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Broken Bear

Page 4

by Gabrielle Demonico

  “Sure thing,” she replied as she tried to play it cool.

  Jett smiled as she managed an awkward farewell and got out of there as fast as possible. After she almost blacked out in the elevator, the next several minutes were a blur. Weak kneed, she managed to find her way back to her car where she slid into the front seat and took a deep breath.

  What was it about him that was doing this to her?

  After all, she’d dated her share of guys and even been engaged. So it wasn’t as if this was all new, but there was something and the way he looked at her that made her feel…


  Daniella thought back to the night she’d found him on the ledge and how she hadn’t gotten the chance to caress his godlike physique. Oh how she thought about it. It was a terrible and delightful memory at once. Daniella closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the headrest.

  “Two years is a long time.” She whispered to herself. “It’s such a very long time…”

  She was human after all.

  How long was she supposed to deny herself?

  If the reverse were the case, she would understand. She was still young and had her whole life ahead of her. Why did she do this to herself and why did it have to hurt so fucking much?

  There was nothing to be guilty about… nothing.

  She did all she could.

  It wasn’t her fault.

  It wasn’t her fault.

  It wasn’t her fault.


  After a restless night, Daniella arrived back at the hospital the following afternoon. She made her way to the floor where Jett’s room was and a few moments later, came upon the entrance. Unlike the night before, the door was open. Daniella peeked her head around the corner to see him awake.

  “Hey!” he said.

  “Hey,” Daniella replied as she entered. “How are you doing today?”

  “Better now that you’re here…” he said as he smiled. “Have a seat.”

  Like most of the previous day, Daniella experienced an instant sensation of comfort in his presence. She slid into the chair and before long, they picked up the conversation from the day before as if it never stopped. Before she realized it, almost an hour passed and soon, she lost track of time altogether.

  Daniella wasn’t sure how long they talked. She wanted him to feel somewhat like a normal person so rather than ask him a bunch of questions about himself, which he wouldn’t be able to answer anyway, she talked about her life. It wasn’t her entire personal history but a recap of recent events, like her new job in Pine Hill. Jett listened with interest to her story. He looked right at her as she spoke and never averted his gaze for a moment.

  In between pauses, he asked questions on a deeper level about what drove her to seek the job out in the first place. As excited as she was about it, his questions reconnected her with the reasons why she wanted to do it. The emotion of that invigorated her. It was a long time since Daniella felt so much at ease with a man she’d just met and it was wonderful. During a pause in the conversation, Jett leaned forward in the bed a little.

  “I don’t mean to pry,” he said. “But, a beautiful woman like you… How is it you are sitting here with me?”

  Daniella smiled.

  Did he say that I was beautiful? He said that right?

  “I’m single again.” She replied. “It’s a long story but it wasn’t meant to be.”

  He nodded as if he understood all too well.

  “I’m sorry to hear about that.” Jett said. “Love is a real bitch, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it can be.” She replied. “What about you?”

  “What about me?” he asked.

  “Is there a woman in your life?”

  Jett leaned back and cast a mischievous glance around the room.

  “I would tell you but,” he said.

  “But…” Daniella asked.

  “But I can’t remember anything…” he replied. “Hello, Earth to Daniella! Didn’t we go over this yesterday?”

  Daniella’s cheeks flashed a deep crimson.

  “Oh, uh, I am such an idiot.” She said. “I guess I keep forgetting that you can’t remember.”

  “How’s that for an ironic statement?” he said.

  They laughed together for a few moments when the door opened and Dr. Wilson walked through it. As he entered, he looked down at a clipboard he carried and didn’t take notice of Daniella’s presence right away.

  “Jett,” he said. “How are you doing this…”

  He paused and looked up over his reading glasses.

  “Ah, Miss Tanner,” He said. “It's nice to see you again. I was coming in to go over the details of Jett’s release.”

  “Release?” Daniella replied.

