SAVAGE LOVE (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

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SAVAGE LOVE (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) Page 18

by Casey, London

  Miller shook his head. “Then I’d tell him to go fuck a cactus.”

  “Chances are he probably has,” Gaige said. “Or had one shoved up his ass or something.”

  “Call the fucking lawyer,” Miller ordered. “Get Blaine released.” Miller looked around. “Everyone else. Leave your rides and grab cars. I want it to look really fucking weird for when he comes back.” Miller hugged Gaige. He then whispered, “Remember what I said to you before, brother. I trust you with the patch. You’re the best goddamn VP a man could ask for. And you would make a great fucking President.”

  “Not going to happen this time,” Gaige whispered back. “It’s your MC and your gavel. Let’s fucking end this thing.”

  Miller rushed to the bedroom and found Ella huddled in a corner, holding a crying Beck. The baby was red faced, thrashing his arms.

  “I can’t get him to stop,” Ella said as she burst into tears.

  “Okay, okay,” Miller said. He took Beck from Ella. “Hey, little dude. Look at Miller.” Miller held the baby out. “We’re going for a ride to fix all this. I need you to be tough. I need you to do what you do best. Sucking a nipple and shitting your pants.” Miller smiled and Beck smiled back, his eyes still full of tears. “Good man. You’re right wing man now, Beck. I’m leaving my VP behind. So you get the patch now. Got it, son?”


  Miller felt an ache deep in his chest.

  “Where are we going?” Ella asked.

  Miller pulled Beck close to his chest.


  “I have a cabin. We go up there sometimes to hide out. We need to go right now.”

  “What happened, Miller?”

  “He’s loaded up and ready to fight. He took Blaine for hitting him. He’s going to come back and keep serving warrants and searching the clubhouse. It’s his way of picking us apart and spreading fear. Everyone is leaving. We have to go right now.”

  “Beck can’t ride on a motorcycle,” Ella said.

  “I know that, darling. We’re taking a car.” Miller touched her face. “I know we’re fighting right now, but I need you to trust me with everything you have right now. Everything. Don’t do it for me. Do it for Beck. I’d die for this kid.”

  Ella cried and buried her face in Miller’s chest.

  There was that sense of family again.

  Miller couldn’t deal with it right now.

  He broke away and handed Ella the baby. He then grabbed Ella’s bag and tossed it on the bed. He grabbed another bag from the closet and instead of packing clothes, he packed guns and ammo.

  “Make sure you have everything you need for Beck,” Miller said. “Grab the bottles and pump thing. Whatever you need. I’ll grab some food and stuff from the fridge in the kitchen. Prospects will flank us as we make our move, in case he’s waiting.”

  At the door, Miller felt a hand touch him. He looked back at Ella as a tear fell from her eye. “I’m so scared, Miller.”

  “I know. It’s okay to be scared, darling. I love you. We’re going to be okay.”

  Miller then started moving again. Time was not a friend right now.

  He stormed through the clubhouse, giving the orders to everyone again. The guys were in full swing, making sure all guns were being moved out. He gave the orders to the prospects to stay and act as normal. That when Jerry came again they tell the truth. They have no idea where all the guys went.

  Miller packed another large bag of food and drinks for the cabin and then led the way out the back door. He had a black SUV that the MC used for business purposes. It had almost a full tank of gas and blended in with every other goddamn vehicle on the street.

  Ella got Beck settled in his car seat and sat in the back with him. That was fine by Miller. He wanted to focus on the road and getting his family to safety.

  My family.

  He looked in the mirror and saw Ella talking to Beck.

  He nodded.

  My fucking family.


  Ella could barely breathe. Every time they had to stop at a light or stop sign she waited for something bad to happen. Nothing did though. To the rest of the world they were just another vehicle on the road cruising through Frelen.

  Once they were out of town, Ella felt a little better. Not much because this wasn’t an escape plan. This was all temporary. What were they going to do? Hide out in a cabin? For how long? Eventually it would have to all end. That meant maybe Jerry dying. That meant maybe Miller dying. That meant…

  Me. Beck.

