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Broken Bear

Page 7

by Gabrielle Demonico

  “No, I don’t think so,” he said. “I don’t appear to be injured at all.”

  Daniella looked around and said, “Well, we have to get you back to the house to get cleaned up and make certain. Can you walk?”

  “Yes,” he replied. “You have to lead the way. I have no clue how I got here.”

  About ten minutes later, they arrived back at Daniella’s house. Jett headed towards the bathroom to shower but as he did, he turned back in her direction.

  “Daniella?” he said.


  “I have no idea what to say.” He replied. “I’d like to tell you that I’m sorry but I know it’s not enough.”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “As long as you aren’t hurt, that’s all that matters to me.”

  “But,” he said as he looked down at the dried blood that covered his skin. “What about this? Where did this come from and why can’t I remember?”

  She shook her head.

  “I don’t know, Jett.” She replied.

  He exhaled, walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. A few seconds later, she heard him enter the shower. Exhausted, Daniella walked out to the living room and plopped down on the sofa. As she sat, the sound of the water in the shower soothed her. Daniella leaned forward to rub her eyes when her hand brushed against the cheek that Jett struck by accident.

  “Ahh!” she exclaimed. “Fuck…”

  She got up from her couch and walked over to a large wall mirror that hung in the foyer of her home. She flipped on the overhead light and turned to examine the source of the pain. Her eyes widened as she saw that it had formed into a large, reddish purple bruise.

  “Oh my God…” she whispered as she rubbed it with a light touch.

  She bit her lip and walked to her freezer to get an ice pack. A few minutes later, she sat down on the couch once again, leaned back and placed the ice on her face. The first twenty or thirty seconds were agony. The sharp cold of the ice against her fresh bruise nearly brought tears to her eyes but, in spite of the pain, she tried to relax. Before she realized it, she must have drifted off to sleep for a few minutes because the next thing she knew, Jett stood over her.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed in fright. “Jesus Jett, you scared me.”

  “Sorry Daniella, I didn’t mean to wake you,” Jett said. “The icepack started to slide off of your cheek. I was trying to put it back for you.”

  “Thank you.” She replied. “How long have I been asleep?”

  “Um, maybe fifteen minutes or so,” he replied.

  She sat forward as he moved away and looked down at her.

  “Daniella, I…” he said. “I am so sorry about your face. Does it hurt a lot?”

  She nodded and said, “It’s better with the ice on it. Don’t worry about it. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.”

  As she looked up at him, his body glistened in the soft light. His skin was tight from the shower and it caused the muscles in his abs to look more defined than normal, if that was possible. Her eyes trailed down the perfect V-taper of his waist to the terrycloth cinched neatly at his midsection. She looked back up to his face and saw a look of concerned sincerity.

  “What?” she said. “Why are you looking at me?”

  “Why are you helping me, Daniella?” he said. “Ever since you found me by the side of the road, I’ve done nothing but make your life a living hell.”

  She began to say something but he interrupted her.

  “And now, this?” he said as he gestured towards her cheek.

  “Jett, I…” Daniella said.

  “No, Daniella,” he replied. “I should leave before something truly awful happens to you.”

  “No!” she exclaimed. “I don’t want you to go, Jett. Please don’t…”

  Wordless, he dropped to his knees and positioned himself between her thighs. Now at eye level with one another, Daniella looked into his and saw the pain in his soul. The uncertainty of his past, who he was and what he was capable of had started to take a toll on him.

  “Sit with me, just for a minute.” She said.

  A few seconds later, Jett nodded and took a seat next to her on the couch. For several minutes, the two of them remained silent. Perhaps there was nothing left to say or perhaps there was too much. But complete exhaustion overwhelmed Daniella and all she could was close her eyes.


  Daniella felt as though she wasn’t asleep for ten minutes when she thought she heard the doorbell ring. With one eye opened, she sat up. She was in her bed. Jett must have carried her because she hadn’t gotten there on her own. She listened again to make sure she hadn’t imagined it.

