves were fried. I couldn’t stand to be here alone so I called James hoping upon all the lucky stars in the sky that he’d be dateless and didn’t have any plans tonight. Thankfully, he picked up on the third ring and was home. He said he would come over to have a girl’s night and I hoped he couldn’t hear the relief in my voice. I didn’t want him to know the real reason I’d summoned him and I didn’t want to prompt him to start asking questions about my frazzled state. I pulled myself together by the time he got there, and felt I was able to maintain a casual composure.

  The bell rang and I held my breath as I went to open it. I guess I had been getting a little too comfortable and needed to be a bit more cautious. I didn’t waste time procrastinating because if it were Lucifer, he’d find a way inside. I’ve seen him break in through doors when he wasn’t let in by knocking – or banging – the old fashion way. James stood in the doorway, a bottle of wine held high in one hand and a bag of lord knows what in the other. I let him inside and he watched me curiously.

  “You sounded weird hun, everything alright?” he asked.

  I nodded but I’m sure my face said that I was anything but. James took a deep breath and made his way into my kitchen. “Ok, I’ll take care of this.”

  He found me in the living room minutes later carrying two glasses of wine. He handed me one and I immediately put it down. He took a sip from his and lifted an eyebrow. “You’re going to need to down that drink and start talking.”

  I shook my head; the gig was up and I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to hide my baby bump for much longer anyway. “I can’t, I’m pregnant.” I confessed.

  He spluttered causing wine to shoot out of his mouth spraying the living room. “What? How?” His mouth dropped open and he gaped like a fish. “Oh my god, you heffah! More happened on that date than you told me.” He said accusingly.

  I looked at him confused. “What do you mean?”

  He looked appalled. “With you and Gavin, you haven’t seen anyone else! You know I would know, I’m all in your B.I.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Actually, it seems to have moved here with me.” I confessed with a shrug.

  It took a minute before it seemed to click. He threw back the rest of his glass and shook his head. “Oh JiJi, I am so sorry! Remember you have me, don’t worry we’ll get through this together. Have us a little girl to pamper and I’ll be her god mommy and take her to the nail salons, and shopping… nothing to worry about.” He said in one breath in an attempt to soothe me, and it worked.

  “You are too much. Leave it to you to compare yourself to the godmother.” I said laughing.

  He waved me off. “So, when do we go to the doctor?” he asked.

  “Next week. You’ll come with me?” I asked hopefully.

  He glared at me. “You did not just ask me that bitch… Of course I’m coming with you.” Did I tell you how much I loved this man?

  I got comfortable on the couch and kicked up my feet. “So, are you going to tell me anything about this mystery man so I can try to picture how our baby would look? What’s his nationality?” He asked.

  I swallowed… how screwed up is it that I didn’t actually know the answer to that question? If I had to guess though, I’d say he definitely had some Latin in his blood. I cleared my throat and went for it. Somehow the letter and everything else made me forget about the story I’d made up and I just talked. “Well… he was gorgeous.”

  “Ohhh… I’m going to need to bring the bottle in here.” He said getting up to grab the rest of the wine and an unopened bottle and got comfortable on the couch across from me. He filled his glass and leaned back. “Ok, I’m ready… tell me all about him.”

  I chuckled. “He had fierce grey eyes, and when he got angry they looked like the sky right before a horrible storm. He had jet black curly hair that always looked tousled like he spent the day running his hands through it. It was shoulder length when undone… and nice… and soft and thick. He always seemed to have a five o’clock shadow going.”

  James fanned himself. “Caliente, please continue…”

  I dropped my head back on the arm of the chair and stared up at the ceiling getting lost in my memories. “He was so strong both physically and mentally. He was built like a truck… strong legs and iron clad thighs. His arms were so big and solid and… ugh. Then his eight pack, nothing but hard lines, there was no miscounting. His chest and shoulders were broad and his overall size intimidating. He was broody and mean….”