  “Yes,” he said. “He’s going to be discharged tomorrow.”

  “Discharged? He’s all better?”

  Dr. Wilson chuckled.

  “No,” he said. “Far from it but his recovery has gone well enough that he should be fine at home.”

  “Uh huh,” Daniella replied. “Well did Jett happen to tell you that he doesn’t have a home to go to after he’s discharged?”

  Dr. Wilson looked at Jett.

  “No,” he said as he furrowed his brow and scribbled something on Jett’s chart. “He did not mention that to me.”

  As he finished his thought, one of the nurses popped her head inside the door.

  “Dr. Wilson, we need you out here.” She said.

  “Alright,” he replied. “Excuse me for a moment please.”

  After he left the room, Daniella turned her attention back to Jett.

  “Where will you go?” she asked.

  “I don’t know at the moment.” Jett replied. “I’ll figure something out.”

  “Okay,” she said. “But you don’t have any money and you don’t have anywhere to stay. You don’t even have a car anymore.”

  “True,” he replied. “So what are you trying to say, Daniella?”

  “Stay with me.” Daniella blurted out.

  Jett leaned away from her and narrowed his eyes in confusion.

  “Uh no, I wouldn’t feel right about it.” He said as straightened himself up in the bed.

  “Why not?” Daniella asked.

  “Well, for starters, what about your new job?” he said. “I thought you said you were beginning it in less than a month, right?”

  “Yes,” she said. “But, if Dr. Wilson is correct, your memory loss should be gone well before that time. It’s a temporary solution, that’s all.”

  “I dunno, Daniella.” Jett replied. “It’s generous and sweet of you to offer but, I can’t.”

  “Jett,” she replied as she leaned in towards him. “In less than twenty four hours, you’ll be discharged from the hospital, then what? It’s a couple of weeks at the most. I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer and that’s it.”

  Jett remained silent for several seconds as he considered his lack of options.

  “Okay,” he said. “You win but I’m not going to sit around doing nothing. I’m earning my keep.”

  “Nonsense,” Daniella replied. “Until you are well, the only thing you are going to be doing is taking it easy. Now those are the rules of my house and if you want to do this, you have to abide by them.”

  “Man,” he said. “You’re a tough negotiator.”

  She smiled and said, “Damn right. So, what’s it gonna be?”

  Jett smiled.

  “Of course,” he said. “I would have to be an idiot to turn down an offer like that.”

  Daniella sat back and for a brief flicker of time, she felt triumphant. But in the next instant, the reality of what she’d done sank into her consciousness. He would be in her house with her, alone. She swallowed hard and went to speak but as she did, Dr. Wilson came back into the room once again.

  “Forgive me,” he said as he returned.

  He walked up to Jett and said, “Now, Jett, regardless of where you go after you leave here, I will ne
ed to see you early next week for your first follow-up appointment.”

  “Got it, Doc,” Jett said. “Anything else I need to know right now?”

  “No, not really,” He replied. “Your recovery continues to go well but I must insist that you put rest ahead of everything else. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal.” Jett said. “Take it easy, right?”

  “Right,” Dr. Wilson replied.


  “You what!?!” Tricia screamed into the phone as Daniella drove out of the hospital parking lot.

  “I told Jett he could stay with me when he’s released tomorrow.” She replied.

  “Daniella, honey,” Tricia replied. “What a terrible idea.”

  “Why?” Daniella asked.

  “Do we need to have this discussion?” She asked.

  “No, we don’t,” Daniella said. “To begin with, this isn’t a discussion at all. I am telling you what I am doing. Now you can either support me or not. It’s your choice, Tricia.”

  “Daniella, don’t turn this around on me.” Tricia said. “Have you told your mother about this brilliant idea?”

  “No,” she said. “I am on my way to her house right now.”

  “Ah ha!” Tricia said. “Well, okay, fine… There’s no way she will support this, Daniella. If you won’t listen to me then maybe you’ll listen to her instead.”

