Book Read Free

It Is What it Is

Page 31

by Ivory B.

  “It’s about time you came back. Man Keema was gettin on my last nerve complaining about y’all missing the baby’s birth even though, she ain’t nowhere near her due date.” Jah hissed. “Nah, neva that,” Los responded through a chuckle all along staring down his manz Blacka who hadn’t said one word to him since he walked into the VIP section. Many didn’t know how far back Los and Blacka went. Blacka had always played more of a mentor to Los and Nice coming up in the game since he was a few years older than them but you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking. Blacka used to be a youngin on Los Sr.’s team back in the day, and one of the few niggaz that stayed true when Los’ father was killed.

  Even though Blacka had his own team at one point when Los and Nice was coming up in the game just establishing themselves he looked out and gave them leads on who to fuck with in the game and who was shady. It wasn’t long before Los and his team was basically taking over the drug trade on the East Coast and growing by the day. That didn’t surprise Blacka at all, Los and Nice had that hustla’s ambition that was passed on from Los Sr. So when they vowed to take back what they felt was rightfully theirs Blacka didn’t doubt them for one second. Nor did he turn down an offer to get down with a winning team when Los extended an open invitation.

  Money and success breeds envy and hate. It wasn’t long before Los and his team found themselves in some heavy beef with a little team out of Jersey who wanted to make a name for themselves. They had heart; Los would give them that but they did a lot of brainless shit which ultimately caused their demise. Those Jersey cats were so hot and reckless with their actions they had the whole city on fire. And the cops were out heavy vowing to stop all the recent gun violence in the city. Never wanting to be caught slipping the whole team stayed strapped up at all times. One night Nice, Los, and Blacka got pulled over with a hot burner in the car. Without discussion or hesitation Blacka took the charge for the gun. Blacka was a real nigga through and through and he knew this was the nature of the game. Sometimes you had to take one for the team and he knew this situation called for it. Both Los and Nice were squeaky clean; no records at all while Blacka had been in and out of jail doing little stints here and there throughout his life.

  What a lot of people didn’t understand is that there was three types of niggaz in the game. You had your Boss niggaz, Lieutenants, and last but not least you had your Soldier’s who kept order, guarded and protected the Boss’s. Well Blacka was a soldier; he never had aspirations to be anybody’s Boss. As long as the paper flowed he was good, he didn’t need the accolades, trophies or titles. Blacka was much too humble in nature for that. So when they got pulled over it went without saying that the soldier of the crew was taking the charge. He knew that at the end of the day a real Boss was going to guarantee his whole team ate. Both Los and Nice did just that but they would’ve had a hard time doing that from behind bars.

  “I’m sayin you did a lil bid and what you too gangsta to acknowledge a nigga now?” Los asked squaring off with Blacka who was standing across from him narrowing his eyes at Los. “Yo I’m over here tryna figure out what the fuck is goin on. A nigga go up top for a lil bid I come back and y’all lil niggaz done got a shot of good pussy and lost y’all damn minds. I already know about Jah, this nigga married wit children and shit but I know that ain’t no fuckin wedding band on ya finger son!” The comment drew attention from everyone to look down at Los’ hand. The cat was out of the bag so Los just held his hand up and Niggaz went Ape. “Yeah you know, it is what it is,” Los concluded with a smile. Blacka walked over and gave Los a big manly hug. He really missed his lil dude. “Ayo, on some real shit good lookin out holdin me down on that commissary tip and taking care of my fam while I was down,” Blacka said in Los’ ear while they embraced.

  Los jerked his head back “Fuck wrong wit you whispering in my ear and shit? Maybe that’s what y’all niggaz do on D-block but not out here,” Los joked. “See you still got a smart ass mouth Youngin,” Blacka pushed Los off of him and both men set up on each other simultaneously. Blacka wasted no time swinging with an open fist at Los, Los backed up bobbing and weaving out of both Blacka’s attempts, Los came back up and tapped Blacka on his cheek giving him a soft slap. Blacka froze once he felt the light sting from the playful slap. “See muthafucka you gon have me put some heat to ya ass,” Blacka said in a serious tone then broke out laughing with everyone else. “Go head wit that shit Oldie but Goodie, come get this ass whoopin whenever you ready,” Los shot back. Blacka folded over with laughter at Los’ comment. When he caught his breath both men gave each other dap. “Nah but real talk thanks for holdin me down.” “You ain’t gotta thank me, real niggaz do real things,” Los said pulling him into another manly hug. “A’ight so where Wifey at? I gotta see the chick that was able to domesticate ya wild ass.” Los laughed before calling Lucky to come over to him.

  Lucky turned her body when she heard Los calling her. “Y’all coming,” she asked nervous about walking over to the group of men even though Los was standing amongst them. “Yeah I’ll come with you,” Ty offered. Once Lucky was in arms reach Los grabbed her up in his arms lovingly holding her from behind. “Luck this is my manz Blacka I told you about, Black this is the Misses.” Lucky reached out to shake Blacka’s hand but instead he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it gently. Lucky smiled looking up at this attractive man. She was wondering why they gave him such an ugly nickname. If you ever watched the show ‘The Wire’, Blacka was a dead ringer for Wee-Bay with a better body. “A’ight nigga be easy on that sexy smooth shit with my wife. I got the 4 pound on me tonight you can get that hot shit.” Blacka let Lucky’s hand go and shook his head. “Take care of this knucklehead,” Blacka said with a smile. “Will do, it was nice to meet you.” Lucky said through light laughter. Blacka eyed Los when Lucky turned her head and mouthed “Dayumm!”

