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Page 28

by L. D. Davis

  “I have cancer,” she said to me. “I didn’t get a Stupid-Dumb-Blind-Mom disease. You think I didn’t see your face when Emmet came to take you to Felix’s party?” She looked at Emmet. “I saw your face when Felix showed up to bring D those pictures. When Emmet would bring you back to the suite at night when you thought I was sleeping, I couldn’t always hear what you were saying, but I could hear the emotion in the words.” She smiled sadly. “Reminded me a lot of Don and I when we were dating,” she said about my dad.

  “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” I asked quietly.

  “I wasn’t sure how I felt about it,” she shrugged, but her forehead was creased. “I’m still not sure. I always looked at you two as a brother and sister.”

  “That’s how everyone else sees us, too,” Emmet said slowly, looking at her. “I don’t think they’ll take it as well as you’re taking it.”

  Mom snorted. “Every one of Samantha Grayne’s hairs will fall out of place as she loses her damn mind – more than it’s already lost.”

  I laughed though there was more truth to that statement than not. Emmet smiled with amusement and nodded in agreement.

  Mom looked at me seriously now. “Fred loves you like a daughter, Donya,” she said gravely. “More than Sam probably loves you like a daughter. He’s not going to approve of this.”

  “I’m well aware,” I said softly, resting my hands in my lap.

  “And honestly, I’m worried about how your careers are going to affect your relationship. You’ll be in New York and possibly all over the place.” She looked at Emmet. “You have years of hard schooling in front of you. Neither of you can afford the distraction.”

  “She’s not a distraction,” Emmet said carefully. “Donya is my whole world.”

  I smiled at him, but my smile was cut off by my mom’s next words. “That is a beautiful thing to say,” she said dryly. “And naïve. You’re very young, so I’m sure it really feels that way for both of you, but the paths you will follow separately will slowly take you apart, piece by piece.”

  “Oh, great,” I said with mocked exuberance. “The mother I have been in search of for nearly seventeen years has made another appearance.”

  “You underestimate our connection and love for each other,” Emmet said bitterly.

  “I’m not trying to make you break up,” she said quickly, looking back and forth between us. “I’m trying to prepare you for the obstacles and people that may.”

  “We’ll be fine,” Emmet said, pushing his plate away and crossing his arms.

  “I hope so,” Mom said, looking at him hard. “I hope you two are stronger than I think. I hope you never have to break her heart – again – and I hope she doesn’t break yours.”

  “You know about that?” I asked quietly, looking at the table. It still hurt to think about those long, sad days when Sad Pathetic Donya first made an appearance.

  “I had a feeling it was a boy, but I didn’t know it was Emmet at the time. I figured it out later.”

  I finally looked up into Emmet’s eyes, but spoke to my mom. “That was just as much my fault as his.”

  “And look at us now,” he said shifting his gaze to my mom. “We’re together now.”

  She nodded, but she didn’t look agreeable.

  “Mom,” I said her name quietly and pleadingly as I looked at her. “Please have some faith in us. Please don’t make this difficult.”

  She sucked in a breath and looked down at the dishes on the table as she spoke just above a whisper. “Donya, I’m not going to be here much longer. I’m not trying to make anything more difficult on anyone, but I’ve neglected giving you advice that you’ve needed for so long. I’m sorry if I’m dumping it all onto you all at once, but I might not be here if something terrible happens between you and Emmet.”

  I swallowed back tears and blinked rapidly to make sure none slipped by.

  “Mom,” I said again. “I understand that, but part of being a mom is making me believe everything will be okay. I know I’m not four, but as much as I need your honest advice, I need you to paint me a fairytale picture of princesses, knights in shining armor, castles in the sky and happy endings.”

  She looked at me with tears in her eyes. We looked at each other for a long time and I was only vaguely aware of Emmet sitting across the table from me. Finally, she nodded in agreement.

  “I’m sorry to break up this depressing conversation,” Emmet said, standing up and taking his near empty plate. “But I am in need of some dessert. I ordered the most expensive one on the menu since Felix is paying for it.”

