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No More Heartache: The MORE Duet

Page 4

by Anders, Tarrah

  “Is that a thing? Forgive me, this is my first gig. I’m unclear on the ropes.” I say.

  She claps her hands together. “That’s awesome. You won’t be jaded. There are a few jaded teachers here, you’ll see. There are cliques; it’s a little like high school, in that retrospect. But a few of us, we don’t operate like that. Come, I hear we’re having a mixer in your honor.” She says walking towards the door.

  I follow like the obedient new guy who is overly eager to fit in with the crowd. Through the halls, Sammie is describing the school and then some of the inner workings. She stops at one door and pokes her head in. A moment later a lumberjack comes out of the room.

  He stops in front of me. “You must be the new guy. Welcome, I’m Nic. I teach 3rd.” He extends his hand after pushing up his thick framed glasses, and pushing up his flannel sleeves.

  “Davis. Nice to meet you. 5th.” I say clasping his hand in mine.

  “Tatum still around?” Nic asks Sammie.

  “No, she had to go somewhere after her class let out.” She explains as she turns to me. “Tatum is a kindergarten teacher; she’s one of us, a mingler. You’ll meet her as time goes on. She’s on the little’s side.”

  “Little’s side?” I ask.

  “The little’s side is the kindergarten side. There’s about 4 different classrooms on the east side of the school, they have their own playground and drop off area.” Nic explains as we all start walking again.

  * * *

  I’ve been home for a whole day and still haven’t seen nor heard from Max. Like an eager child, I want to talk to him about my first week of school. I stayed over at Katrina’s house for a few more days before heading home, it was a nice break, but I worried about my brother. Someone has to.

  I’ve got assignments spread out around me on the coffee table as Max walks in. He’s whistling, so that’s a good sign so far. He removes his shoes by the door and rounds to the dining area and stops.

  “Oh hey, I thought you moved out?” he asks.

  “Nah, I would have told you at least.” I say looking up from the paper I’m currently grading.

  “What’s all this?” He asks walking closer to the table.

  “Homework. I forgot that once you become a teacher, the teacher has homework too. I went into the wrong field.” I joke.

  “Wait, you got the job?” He asks surprised.

  “You don’t remember the conversation?” I ask in honest concern.

  “Sorry buddy. Congrats. We should celebrate.” He slides into the seat next to me.

  “Can’t tonight. I’ve got to get this done. Plus, it would seem you have started celebrating without me.” Max’s expression stays the same. “Can you do me a favor and curb any extra-curricular activities to your bedroom tonight? I’ll be out here most of the night, in this spot until I finish.” I say pointing to where I am currently sitting.

  “Yes Mr. Hunter.” Max says as if he was a student. Then he ruins it with a salute and I roll my eyes.

  “Thanks dude.”

  “Nikki is coming over anyway, she only likes the bed.” He winks.

  Nikki is a nice girl. I’ve met her on a few of the occasions that Max has brought her home. She’s the only token who has stayed over and made breakfast. She seemed to take pity on him. She knew his deal and seemed to be fine with it. She’s become a friend to him, as well as a hook up. I guess she couldn’t just be a token, if she was a frequent flyer. But she did seem to like him more than he liked her, she played the nonchalant attitude, but I see the way he looks at her.

  “Not meeting her at the bar?” I ask.

  “Just came from there, she had to do something first, then she’ll be over.” Max disappears into his bedroom and then in a moment later emerges wearing a t-shirt and his basketball shorts.

  “I see you’ve dressed up for her.” I poke at him.

  “Why dress up when it’s just gonna come off.” Max laughs opening a beer from the fridge.

  Max settles into the living room and after he’s had four beers, there’s a knock on the door. Max doesn’t hear it, so I answered the door.

  “Hey Nikki, come in.” I greet her.

  “Thanks Davis. How’s it?” She asks stepping in and taking off her coat.