  She looked into her son’s eyes and refused to think it. She couldn’t think it. That wouldn’t be fair to him. The baby did nothing wrong in all this. He didn’t come knocking at the door.

  Like Miller did.

  The road twisted, turned, and then started to climb. Miller turned off the road and started to climb up a ridge. Truth be told, Ella had been so focused on Beck she couldn’t find her way back to Frelen if someone paid her. That meant she really did trust Miller. Her life was in his hands. Beck’s life was in her hands.

  Miller kept driving, slowing down as the SUV crunched in the rocks under the tires. There was nothing but trees for what seemed like forever. Ella had a notion to ask Miller if he knew where he was going. But before she could find the guts to do so, the trees opened up and there was a small cabin right there, smack dab in the middle of everything.

  Miller turned the SUV around and backed it alongside the cabin. His eyes met with Ella once. “So if we need to make a run, we’re facing the right way.”

  “Who knows about this place?” Ella asked.

  “Doesn’t matter. This is where we are right now. Got it?”

  Ella nodded.

  When she opened the door and climbed out she was surprised how cool the air was. A chill shot through her body. Then again, it made sense. They were at a higher elevation and the thick canopy of trees made it so not much sun could reach the ground.

  She hurried to grab Beck.

  “Come on,” Miller said. “You get inside. Get the little guy settled. I’ll grab the rest of our stuff. Most of the day is already fucking passed by on us.”

  Miller led the way to the cabin. He opened the door and went first. It wasn’t any warmer in the cabin at all. If anything, it felt cooler.

  Miller turned on the lights and rushed around, checking everything.

  “What are you looking for?” Ella asked.

  “Signs of animals. We’re good.”

  There was a small fireplace along with a few pieces of furniture. There was a poker table in the corner with three of four chairs. The fourth chair was in pieces on the floor.

  “Blaine lost a hand,” Miller said. “He tried taking off Erik’s head but hit the wall with the chair instead.”

  “Lucky for Erik.”

  “Yeah, right. Sit down. I’ll be right back.”

  Miller disappeared and Ella felt uneasy. She hated not being able to see him. She looked down at Beck and smiled. Her heart was aching but it was so full. She really loved him, Miller. The night before shouldn’t have been what it was. All those old feelings boiling over. They needed to get it out though. That was the right thing to do.

  When Miller returned, he had wood in his arms. He quickly went to work and built a fire. No matter how much of an outlaw asshole he was, Miller knew how to provide. That was for sure.

  The fire caught and within minutes, the cabin started to get a little more cozy.

  Once Miller brought everything inside, he came to the couch, carrying a beer and a cellphone. “I need to make a call. I’ll be right outside for a couple minutes. Do not worry about a thing. Stay calm and let me handle everything.”

  Ella grabbed for Miller’s leather cut. “Thank you. For protecting us. For taking care of Beck.”

  Miller nodded. “We’re safe here.”

  “I’m safe with you.”

  When Miller left, Ella decided to feed Beck. As crazy as the morning and afternoon had gone, it was almost time for Beck
to go to sleep for the night. Ella had been up long before Miller had gotten up. Hours before. She figured he was good and drunk when he came to bed, touching, whispering to her with slurring words. And while his touch felt so good, she didn’t know if he had taken his frustrations out with another woman. Ella knew how the life went. How the guys looked at some women for pleasure and other women for emotional comfort. That was one thing she never wanted to do… to share. If she couldn’t be everything for Miller, then she’d be nothing.

  Ella found the small bedroom and sat on the corner of the bed. She offered her breast to Beck and he took it right away. She looked around the room, wondering how many nights Miller spent in here with a different woman. It made her insanely jealous to think about it but she couldn’t help it. All that time she spent trying to make the perfect life with Jerry… and Miller was out being the outlaw his heart demanded him to be. Rising through the ranks and taking the President’s patch. Battling with local police, other crews and clubs.

  It was all intense to think about and really sexy.

  By the time Ella finished feeding Beck, Miller was off his phone call and in the kitchen making something to eat.