  Mom and I laughed. She went back to pushing her food around on her plate, taking very few bites. I went back to eating my dinner and Emmet dug into a decadent slice of chocolate fudge cake with large scoops of ice-cream on the side. We let the serious conversations go for the night, and simply enjoyed each other’s company.


  My mom wanted me to be happy, so I was allowed to keep Emmet. My mom didn’t want to add to our possible hardships later down the road, so she agreed not to tell anyone about us, but my mom was being a mom and there was no way in hell Emmet was allowed to sleep in our suite. I pointed out that we slept under the same roof most of our lives, but she didn’t care. When she dragged herself off to bed later that night, she reminded Emmet that before it got too late, he was to take his butt across the hall to Felix’s suite.

  I sat on the couch curled up at Emmet’s side, listening to the sound of his heart beating. His fingers trailed over my arm and his other hand rubbed my bare leg. I was glad I was wearing shorts again so I could feel his hand on my skin. It felt delicious and so did his skin under the palm of my hand that was under his shirt touching his chest and abs.

  Emmet reached around me and tilted my chin up so that my lips met his. He kissed me slowly at first, but when his fingers curled in the hair at the back of my head, the kiss became harder and more passionate. His hand on my leg rubbed harder and higher until his fingers were reaching under my shorts and grazing my upper thigh right near my panty line. My fingernails grazed across his skin right at the hem of his shorts. I moaned softly as his fingers lightly moved across my dampening panties.

  With as much effort as I could muster, I pushed his hand away and pulled away from his awesome mouth.

  “She’s probably not even tucked into bed yet,” I whispered, breathing heavily.

  “Go tell her we’re going for a walk on the beach,” he said, getting to his feet and pulling me with him.

  I looked at him dubiously, but he waved me on. “Go on,” he urged.

  I watched with surprise and longing as he adjusted his erection in his shorts. Without another word, I moved across the room and tapped on my mother’s door. With as straight a face as I could manage, I told her Emmet and I were going for a walk on the beach, that we wanted to take advantage of what little time we had together in L.A. especially since I never knew what my schedule was going to be like. She told us to be careful and to have fun. When I returned to the living room, Emmet took my hand and walked quickly towards the door.

  “Are we really going to the beach?” I whispered as he opened the door.

  “Not tonight,” he whispered back as the door closed behind us. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a keycard I didn’t know he had and put it in Felix’s door.

  “Definitely cozy,” I smirked.

  “Watch your pretty mouth,” Emmet snarled and then kissed me as he pushed me into the suite.

  Felix’s suite was three times the size of ours. The room he slept in was on one side by itself. He had given Emmet a room in the far corner, affording each of them some privacy.

  “What time will Felix be in?” Emmet asked, as he kissed my neck and walked us towards his room.

  “Huh?” I asked, in a lust induced daze.

  “Felix, babe. What time will he be in?”

  “Oh. He thinks he’ll be done around midnight tonight.”

  Emmet looked at his watc
h. “We have plenty of time for you to pay me back for putting up with that bastard.”

  I laughed and pushed him away. I bit my lip and took a few steps away, looking at him with sparkling eyes.

  “Maybe I’d rather be at the beach,” I said nonchalantly.

  “Don’t make me chase you,” Emmet warned, taking a step toward me.

  “You can chase me all you want, but there’s no guarantee you’ll catch me, Yale Boy.”

  His eyes darkened.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I said, grinning. “Did I mix that up? It’s what…the extra snooty one you go to, right? Do you walk around with a cardigan tied around your polo shirt and wear loafers without socks?”

  Emmet lunged for me, but I shrieked and jumped out of the way.

  “You’re walking a fine line,” he warned.

  “When you go to parties, does everyone stand around congratulating each other on being filthy rich while you all smoke cigars and drink high end brandy from crystal snifters?” I moved around the couch and then faked back the other way when he started to come after me. “Do the girls have silly names like Muffy and Coco and Trixie? Actually, I take back the Coco, because I love Miss Chanel. Does everyone play tennis and go golfing for fun?”