  Ding. Dong

  She hadn’t.

  Daniella dragged herself out of bed and scrambled to find something to put on before she headed to the door.

  Ding. Dong. Ding Dong.

  “Okay!” she yelled. “Just a minute!”

  Moments later as she approached the front door, the bell rang again.

  Ding. Dong.

  She moaned, wrapped her hand around the knob and pulled the door open.

  “What?!” she said.

  Mrs. Ballston, her elderly neighbor from down the block, stood before her.

  “Oh!” the old lady said as she covered her mouth. “Goodness, did I wake you dear? I am sorry. It’s hard for me to hear a doorbell these days.”

  The tension in Daniella’s body eased.

  “It’s okay, Mrs. Ballston.” She said. “When you rang the bell, I was dressing so it took me a while to get down here. Is everything alright?”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Daniella could see Jett approach from her right. The commotion at the door woke him.

  “My heavens, what happened to your eye, Daniella?” Mrs. Ballston said. “Are you okay?”

  “Oh,” Daniella replied as she reached her hand up to the injury. “That… Yes, I tripped and fell. It was a bit of a scare when it happened. I’m fine now though.”

  “Yes, well, thank goodness for that.” She replied. “You know, living alone as a woman can be hazardous. You should be more careful.”

  “Good point.” Daniella said as she nodded her head. “Mrs. Ballston, was there something you wanted from me?”

  “Oh yes, yes…” the old lady said. “By any chance have you seen Millicent roaming around up this way?”

  “Millicent?” Daniella said.

  Mrs. Ballston’s dog, Millicent, was the sweetest thing. She was a big girl, a mutt, but didn't have a mean bone in her body. Because of that, Mrs. Ballston gave Millicent free rein of the neighborhood and like Daniella, no one minded since she was such a gentle spirit.

  “Hmm, no…” Daniella said. “I haven’t seen Millicent for the better part of a week. When is the last time you saw her?”

  “Well, I rang her dinner bell last night and she never came for supper.” The old lady replied. “That’s not like my Millicent. She’s not one to ever miss a meal.”

  A sudden sensation overwhelmed Daniella. She felt ill, nauseous and thought she might vomit on the spot. Mrs. Ballston took notice of her condition.

  “My word, Daniella,” she said. “You look white as a sheet. Are you alright my dear?”

  Daniella glanced at Jett.

  Jett’s eyes widened.

  “What?” he mouthed.

  She turned her attention back to Mrs. Ballston. “I, uh,” she stammered. “Like I said, I haven’t seen Millicent for a while now. If you want, I can put some clothes on and come help you search for her.”

  “That’s sweet of you my dear.” She replied. “But, it looks to me as if you need to get a bit of rest yourself not to mention some ice for your eye.”

  Daniella nodded.

  “Yes, I am a bit run down at the moment.” She said.

  “Well,” the old lady replied. “I won’t keep you. If you do see my girl, would you mind keeping her here until I can come get her?”

  “No, that’s not a problem at all.” Daniella repl
ied. “I will be sure and watch for her.”

  “Thank you, my dear.” Mrs. Ballston replied. “Alright then, I will speak with you again soon. You get some rest now.”

  “I will, ma’am. Thank you.” Daniella replied.

  She watched the old lady turn and make her way back down the sidewalk away from her home. As she vanished from site, Daniella closed the door, pressed her body against it and looked in Jett’s direction.

  “What was that all about?” He asked.

  “Jesus Jett,” she said. “Tell me you had nothing to do with that.”

  “What?” he replied. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about, Daniella.”

  “That was Mrs. Ballston.” She said. “Her dog, Millicent, is missing.”

  “Okay?” he replied. “So what are you saying? That I did something to her dog?”

  “Jett, last night, when I found you in the woods covered in blood,” she said. “Did you…?”

  “What?” he said. “No! No way Daniella…”

  Daniella slid her back down the door. After a couple of seconds, her butt hit the ground.

