SAVAGE LOVE (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

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SAVAGE LOVE (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) Page 17

by Casey, London

  Rushing to the bathroom, Ella splashed water on her face and took a deep breath.

  What was the worst Jerry could do right now? Bust into the clubhouse. Charge down to the room. Order Ella and Beck to leave. Then it put everything on Ella. To go with Jerry and just keep the peace, for Beck’s sake. (And the sake of Back Down Devil MC.) Or she could be defiant and try to fight for herself. But that would instantly put everyone in danger.

  Beck let out a yell.

  Ella sat on the bed and then fell back, turning, facing the baby. He reached for her face, eyes wide, always a grin on his perfect little face. She touched his cheek and smiled back.

  “I don’t know,” Ella said. “But I’ll figure it out, Beck.”

  He smacked his lips together and made noises.

  “You like Miller, don’t you?”

  Beck didn’t respond. Of course he didn’t respond. He made noises.

  “Come here,” Ella said.

  She sat up and grabbed the baby. She slid off the bed to the floor and sat with her legs open. She put Beck on his feet and held his waist. As she twisted him back and forth, he nibbled on his fingers and let out giggling groans.

  “I want you to walk,” Ella said. “Get those legs strong. So then you can learn to run. And then you can just go. Be free, little Beck.”

  Ella lifted Beck and put him at arms length. She then took his hands and watched him try to walk toward her. He stumbled but moved fast. Over and over, Ella kept watching her son, keeping her mind away from whatever the hell was happening outside the clubhouse.

  Finally, Ella decided to get bold.

  She put Beck at arms length and then let him go. She kept her hands close to him though. The first couple times, Beck just fell to the left, right, forward. But then he took a step before falling. Ella felt her heart melting.

  “Come on,” Ella whispered. “You can do this.”

  Ella put Beck out again and this time he took two steps before falling. When he fell, he propped himself up and started to crawl. He pulled himself up on Ella and smiled.

  “That’s cheating,” she said and laughed. “Let’s do it one more time.”

  Ella put Beck out and let him go. He stood there, looking amazed at what he had done. Then his right foot slid forward, followed by his left. He remained balanced, his knees bending a little. But then he started to move. One step after another, Beck walked to Ella. Sure, it was only four big steps, but it was walking!

  Beck had taken his true first steps… in Miller’s room… in the clubhouse of Back Down Devil MC…

  “You did it!” Ella said. She lifted up Beck and tickled him, making him explode with giggles. “You did it, Beck. You are amazing.” She then hugged the baby and stood up.

  Ella took it as a sign.

  They’d fight through anything. They’d be just fine.

  Just fine.

  The door then exploded open and Ella stepped back.

  She stared at Jerry as he stood in the doorway.

  “There she is,” Jerry said. “With that fucking kid.”

  Ella shook her head.

  No… no, no, no…


  “Put that fucking gun down,” Miller said. “Or I’ll have one of my guys blow your fucking head off, asshole.”

  “Hear that?” Jerry asked. “He threatened me.”

  “You’re on my property. You don’t know what we have waiting.”

  “Maybe I should call someone in to search,” Jerry said. “I can bring heat, Miller. I can fucking burn it all to the ground.”

  “Along with yourself,” Miller said. “Remember that, Jerry. Remember everything we’ve ever done.”

  Jerry lowered the gun from Gaige’s head. “You’re right. How rude of me.” Jerry put his gun away. “I came to show you something.”

  “What?” Miller asked.

  “Hey, before that. How’s my wife?”


  “No, my wife,” Jerry said. “I’m not signing any papers. Ella’s emotional. Post pregnancy stuff. You wouldn’t understand, Miller. I talked to the lawyers and it’s all straightened out. I’m going to make sure she sees a doctor and gets taken care of.”

  Miller gritted his teeth. He wanted to knock Jerry’s teeth out. “How about you start with what you did to her face.”

  “Oh, that? She fell. Terrible accident, Miller. You know she’s always been a klutz.”

  Miller lunged forward. Gaige quickly turned and put himself between Miller and Jerry.