  I squealed when he almost reached me, but I got away again. Now I was standing on the other side of the large, shining dining table.

  “Do all of you models stand around together talking about how fat you are in your size zero dresses?” Emmet asked mockingly.

  “I’m actually a size four this week,” I said, stroking my ass. Emmet groaned.

  “Isn’t that fat for the modeling industry?” he teased.

  “For some,” I admitted with a shrug. “But you know some people, men especially, like a little junk in the trunk.”

  “I like your junk in your trunk,” he said, slowly pursuing me.

  “How rude,” I gasped.

  “Oh, you have no idea how rude I can be.”

  “Is that some kind of threat?”

  “No, baby, it’s a little insight to how the rest of your night is going to go,” he said, looking at me like he was going to eat me.

  “Oh, you think?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Oh, I know. Why don’t you unbutton that pretty shirt you have on.” It wasn’t really a question. It was a demand, and it turned me on.

  “Like this?” I asked, walking backward as I unbuttoned a couple of buttons.

  “More.” Emmet pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside.

  I licked my lips when I saw his chest and unbuttoned two more buttons.

  “More?” I asked with my hands on my shirt.

  “All the way,” he said.

  “What if I refuse?”

  “I’ll tear it off of you.”

  I swallowed hard. I kind of wanted him to tear it off of me. Well, not me. It was all Donya the Sex Goddess and Lover. I quickly unbuttoned the last few buttons before Donya SGL took over completely and I was left picking buttons up off of the floor.

  I tossed the shirt onto the couch and hoarsely asked “Now what?”

  Emmet was unbuttoning his shorts, revealing Calvin Klein boxer briefs. He could have easily fit in with the male models that advertised the underwear.

  “Pull your shorts off,” Emmet commanded softly, nodding at my bottoms.

  “Let me guess, if I don’t, you’ll tear them off?” I asked dubiously.

  “Do you doubt that I can tear them off of you?” he asked menacingly as his shorts dropped to the floor. He stepped right out of them without losing his stride.

  I swallowed again. SGL wanted me to keep the shorts on and let Emmet tear them off, but I thought about going back to my suite without shorts on. If I ran into my mom before I made it to my room, I wouldn’t have a reasonable lie to feed her.

  I pulled the shorts off, but with a lot less gracefulness than Emmet. I lost my stride and before I could find it again, Emmet had caught up to me.

  “Damn it!” I laughed as his arms circled my waist. His erection pressed against my ass and his lips moved over my neck.

  “Now, what were you saying about Yale and cardigans and loafers?” he murmured into my skin.

  “I don’t remember,” I breathed and moaned softly as the palm of his hand moved over my breast.

  “Maybe we should recount the conversation in the bedroom,” he suggested. Before I could respond, he lifted me into his arms.

  “I don’t suppose I can talk you out of that,” I said.

  “No, baby, you started this. I’m just going to finish it.”

  He kicked open the bedroom door and a moment later tossed me onto the large bed. He closed and locked the door and then climbed onto the bed over top of me. He plucked at a bra strap and shook his head with disapproval.

  “This has to go,” he said and began to pull it down my arm. His lips followed, but between kisses he said “Now, about Yale?”

  “What about it?” I snorted.

  His teeth nipped at my skin in warning.

  “I mean…Harvard, right?” I asked as the strap slipped off of my arm completely.

  “Mmm hmm,” he said and licked a path across my cleavage. Then his fingers were lifting the other strap. “What did you say about cardigans and loafers?”

  “That it’s preppy and ridiculous looking?”

  His teeth sunk into the upper curve of my breast, making me groan.

  “I mean, you don’t dress like that. You dress like a real college boy.”

  “Boy?” he growled, looking up at me.

  “College man?”

  “Better.” The other strap was off.