  “Oh my God,” she groaned as she sat. “This is a nightmare.”

  Jett walked over to her and said, “Daniella, I swear I didn’t kill that woman’s dog.”

  She looked at him and said, “How do you know that, Jett? You told you me when I found you last night that you couldn’t remember anything. You were blood soaked and now her dog is missing. What else should I conclude?”

  “I didn’t do it, Daniella.” He said.

  She sighed and shook her head.

  “Do you think it’s easy for me, Daniella?” He asked. “I don’t have any idea of who I am or where I am from not to mention the fact that I black out for hours on end. I’m doing the best I can to remember something, anything but, it just gets worse.”

  Daniella sighed. “I know.” She said. “I’m sorry. This whole thing is crazy.”

  He nodded.

  “Look, I have errands to take care of today.” She said. “But, I’ll be back later and we’ll figure something out. I promise.”

  Jett shrugged.

  His body language conveyed the doubt that consumed him. She hoped that they could do something, anything, to help him remember. She began to have doubts of her own. Daniella didn’t think he would ever harm her on purpose but after what happened the night before, she realized almost anything was possible.


  While she was out, Daniella’s mother called and texted her multiple time but she’d been so busy she hadn’t had a chance to get back to her. She sent the last text fifteen minutes after Daniella arrived home.

  It read, “I am coming over, now.”

  No sooner had Daniella looked at it then headlights flashed in the driveway.

  “Shit!” Daniella said.

  “What?” Jett replied as he walked out of the kitchen.

  “It’s my mother.”

  “Okay?” He said. “So?”

  “So, if she finds out you are staying here with me…” she replied. “Let’s say she will make my life a living hell.”

  “What?” he said. “You’re a grown woman. You can do whatever you want.”

  Daniella scanned the sidewalk that led up to her house.

  Exasperated, she replied, “I know, Jett. I know that. Just please, go to your room while I get rid of her.”

  “Daniella, this is ridiculous.” He said.

  “Jett, please!” she exclaimed.

  All of sudden, there was a knock at the front door.

  “Daniella!” her mother said. “I know you’re here. Open the door!”

  “Shit…” Daniella said in a whisper. She turned towards Jett and said, “Please go, please.”

  Jett bit his lip in frustration. He turned away from her, walked into the bedroom and closed the door bend him.

  “Daniella!” the voice yelled from outside the house.

  “Coming mom!” Daniella replied.

  She walked over and opened the door.

  “What are you doing here, Mom?”

  Preoccupied with her purse, her mother walked inside but didn’t glance at Daniella. As she passed by she said, “I have been trying to get in touch with you all day. You haven’t returned my phone calls or text messages. You got me worried sick and…”

  As she spoke, she turned to look at her daughter.

  “Oh my God!” she screamed. “Daniella, what happened to your face? Did someone hit you?”


  She’d forgotten all about her eye.

  “It’s nothing, mom. It was an accident.” She said. “Jett…”

  “What!?” her mom yelled as she scanned the house with her eyes. “He did this to you?”

  “Uh, yes, I mean no… I mean, it was an accident.” Daniella said in a frustrated tone.

  “Where is he?” she demanded. “Oh Lord Daniella, is he staying here with you?”

  “Yes… he is.” She replied. “But, it’s only temporary.”

  “I think I am going to have a heart attack.” Her mom said. “Is he here now?”

  “No,” she lied. “He went out for a walk.”

  “Oh my word, Daniella.” Her mom said. “This has gone much too far.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this with you, mother!” Daniella said as she walked past her towards the kitchen.

  “Well, that it is too bad!” She exclaimed as she followed behind her daughter. “Because we are going to talk about it!”

  Daniella cringed.

  Jett’s bedroom was right across from the kitchen. There would be no way he wouldn’t hear every word they said.

  “Honey, this is… well… it’s crazy.” She said. “You have got to get him out of here.”

  “Why?” Daniella said.

  “What do you mean? Look at your face!” She exclaimed

  “Mom, I said it was an accident!” She protested.

