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The Black Madonna (The Mystique Trilogy)

Page 41

by Traci Harding

  ‘So that’s how you knew about the ambush Kali had set for Lugh,’ Arcturus said in an accusing tone. ‘And you told Mathu about it in advance, which was why you felt responsible for his actions.’

  ‘You planned to ambush me, Your Highness?’ Lugh turned to Tamar with a stunned expression.

  She raised both brows in an apologetic gesture. ‘Not if I could help it—and I did.’

  ‘Jolly good show,’ he said, relieved.

  ‘So you did read the book,’ I said to Killian, and smiled at having my suspicions confirmed.

  ‘You knew about this?’ Arcturus asked.

  ‘I only really cottoned on today,’ I confessed, but it did explain why Killian had always admired me so greatly, way beyond the bond we’d formed over the twenty years we were forced to spend together. I grinned as I recalled how he’d watched me working away on the manuscript and never once hinted at the fact that he was carrying the completed version around in his backpack.

  Mathu stepped between Arcturus and the accused. ‘Actually, I tricked Killian into revealing what he knew,’ he said.

  ‘That’s how you knew the year the Amenti team had been sent to.’ Kali was having a few realisations of her own about Killian.

  ‘So if you did read the book, you already knew how all this was going to unfold.’ Polaris joined the interrogation.

  ‘Which means you weren’t being selfless at all,’ Arcturus figured; and Killian ducked before Arcturus could reach around Mathu to take a swing at him.

  ‘Read that part too!’ Killian called back as he stepped swiftly into the porthole to Lugh’s realm and the Hall of Amorea. ‘See you in the next universe!’

  ‘Not if we see you first,’ Arcturus yelled back, and waved him away.

  ‘Ah well, the point is that the book does get published and I’m saved a trip,’ Polaris concluded.

  ‘And not only did we manage to get that little SOB away from my daughter,’ Arcturus said, finally finding the silver lining to his Killian cloud, ‘but he’s expelled from the human race.’

  ‘We rock,’ Polaris said, giving Arcturus a high-five.

  ‘Finally, something they agree on,’ Solarian said, to the amusement of all.


  With everyone evacuated from the Giza complex back to their proper realms within the planetary scheme—humans on the Earth plane, Anu in the astral—the way it was always meant to be, it was time to finally bring the Sphere of Amenti down to Earth. This event would mark the successful conclusion to the project we’d been working on for hundreds of thousands of years—give or take a few centuries we may have skipped here and there. It also meant our time as the staff of Amenti was almost over. The Dragon Queens were more than a little sentimental about this fact.

  ‘Why are you crying?’ Dexter asked, as everyone stood in front of the central porthole in the Halls of Amenti chamber. The sphere hovered in the Arc porthole passage, waiting to be safely deposited into the Earth grid. ‘We’re all going to the same place, and a much better place at that!’ he added, puzzled.

  ‘We know,’ Talori said, ‘but we won’t be working together any more.’

  ‘You can all do lunch,’ Arcturus suggested, ‘but not if you don’t stop blubbering and form a circle around these two lovely people’—he motioned to Mathu and me, who were already standing atop the indigo porthole, bathed by the light of the sphere above—‘who are waiting to take us home.’

  Denera broke up the Dragon Queens’ huddle and the six women joined Mathu and me on top of the porthole. ‘Dragon hug,’ Denera said, and the next thing I knew I was being cuddled from all sides.

  ‘You two have shown us that the Anunnaki are a truly miraculous race of people,’ Denera said, speaking for her sisters too. ‘You have met your many challenges with grace and honour, and we look forward to a continuing harmonious relationship between our peoples once we return home.’

  ‘As do I,’ I told them all honestly. ‘I truly feel that you are my sisters.’ My emotion began to choke me, and suddenly I was in tears too.

  ‘What is it with women?’ Dexter was baffled. ‘No matter what race they come from, they can’t speak to each other without tears!’

