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It Is What it Is

Page 25

by Ivory B.

  Thechauffeur along with two burly goons stood by the door all sporting the We know what you two were doing looks on their faces. Lucky smirked she had no shame in her game. Lucky couldn’t feel embarrassed even if she wanted to she was in love and nothing else really mattered. It was quite comical watching Los try to use her as a shield to cover the hard-on that was threatening to rip through his tailored tux pants. His bow tie now undone, lipstick on the collar of his snow white button up that was unfastened to the fourth button, and a hard-on that could probably cut through steel was all evidence of what just went down in the back of the Maybach. By the time they made it to the apartment Lucky’s inner thighs were super moist from that episode in the car. Her pussy was beating like a heartbeat and all she wanted Carlos to do was handle her.

  Handle her is exactly what he did. Two orgasms later Los was scooted to the edge of the bed with Lucky on his lap. Her right ankle was hoisted on his shoulder and her other leg was wrapped around his lower back. Lucky clung to him like a frightened cat as their sweaty bodies moved in perfect sync. “Aww Carlos, wait baby,” Lucky cried sexily. She was tired and didn’t think she could go on much longer. “Wait, wait, wait, wait” Lucky yelped every time he up stroked and plunged inside of her pussy. He had a firm grip on her ankle with one hand while his other hand gripped her ass to keep her from trying to run from the deep strokes he was delivering. Carlos kissed her passionately giving her the break she so desperately needed. She broke their kiss, dismounted him and crawled back on the bed flopping down on her stomach. Seconds later Lucky felt him envelope both her ass cheeks with his hands, spread her apart gently, then run his tongue up her most intimate part. Lucky hissed and moved giving Carlos room to slither his body in back of hers. Soft kisses rained down the back of her neck as Los grinded his dick against her backside urging her to arch her ass up higher “C’mon ma get up on ya knees and arch ya back for me,” Los moaned sexily through kisses on her neck. Assuming the position Lucky got on her knees and tooted it up giving him easy access to her love. Los trailed kisses down her spine causing her to shiver and squirm until he made it to his final destination and took her in his mouth from behind. Los cuffed one of her legs in the crook of his arm taking control of the position she was in. Lucky was literally on both hands and one knee with one leg cuffed up as if she were a dog peeing on a hydrant, while Carlos indulged on her juices as if it were his last meal.

  “Awe Carloooos, yess Daddy,” Lucky cried out reaching back and pushing his head deeper into her ass as she grinded back harder and slower on his face. She could feel an orgasm building and it was right at the doorstep. Lucky closed her eyes tight and her ass muscles seemed to have tightened as well as the muscles in her legs to the point she thought she would catch a charlie horse. It was building, it was building and as if she could hear a mental countdown at NASA and she was a rocket about to blast off into outer space it hit her. Lucky lunged forward when the orgasm ripped through her, she came and came hard. “Oooohh, Carloooos! Ahhh! Ahhhh, Ahh!” Lucky cried out falling flat on her stomach breathing hard.

  Lucky was through; She was on her third orgasm. Whenever she thought her body could give no more Carlos had a way of pulling yet another earth shattering orgasm out of her. “Baby girl come on,” Los urged grinding his hard dick on her ass as she lie on her stomach winded. “Carlos I can’t, baby I’m tired,” Lucky admitted in a sexy whimper. Carlos used his knee to spread her legs from behind. He grabbed his throbbing dick and plunged back into her from behind as she lay flat on her stomach. Lucky let a loud moan escape her quivering lips. “Ohh Carlos, I feel it in my stomach waaaiit baby wait.” Lucky squirmed trying to get away. “Nah ma, you gon take this dick. You done had a nigga nutted up for too long,” Los whispered in her ear as he continued to stroke her deeply. “Baby girl toot it up for me,” Lucky arched her back while Carlos continued to stroke her long and hard.

  Suddenly he pulled out and Lucky thought for sure he was finally showing her some type of mercy from beastin on her pussy for so long. She quickly found out that wasn’t the case when she felt the head of his dick entering her ass. Lucky’s body tensed up and she held her breath stiffening her body up making entrance for Los harder. Los reached around and stroked her wet pussy making sure to play with her clit. He leaned over her shoulder and whispered ever so sexily. “Relax ma, you know I wouldn’t hurt you, I love you.” He sealed his comment with a nibble on her earlobe as he continued to stroke her clit. He gave Lucky his other hand so she could suck on his fingers to try and take her mind off of what was going on. Lucky found herself getting more aroused and sucking on his fingers as if it were his dick. She moaned and pushed her ass back on him as he stroked her slow and steadily.