  “I don’t care what she thinks either, Tricia.” Daniella replied. “I don’t see why you are making such a huge deal about this. We aren’t getting married for God’s sake!”

  Tricia exhaled.

  “You don’t even see what you are doing, do you?” She said.

  “No,” Daniella replied. “What am I doing besides helping someone in need? He’s a sweet guy.”

  “This isn’t about him, Daniella, and you know it.” Tricia said. “Ask your Mom!”

  “Alright, you know what, whatever!” Daniella exclaimed. “I’m gonna go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  She hung up with Tricia and about fifteen minutes later, Daniella pulled into her mother’s driveway. Daniella’s parents divorced when she was a little girl. In her entire life, she’d seen her father maybe three times. In spite of his absence, her mother Marilyn did the best job she could to raise Daniella alone.

  They were close because of it, hell, sometimes too close. Tricia was right. As much as she hated to admit it, Daniella realized the conversation she was about to have was anything but easy.

  A few minutes later, she entered through the front door of the house.

  “Mom!” she called out.

  “In the back, dear…” her mother replied. “I’ll be right there.”

  “Okay!” Daniella yelled.

  She took a seat in the kitchen and a couple of minutes later, her mother appeared.

  “Daniella,” her mother said as she came around the corner. “Sweetheart, come give me a hug.”

  “I haven’t heard a peep from you in a couple of days.” Her mom said. “What’s new? How’s everything coming along with the new job, getting ready for the move and things?”

  “Um, pretty good I guess.” Daniella lied.

  “Pretty good?” her mother said with a raised eyebrow. “Ever since you got the job, it’s all you’ve been able to talk about and now it’s just ‘pretty good’?”

  Daniella shrugged.

  “No, no,” her mother said. “Let’s go, what’s the matter?”

  “Mom!” she said. “Just… jeez, chill would you?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I will chill right in this chair while you tell me what the problem is.”

  And so, as succinctly as possible, Daniella walked her mother though the events of the past couple of days. For the most part, her mother listened without interruption, which was quite rare. And except for the odd question for clarification, Daniella managed to get through the entire story with relative ease.

  As she finished, her mother nodded and said, “Well, that is… something. Honey, I just want to tell you how proud I am of you for what you did to help this man. I am also angry at you for risking your life but considering your history with Slim Chance Pass, it’s not far-fetched.”

  “Mom,” she said. “History has nothing to do with it. You are starting sound just like Tricia.”

  “Well,” her mother replied. “That should tell you something, shouldn’t it?”

  “What?” Daniella replied. “What is it supposed to tell me?”

  “Daniella…” her mother said in that tone.

  “What?” Daniella said. “God Mom, I hate it when you talk to me like a child!”

  She looked at her daughter and said, “I’m sorry, okay. You’ve come so far since Benjamin’s accident and I am concerned, nothing more.”

  “I don’t see what Benjamin has to do with anything.” She replied.

  “I’m your mother and I love you more than anyone else in this world ever could or would.” She said. “So please keep that in mind. I need you to listen to me Daniella; can you at least do that for me?”

  Daniella sighed and replied, “Yes, alright.”

  “Good,” her mother said. “Now, honey, I know how much the loss of Benjamin affected you, perhaps more than anyone else. Wouldn’t you agree with me?”

  Daniella shrugged.

  “Well?” Her mother asked.

  “Yes. I would agree.” She replied.

  “Even though that is the case, the truth is I will never be able to relate to it.” She said. “Nothing like that ever happened to me in my life. All I could do in the situation was offer you my love, sympathy and support.”

  “And you did, Mom.” She replied. “I never would have gotten through all of it without you.”

  “Thank you sweetheart,” her mother replied. “It means so much to hear you say that.”

  “Of course, Mom,” Daniella said. “I guess I am confused… Is this conversation about Benjamin or Jett?”