  ‘Can’t we just say our goodbyes once we get there?’ Polaris said. ‘I mean, it’s only the end of existence as we know it?’ He stuck out his bottom lip and shrugged.

  ‘Just tell them there’s a big shopping sale on Tara,’ Zalman commented. ‘That ought to get them moving.’

  The men found this frightfully amusing.

  ‘Very well,’ Denera barked, and waved everyone back to their places. ‘We’re going.’

  ‘Just awaiting your cue, Maestro,’ Dexter said to me once they were all in place.

  I turned to face my prince. There was so much I wanted to say to him, but I would save most of it for another time, when the entire evolution of the five universes wasn’t at stake.

  ‘You exceeded my expectations on this quest, my love,’ I told him.

  ‘I will always,’ he replied, and placed his hand below my own on the Staff of Amenti, and kissed me briefly.

  The Rainbow Round Table began to chant their cosmic scale of sonic frequency.

  ‘Want to take me home?’ Mathu queried.

  ‘I surely do,’ I replied with zeal, and together we raised the Staff of Power and directed its energy towards the Arc porthole passage.

  The porthole shattered and silver light-liquid splattered down upon us like a stardust shower and the huge white, blue-green, violet sphere of light descended.

  In the glare of all the energy and light I could barely see Mathu, but I clung to him as I felt the exhilaration of being engulfed by the sphere completely.

  I was filled by my experiences here on Earth, filled with hope, knowledge and emotions, which I would take with me to the next universe. Sometimes we need to go backwards in order to go forwards, and I hoped that my new take on creation would make all the difference to ensuring that none of my people would ever again be responsible for a disaster of this magnitude.

  My consciousness turned liquid violet and plummeted into the core of the Earth, joining with thirteen other violet streams of light to form a burning star. I shattered into a zillion sparkling pieces that scattered to the four cardinal points of the universe, then I was back into my singular being once more.

  I was conscious of being unconscious as I stirred from my sedation. I remembered what I had programmed myself to remember upon awakening.

  I am victorious!

  I am Kali, Queen of the Anunnaki.

  And I am home.



  I awoke in a light-rimmed pod, like those we’d slumbered in beneath the Blue Flame on Earth. I sat up to find that many of the team had awoken before me, and were now chatting amongst themselves.

  Arcturus stuck his head into my pod to greet me. ‘Way to go, partner,’ he said and kissed me. ‘We pulled it off!’

  ‘Tara’s morphogenetic blueprint is whole again!’ Denera said excitedly. ‘It’s as if the entire Kali rift never happened!’

  ‘Well, that was what we were aiming for,’ I said with a wink.

  ‘But seriously,’ Denera looked around at us all, ‘how many of you actually thought we were ever going to see this room again?’

  ‘I knew we would,’ said Thana, ever confident.

  I climbed out of my pod and made my way to a window. Our complex was located in Tara’s most beautiful Otherworldly region and gave a splendid view over our city. I could see my house from here, with its large garden all around it, and I could hardly wait to get home; it had been one hell of a day at the office.

  I wondered if I’d included this part of our tale in the final book of my trilogy, soon to be published back on Earth. I smiled to think that if I had, Killian would have read it and would have known that all would go well with us beyond our parting. I wished I had a book to read that would tell me how his new life, as one of the Anu, turne
d out.

  I thought about what reality back on Earth would be like now.

  The sphere had been set in place at the Earth’s core, hence the Earth’s frequency will have risen to a point where it is back in line with the Ranna time flow. The people of surface Earth will wake in a reality much like that here on Tara. That will be the only reality they remembered: a peaceful, happy, bright and prosperous life, with no horror, no fear, no hate, pain, greed, lust, betrayal—those outdated modes of behaviour will have ceased to exist along with the concept of hell and all its demons.

  The people of the Earth, one by one, will awaken to their true selves, like the staff of Amenti, they will feel the pull toward Giza, where they will seek to walk the Halls of Amenti home to Tara, and they will find the doorway home wide open.