  “Don’t,” Gaige said. “That’s what he wants right now.”

  “Come on,” Jerry said. “Fucking touch me. My guys are ready to gut you.”

  “What the fuck do you want here?” Miller asked. “Ella is here on her own. She knows where the real protection is.”

  Jerry laughed. He lifted his hand and waved papers in the air. “Let’s start here…” He looked at the first paper. “This is a warrant to search the property. The next is a warrant for Gaige’s arrest.”

  “For what?” Gaige asked.

  “The disappearance of a man named Lester. Three years ago. Was tied to a drug deal in Riverside. Interesting, right?”

  “Are you serious?” Miller asked.

  “Wait,” Jerry said. “The next one is a warrant for Landon’s arrest.”

  “What did he do?” Miller asked.

  “Questioning in a murder case,” Jerry asked. “See, I’ve got warrants for every member of the MC. Murder. Robbery. Grand theft auto. Disappearances. I mean, damn, I never realized how bad you all are. My station is going to be full, isn’t it?”

  “Fuck you,” Miller said. “You want to act on those warrants, then do it. You’ve got nothing on us, Jerry. You’re not going to scare us.” Miller stepped forward. “You’re not going to fucking scare us.”

  Miller punched the warrants out of Jerry’s hand. The papers fluttered all around to the ground.

  “You can’t win this, Miller,” Jerry said. “I just want my family and I’ll go.”

  “Not a chance,” Miller said. “I know what you did with Coast Road. They called me, defeated. You have nothing. You have nobody.”

  “I have an entire department,” Jerry said. “And with one phone call…”

  “You will bring yourself down,” Miller said. “We both know that.”

  “So how do we figure this out?”

  “I know how. You and me. The way it should have been years ago. Tell your puppets to go away.”

  “You do the same,” Jerry said.

  “I don’t get it,” Miller said. “I’m sure you have enough to run. All those backdoor drug deals. So just fucking leave.”

  “Not without what’s mine!” Jerry growled.

  Jerry backed up and opened his arms.

  The four men behind him - maybe they were police, maybe they weren’t - all took out shotguns.

  “Nobody fucking move!” Miller yelled.

  He did not need a stand off right now. Because if these guys were authorities and the MC pulled out guns, it would make the entire scene even worse.

  “Give me my fucking family,” Jerry said.

  “No,” Miller said.

  Jerry took out his gun. He pointed it at Miller. “I have warrants. I have cause.”

  “She’s never going to leave with you. She wants nothing to do…”

  Jerry swung the gun and hit Miller in the mouth. Miller fell back and grabbed his jaw. The hot pain soared through his face into his neck. Miller wiped blood from his mouth and put his arms out, keeping his men at bay.

  Jerry pointed the gun at Miller. “Don’t make me kill you. We’ve been through so much together. Just make this easy.”

  “You want to see her? Go fuck yourself.”

  Jerry rushed forward. “It’s my family.”

  “You don’t love them. You don’t want them.”

  “I don’t want anyone to have them. When I go, it’s done. No leftovers. No secrets. Nothing.”

  Miller saw
movement from the corner of his eye. He turned his head and saw men moving through the junkyard lot.

  “Oh, that’s my other friends,” Jerry said. “They’re here looking for forensics. Heard that a Coast Road MC member was murdered. Lost his head. Or his body. I forget which one. I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” Jerry smiled. “And then I’m going to bury you, Miller.”

  Miller backed up. He looked to Nate and nodded. “Open the clubhouse door. Everyone stay where they are.”

  Nate’s face burned red as he opened the door.

  Miller led the way, a gun to his back. He let it all go until they got inside. He then spun around and grabbed Jerry’s wrist, twisting it, forcing him to drop the weapon.

  “Don’t put a gun to my back,” Miller warned.

  Miller led the way with Gaige and Blaine walking behind Jerry.

  Jerry was fidgety. He was either drunk, high, or insanely tired.

  Miller pointed down the hall and said, “She’s in my room. She’s safe. The baby is safe. Now get out of here, Jerry. We can settle our shit when you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready,” Jerry said. “I’m taking them with me. I have the entire clubhouse surrounded and enough warrants and heat to bring you all down.”