  “Nothing gourmet, darling,” Miller said. “Some grilled cheese and burgers in a frying pan. I hope that works.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Ella said. “Maybe we can make up for our ruined date.”

  Miller smirked. “I think that went well.”

  “No it didn’t. We have a lot to talk about.”

  “So talk.”

  “To be blunt?” Ella said. “I want to know what happened that night.”

  Miller nodded. He looked at Beck, then Ella. “Let’s eat. Then put the little one to bed.”

  “I’m still mad at you,” Ella said and left the kitchen.

  They ate in front of the fire. Beck played on the floor, challenging himself to stand and take some steps, leaving Ella panicking that he was going to get too close to the fire. Miller then sat on the floor and Beck crawled right to him. Beck scaled the biker’s arms with a big smile. That’s when Ella realized that this was the first time in a really long time a man was actually involved in Beck’s life. Even if it was just a little while of playing and laughing.

  “We’ll have to get you a custom tricycle soon,” Miller said to Beck. “Some chrome wheels. All black paint. A nice skull right on the front.”

  “He’ll be the meanest kid on the playground,” Ella said.

  “No, he won’t be mean. He’ll be respected. There’s a difference, even if it doesn’t appear to be.”

  Beck then did something that left Ella speechless for a second. The baby clutched at Miller’s leather and put his head on Miller’s shoulder. He tucked his face to Miller’s neck.

  “Uh, he wants to go to bed,” Ella whispered.

  Miller put a hand to Beck’s back. It spread across Beck’s entire back. Slowly, Miller rose up. He then walked around the cabin, holding the baby, protecting the baby, making sure the baby was good and asleep. The entire time Ella just watched in complete shock.

  “I think he’s out for good,” Miller whispered.

  “Yeah, he is. We don’t have a crib.”

  “Make a bed back here near the room. Then when you go to sleep later, take him with you.”

  When you go to sleep…

  What about you, Miller? Where are you sleeping?

  Ella made a bed for the baby. Miller put Beck down and he was out for good.

  Miller threw a log on the fire and got a fresh beer. He then sat on the arm of the couch and looked at Ella.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Are we doing this?”

  She nodded. “It needs to be done.”

  “I think we were set up to fail.”

  “What does that mean?” Ella asked.

  “He set up the entire thing. To manipulate me and you. So he could get you.”

  “That doesn’t make sense,” Ella said. “You would never do that.”

  “You kissed him.”

  “He kissed me. And you were there?”

  Miller nodded. “I saw it all. I was late. Because I had been kidnapped.”

  “What?” Ella asked. She jumped up on the couch.

  “There was a big fight going on. We had a crew pushing down from the north. They wanted to get through us to make some gun deals. They wanted to negotiate us running for them. I refused and talked the former President out of it. That’s why things got so bloody. It was a rough time. I didn’t want you involved or nervous. So I kept it all inside.”

  “You pushed me away.”

  “Not to mention I had Jerry in my ear. Telling how bad it was. Saying he was worried about you. He wanted to work with the MC. But nothing came free. He wanted a way in with you. I fought back and refused it. I had my own way of showing the world wrong. That night at the rock. I had something for you.”

  “What?” Ella’s heart raced.

  “Then I saw you two.”

  “You never showed up,” Ella said. “I knew nothing. I was sitting there, Miller. Jerry showed up. He was trying to comfort me. I was worried about you. Scared for you. I put my head on his shoulder as a friend and then he started kissing me. Something happened, okay? I’m sorry. I kissed him back but then pulled away. He told me you were going to end up dead anyway.”

  “Fucking prick.”

  “Then you told me the same thing.”

  Miller stood up. “I know. I had to get you to go with him. I thought he could give you more than I could. The shit I’ve had to do…” Miller looked at Ella. “I killed a man right before our date. Okay? And the night you showed up at the clubhouse? I had a knife to a man’s throat. I was going to cut his fucking head off.”

  “I know the life,” Ella whispered. “I never cared about that.”