  Los went on to introduce Lucky to a few more people she didn’t know before she turned and stood on her tippy toes to hug and kiss him so she could go back over and join her girls. Lucky turned around giving his boys a clear view of her backside and the tat. Once Nice was sure Lucky was out of earshot he went in. “Yooo Luck got ya name tatted on her back? A’ight, a’ight, you that nigga; Hands down son, how the hell you get ole girl to do that?” “C’mon Bruh take notes,” Los joked. Los looked around and felt something was missing. “Ayo where Real at?” “Oh your Pup, he downstairs whoring, talking to some chick by the bar,” Nice answered nonchalantly. “Why he ain’t just bring her up here?” Los asked acting a little more over protective of his team than usual because of all the recent hits his team been taking. Nice shrugged his shoulders as he started to make his way over to Ty.

  Nearly two hours ago Real was walking by the bar and spotted a familiar face. “I thought that was you, what you doin way out here? You a long way from D.C,” Real said. Lynnae turned around with recognition showing on her face immediately. Lynnae recognized Real immediately; he did business with her brother Red who was a big time drug dealer and Blood in New York. Red not only had a part of BK on smash but he also had other parts of the five boroughs on lock as well. Real and Jah were Red’s connect. That’s how he had met Lynnae, well if you wanted to call their rough encounter a meeting. On one occasion Real was supposed to meet Red at his home and Lynnae answered the door with a whole lot of Brooklyn girl attitude. He would never forget it because he had to literally stop himself from calling her out her name. Today was different though, she smiled up at Real brightly batting those big Bambi brown eyes at him. “Hey,” Lynnae stammered not knowing what else to say. He picked up on her nervousness. “Ma don’t worry I ain’t seen you here.” Lynnae smiled at his response. “Thanks,” she finally said. “One of my roommates got family that live out here. They told us about this party so we all packed up in the car and came up,” Lynnae offered with a smile on her face. Real shook his head, “A’ight, you and ya girls be safe. Ayo! Whateva they drinkin it’s on me,” he called to the bartender before attempting to walk away.
Lynnae took the last swig of her liquid courage and did what she’d wanted to do after seeing him first before he had even noticed her. “Hey! One second,” Lynnae said reaching out and grabbing him from behind. Real turned around and peered down at her. He was so attractive; his complexion was like the creamiest peanut butter, not to mention his piercing brown eyes, basketball player build and boyish features. Oh god, say something he’s gonna think you fuckin slow. “I…I just wanted to apologize for my attitude the first time we met. I’m really a cool ass chick. It’s just when you came to the house you caught me at a bad time. I was studying for an exam when you interrupted and I snapped at you. I’m really not like that at all.”

  The alcohol mixed with nervousness was causing her to ramble and she hoped she didn’t sound as stupid as she thought she did. “Nah, I ain’t take it personal, we Gucci Ma,” Truth be told he thought he knew Lynnae’s type. She was the type that turned her nose up to niggaz like him; you know the hustlin type, on the other hand accepted and benefited from the fruits of hustlin like getting her tuition paid at Howard U by her hustlin brother. Lynnae felt kind of slighted, she knew she hadn’t persuaded Real that she wasn’t a bitch from the way he was trying to curve her. “Can I at least buy you a drink? As a truce that is,” Lynnae offered. “How’s that goin to work when I already told the bartender to bill me for you and ya peoples drinks?” She smiled brightly “Then I’ll tell him to bill me for your drinks.” Real chuckled; this really made no sense. She was trying her best hand at an apology that really wasn’t necessary so one drink wouldn’t hurt.

  To Real’s surprise Lynnae turned out to be a real cool chick which was hard to believe from his first impression. He had gotten so caught up with her that he’d lost track of time. He was in a deep convo with her about politics when he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. “Youngin I been lookin for you.” Real didn’t even have to turn his head to know who it was standing in back of him. Real turned his head and looked at his shoulder to see something he wasn’t expecting a wedding band on Los’ ring finger. “Ayo what the fuck! Say it ain’t so?” “Yeah it’s so,” Los responded with a smile plastered on his face. Real hopped up from his seat smiling from ear to ear giving Los dap and a manly hug. “It’s good to have you back home. Awe man where Sister In-law?” “Upstairs, she looking for you too,” Los answered looking at the company Real was keeping. “I guess I ain’t gotta ask you what’s been holdin you up down here ha?” Los said. Real looked at Lynnae then back towards Los “Oh nah it ain’t even like that Big Homie that’s that nigga Red peoples, that’s his lil sister. I was just making sure she was straight.” Los raised an eyebrow while staring at Lynnae; she was exactly Real’s type. It was no secret Real had a penchant for chocolate and that’s exactly what Shorty was. A milk chocolate beauty, big brown almond shaped eyes, thin but shapely figure with long dark hair. Alarm bells rang off in Los’ head. Laying pipe to one of your biggest client’s little sister was not a good idea. “I ain’t even gotta tell you how ugly things can get when you mix business with pleasure, shit can get real messy Youngin,” Los warned. Real lowered his voice despite the fact they were already talking discreetly. “C’mon Los you actin like I don’t already know, trust it’s not like that me and Jah get crazy paper with her brother and that’s about it.” Los was going to leave it alone for now, he gave Real a warning and that’s all he was going to do. “A’ight but I came down here to let you know I need you to take a trip for me to pick up a package out in B-More.” “Yeah no doubt, when you need me to go grab that for you?” “Give me about a week or two, I gotta link up with some of my peoples down there then I’ll give you a date. I’m planning on sending you and Meat down there. I’ll explain it in more detail later, for now let’s enjoy ourselves.”