  “Then do it,” Miller said.

  Jerry bolted down the hall. All the prospects started to move and Jerry swung at them, fighting them, showing some real guts.

  “Don’t fire on him!” Miller ordered.

  The kill shot is mine.

  Miller rushed after Jerry and watched him open the bedroom door.

  “There she is,” Jerry said. “With that fucking kid.”

  Miller was right there, behind Jerry. Ella’s face turned white. Beck was in her arms. She turned, shielding the baby from its horrible father.

  “Miller,” Ella said. “What’s happening?”

  “We’re going to go for a ride,” Jerry said. “You and me. And that kid.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Ella said.

  “Fuck off, Ella. Don’t act tough because your biker friend is here. You fucked him, didn’t you? You fucking whore.”

  Miller grabbed Jerry by the shoulder and spun him around. “Call her that again and I’ll fucking kill you right now. You fucking saw her. Now get the fuck out of here. I’ll start making my accusations, Jerry. You want that? You want me to tell where you hid bodies? The drugs? The deals?”

  “You’re as dumb as Ella,” Jerry said. “Nobody will ever believe you. You fucking moron. Maybe I should teach you a lesson, like I did her.” Jerry touched his face and grinned.

  Miller felt his fuse go. He made a fist but before he could throw it, a hand came across Jerry’s face. It sent him flying into the wall with a thud and down to the ground. He was damn near knocked out.

  Blaine grabbed Jerry by the shirt and pulled at him. “You don’t ever fucking hit a woman! You fucking piece of shit!”

  “Jesus Christ, Blaine,” Miller said.

  He pulled Blaine away.

  Gaige grabbed Blaine and started to carry him.

  Miller helped a wobbly Jerry to his feet as blood gushed from his mouth.

  “Get the fuck out of my clubhouse and off my lot. Take your goons with you. Take your warrants and shove them up your fucking ass.”

  “You’re going to pay,” Jerry said. He looked at Ella. “You’re going to pay too.”

  Miller lifted Jerry up and carried him down the hall. He took him right out of the clubhouse and tossed him to the ground. He put his foot to Jerry’s back and took out a gun. Jerry’s guys were ready to fire. There had to be a dozen men on the compound. All of them in black jeans and black t-shirts. Chances were they weren’t undercover. They were all corrupt pieces of shit, just like Jerry.

  This was going beyond money and a way out of the force. Jerry wanted the power. He wanted the feeling of being in complete control. Shit, he wanted to be the top dog in MC. Or something like it.

  “Call them off,” Miller said. He looked around to the guys. “Call them the fuck off and get them the fuck out of here. This is done, Jerry. You made your point.”

  “Let me up,” Jerry said. “Right the fuck now.”

  Miller took his foot off Jerry. The chief scrambled to his feet. He then waved some kind of signal and all the guys dressed in black moved away. In a matter of a minute they were all gone. Except for the original two at the gate.

  “There,” Jerry said. He looked back at Miller. “But don’t get comfortable. And put the gun away.”

  “Why?” Miller asked.

  A second later there was a blasting siren. A large black vehicle barreled through the gates into the lot. The doors opened and out poured a team of men with shields and weapons.

  “Fucking hell,” Miller growled.

  Jerry adjusted his badge and walked forward, sticking his fingers into his mouth, whistling. “Warrants have been issued. Clubhouse searched. So far, negative. But I want it torn to pieces. Oh, and there’s one definite arrest we have to make.”

  Miller went after Jerry. “What are you doing?”

  Jerry turned and put a finger to Miller’s face. “This is going to be a daily occurrence until I find everything I’m looking for. I’m going to cut ties far from this MC, Miller. You wanted this war and now you’ve got it. You couldn’t keep yourself out of my business. Or my wife’s panties.”

  “She never loved you. That was the biggest mistake of my life, letting her go to you. Working out a deal with you. You’re scum, man.”

  “I’m going out on top,” Jerry said. “When I take this MC down, that’s my swan song, brother. I’ll retire with a fuck ton of money and notoriety.”

