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It Is What it Is

Page 29

by Ivory B.

  4 days in beautiful and scenic Venezuela wasn’t enough for Lucky. So when they packed up to leave she was kind of disappointed. Just when she thought the honeymoon was over Los surprised her by taking a detour to Brazil instead of going directly back to Colombia. Brazil was gorgeous and so was its people, especially the brown skinned, big booty, beauties who ruled the beaches in g-string bikinis. Lucky although confident in her beauty had to admit she checked herself frequently while in South America. Never being the type of chick to hate on another she had to give props where they were due. The women out here were bad. Damn, it’s crazy how back at home women are always complaining about how hard it is to find a good man. Now imagine if these chicks were given green cards to live in America. Sheeiit, if we thought it was hard now, it would be damn near impossible to find a man. “Yeah keep these bitches right the fuck over here,” Lucky mumbled under her breath with a smirk. “Ha what was that?” Los asked. “Ha? Oh nothing baby I was singing a song,” Lucky lied as she watched a g-string bikini clad bombshell stroll by them, her ass had pulled a Houdini on the string it was nonexistent. Lucky cut her eye to the side eyeing Los to see if he was going to steal a look, like most men. To Lucky’s surprise he didn’t turn his head or eyes.

  Los wasn’t slow; he knew damn well Lucky was giving him the side eye. He couldn’t understand why chicks did that. They would see an attractive chick then look at their dude as if he was supposed to take the floor and hang himself. What she didn’t understand is that he had been there done that. He could put Lucky onto some shit about his past. How he and his boys took a trip to Jamaica and after handling business and pleasure there they whored around South America.

  In his past he had twosomes, threesomes, hell foursomes with all chicks involved being dimez. He lived a life niggaz only rapped about. He smiled inwardly as he thought back on a trip the whole crew took to Brazil before meeting Lucky. Nice, Buj, Real, Jah, Chilly, and Meat it was wild, bitches spitting on each other’s pussy’s and chicks swallowing. It was a straight house party in a mansion in the hills; the only thing missing was Martin Lawrence in the background screaming switch! That was his past though and now that he looked over at Lucky he was certain he didn’t make a mistake in making her his future. The player shit gets old and whatever nigga out here saying it doesn’t is lying, Los thought to himself.

  He caught Lucky looking at a chick whose breasts were bigger than her head, then look down at her own C cups. He wanted to burst out into laughter it was cute the way she looked down at herself. “Don’t believe ya eyes, a lot of this shit out here is bought and paid for,” he leaned over whispering in her ear. Lucky looked over at him with a smirk. “Yeah that maybe true but it still looks good, well for the most part,” she corrected herself because there were some chicks out there that looked like they should’ve paid the extra cheddah for a decent doctor. “So what you sayin ma, you want Daddy to throw some D’s on you?” Los asked holding back a laugh. Lucky fell out into hard laughter, “Oh hell no, Pa I prefer my own. I don’t want no D’s.” Los leaned over and pecked her cheek lovingly. “Good answer ma, I prefer them too,” He stood up and held his hand out to help Lucky up from her beach chair. They’d been out enjoying the sun for some time now and he was getting tired. Lucky stood up and Los had to try and tell his manz and em down in his swim trunks to calm down. Her skin was kissed by the Brazilian sun; her hair had curled up naturally from air drying leaving it long, wavy and a little wild. When she bent over to pick up her beach bag Los caught a dude stealing a peek and he didn’t blame him. The week and change they had been on vacation was all it took for Lucky to start getting her thickness back in all the right spots. Lucky had an amazing all natural body. She tried to dig her wedgy out discreetly but Los caught her and pinched her exposed ass sending her jumping out of her skin then giggling.

  Back in their five star resort room Lucky went to shower and free herself of the sand she brought back from the beach and Los decided to join her. They made love in the shower; while he whispered in her ear how beautiful she was while deep stroking her passionately up against the expensive glass tile on the shower wall. Lucky was truly mesmerized at how he was able to take over her entire core, her body, heart and soul. She even shed a few tears during their shower episode. It was as if her life was finally coming full circle. And she couldn’t help but be ecstatic for what the future would bring marriage, kids and a lifetime of happiness.