  Truth be told Lucky loved this position; it turned her on to no end. Maybe because anal was still considered so taboo to most, but she liked it, it was just the initial entry she disliked. “Uhhh, uuhhh, uhhh,” Lucky moaned as he stroked her. Carlos was loving the feeling of his balls slapping between her soft plump ass and wet pussy. He started to pump faster as she pushed back on him harder. He jiggled his finger on her clit as if he were thumbing guitar strings to music only they could create. Letting her clit go he grabbed her little waist flipping her over on her back careful not to pull out of her. Lucky looked up at him with her face contorting into little fuck faces as he continued to stroke at a steady pace. His finger found its way back to her clit and his warm mouth to her nipple where he sucked ever so gently then nibbled with the right amount of pressure. “Uhhhh, uhhh,” Lucky moaned through pants as she pulled her back high off the mattress rolling her hips to meet his stroke, she was on fire!

  Lucky was feeling so much stimulation from so many different parts of her body she didn’t know what to do. She felt a hot flash run up her spine and cover her like a blanket. “Oh Carlos, ohhh!” she shrieked digging her nails into his back before she came. Lucky had never came when being penetrated this way. All she could think is no one should be deprived of a feeling this good. Lucky rambled something incoherent as she gasped for air. Los never gave her time to recover from the hard orgasm she just had before he plunged deep inside her womanhood burying himself balls deep. The contrast and feeling was so amazing it was something he couldn’t explain. Lucky was so wet and tight he imagined this had to be what having a trillion dollars felt like. He attacked her spot over and over again as she cried out. He felt her pussy lock down on him and the muscles in her legs tighten around him. Lucky found herself getting dizzy. Oh my god I can’t be cumming again, this is not happening again. Is the only thing she thought before she held her breath to brace herself for yet another thunderous orgasm.

  “That’s right cum all over Daddy dick, Shit I’m cummin ma,” Los grunted feeling that super nut he’d been holding off finally about to bust. Lucky held onto him tighter as they both came together. Los pumped vigorously through his climax belting out moans of pleasure a few octaves higher than his normal deep voice. Instead of breathing Lucky held her breath when she came and the room started spinning. Los was holding Lucky tight with both his arms wrapped around her and his face buried in her neck. He grinded his now dying dick into Lucky trying to hold onto this feeling for as long as possible, his eyes were shut as he was experiencing those body spasms and shivers shooting up his spine that men do when the gushy is good. Suddenly he felt Lucky’s body go limp and his head popped up from the crook of her neck. His eyes flew open as he looked down at Lucky with alarm. Los shot up on his elbow cradling her head in one arm and to his dismay her head rolled right back into his arm lifelessly. His heart sank into his stomach as panic set in immediately. “Lucky! Lucky!” he shouted tapping her firmly on her cheek. Lucky’s eyes fluttered, she opened her eyes looking a little disoriented, then her face turned into a grimace as she started whimpering lightly. He sat up immediately pulling her into him cradling and holding her tight in his arms.

  “Ooouch, baby you squishing me,” Lucky complained weakly. Her words coming out muffled against
his chest. Carlos loosened up his hug but didn’t let her go. He looked down at Lucky still in a little bit of a panic. “Yo Lucky do you know what just happened? You just passed out,” he said urgently. “I did?” Lucky said obviously confused. Lucky sighed hard showing discomfort as she squirmed a little. “I need something to drink,” she whined. “Hold on,” he said gently laying her down on the bed. Lucky was still feeling dizzy as she heard Carlos rushing down the stairs to the kitchen fumbling along the way.

  When he got back to the room he was relieved to see Lucky sitting up with pillows plopped up against the headboard in back of her. He sat on the edge of the bed beside her stroking her head lovingly with concern etched on his handsome face. Los watched as Lucky drank the water as if she were dehydrated. “Ma, we gotta get this checked out, that shit not normal you really just passed out,” Carlos said in disbelief. Lucky shook her head no as she continued to gulp the bottled water down finishing in no time flat. “Baby I told you I couldn’t no more, I was tired you trying to kill me,” she pouted. Carlos looked at her and chuckled a little bit as he realized his baby was indeed alright for now but he was still concerned. “Nah I can’t kill you, not before I do this,” he said sliding down on both his knees and picking something up from underneath the bed. Although Lucky was still feeling a little woozy she sat straight up alert as Carlos took her hand in his and kneeled down on his knee beside the bed. Lucky’s heart started beating at rapid speeds as she saw tears building up in his eyes. She beat him to the punch though and started shedding tears that clouded her vision.

  “Lucky you’re my heart, my everything; I can’t see my life without you. I’m not perfect but still you love me flaws and all, and if I fall off tomorrow I know you’ll still be there holdin me down, being my back bone, helping me build my shit back up. That’s why I know for sure that with all the dirt I done did in my lifetime somebody up there must really love me cause he gave me you. Will you marry me?” Lucky was sobbing at this point and Los had tears falling freely from his eyes running down to his chest. He was open; laid out with his heart bare. This was a new experience for him but this openness made him feel both liberated and scared at the same time.