  Miller opened his mouth but two men ran past him. He turned and screamed.

  “The one named Blaine!” Jerry shouted and laughed.

  “What the fuck…”

  The two men went into the clubhouse. A few seconds later they came out, dragging Blaine by his feet. He spit at them and refused to move his legs or feet.

  “Bye bye,” Jerry said.

  “Fuck you, pig!” Blaine growled.

  “You can’t take him,” Miller said.

  “He hit me. Assault. I’ll be back for more. Later.”

  “I’m going to…”

  “Careful what you say, Miller,” Jerry said. “Everything can and fucking will be used against you.”

  The two men dragged Blaine toward the truck. Three other guys then started to beat on Blaine. Smashing him in the gut, ribs, and back with their guns. Miller lunged forward, screaming, and Jerry put a hand out.

  “No use,” Jerry said. “These men are fiercely loyal to me. I’m their leader. You’ve got nothing on me. On this town. The game is over.” Jerry wiped the corner of his mouth, still with fresh blood from Blaine’s wicked punch. “I’ll be back. And one way or another I’m going to take my family with me and leave your club burning to the ground.”

  Miller held his tongue. He watched as the men pulled Blaine into the back of the truck. Then the vehicle sped away. Followed by Jerry in the SUV.

  The lot was silent.

  “Miller,” Gaige said. “What the hell do we do now?”

  “I’ve got to get Ella and Beck out of here. They can’t be here for this shit. He’s going to get them and kill them.”

  “What about Blaine?”

  “Get on the phone with the lawyer. They’ve got shit on him. He’s flexing his muscle again. Blaine is tough. He knows. I’ve got to go. You’re VP. Figure this out.”

  “Jesus Christ, what are you talking about?” Gaige asked.

  Miller was on the move toward the clubhouse. He had eyes all on him, waiting for the orders. He made it past the bar and then stopped. Gaige almost crashed into him.

  “Fuck,” Miller said. “Everyone use their goddamn head. He’s making his move on the MC. He wants to take everyone in and bring the place down. All the guns have to get moved. Anything that could hurt us has to be gone. The only people I want left here are
the prospects. The rest of you find somewhere to go. We’re going to lure him solo like we said and then end this.”

  “What are you doing?” Gaige asked.

  Miller made a fist and slammed it on the bar. He then ripped off his leather cut and held it up. “Who wants it? Huh? Who wants the patch now? You want to take the lead?”

  The place remained silent.

  “Miller’s right,” Trev said. “There’s no position right now. Jerry wants us scrambling and scared. He wants us to turn. Miller has to protect that woman and her baby.”

  “Blaine was taken,” Erik said.

  “Not for long,” Miller said. “They have nothing on him. If you let Jerry fuck with your head, he wins this entire thing.”

  “He brought his own army,” Landon said. “Should we call other charters?”

  “I can bring the Lost Men down,” Trev said. “I’ll make this town filthy.”

  “No,” Miller said. “This is between me and him. That’s how it started and that’s how it’s going to end. I’m taking Ella and Beck to the cabin. I’ll go up to the mountains and get her settled. When Jerry finds nothing here - and nobody here - he’ll lose his mind even more. Then we’ll come back for one final stand. All or nothing, brothers. The plan has changed. This is moving beyond a war. This is about dying with honor and for honor. This is about doing what’s right for us and for everything we stand for. Even if it brings a life sentence. Anyone who can’t deal with that needs to drop their cut and take a vacation.”

  “Never,” Jace said.

  “Aye,” Shay said. “I’ll die in my cut, brothers.”

  “We all will,” Gaige said. He grabbed Miller by the shoulder. “Go get her and get out of here. We’ll take it from here then. Okay?”

  “I don’t want to fucking leave,” Miller said. “But we have to be smart. We have to show him that this clubhouse doesn’t define us. Our brotherhood does. We could have this MC in a clubhouse like this or in the middle of the fucking dessert with no table or chairs.”

  Everything fell silent again.

  “This would be where Blaine would ask if there would be pussy in the dessert,” Gaige said.


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