  Blast From the Past

  Ty rolled her eyes with frustration. Nice was out in LA handling business when he called and asked her, well damn near demanded that she brush his beloved dogs’ teeth. Ty tried to get out of doing it but in the end Nice got his way. “Brush their teeth?” Ty asked incredulously “Don’t they have dog bones that do that shit Bae? I really don’t have time for that.” “Yeah, but…” You see this the shit I be talkin bout, there’s always a but when dealing with him and these damn dogs. “The bones don’t clean them completely, they still need their teeth brushed every once in a while. I was planning to do it before I left but forgot that’s why I’m asking you cause it’s been a while since the last time I brushed them,” Nice said sounding both persistent and polite. Ty wanted to spaze the hell out. This incident right here along with many others was proof that her and Nice needed to have a serious talk about these animals. She had told him numerous times before that if he couldn’t care for them then he needed to pay someone to do it, because she didn’t sign up to be no damn dog caretaker. “Okay Nice bye,” Ty said abruptly with a very sharp edge in her tone. “So you gon do it?” “Bye Nice,” Ty repeated with a huff. Nice knew his baby well enough to know that yes she was going to do what he asked but she had an attitude and he was definitely going to hear it when he got home. “A’ight Ma I love you.” Ty rolled her eyes and gruffly mumbled “Love you too,” before hanging up.

  ``Ty grabbed the big dog tooth brush and summoned Bully over. She had two dogs down and one to go. Bully strutted over slowly as if she had an attitude. “Trust me I don’t wanna do this just as much as you don’t want it done,” Ty said looking down at the dog with disdain. The dog recognized the toothbrush and already knew what time it was off the rip opening her mouth for Ty. Ty looked to the side and held her breath as the dog opened her mouth. “Ewww now I know the true definition of dog breath.” Oh god this is so fuckin nasty I can’t believe this man got me doing this.

  Ty was almost done when Bully suddenly snapped her jaw down swiftly. Ty snatched her hand back just in time shooting to her feet with fright shaking her hand to make sure it was still intact. She could not believe it she literally almost lost a finger. “Muthafu…!” Ty couldn’t even finish she was so shaken up. She paced around the living room for a second trying to calm her nerves. “Let me tell you something bitch!” Ty sneered looking down at the dog with contempt. “You may have sharp teeth but I got some hot shit that will send you to doggy heaven if you ever pull some mess like that again. Now get the hell out!” Ty snapped holding the sliding glass French doors to the kitchen open so Bully could go back to her dog house. It was as if Bully understood she may have gone too far and pushed Ty’s buttons. The dog high-tailed it out the doors quickly. Ty sighed heavily she needed to get out of the house for a few hours because she was starting to feel as if the walls were closing in on her. She grabbed Nice’s keys off the kitchen counter and called for Ky to come on. “Kyyyy! C’mon baby girl we about to go to the store!”

  She planned to get out of the house by taking a trip to the grocery store. Since being with Nice many regular things she was used to doing she didn’t do anymore. Nice never grocery shopped. He would write out a list and have Aida or her daughters do the shopping. At first Ty was amped; who wouldn’t love not having to walk around a grocery store for hours dealing with rude cashiers and waiting on long lines around the first of the month when food stamps came out. However, it quickly got played once she realized she actually liked going to the grocery store herself. It seemed as if there was always something s
he forgot to put on the grocery list when Aida or her daughters went. Usually when Nice was out of town Ty and Ky would run errands themselves. Ty enjoyed cleaning and doing her own shopping it was actually a stress reliever for her, most importantly it kept her grounded. Life with Nice was nice indeed; the relationship came with a lot of perks but she didn’t want to become too spoiled and lose herself in the process.

  “Ky, Ky come on baby girl!” Ty called from the bottom of the stairs. Ky had been up in her playroom playing with them Barbies for hours now. Finally Ky came bouncing down the stairs carrying her little pink Gucci pocketbook strapped across her chest like someone was going to steal it. “I’m ready Mommy. I have my money so I can buy a candy,” Ky said right before coating her lips over and over again with shiny, liquid, Hello Kitty lip gloss. Her lips were greasy enough to fry a whole damn chicken with and Nice would’ve had a fit if he saw her right now with her lip gloss poppin. Ty chuckled and shook her head. “Okay lil mama come put your coat on,” Ty said as she helped Ky slip on her pink with chocolate brown polka dot pea coat and matching Beret styled hat.