  I reach for her coat to hang up in the hall closet. “Oh you know, work and play – makes Davis a dull boy.” I smile.

  “You got a job? Where at?”

  I like her. Too bad, she’s not seeking a real relationship with Max, she’s a cool chick.

  “Teaching 5th grade down in Mission Valley.” I boast proudly and sweep my arm at the dining room table with all the homework from this week atop it. I had moved spaces to not get distracted with whatever Max started to watch.

  “That’s great. Congrats. Max around?” She asks craning her neck.

  “You might want to grab a beer to catch up with him, but yeah he’s in the living room.”

  “Nice talking to you Davis.” She smiles turning towards the kitchen to grab herself a beer at my suggestion.



  “I felt like a complete douche.” I say into my hands as they rub across my face.

  “Well, you do have your douchey moments.” Sterling laughs throwing her French fry at me.

  “I concur. You’re much more douchey now than when we were in school.” Dane jokes.

  In college, I acted no different than I currently have been, maybe less drunk. Back then, I owned up to my behavior as being young, dumb and looking for fun, now I don’t act ashamed, but as a 29-year-old I should be handling my problems better or at least paying attention and being a good brother and friend.

  I throw my napkin at Sterling and smirk. “You guys both suck. Lunch is not meant for such serious conversation.”

  “No shit, that’s why I used the word: douchey, it’s not a real word as well as quite juvenile.” Sterling sits straight proud of herself.

  My friends are quite great. While I may be douchey they still accept me and all my faults.

  “I’ve got to get going. I promised that I would stay straight and hang out with Davis. He’s been really busy with his new job.” I grab an extra napkin and wipe my face and start to stand.

  “How’s he liking it?” Dane asks me.

  “From what I can tell, he enjoys it. He’s getting in the swing of things. Remembering what it’s like to have homework again, since he gets to grade stuff now.” I laugh. “I was a dick and forgot that he told me he got a job, so I’m trying to make it up to him and be a good big brother. If he didn’t have Katrina, I’d get him a stripper-gram.”

  “Ew, please no.” Sterling grimaces.

  “What? I know a few strippers who would be good at it.” I joke. “I’ll see you guys.” I say throwing a twenty on the table.

  I jump in my car and exit out of the parking lot. I ease onto the city streets and adjust my satellite stereo to my favorite 90’s alternative station, which as ridiculous as it sounds, is now considered as Classic Rock. I shake my head at the thought and laugh.


  I’m merging onto the freeway when all of a sudden my car jolts and all I can hear is crunching and the blood pumping in my ears with an accelerated heartbeat. I grip the wheel and turn into the movement, but my car is still moving forward and to the right. My foot is slamming down on the brake, but the motion isn’t making anything happen. I’m afraid that my foot is going to go through the bottom of the car. Soon enough, the passenger side of my car hits the cement wall and my car skids forward just a little bit and then stops. I still can’t hear much of anything other than my heartbeat and I keep blinking my eyes, but it’s almost like a Vaseline film is over my eyes. My knuckles are so white from gripping the steering wheel, but I don’t think I can move them just yet. I squeeze my eyes shut and I’m stuck back in Betsy’s car along the I-15 towards Rancho Bernardo. I see broken glass everywhere and the windshield is missing a large space, there’s so much blood, and I can’t move. My breath
ing quickens and I’m starting to shake then there’s a persistent knocking next to my ear and I hear some faint voices. I open my eyes back up, the windshield is still intact, there is no broken glass, and I don’t see any visible blood.

  Someone is next to me, and I roll down my window.

  “Oh thank god. Sir, are you okay?” A female officer asks me.

  I can’t find my voice. I gently remove my hands from the steering wheel and move to unclasp my seat belt.

  “Sir, an ambulance is on the way along with a tow truck. I repeat, are you okay?”

  “Betsy?” I whisper feeling light headed.


  “Betsy.” I say before my vision goes completely white.