  Lucky shook her head yes vigorously. She threw her arms around him with so much adrenaline she nearly knocked him down. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She cried hugging him tight while peck kissing him repeatedly on the lips. Los pulled her into his arms laughing and crying at the same time at her reaction. “You didn’t even look at the ring Luck,” He said while holding her. She hadn’t taken one glimpse at the ring and truthfully it didn’t matter if it came out of a Cracker Jacks box she would’ve still reacted the same way, yet another sign amongst many that showed Los her love was genuine. Lucky let him go and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, then gently wiped tears from his face with shaky hands before she gave the ring a look. Carlos opened the ring box and Lucky’s mouth flew open. “This the closest they could find a diamond to match your eyes.” Lucky’s mouth went into the shape of an O and he knew then that the 8 1/2 carat, rare, green, flawless diamond had her approval. “Whoa! It’s beautiful baby,” Lucky responded with one hand to her heart and it truly was. Los took the ring out of its box to place it on her ring finger. Lucky’s hand was shaking as if she had Parkinson’s disease and so was his, it was a wonder how they managed to get the ring on but they did. He got up from the cold hardwood floor with her in his arms and climbed back in bed. Los smiled to himself when he thought about how this must’ve looked, they were both naked as Adam and Eve alone in the dark and he proposed to her. No fanfare or audience this was love stripped to its barest form literally. It is what it is; sometimes you gotta do things your own way. Now I wonder what she’s going to say when people ask her to tell them the story of our engagement. Los chuckled to himself thinking it would be quite the story to tell one day. Lucky held her hand out in front of her face that housed her engagement ring, even in the dark it gleamed. She turned towards Los and hugged him saying a silent prayer that this love would last forever. They fell asleep in each other’s arms on cloud 9. The night had ended perfectly, just as Los had hoped it would and it was definitely a night to remember. That was until he was jolted out of his sleep by Lucky crying.

  This is All of Me

  Lucky was sobbing uncontrollably; Los didn’t get it, what happened? They had both went to sleep feeling as if this was one of the happiest days in their lives now hours later in the wee hours of the morning things were totally different. “C’mere.” Los kissed the top of Lucky’s head and tried desperately to shush her. “What’s wrong?” Lucky didn’t respond, she only held onto him tighter crying lightly. The more Los talked to Lucky the tighter she squeezed and the less she cried. Los held her just as tight, rocking her back and forth until nothing could be heard but occasional sniffles.

  Lucky cries had calmed but she continued to shed silent tears. Los could feel her hot tears running down his bare chest where she had her face buried. Assuming he wasn’t going to get anything out of her that night he laid back down pulling her down on his chest. Los stroked her hair, massaging her scalp as she rest on his strong chest. “I love you,” he whispered kissing her forehead before closing his eyes to drift off to sleep. Lucky reached up touching his hand interlocking her fingers with his. She brought their hands to her face and kissed his lightly. Silence filled the room as both of them laid there in deep thought.

  Finally Lucky cut the thick silence like a knife when she began to talk. “Do you know what they used to call me back in high school?” Carlos didn’t answer; he knew that was a rhetorical question not really meant to be answered. Lucky took a deep breath and continued with lots of emotion in her voice. “They… used to call me a Dyke, Dick tease, Carpet muncher, and little Miss Dyke a Lyke.” Lucky swallowed hard as silent tears poured down her face. She turned her face into Los’ chest as if she could hide away from all the bad memories. It took her a few seconds to continue.

  “The same dudes I kept turning down got salty and started calling me names and spreading rumors about me being gay. They were the popular boys, you know the ones on the basketball and football teams, so naturally they had a whole lot of groupies both boys and girls that followed everything they did. When they started throwing dirt on my name so did everybody else. In their immature minds since all the other girls were jumping at the chance to be with them and I wasn’t I must’ve been gay. It hurt my feelings but I never showed it. I never acted as if it fazed me in school, I walked through the halls with my head held high and waited to go home to cry. The fact that I acted as if their words didn’t affect me only seemed to make them meaner. For the most part high school wasn’t easy for me. Ty got into so many fights over me it wasn’t even funny.”

  “You know why I never messed with any of them dudes from school? Because I knew they just wanted one thing, sex. And after they got it I would be another notch on their belts, something for them to brag about in the locker rooms and hopefully pass around to their boys like they did the other girls in school. I saw in those boys’ eyes the same thing I saw in the one man that was supposed to love and protect me more than any other man in this world…because he helped create me.” Lucky broke down crying squeezing Los’s hand. “My…my father he…he had that same look in his eyes when he looked at me. And for a long time I thought that if my own father didn’t see me as anything more than sex then that’s all other men would see in me,”


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