  Ankh—an object or image resembling a cross but with a loop instead of the top arm; used in Ancient Egypt as a symbol of life.

  Blue Flame of Amenti—(keylontic dictionary) constitutes Earth’s portion of Tara’s morphogenetic field stored in the Sphere of Amenti. Visually, this standing wave pattern looks like an electric blue flame with a pale shade of green, about 10 centimetres in height. The souls on Earth can ascend out of this universe through the fifth dimension—blue flame—and continue their evolution through Tara.

  Cathars—a religious order that was declared heretical by the Roman Catholic Church, which began the Albigensian Crusade to wipe the Cathars out. The name Cathari means ‘pure’ in Greek, and it was rumoured that the Cathars were hiding many of the secret treasures pertaining to the Grail legend.

  Density—(esoteric) the eighth sphere—the lowest rate of vibration of atoms. Inhabited by souls too new in the evolutionary scale to understand physical life whilst in a physical body; they desire to take an unrighteous path and create their own hell plane to inhabit.

  Etheric Double—(esoteric) an invisible electromagnetic field that interpenetrates everything in the universe, from the atom to the great central sun. This field absorbs emanations from everything, forming a pattern for its future existence.

  Etheric World—(esoteric) the overall picture of invisible space. The atmosphere that contains all seven levels of energies (seven planes) with their functions and life forms. Also known as the Otherworld.

  Eye of Ra—(esoteric) the point where all this universe’s ley lines converge.

  Fire-Stone—(Grail lore) the organic equivalent of ORME, given to select kings prior to general human use of ORME; essentially, the menstrual blood of the goddesses of the Anunnaki.

  Grail (Messianic) bloodline—(Grail lore) in medieval times, this was the line of Messianic descent that was defined by the French word Sangreal, meaning ‘royal blood’. This was the bloodline of Judah—the kingly line of David, which progressed through Jesus and his heirs.

  Halls of Amenti—(keylontic dictionary) the dimensional passageways one must pass through in order to ascend out of Earth’s time matrix, through the blue flame held within the Sphere of Amenti, and home to Tara.

  Kali rift—(esoteric) a fracture of ‘true time’ in our reality; the gap that exists between Earth’s true time flow in the Ranna time wave and where the planet currently sits in the continuum.

  Light-body or aura—(esoteric) an invisible, electromagnetic energy field completely surrounding an entity, which acts as a blueprint for that entity, adjusting the vibrational frequency of the atomic structure in accord to that entity’s level of awareness.

  Light centres or chakra system—(esoteric) an invisible, interdimensional system comprising seven concentrated centres of energy located in the light-body between the base of the spine and the tip of the head. These concentrated energy centres are called the root, spleen, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras, and each is perceived clairvoyantly as a colourful wheel or flower. Light centres convert cosmic energy into body energy and vice versa.

  Morphogenetic field—(keylontic dictionary) all matter and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies and human bodies, are manifested through a morphogenetic (form-holding) imprint, which is composed of specific patterns of frequency. The morphogenetic imprint holds the instructions and design for form-building. The Earth’s morphogenetic imprint is held within the blue flame of Amenti. Forms manifest and evolve as patterns of frequency are drawn from a unified field of energy within which the morphogenetic field is placed. This drawing-in to the morphogenetic field of frequency patterns progressively expands and creates an evolution of form through the fifteen-dimensional universe.

  Nature elemental or Nature spirit—(esoteric/fairy lore) etheric world beings akin to the four elements of nature: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Ranging from a very high to a low level of intelligence, they keep themselves occupied with the development of the natural world and are, understandably, wary of human beings.

  ORME—(alchemy) also known as Ormus, the Philosopher’s Stone, the Elixir of Life, the White Powder of Gold, Ma-na or Manna. Is also an acronym for ‘Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements’—see David Hudson’s research (internet). In Grail lore, ORME is the Highward Fire-Stone, which is also related to Star-Fire, or the Fire-Stone—see Laurence Gardner’s books (Bibliography, p. 401).