  Ty was just about done with all of her shopping and her cart was damn near filled to capacity when on a whim she decided to stop at the Poultry department for a second time to buy the dogs a treat. She ordered six Porterhouse steak slabs for the dogs and was waiting for the butcher to cut and package the meat up. “Uh Ma’am what you’re asking for is going to be around $30 dollars a slab,” The fat white butcher stated as if Ty couldn’t afford what she was asking for. Ty glared, she was aware of how much it was going to cost she had read the price per pound. “Yes I’m aware of that,” she said with a tad bit of attitude. See now this asshole is about to get his ass cussed out. As if he could read Ty’s mind he took his behind in back to cut up the steak.

  At that very moment Ty turned her head and noticed Ky was no longer standing beside the shopping cart. Ty went into panic mode when she scanned the aisle and didn’t see any sign of Ky. “Ky!” Ty called out leaving her cart speed walking up and down aisles looking for her. “Kyyy!” Ty screamed again breaking out into a light jog becoming even more panicked when she didn’t get a response. Tears began to brim Ty’s eyes as she became frantic running up and down aisles screaming Ky’s name. People started staring as Ty wiped a few tears from her eyes that had escaped. Her heart was thumping so hard it seemed as if the sounds around her had become somewhat muffled. Ky stood a few aisles away frozen in fear. She heard Ty calling her and knew she was in trouble once she heard the emotion and panic in Ty’s voice. To Ky it sounded as if Ty were crying and she knew she would be in big trouble for walking off by herself. Ty was just about to run to the front of the store to request they make an announcement and lock that bitch down until she found Ky.

  “Mommy can we get some cookies?” Kynah asked meekly from behind Ty holding a package of cookies in her hand. Ty spun around grabbing Kynah up in her arms hugging her tight. Ty said a silent prayer as she hugged Kynah. She didn’t know how she would’ve explained to Nice that she had lost Ky or how she would ever forgive herself. “Ky don’t you eva do that shit again. Do you hear me?! Don’t you ever just walk off like that again!” Ty said raising her voice for the first time ever at Ky. Ky poked out her bottom lip as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. Her feelings was hurt that Ty had actually yelled at her. Ty’s heart finally stopped beating so hard and she could finally catch a good breath but it was without a doubt time to go. Fuckin around with that hillbilly butcher in the meat department Ky slipped away to find cookies. I’m too through; it’s definitely time to go. Ty placed Ky back on her feet and looked down at her. “Ky you really scared me. You can’t run off by yourself you know that right?” Ky shook her head up and down and one blink sent a big crocodile tear to run down her face. Her big, dark brown, eyes were apologetic seeing how emotional Ty was. “Baby don’t cry Mommy’s not mad at you. C’mon lil Diva it’s time to go.” Ty reached for one of Ky’s little hands while she tried to navigate the heavy grocery cart with her other.

  “I knew it was you.” Ty froze, as a cold chill ran up her spine. She knew that voice, she could never forget it. Oh my god! This can’t be happening. Ty spun around to face the man she thought she’d left in her past. He hadn’t changed much since she last remembered only looking slightly older from the hint of grey hairs threatening to come out near his temples. Unfortunately it didn’t make him look old it only added to the facade of sophistication he held. The stranger’s eyes roamed Ty’s body lustfully. Ty was still pretty as a picture and the years had certainly been kind to her. Here she stood possessing maturity and classiness that only emphasized her beauty and the body was still on point. Them thick thighs and that fat ass would still make a man do a double take if he walked by her in the streets. “My, my, my, look at my little butterfly. Man have you spread your wings and turned into something beautiful.” His eyes lit up as they fell on the diamond butterfly pendant on her neck. “I always knew I was never too far from your thoughts, I knew you considered what we had as special as I did,” he said in a deep baritone stepping into her personal space. He reached out to gently touch her face and Ty jerked her head back slapping his hand away as if it were coated in shit. “Excuse me, we didn’t have a damn thing,” Ty snapped. The stranger’s facial expression hardened instantly as anger flashed in his eyes. Ty’s body tensed up and she unintentionally gripped tighter onto Kynah’s little hand. “Awe Mommy, that hurt,” Kynah whined looking up at Ty. The man shifted his gaze from Ty to Kynah for the first time. “Well looky here, you’re just as pretty as your mother aren’t you,” Ty pulled Kynah in back of her protectively and glared at the stranger. The stranger scoffed at Ty acting as if he weren’t good enough to talk to the little girl. “I guess I ain’t gotta ask if she’s mine. We both know what you did with that one ha?” He said sarcastically. The stranger couldn’t help but feel a little slighted. It looked like Ty had some other niggaz seed when she aborted his. Kynah peeked from behind Ty displaying the best mean mug she could muster. She didn’t know who this man was but she could tell he was scaring Ty.