  Her mother raised her right hand in the air.

  “Wait, wait…” her mother said. “Daniella, if you could see yourself the way I do right now, you’d know what a mistake you are making!”

  “Oh my God, Mom,” She replied. “I get it, you don’t like Jett.”

  “No, that’s not what I mean.” she replied.

  “Okay, what then?” Daniella asked.

  “Honey, the conversation we had about Benjamin,” she said. “Did that mean nothing to you at all?”

  “What? Yes, of course it did.” Daniella replied.

  “Okay, so why is Jett here with you?” She asked.

  “Because you are wrong, mom!” Daniella exclaimed. “Listen, Jett is not Benjamin. I am not trying to somehow bring Benjamin back or get over him by having Jett here with me. Jett is a good guy that needed help. He doesn’t have anyone else to rely on. Jesus, Mom, how can you be so damn heartless about this?”

  Daniella turned away from her mother and fought back tears.

  “Daniella, sweetheart…” her mother said as she reached for her.

  “No, mom!” she replied. “Don’t….”

  From behind, Daniella heard Jett’s bedroom door open. Both of the women turned to see him as he walked towards the foyer.

  Daniella’s mom chased after him.

  “You son of a bitch!” She said. “How dare you lay a hand on my daughter!”

  “Mom!” Daniella screamed. “Stop!”

  Jett never looked back. He walked straight to the front door and opened it.

  “Jett, where are you going?!” Daniella shouted.

  He smiled at her and said, “Thank you, Daniella. I will never forget what you’ve done for me.”

  “No!” she screamed. “Wait!”

  But the door closed and in a panic Daniella tried to run towards it. As she did, her mother grabbed her by the right arm and said, “No, Daniella, let him go!”

  “Mom!” she said as struggled. “Leave me alone! I don’t want him to go anywhere. Stop it!”

  For several seconds,
the two women struggled with one another until at last Daniella broke free from her grasp and ran to the front door. She pulled it open and sprinted out onto the sidewalk.

  “Jett!” she called out as she looked in every direction. “Jett!”

  But he’d vanished; he was nowhere in sight. For several minutes, Daniella stood there until a wave of despair overcame her. She could feel tears start to build when from behind, she felt her mother’s hands reach up and touch her on the shoulder.

  Daniella spun around and said, “No! Don’t touch me, Mom. Just please go home, I don’t want you here right now.”

  Her mother’s eyes moistened.

  “Daniella,” she said. “I only did this for your own good and…”

  “Mom!” she said as she interrupted her. “Go, now!”


  Almost as soon as her mom left, Daniellaran in the house to get her car keys. For the next several hours, she drove the side streets and all of downtown in search of him. Even though she’d given him a bit of money, she knew it wouldn’t have gotten him far. But everywhere she searched, she came up empty. Defeated, she pulled back into her driveway when it hit her…

  Slim Chance Pass.

  Daniella backed her car out of the driveway and drove as fast as she could. Twenty minutes later, her car came around the bend where Jett’s accident occurred. The tire marks from where he lost control remained. She pulled up, parked the car and got out.

  “Jett?” she yelled. “Are you here?”

  The only sound Daniella heard was the roar of the Dark Horse River that ran nearby. She walked a bit further down towards the area where she’d discovered him.

  “Jett!” she called out.

  It was dark and difficult to see. Daniella craned her neck in every direction and then on a nearby outcropping, she thought she saw the outline of a person. She started to walk in the direction of it and about halfway there, he said, “Don’t come any closer, Daniella. Please…”

  “Jett, why?” she said.

  “Because you are better off without me in your life,” Jett replied. “I’ve brought nothing but turmoil and drama to it and it’s not fair to you.”

  “That’s not true, Jett.” Daniella replied. “Not at all, you have brought nothing but laughter and happiness to my life. It’s everyone else that’s bringing the drama. Can I please come over and sit with you?”

  Jett shrugged but did not turn around to face her.


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