  “I guess you want me to say that you don’t stand around patting each other’s backs for being rich?” I asked as his fingers began to release the front clasps of my bra.

  He nodded.

  “Fine,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I recant, but we both know it’s true. I won’t take back the tennis and golfing, though.”

  “Well,” he grinned. “That much is true.”

  He released the last clasp of my bra and my breasts spilled free. Emmet groaned and dragged his tongue slowly over a nipple.

  “Emmet,” I gasped.

  He pulled the nipple into his mouth and sucked hard on it and the flesh surrounding it. I moaned and put my fingers in his hair. Each suction sent signals to the junction between my legs.

  “Touch me,” I whispered earnestly as I moved his hand down. His fingers grazed over the cotton panties and I moaned loudly. He gripped the side of the underwear on my upper thigh and yanked. The tearing sound both shocked me and turned me on.

  Emmet released my breast with a wet sound and moved to the other one, shifting his body slightly over me. After he sucked that breast into his mouth, he tore away the other side of my panties. I groaned and pushed my hips up to meet his fingers.

  “Did you like that?” he asked, releasing my breast.

  I nodded but couldn’t find my voice as his fingers moved through my folds.

  “One day, I want to tear every inch of clothing off of you,” he groaned and licked my nipple. “Will you like that, Donya?”

  I nodded again, eagerly.

  “There’s so much I want to try with you,” he whispered, pushing a finger inside of me. I groaned and lifted my hips slightly to take him in deeper. He added a finger and pushed in deeply.

  “Emmet,” I whispered. SGL needed more. That vixen reached up and squeezed her own nipples. Emmet groaned when he saw it.

  “You surprise me every time we do this,” he said, sliding his fingers in and out of me. “You are a freak.”

  “Only for you,” I panted.

  “Maybe you’ll think I’m the freak after I tell you all of the things I want to do to you,” Emmet said.

  “Tell me.”

  “Someday soon, I want to come inside here.” His fingers swirled inside of me and I bit my lip and groaned. “I want to feel you come on my cock as I come inside of you. I want you to have that part
of me. Do you want that, too?”

  “Yes,” I cried. I had never thought about it before, but I really wanted it and thinking about it was making me impossibly slicker. “What else do you want to do to me?”

  “I want to tie you to the bed and make you come until you can’t take it anymore. Then I’ll keep making you come anyway.”

  His thumb pressed down on my clit and his teeth closed on my nipple. I screamed his name and shuddered as I came hard on his fingers. He pulled his fingers out of me, kissed me and then rolled out of bed.

  “I’m not finished with you yet,” he said as he walked over to his suitcase.

  “I hope not,” I said breathlessly.

  I watched as he opened his suitcase and moved a few things around. I saw my jars in there and smiled. A moment later, he produced a condom. He tossed it onto the bed and pulled his underwear off before getting back onto the bed between my legs.

  “Do you know what else I want to do to you?” he asked as he opened the condom.

  “Talk me to death?” I asked.

  He lightly slapped my thigh.

  “Ow,” I laughed.

  “I want to try every sexual position we can think of. I want to slide my cock into every hole you have.”

  My thighs tried to close automatically as I frowned at that one.

  “I think I have my limitations,” I said.

  “I think we can explore them,” he said, lowering himself over me.

  “Maybe,” I said doubtfully. “What else do you want to do to me?”

  He slid into me. My head tilted back as I cried out. He was so large and filling inside of me.

  Emmet laced his fingers in mine and put our arms above my head. He moved his hips back and forth, stretching me in every direction. He kissed me passionately for a moment. Then he slid out slowly and then rammed himself back inside of me.

  “I want to marry you and give you a baby,” he whispered.

  “Is this a proposal?” I asked, jokingly, but Emmet didn’t laugh. He stared into my eyes with such intensity, I stopped laughing.

  “Let’s prove to everyone that we can be happy together, Donya,” he whispered. “Let’s do it for us. I can’t live without you. Marry me.”

  “When?” I croaked as I looked up at him in shock.


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