  “What do you mean he was mean?” James asked curiously.

  “He was dominant. He was always in control and had the ability to make grown men piss themselves. His aura was just pure threatening and he was just one person you wouldn’t cross. He’s the kind of man you’d consider crossing the street so you didn’t have to walk close by him when you pass. You don’t even have to know him but it’s just something about it that screams danger in a sense. And we fought, god did we fight… it would be about nothing and about everything. Our personalities were like throwing two male betta fish in a tank together.”

  “Oh my god, did he use to abuse you?” he asked.

  I laughed. “Surprisingly no. He’s never hit me. Sure, he may have tossed me over his shoulder a few times and he uh… would use his body to force me into submission but he’s never physically harmed me. It was more that he’s used to calling the shots and people obeying, he wasn’t used to being challenged. Thinking of it now, I think that’s what really used to piss him off. Me being unusual to what he’s used to. I know it doesn’t sound all that great the way I’m describing it but there’s no one on the planet that could keep me safer.”

  James nodded. “Each relationship is different, no one can judge yours. I used to date a guy like that at least in the dominant way. He was also sort of a bully. Everyone questioned why I was with him, but the things he’d say and do to them he wouldn’t ever do that to me. Yes, he might not be great to everyone but he was great to me. Until he got his ass locked up for beating some guy up. He dumped me after that saying I didn’t need to be waiting around for him… that damn Ray has some nerve I’ll tell you honey…” he said polishing off his glass after his little mini rant.

  I just couldn’t help but laugh at him. His presence was extremely calming and I was more grateful than ever to have met him and have him in my life at the moment. Otherwise, I don’t know how I would possibly be surviving this transition. I was just worried like crazy and now I was calm almost as if there wasn’t a threat lurking somewhere for me.

  “So as your friend, I will not allow you to wallow. We will do what we need to do to ensure that everything is ok with our little baby and with you. First things first, let’s get some TV going.” He got up to retrieve the bag he came in with. “I’ve got a special gift for you and it’s enough to cheer any woman up.” He pulled a DVD out of the bag. “My mother Cher, god I love this woman. Please tell me you’ve never seen this movie before.” He begged.

  I looked at the cover and laughed. “I’ve never seen Burlesque but I’ve always wanted to… put her on!” I encouraged.

  I kid you not, he’s never looked so happy. He wasted no time at all popping the movie in and joining me on my couch so he could spoon me. I let him cuddle me close and say all the words to the movie in my ear. I guess this is what it would have felt like to have had siblings growing up. That night, James was able to keep away the demons but it didn’t last long.

  The next week was torture to my senses. I spent almost every second looking over my shoulder. The sight of leather made my insides tremble and the sound of bikes had my heart stopping. Every males frame, voice, hair reminded me of Lucifer. The only thing that kept me from totally losing it was the smell. I’ve never smelled anything like him and I knew that if he were close I’d smell it. I was weirdly addicted to it and I don’t think there’s anyway that it could get past me. That was only a small feat, and I kne
w it wasn’t healthy for me or the baby to be so afraid and jittery. I needed to get a grip because the last thing I needed was to harm the baby I’ve done all of this to protect.

  I let James consume my time keeping me out and about until I was dead on my feet and would only go home and collapse. It kept my mind occupied on other things although not entirely off of Lucifer. Nettie’s letter constantly floated through my mind. The fact she felt the need to warn me always sent shivers down my spine. She wouldn’t have done so unless she felt there was a true threat. Her constant reminder to watch my back and to run told me that he was so determined he might actually find me. If he does where do I run next? How far would he really be willing to chase me?