  Prima matra—ancient alchemical term that means prime unviolated first matter.

  Ranna time flow—(esoteric) the true flow of time in this universe.

  Rainbow Round Table (RRT)—(keylontic dictionary) formed by a group of angelic humans who are commissioned to run the Rainbow Ray or Kundaray (primal sound current from beyond the fifteen-dimensional time matrix) into Earth’s planetary shield during an SAC alignment (natural stargate opening cycle). Running the Rainbow Ray during an SAC alignment enables the planet to regain its natural electromagnetic balance to avert pole shift.

  Seven Bodies of Man—(esoteric) the Physical body, Astral body, Mental body, Causal body, the Spirit, Monadic essence and God consciousness.

  Seven (higher) Planes of Existence—(esoteric) Physical, Astral, Mental, Causal, Spiritual, Monadic and God consciousness.

  Signet Grid—(keylontic dictionary) the organic interdimensional core energy systems of a planet, along with the inherent portals, vortexes, ley lines and stargates by which a planet is connected to many other interstellar, interdimensional, space-time systems.

  Sphere of Amenti—(keylontic dictionary) morphogenetic field of the human race, created to give the souls fragmented from Tara and lost in the Earth’s dimensional fields the pattern of the twelve-strand DNA imprint necessary to re-evolve into their original Turaneusiam form. The Sphere of Amenti serves as a host matrix (surrogate morphogenetic field) through which the lost souls of Tara can evolve and return home.

  Tara—(keylontic dictionary) planet counterpart of Earth located in the harmonic universe above our own.

  Telos Aarkhara—the capstone over the universal tear which exposes the Eye of Ra.

  Time codes—(keylontic dictionary) also known as ‘Veca codes’, these are the mathematical programs of manifestation that clear all unnatural seals from the bodies of humans.

  Universal tear—a tear that exposes the Eye of Ra, the central node where all energy ley lines of this universe converge.


  Baigent, Michael; Leigh, Richard & Lincoln, Henry, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Arrow Books, UK, 1996.

  Begich, Nick, Angels Don’t Play this HAARP—Advances in Tesla Technology, Earthpulse Press, USA, 1995.

  Deane, Ashayana, Voyagers—the Secrets of Amenti, Wildflower Press, USA, 2002.

  Gardner, Laurence, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, HarperCollins, London, 2003.

  —Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Multimedia Quest International, UK, 2001.

  McTaggart, Lynne, The Intention Experiment, Harper Element, London, 2007.


  The Twelve Pyramids of Thoth:

  The Keylontic Dictionary:


  ‘Hell of Eternal Sleep and Darkness’, quoted by H.P. Blavatsky from the work of Carl Richard Lepsius, Egyptologist:


  Those close to me know that, due to some life challenges over the past few years, this hasn’t been an easy trilogy for me to write. But through it all I have had many shining stars that kept me going, and none have shone quite so brightly as my daughter, Sarah, who has been so very helpful at home with her little brother that I feel she really deserves to take out line honours in the ‘thank you’ stakes for this book. So thank you, Sarah, for being so very patient, loving and helpful, and for excelling at school and making me so proud of you in every aspect of our lives together. Thanks too to my husband, David, for giving me time away from my family duties to go away and finish this book. And thanks to you too, John, my lad, for trying to be good most of the time.

  Cheryl Hesketh, whom most of my avid readers will know better as Chez, I had to dedicate this book to you as I would never have finished it—or the previous book, for that matter—without the retreat you provided me to write in. You are a rock, a legend and a true friend.

  Speaking of true friends, thanks to Sue Moran for doing yet another rush edit over the Christmas and New Year period so I could make a deadline. As always, I am so very grateful for your time, input, encouragement and support.

  My very sincere thanks to everyone at HarperCollins, especially Stephanie and Linda, who have been so very patient and supportive whilst I finished this epic trilogy. I thank my agent, Selwa, for her guidance and wisdom, and all my family and friends for putting up with my hectic life and working around it in order to see me.


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