  “You say that…”

  “Goddammit, Miller, I mean it. I… I love you…”

  Miller stared at the fire. “Jerry told me there was a meeting. I wanted to show some big balls so I tried to break it up. Instead, I was ambushed. Shot in the shoulder. Stabbed three times. Tied to a chair and beat up. They wanted to hold me as leverage to get into Frelen. I refused to let anyone from the MC negotiate my release. The entire time I could only think about you, Ella. I had to escape to get to you.” Miller shoved a hand into his pocket. “So I stuck it out. I got a hand free and clawed at one of them. Ripped at the fucker’s eyes. He spun and knocked me back. That gave me enough to free my other hand. And then I fought. I beat them within an inch of death.” Miller faced Ella. “And I came to get you. The second I saw you and him together, it started to make sense. The life you’d have with him. Or with me. I bled everywhere, watching you. But I bled most of all from my heart.”

  “Jesus,” Ella said as she stood up. “You did that…”

  “I was bringing you this,” Miller said.

  He brought his hand out of his pocket and opened it. Right there in the center of his palm was a diamond ring.

  “What?” Ella asked.

  “I was going to ask you to marry me,” Miller said. “I wanted you all to myself for the rest of my life.”

  Ella put her hand over Miller’s palm. With her other hand, she touched his face. “You still can. I’m right here. Right where I belong, Miller. And I know what has to happen. I know it’s going to be hard. Crazy. A fucking mess. But I don’t care if the world is on fire. If I’m with you, it’s worth everything.”

  Miller moved at Ella, kissing her. He set her body on fire hotter than any fire in a fireplace could possibly do. She curled her fingers at his hand and forced Miller to drop the diamond ring. She then took his hand and put it to her breast.

  “Take me,” she whispered with her mouth touching Miller’s. “Just fucking take me.”

  Now. And forever.


  Miller lost his damn mind when Ella whispered into his mouth.

  He had her half naked, his hands moving faster than they ever had before to get a woman na
ked. As his fingers opened her bra, he brought them around and touched her beautiful chest. He held her breasts in his hands, his thumbs flicking across her nipples, making her jump and groan.

  “Panties off,” he growled at her.

  Ella slipped her hands to her hips and slid her panties down.

  Now she was fully naked before him. Just the way he wanted her. His hands moved down her warm, smooth body. Trailing along her skin, memorizing everything he possibly could about her. His left hand slipped around to her ass, his right hand going down and cutting between her legs. He curled two fingers and felt Ella’s soft, hot pussy. She was wet and ready for him already. As he sank two fingers into her, she moved to her toes and leaned forward, kissing his neck.

  Her teeth grazed his neck. “Fuck, Miller.”

  “That’s right,” Miller said. “Fuck me.”

  Her hands then touched his jeans. She tore them open and pulled at them, wanting his cock. He loved that goddamn feeling. The way she dropped his jeans enough just to get to his dick. Her small hand trying to hold tight around his thick shaft.

  Miller kicked off his boots and felt his jeans fall the rest of the way down his body. Ella’s hand stroked him fully hard, squeezing tight at the tip of his dick. She turned her hand and stroked him back down to the root of his cock. Then her hand let him go and went up his shirt.

  Miller let Ella take his shirt and leather cut off his body.

  Now they were both naked.

  Miller pressed his thumb to Ella’s tender clit and she cried out.

  “Good girl,” Miller whispered. “Come for me right now.”

  Miller dug his fingers deeper into her body. He pressed harder with his thumb against her nub, not letting up on any of the pressure. Miller gripped her ass tighter and kept her close to his body, keeping his cock between his belly and hers.

  “Oh, fucking hell,” Ella groaned. “I’m right there…”

  “Go. Now.”

  Ella put her head back and let out a cry. Miller felt the throbbing gush against his touch. He then walked at Ella, forcing her back to the bed. He took his hands from her, leaving Ella to grab for him. He pushed her down to the bed and climbed on top of her. He grabbed his cock with one hand and pressed it right to Ella’s pussy. She was wet, throbbing, and ready to accept him.


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