  Chapter 4

  I was dog tired after all the shopping James and I had done. He was pretty hard to keep up with, the man loved his shopping. I have to admit though I can see why he’s a fashion designer; he does have an amazing eye. A few outfits he coordinated for me were simply brilliant. I was too tired to put anything away so instead I showered and threw on a gown before collapsing into bed. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  A noise jolted me awake. I sat up quickly in the bed and scanned the room. I checked the time seeing it was a little after 3 in the morning. I held my breath and listened to my surroundings but it was eerily quiet. I frowned in confusion since something woke me up. I considered it was my paranoia getting the best of me and laid back down. Just as my eyes were fluttering closed the knob to my room door began to turn. I froze and watched as the door slowly opened. I saw his silhouette before I got a good view of his face not that I needed to. I’d know him anywhere. He closed the door silently behind him and stood just inside the entrance of the room. We stared at each other for minutes or hours, the only sound in the room is our heavy breathing.

  “You’ve been a bad girl.” He finally said.

  I shrunk into the bed and wished that it would swallow me whole. Anything to avoid what was coming next. He took large steps towards the bed – at least it felt like he was – until he was standing over me. He stopped when he was right in front of me, my eyes traveling up his body until they reached his face. He cocked his head to the side. “Nothing to say for yourself?” He asked me.

  I shivered. He was calm, way too calm and it was frightening. “I… I don’t know what to say.” I admitted.

  He tsk’d me and took a seat on the bed right next to me. His scent engulfed me and my stomach clenched. How I could be reacting to him in a moment like this was beyond me. “I told you not to do anything stupid and you run. I would say that defines stupidity babe.”

  “What are you going to do?” I asked him in a whisper.

  “You made me very angry. I’d refrained from doing so before but there’s nothing that’s going to save your ass from being spanked today. After that…” he trailed off with a shrug, “I’ll figure out when the time comes.”

  I shivered. He stood up and slowly peeled off his cut. I watched as the muscles in his arms bunched and released with his movements. He was so strong and so built it was really unfair. I was so engrossed in his assets I wasn’t paying attention to his movements and before I knew it he swiftly pulled the covers off of me dropping them in a tangled heap on the floor. He retook his seat on the bed and reached up grabbing both wrists. He pulled me to a sitting position and without any fight from me or exertion on his part pulled me across his lap. My head and chest lay face down on the bed with my butt in the air over his iron clad thighs. His hand fell on my calf and slowly made its way up until it was inches from my center. My body shook and this time it was in excitement and not in fear. His fingers were making delicious circles on the inside of my thigh and I bit my lip to stifle a moan. The next thing I knew his fingers were gone and I wanted to cry out in frustration. He lifted my gown until it was midway up my back and his hands gripped my crotch. In seconds, there was a loud tearing sound and I felt the cool air from the air conditioner caress me.

  “Your ass looks just as good as it did before, do you know that?” he asked, voice hoarse.

  “No.” I responded.

  I felt his hand leave my body and I tensed. “You can’t spank me.” I said in a whisper.

  He chuckled. “I aint ask.”

  As soon as the last word was out I felt his hand come down hard on my butt causing me to jolt and yelp. I don’t know why I wasn’t prepared for the blow, but for some inexplicable reason I wasn’t expecting it. He rubbed the spot where he’d hit me. After the sting subsided pleasure started to take over. His hand rose again and this time he landed a hit to the other side. He continued this pattern until I was moaning and writhing on his lap.

  “You like that don’t you? Ask me for it.” He prodded.

  I shook my head. “No.” I said although I truly did want more, I just wouldn’t admit it to him. Although he was playing my body right now like an instrument there was still too much danger looming in the back of my mind. I had no idea what game he was currently playing at with this but I didn’t want him to win.

  He spread my legs apart leaving me bare to his eyes. “You’re fucking wet babe. You sure you don’t want more?” he asked.

  I shook my head and he used the tip of his finger to touch my nub just barely. It was a feather of a touch, but it was enough for me to be ready to do anything for more of it. “Beg, I already know you’re a naughty bitch.” He demanded.

  “Please…” I begged.