  Ty had imagined this day so many times in her head, recited what she would say to him, what she would do and now that the time had finally come everything had gone right out the window. The strong, independent, confident woman that Ty had become was nowhere to be found. She stood there frightened just as she was in the past. Ty shot the man a genuine look of contempt before gripping Kynah’s hand turning and hightailing it towards the exit leaving her entire shopping cart and everything else behind. Kynah’s little legs were trying to do their best at keeping up with Ty’s fast strides as she damn near dragged Kynah towards the exit.

  “I’ll be seeing you around beautiful, since it seems we live in the same neck of the woods,” his words had a ring of threat to them as Ty rushed towards the door holding back tears. She looked down at Ky's innocent face etched with fear and confusion. Ty couldn’t explain it if she tried but she somehow found strength right there in Kynah’s eyes to do what she could never do in the past, stand up to him. Ty knew once she looked into Kynah’s eyes that she owed it to Kynah and all the rest of the little girls out there that may run across this monster’s path to put him in his place. It was something about being responsible for someone else and feeling as if you loved them so much you never wanted them to go through any of the bad you’ve ever been through. Ty stopped dead in her tracks and diva strutted back in his direction.

  She could see a cocky smirk spread across his face as he stood there confident with one hand in his pocket and his other hand stroking his well groomed goatee. Ty stopped feet away from him and told Kynah to stay put as she made the rest of her journey back towards him alone with a new found confidence and determination.

  The stranger looked at Ty and his dick became hard as he watched her march back towards him. “Humph let me guess, you want that old thing back ha? I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away.” Ty ignored his remark and stepped only inches away from
him. “Listen muthafucka, I’m only gonna tell you this one time and one time only stay the fuck away from me and my family.” He was awestruck and turned on at the same time at Ty’s new gung ho attitude. “Or what?” he challenged, clenching his jaw, anger flashing in his eyes. “Like I said, stay the fuck away from me,” Ty gritted. “Or what Bitch? What you gonna do? See I pegged you as soon as I laid eyes on you remember I know you better than most. So what you tryna act like you better cause you got a little education and you let a lame seed you up for some security. I see I taught you very well; I betchu that nigga don’t know about ya past and you wouldn’t do anything to have him find out neither. I betchu that cornball ass nigga get up every morning dress up in corny ass Brooks Brothers suits and slave away at a fortune 500 company as a little Exec or some shit to keep you in Red Bottoms and Prada. That straight laced nigga wouldn’t do shit if I snatched you the fuck up and handled you,” The stranger gritted angrily stepping so close to Ty she got a whiff of the cool mint gum in his mouth. “So how do you keep the wool over his head Ty? I bet it’s that good head you give. Can you still swallow a nigga whole? You probably be lickin that nigga ass-crack like you used to do me bitch,” The stranger mocked with venom dripping off his words.

  Ty grimaced, staring at the man shaking her head back and forth in disgust. She didn’t see what she’d ever saw in him but he thought he knew but he had no idea. If he had a job as a profiler he would be fired on the spot. “You are a fuckin dirt bag. I don’t know how you sleep at night.” “Very well, but I would be sleepin better with you beside me once I cancel that lame you wit.” Ty smiled slightly and shook her head. “Stay the hell away from me and my family or I will put you down like the old dirty dog you are.” “Oh bitch you gotten real mouthy haven’t you?” the stranger said grabbing a hold of her forearm. “Get the fuck off me before I make a scene and have you arrested,” Ty gritted with fearless eyes. The stranger let her arm go reluctantly knowing he really couldn’t afford to catch a case. Ty spun around and strutted over to Ky hoisting her up on her hip and hastily headed towards the exit. “Mommy but we didn’t get my cookies,” Kynah cried. People turned and stared as Ky threw a tantrum all the way to the exit doors about cookies. Ty was in a daze, Kynah’s tantrum didn’t affect her one bit. You see she had bigger problems like the problem of her past threatening to ruin her future with Nice. “I want cookies Ma-meeee!” Ky cried. The encounter in the grocery store had turned Ty off so much she ended up getting nothing at all after spending nearly two hours grocery shopping, Damn! Ty thought to herself.


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