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Page 5

by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

  Despite being thrown for a proverbial loop, I was still grateful to have my BFF sitting here in front of me. It had been so long since I had an actual friend to spend time with. I was beginning to feel quite lonely.

  Granted, the girls I hung out with in her absence were technically my friends, but Dasha was my BFF. She had been with me through so much and after the loss of Jay. She and I were there to help get each other through the unbearable pain due to our loss.

  Observing my BFF's new appearance, I decided to just straight-up question her about the sudden dramatic change.

  "So, girl spill. What the heck is up with you changing your look boo-boo?" I asked, arching my eyebrow. "Don't get me wrong bitch; you look – Gor-gina. But I'm just surprised that you didn't tell me anything about it. Especially since we like talk almost every day. Is this why you wouldn't Skype with me?"

  "I just decided that it was time for a change." She responded almost dismissively as she tossed her crimson locks over her shoulder. "I guess I was just bored with the same old, same old, and wanted to do something fun. Ya know? I decided I was tired of how I looked and needed an upgrade."

  Something seemed somewhat evasive with her answer. I knew Dasha, and she wasn't the type to just do something this extreme without reason. "I totally don't buy that." I retorted after taking a sip of water. "Spill the Tea, Dasha. I know you're hiding something."

  Dasha frowned at me for a brief moment before looking away. She seemed almost irritated that I was prodding her for more information, but she quickly glossed over her annoyance and groaned.

  "I just wanted a change Sam, nothing more."

  "I don't understand why you have to make such a BIG deal about this. Can't you just be happy for me? For once, I feel genuinely fucking good about myself. Why can't you just accept it and move on?"

  Well, shit – defensive much?

  "Dasha," I said, trying to sound as calm as possible as I reached over to cautiously take her hand in mine, "I'm not trying to make a big deal of this. You're fucking Amazing - whatever you look like. I just feel like there's more going on than what you're telling me. That's all. I mean, no one changes their appearance this dramatically just for the hell of it. Usually, there's something or someone that sparks the fuse."

  Dasha sighed as she closed her eyes while pinching the top of her nose between her furrowed brows. "Fine, Sam. There is something else. OK? I'm seeing someone, and I don't feel like discussing this any further. Why is it every time I make a decision that doesn't involve you, you always have to turn it around to make it about you? Not everything is about you, Sammie – you did the same fucking thing with Jay too, but he was just too polite to say anything. This is my business, so quit with the fucking Spanish Inquisition already!"

  What – What?

  I was about to respond to her outburst when our conversation was cut short. Shawn, our server, was uncomfortably clearing his throat and placing my beverage on the table in front of me.

  Indeed, this was a discussion that Dasha and I would be continuing later.

  Who was this mystery man she was seeing, and why was she getting so damn defensive about me questioning her? I don't know how, but I just knew there was more to her story than just wanting a change. And not just any change, mind you, but one that bared an uncanny resemblance to my exact appearance three years ago.

  Super suspish.

  "Hi, Ladies." Shawn smiled without skipping a beat, revealing his pearly whites and charming dimples, as he regarded the tense situation between Dasha and myself. "Have you lovely ladies had time to look over the menu? Did you have any questions?"

  Just as I was getting ready to let him know that we would need a few more minutes, since I didn't think Dasha had a chance to look at the menu, I was interrupted by her as she informed him that she wanted to order. She had decided on the Original Crack Power Salad and a glass of prosecco.

  Well then, clearly, I was the only one not ready here.

  I looked up at Shawn apologetically; he smiled and nodded, allowing me a quick moment to decide on what I was ordering.

  "I think I'll just have the Ham and Pear Crisp Sandwich with a half salad with Peanut Vinaigrette as my side with an iced tea no lemon. Thanks." I meekly smiled.

  Shawn nodded at me, acknowledging my order, removed the menus from our table, and walked away, presumably to place our order.

  After a brief few minutes of rather generic idle chit chat, our food and drinks arrived.

  Thank God.

  Dasha and I sat and ate in uncomfortable silence. Once we were done eating, I had already planned on continuing our discussion, but I needed to take a quick restroom break before that.

  Ah, bladders, am I right?

  "Running to the ladies' room." I cleared my throat and announced. "Be right back ... and when I do, we seriously need to continue with our conversation from earlier, Dasha." I didn't give her time to answer as I pushed my seat back and got up from our table. However, I did catch the eye roll and sneer that had adorned her lips and was reasonably sure I heard her mutter a snide response.