  * * *

  “He has some trauma, but I do not see any need to hold him over night. His previous injuries are completely healed and I see no reason for concern with re-injury.” A female voice says clicking her pen.

  “The officer who I spoke to mentioned there was another driver, are they okay? He’ll want to know that they are okay.” That sounded like Sterling.

  “The other driver wasn’t even brought in, she was checked at the scene and then released. Max, here was brought in due to losing consciousness.” The other female said. She shouldn’t be giving out details of the other driver. “Max may have some whip-lash, but other than that, he’s perfectly healthy.”

  I hear Sterling sigh, and I crack open my eyes. Dane is sitting in the chair next to the bed and Sterling is standing at the foot of the bed. Her hand on Dane’s shoulders.

  “Hey guys.” I manage and they both turn to me, Dane jumping up from his seat and Sterling rushing to my side.

  These two are my rocks.

  “Hey douchey.” She smiles as she holds my hand.

  “I heard that I’m okay. How okay is okay?” I ask trying to sit up slowly.

  Dane moves the pillows to support me and adjusts the bed I’m lying on.

  “Okay, as in you don’t have to live with us again.” Dane smirks.

  “Thank God for that.” I smirk.

  “Once the nurse makes her way back, she’ll probably give you your walking papers now that you are awake.” Sterling says, she is grasping my hand pretty tightly.

  I squeeze her hand back.

  “So, what happened? Did they say?” I ask.

  “Well, you were in an accident. The car that hit you wasn’t paying attention to your lane and was going pretty fast and came into your space and propelled you pretty much into the side of the wall. The officer said you weren’t responsive verbally to her questions and then you passed out on her. Now, here you are.”

  “And there you are.” I smile.

  “How do you feel?” Dane asks.

  “Groggy, I have a headache and I feel like I need a neck massage, but other than that. I’m alright.”

  The nurse, I presume the female voice that I heard speaking to Sterling, she’s young, looks younger than we are, and approaches my side. She looks familiar.

  “And how are you doing Max?” She asks.

  She looks oddly familiar. She curls her blonde highlight behind her ear and smiles. I know this girl.

  “I’m good. I think. I have no missing body parts, and everything is able to… wiggle.” I smile.

  She gasps and then giggles at my not so obvious, but kind of obvious innuendo.

  Kailey. Dick sucking in the alley Kailey!

  “I’ll be right back with your discharge papers.” She smiles and turns.

  “Thanks Kailey.” I call after her and noticing she almost tripped once I said her name and acknowledged that I remembered her.

  Sterling and Dane give me a questioning look.

  “We had a wonderful evening together.” I explain and they both understand and don’t ask for any further information.

  Kailey comes back and seems not as sure of herself as she did before I said her name.

  “Here is your paperwork, if you need any stronger pain killers, other than aspirin, just say the word.”

  “No need. I can manage pain.” I say.

  Kailey nods. “Very well. It was, um… nice to see you again Max.”

  “You as well. Thanks for taking good care of me… again.” I wink.

  Sterling and Dane helped me up from the bed and I laugh. “You’re such a dog.” Dane laughs.

  * * *

  My car was towed to the shop and on the way out of the hospital; I called my insurance company for a rental. Dane and Sterling dropped me off at the closest location that my insurance company rattled off.

  I sat behind the wheel of a sleek sedan with leather seats. I have no idea what kind of car this is, but it will work. Now, I just have to drive and I’ll be on my way. I turn the ignition over and I feel the purr of the vehicle. I close my eyes as my knuckles grip the steering wheel and I’m starting to see spots. I take a deep breath, and release it slowly. I can do this.

  I can do this. I can. I breathe in and out slowly.

  I open my eyes and put the car into gear and ease off the break. Here we go.

  I don’t know how slow I drove to get home, but it felt like it was quite a while. Davis is sitting on the couch bouncing his leg. He looks rattled, and I’m sure he thinks that I’d disappoint him and be drunk. He looks up as I walk closer and jolts up.