  Los took his surroundings in noticing how packed it was on the main floor. He was never the type for crowded spaces and honestly he didn’t do the club scene that often anymore. He’d grown tired of it, the only reason he was out tonight was to celebrate his manz being home. “Youngin why don’t you come upstairs to the VIP section? Invite ya peoples up?” Real invited Lynnae and her friends up but Lynnae turned the invitation down immediately. She took one look at Los and knew he was somebody; power and status exuded his whole being. The old saying watch the company you keep rang loudly in her head. The last thing she wanted was for something to pop off and be around to get caught in the middle. Shit like that was all too real, not too long ago they were holding a candlelight vigil on campus for a girl who was killed in Philly. Shot dead in a restaurant her mother owned while visiting home. Lynnae didn’t know the slain girl personally, had only seen her in passing but it still didn’t make the news any less sad. It just went to show that at any time anyone could get it and bullets had no names on them.

  Before the men could walk off her roommates who overheard Lynnae turn down an invite to the VIP section for not only herself but them too rushed over to her. A short dark complexed cutie with big titts who had been giving Los the eye as soon as he walked over to Real spoke up first. “Girl what the hell is ya problem why did you say no?” she asked with a tinge of attitude. “Cause, girl I’m not tryin to get caught out by my brother for being up here. He still thinks my ass is in DC at school.” “He ain’t gon know. I’m tryna get at the nigga with the white on, girl he look like his paper longer than five football fields we wanna go up. Damn why you always acting so scary?” her roommate complained. The rest of the girls Lynnae came with agreed shaking their heads looking at her with attitude. “C’mon,” Los said to Real as they made their way towards the VIP section. “Lil Ma coming trust; that thirsty bitch with the big titties gon make sure of that.” Both men burst into laughter as they made their way upstairs. “Real! Real! Wait up,” Lynnae screamed succumbing to peer pressure. “Is it still okay for us to come up?” “Yeah come on.”

  Lucky was sitting with her girls when they spotted both Los and Real enter the VIP section flanked by a group of women. Real walked them over to their own private table and summoned a waitress over. He seemed to have been paying special attention to a really pretty dark skinned chick out of the group. Keema cleared her throat sarcastically as she watched a short brick housed shaped chick who was with the group walk over to Los signaling she wanted to whisper something in his ear. Keema cleared her throat even louder then slid a Moet bottle towards Lucky. Lucky looked at Keema and laughed as she brought her champagne flute towards her mouth, took a sip and sat cool and collected. Nope, she wasn’t going to act out. She and Los were past that, she was going to let him handle ole girl. They all watched on as Los bent his tall frame and whispered something in the chick’s ear lifting his hand to show her his wedding band. He then pointed across the room at Lucky.

  Lucky watched the chick’s eyes follow the direction Los was pointing in until their eyes locked; Lucky raised her hand and waved with a sarcastic smirk plastered on her face. “Yeah bitch you know he talkin about me. I’m the only chick in here rockin white. Now fall the fuck back! I done put too much time, love, and effort in this here man to have some bitch try to take my spot. And I will act the fuck up if you try me.” As if ole girl could read Lucky’s mind she got the picture and stepped off real quick. Ty, Mika and Keema fell out with laughter as Los made his way over to them to make sure his little lioness had retracted her claws and wasn’t ready to maul anyone.“Hold up what is Real doing? Didn’t he bring Nikki here? Umm I wonder how this gon turn out?” Mika questioned as she spotted Nikki with her girlfriends on the other side of the room. While Nikki and her clique were busy scheming and hoeing they hadn’t noticed Real getting pretty chummy with Lynnae. It would’ve definitely been in Nikki’s best interest to get over there with the quickness to claim her sponsor because anyone could see the chemistry between Real and Lynnae it was that obvious. Lucky shook her head from side to side as she watched Nikki low-key flirting with some dude. The dude Nikki was talking to leaned in close to her ear and whispered something that was most likely provocative whi
le running his hand over her massive fake ass. “Ladies y'all see that shit right? These hoes ain’t loyal, Real better come get his Build-A-Thot.” Mika said referring to Nikki’s silicone filled ass and breasts causing all of them to laugh.


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