  "As IF. We'll see about that.”

  Real nice Dasha … not.

  I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to make my way to the restroom. I was not going to let my frustration with Dasha's behavior get the best of me. Better to just go to the bathroom and calm down. Hopefully, when I return, we'd both be in a better mood to discuss my concerns like two rational adults.

  Chalk one up for me being seriously mistaken, folks.

  When I returned to our table, I noticed that our server Shawn was there clearing off our dinnerware's last remnants, and Dasha was nowhere in sight. Confused, I looked at Shawn, who displayed some serious signs of discomfort as his gaze drifted downwards, refusing to look me in the eye. He handed me a white, folded piece of paper. "Sorry." He quietly spoke. "Your friend seemed a bit upset, so she tossed two fifties on the table and told me to keep the change as long as I gave you this." I cautiously took the slip of paper from Shawn, apologized for the uncomfortable drama, and thanked him as I grabbed my purse and headed towards the exit. I just needed to get the hell out of the awkward situation that this poor guy had been witness to.

  It wasn't until I was back seated in the driver's seat of my car when it dawned on me that I was still clutching the note left from Dasha. I just stared at it; dread filled my every pore. I could tell this wasn't going to be good. And I was right.

  When I opened the note and saw what she had transcribed in her delicate handwriting, it was as if I had been kicked in the gut by an elephant.


  My jaw dropped as I let the note slip out of my trembling hands onto my lap.

  Seriously people ... What the FUCK just happened?!

  Chapter 9

  Sammie's POV

  I walked into my condo and stepped into the dimly lit living room that looked as gloomy as I felt. Feeling completely numb, I slipped off my shoes and slumped down into the oversized cushions of my dark grey couch. I couldn't believe what had just happened between Dasha and me. Where did all her animosity come from? Her behavior towards me was completely out of the blue.

  I was resolved to restoring whatever rift had been created between me and my BFF, but I knew I needed to give her some time and space to calm down. She needed time to realize that she and I were best friends no matter what, and we shouldn't let a disagreement, no matter how ridiculous, get between us.

  I got up and walked into my kitchen, and grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge. Determined to continue my pity party, I poured myself a glass of chardonnay. OK, well, maybe a few glasses, but who's counting. The sound of my cell receiving a text message broke me from my troubled thoughts.

  Maybe Dasha finally calmed down; I sighed out loud.

  Much to my dismay, it wasn't.

  My friend Shantahlia had sent me a message. I was going to ignore it. I wasn't in the mood to be coerced into hi
tting up some random bar this evening, but something inside me alerted me that I should check out her message.

  Hey sweetpea, it looks like a certain douche was keeping secrets. Check out the link I sent, and you call me girl if you need someone to talk to. Kisses and hugs. Shay

  Well, now, my curiosity had been piqued. Shantahlia, Shay as she preferred to be called, sounded like something was seriously going on, so I went ahead and clicked on the YouTube link she sent me.

  Damn, can this day just get any fucking better?

  Someone posted a video of the WWF Q & A panel they had attended, which just so happened to be precisely where Justin was. But dear Justin was not alone.

  Nay Nay.

  Sitting next to him was a young platinum blond woman, dressed in an outfit that left nothing to the imagination. She looked like a plastic Barbie, with her overly Botox lips and at least G sized silicone breasts that were far too large for her petite frame. Apparently, she was a famous actress in the Adult Entertainment industry.

  Really people?!

  Before you judge, believe it or not, I wasn't jealous or upset because Justin was with another woman. That was not the issue, my friends.

  Nay Nay.

  My anger was stemming from the fact that apparently, the woman beside him was his fiancée—a fiancée who had been engaged to him for over a year. The topper was that they were planning on having their wedding nuptials in the following month.

  Let's do the math, shall we? Justin was engaged to Barbie for over a year, and for the last two months, Justin had been doing the dirty deed with me.

  Fuck Me – I was the other woman!

  I facepalmed.


  Well, upside, I guess Justin and I didn't need to have "the talk" anymore.

  Time to cut this toxic chord. I decided to inform Justin that we would no longer be continuing our relationship professional or otherwise. So, I did what any pissed off, slightly tipsy woman would do – I sent him a not so lovely text.

  Hey Babe ... I just wanted to let you know that there's been a slight change in our upcoming training sessions.