  “Holy shit, I thought something happened to you, you were supposed to be here like 4 hours ago.” Davis nervously said.

  “Didn’t Dane or Sterling call you?” I ask perplexed.

  Davis gives a weird look, and looks at his phone. “Shit, no battery.”

  “Shit, sorry. I got into an accident--.” Further explanation is halted by Davis throwing himself at me in a bear hug. I’m trying to pull him off of me and slowly do so. Man! He’s strong.

  “Fuck, are you okay? You look fine… are you?” He stammers, looking me up and down.

  “I’m alright. Passed out afterwards, but I’m okay. C’mon, you drive. I’ll tell you what happened over dinner, I promised to take you out to celebrate.” I say patting his shoulder and trying to get him towards the front door.

  “Nah, man. We don’t have to. You’ve had an…eventful day.”

  “C’mon, I’ll talk over food, I haven’t eaten since lunch. Plus, then I can tell you about how I knew the nurse who treated me.” I wink.



  The night Max got into a car accident, he seemed like he was thinking clearly. We went to dinner, he told me about the accident and how he met the nurse who treated him at the hospital and we joked like there wasn’t an underlying issue coming to breach our lives. Max took keen interest in my new job and asked a lot of questions, both about me and my students. He expressed sincerity with all subjects that we spoke about, it was almost like he was someone else. The Max that I knew when Betsy was alive.

  I didn’t think it was strange that when we got home, we both went into our separate rooms. I didn’t hear him leave at all that evening, nor was he around when I was getting ready to leave for work the next morning. The rental car that he got stills at in our driveway and his bedroom door was shut. I scribbled a note and left it on the counter, that I wouldn’t be home this evening and would be staying with Katrina and I took off for work.

  The day went well, I sat at the lunch table with Sammie, Nic and Tatum. The four of us got along well enough, even though we all had different types of classes. Tatum was always the first to arrive and the first to leave since her lunch started earlier and ended earlier than the upper grades. We make an interesting group, one you can easily see in a cartoon.

  Sammie with her pasty white freckled skin and vibrant curly red hair, Nic with his hipster-lumberjack style, I’m sure girls find him attractive with his dark brown short hair, and his dimples. Tatum with her long brown-nearly black hair, her olive skin and deep brown eyes and then there’s me, extremely attractive and everything a female could ever ask for, my muscular frame with shaggy dark blond hair and light blue eyes. We’re an odd
bunch, and we also seem to be the youngest of the teachers at Fairbanks Elementary.

  “Time’s up. I’ll see you guys later.” Tatum says standing.

  “Bowling tonight?” Nic asked.

  “Possibly.” She smiles as she walks away.

  “Yeah Davis, you should come bowling with us tonight. Possibly bring that girlfriend of yours if you feel like introducing her to your friends.” Sammie teases.

  “I don’t know if I’m willing to share yet.” I tease her back.

  “Us or her?” Nic asks with his mouth full of his sandwich.

  “Good question. I’ll ask her.” I say pulling out my phone and sending Katrina a quick text. I pocket my phone and commence with lunch. A moment later, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

  “We’re in.” I smile as my table companions cheer in silence by fist pumping the air like teenagers.

  * * *

  Katrina and I are pulling into a parking space in front of the bowling alley that Sammie mentioned meeting at.

  “You sure that it’s okay that I’m barging in on your work outing?” She asks as she steps out of her side of the car.

  “They’ve been bugging me to make introductions somehow. Don’t worry, they’ll love you.” I say assuring her and kissing the top of her head as I pull her into my side.

  She sighs and falls into step with me as we walk inside. We spot my three friends and I wave. We get our bowling shoes and I add two extra games to our lane.

  “Katrina, these are my work colleagues. Work colleagues, this is my girlfriend Katrina.” I smile.

  “Hi, I’m Sammie, this here is Nicolas and this saucy minx is Tatum.” Everyone does their quick wave as the introductions were given and we start the game.


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