  “As you wish.” And his hand swatted me again this time right where I needed his touch most. My body trembled violently ready for release but not quite there yet. “No more. We wouldn’t want you cuming just yet do we?” he asked.

  I groaned and he laughed righting my body and standing. He discarded his boots and unbuckled his belt. The sound of his zipper filled the room like a firecracker going off, that’s at least what it seemed like. He pushed his pants down enough to free himself and I saw he was commando. I watched, mouthwatering as he lazily stroked himself up and down wishing upon wish that I could feel him again… all of him. He took a step toward the bed and let himself go to grip my hair. “Suck it.” Was his only words and I had him in my hands before he could finish. I gripped him hard and stroked him a couple of times earning me a groan. I licked the underside of his length until I reached the tip which I sucked in lightly. I widened my mouth to take him, and started an up and down rhythm on his length the way he likes it most. He didn’t let me at it for long before he put a hand on my shoulder and stepped back for me to release him.

  He finished undressing and I watched as all of his skin came into view. He kicked off his pants revealing those strong massive thighs and calves. Next, he shed his shirt revealing an eight pack to die for with the burning angel tattoo over his heart completing his look. His grey eyes were full of lust and I knew my hazel ones mirrored his.

  I began to scoot back on the bed to make space for him but he grabbed my legs and drew me back down the bed towards him. He discarded my nightgown leaving me as naked as him. He dropped to his knees and wrapped an arm around my waist dragging my butt to the edge of the bed. He gently pushed on my shoulder urging me to lay back and he spread my legs wide. He blew on me causing me to shiver and began licking and sucking at me. Just when I thought I’d reached my peak and was about to fall over, he would withdraw and bring me back down to earth. It was frustrating.

  He sat back on his hunches and looked up at me. The evidence of my arousal on his mouth and chin. “You don’t come until I tell you that you can.” He said before standing. He climbed on top of me wrapping an arm around me to move me up the bed to where he wanted me.

  “You want my dick in your tight pussy babe?” He asked in a throaty voice.

  “Yes, yes please.” I responded and then he was in me to the hilt.

  I might’ve cried out in pleasure but I was too far gone to notice or care. He began with long slow strokes driving me insane. When his name fell from my lips in a whisper he let go. He began pounding into me like he
was trying to punish me but it only make everything feel better.

  “I’m going to cum…” I moaned.

  He slowed his frantic rhythm. “You better fucking not. Not until I tell you.” He said and grabbed my leg putting it over his shoulder. This somehow made him deeper in me and I had to fight to hold on.

  His pumping became uneven and sharp and I knew he was close. “Fuck! Now babe, come now.” He urged and I did. I let go of everything and just let the pleasure consume me. My body shook and my toes curled as wave after wave of ecstasy consumed me. My eyes closed at some point involuntarily and I opened them slowly when I was only plagued with aftershocks.

  When my eyes opened, I blinked a few times and turned to each side. I was still tucked into the bed, the silk from my gown still caressing my skin. The only evidence of what just happened was the aftermath of the pleasure I’d just felt and the wetness that had escaped. And I could feel it along with the cotton of my panties. I looked at the clock; midnight… it was a dream. I just had a wet dream about Lucifer, how could things get any worse than this?

  I hopped in the shower to try to wash away the dream and all the naughty things I imagined he’d done to me. I couldn’t help as flashbacks of my dream came to me and I was turned on. I picked up a bar of soap and began washing myself. When my hands trailed over my breasts, my nipples instantly peaked. The man was hundreds of miles away and he still had my body reacting like a sex fiend. I couldn’t resist the urge to play with my breast and before I knew it I was panting and needing more. The images of my dream drifted off to a faraway place as actual memories of his touch, his voice engulfed my senses.

  I closed my eyes and let my hands and fingers drum all over my body all the while I imagined feeling his callouses torturing me and hearing his dirty words in my ears. I allowed myself to cum twice before leaving the shower and telling myself that this whole episode went down the drain with the water. Boy how I was wrong.


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