  After I deleted and blocked Justin's number, I smiled at the smug satisfaction I felt, knowing that I was not about to be played anymore by some cheating asshole.

  Seriously, what a loser.

  I texted Shay to thank her for revealing the truth about Justin. I assured her that I was totally OK and not to worry. He was easily replaceable with my trusty vibrator. I let her know that I had had a crazy day and was just going to head to bed early. I was exhausted from the day's events and realized that I genuinely needed to curl up in my bed and try to forget this shitty day ever happened.

  And that is just what I did.


  It's been a couple of months since Dasha and I had our big blow out. I tried calling and texting her a few times but to no avail. The first time I called, my call was hung up on. Then my texts were ignored, and my number was blocked.


  I was even so desperate to try and patch things up that I tried calling Dasha from other phones so that she wouldn't recognize that it was me calling.

  Her answer to that was changing her phone number.

  My last failed attempt was when I drove all the way out to her house, hoping that even if I pleaded with her through her door, she'd still have to hear my words, and hopefully, I would manage to get through to her. Unfortunately, my two-hour drive to Dasha's house up north was all in vain; her home was put up for sale and empty. To be honest, I was beginning to feel like a pathetic stalker.


  Sadly, I recognized that the friendship that was so dear to me, the person that I once regarded as my family, was no more. I didn't harbor any ill will towards Dasha, despite how she walked away from our friendship. I only hoped that whatever reasons she had, she was at peace with them, even if they were beyond my comprehension. Maybe one day she'd reach out to me, and I know that I would be there just as we had always been to each other in the past. But somehow, I was doubtful that she would.



  Dasha's POV

  I can't believe I had to put my fucking home up for sale and move out. Although I suppose it did come with a perk. Moving in with my sexy ass man more than makes up for that inconvenience. Thank Goddess, he was so forthcoming with me moving in with him. It only took a few tears, and he was all down for helping his little damsel in distress.


  You would have thought that Sammie would have gotten the hint when I wouldn't take her fucking calls or respond to any of her annoying texts. But when she tried getting a hold of me using other phones, I knew I needed to take more drastic measures. Evidently, the bitch was NOT getting the hint. I mean, really WTF – how many ways does somebody have to make it look like they want you to stay the fuck away from them.


  Sam should be thankful that I was even that generous with my warning to stay away. I could have easily been a lot harsher, but I figured that I owed her at least some tiny iota of kindness out of respect for Jay. Honestly, I was more than generous with that idiot Sam. I feigned niceties with her while keeping tabs on her, and she took that as genuine kindness. I only needed to keep tabs on her as a lion keeps track of its next meal. Because in a sense, that's all Sam ever was for me. She was a means to an end, and her vitality was my compensation for tolerating her as long as I did.

  The extent of my generosity had run its course during our last encounter. I had hoped to obtain another bit of Sammie’s blood in order to bind her to me so that I would no longer have to deal with her in person, but she pissed me off, and I never got the chance. I guess I'll just have to have my sycophants keep watch on her now. It won't be long until I collect what I need from her anyway, so I will stay away for the time being. Nevertheless, Sammie best pray to the Goddess that she stops looking for me because I won't be so lenient next time. If need be, I can always find another quarry. Sam isn't that indispensable. The only reason I've allowed her to go unscathed is that I have worked too damn hard to get everything I wanted. Granted, it did come at a pretty high price, but my stupid fucking coven couldn't bind me from the full potency of my powers forever. I would find a way to break their binding spell over me, and then I'll make sure to pay a visit to those old hags and repay their indignation tenfold.

  At least they couldn't undo all my hard work. I could tolerate living with limited powers ... for now.

  Shit, now I'm irritated. I should have never wasted my time thinking about a bunch of stupid bitches. I needed to find a way to blow off some steam.


  3rd Person POV

  The sound of the shower being turned on in the bedroom's en-suite, a few feet away, infiltrated Dasha's thoughts. She stood up from the rumpled bed, which still bore the sweet aroma of sex and perspiration. She casually let her red silk camisole nightie slide down her olive-colored sinewy body. Stepping over the rumpled mellifluous material, she strode over to the bathroom's doorway. She slid open the plexiglass shower door, allowing its occupant to get an eyeful of her naked curvaceous form. Dasha could see that her boyfriend was pleasantly surprised seeing the seductive woman standing before him, being that his exquisite manhood was suddenly standing at attention upon her arrival.


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