  “Neither of them,” she replied. “It’s about you, Daniella.”

  “Me?” she said. “What do you mean?”

  Her mother groaned.

  “Sweetie, you’ve never come to terms with Benjamin’s death.” She replied. “Perhaps you are using this Jett fellow as a substitute for the loss of Benjamin.”

  “What?” Daniella replied. “Mom, that’s crazy.”

  “Is it?”

  “Yes,” Daniella replied. “Alright, go ahead, tell me why. I’m all ears.”

  “Well, let’s look at the facts.” Her mother said. “Benjamin died on Slim Chance Pass. You rescued Jett there. You never got the chance to help Benjamin, nurse him back to health or even say goodbye. He died the same day. You’ve got those things with Jett and you are living out the reality of what you wished you’d been able to do with Benjamin.”

  “Uh!” Daniella scoffed. “No way mom, don’t be ridiculous! That’s insane. I’m not an emotionally immature person trying to transfer the feelings I had for Benjamin onto Jett.”

  “I never said you were emotionally immature, Daniella.” She replied. “But, what if it’s an unconscious coping mechanism?”

  “Mother, please!” Daniella groaned. “Spare me the armchair psychoanalysis.”

  “Damn it, Daniella Jennifer Tanner!” her mother exclaimed. “You will not speak to me like that!”

  Her mother stood up and walked away. She started to sob as she headed toward the kitchen.

  Daniella lowered her head in regret for a moment.

  “Mom…” Daniella said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I don’t know. Maybe you are right but, so what if you are? Is it such a bad thing I am helping someone out?”

  Her mother did not turn around to face her but continued to look straight ahead.

  “There’s more going on here than mere help, Daniella.” Her mother said. “I just don’t want you to wind up getting hurt, especially not now.”

  “Hurt?” Daniella said. “What are you talking about, mom? Hurt by whom, Jett?”

, Daniella,” She replied.

  “Why on Earth would Jett hurt me and what do you mean by ‘especially not now’?”

  Her mother turned back to face her. As she did, Daniella could see the pain in her face. She was well aware that the tears she cried came from a place of concern and love.

  “What I mean is, you are about to embark on a new chapter in your life.” She said. “It was one I had hoped would take you away from the pain you’ve experienced here and get a fresh start.”

  Daniella nodded.

  “As for Jett, well, I suppose I will just be as blunt as possible.” She said. “Do not get involved with him, Daniella.”

  “Mom, I’m not…” she said. “There’s nothing going on between us. But, even if there was something happening, why are you against him? Don’t you trust me?”

  “Daniella, honey, this has nothing to do with you,” she said. “It’s him.”

  “You don’t even know him!” Daniella exclaimed.

  “I know his type, Daniella.” Her mother replied. “People don’t just wind up in ditches, half-naked, for no reason. Nothing about his presence is an accident.”

  “Now you sound just like Tricia and Billy.” Daniella said.

  “Well shouldn’t that tell you something?” Her mother said. “Aren’t you the least bit suspicious of this whole thing?”

  “No, mom, I’m not. Okay?” she replied. “Everyone here has got something in for him because of a bunch of random circumstances. Meanwhile, I am the only one who’s spent time with him alone. What if someone did something to him? Did you ever stop to consider that possibility?”

  “Daniella, listen to yourself. What difference does it make?” She said. “They found the man bloody and unconscious by the side of the road. Those things don’t happen to everyday folks. It isn’t normal. Now for the last time, please, please, please just let him go.”

  Daniella chewed her lower lip and in that instant, chickened out.

  With a reception like this, Daniella had a better chance of an ultra-marathon finish the next day than she did of her mom being convinced it was a good idea for Jett to stay at her house. Besides, with any luck, Jett’s memory would be back sooner than Dr. Wilson expected and her mother would be none the wiser.

  “Daniella!” her mother exclaimed as Daniella sat there lost in her thoughts. Daniella shook her head and refocused her attention.


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