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Goddess: A Femme Domme Erotica Novel

Page 10

by R. J. Castille

  “Rise, Master Jason,” I motioned upward with my other hand in response to his amusing play. He stood up proudly and looked around him slowly. Turning toward the center of the room at an angle he held his arm out with a sweeping gesture.

  “Tell me, Goddess, is it to your liking. Is it everything we had envisioned all those nights spent fantasizing about this place?” He waited for me to respond, holding his breath.

  “Everything, and more, Jason! You have truly out done yourself. Your attention to detail is astounding. It appears, so far, as though you have thought of everything.” I clasped my hands in mutual excitement. He took his place beside me and we sat quietly for a few moments, taking in the grandeur of his creation.

  Next to each throne was a pedestal with a platform wide enough for a person to crouch down upon. I observed this same arrangement around the VIP area. Mistress Liliana had come fully into the area, she had allowed us our space upon my initial arrival. She made her way to one of the couches to my right. I noticed suddenly that there was a figure crouched on one of the pedestals. He had a ball gag firmly fastened to his head, the rubber ball planted between his teeth. He was a pudgy man, his beer belly bulged over his waistline slightly, obscuring the view to his genitals. I secretly was thankful for this.

  His chest was doughy like someone who once was in shape but had gradually let themselves fall below par. Tribal tattoos circled each round bicep and his shoulders were slumped slightly forward. His eyes were cast down appropriately, but I could see that his hair was clipped neatly with an inch of curly black. Along his chops was a neatly trimmed hairline leading to a goat tee that was clipped close. His dark brown eyes flitted about in attempt to look up without being discovered.

  “I am so glad that you have come,” Mistress Liliana began, “I have heard nothing but wonderful tales of you Goddess.” She beamed, her whole face glowed with joy. She gestured toward the man crouching next to her, “this is my slave, John. He has been most disobedient this evening. I had to gag him and he has been strictly instructed he may not look upon the wonder that is you. He must earn the privilege of even gazing upon your phenomenal beauty.” She finished speaking, almost breathing the final part of her statement.

  Master Jason turned his attention to Matthew, who until now went unnoticed in the background. I saw him shift nervously when he noticed that he had captured the attention of my mentor. Jason let out a low, soft growling noise, like a dog being shown a new bone and being teased with it. This only served to insight Mistress Liliana’s attention to my pet. Both of them gazing hungrily at his muscular frame, hidden beneath black pleated pants and a black, fitted button-down shirt.

  “Goddess,” Master Jason inquired, “and who is this delectable gentleman who has come as your guest?” He looked over at me and raised his eyebrows inquisitively.

  “This is Matthew, my pet, my wonderfully obedient submissive,” I saw Mistress Liliana moving tirelessly in her seat. She clapped her hands together several times and bounced up and down like a giddy school girl. Fresh meat. I almost read her thoughts as her expression gave away her intentions entirely.

  “Oh, Goddess,” she chirped, “but he is wonderful. A bit overdressed for a slave perhaps, but delicious nonetheless.”

  “Yes, quite overdressed,” Master Jason added with a matter-of- fact tone to his voice.

  I motioned for Matthew to approach. I did not want him perceived as rude by my most cherished mentor. He hesitated for a few seconds the resolved himself to join us in the VIP area. Walking toward us slowly, his eyes were slightly cast down. I was relieved that he remembered his place despite the wondrous sights that surrounded us. That way, I would not have to issue him a punishment immediately.

  Mistress Liliana could no longer contain herself. She sprung from her seat and advanced on Matthew like a lioness pouncing on her prey. Walking around him slowly she looked him up and down, lingering on the backside and I must say, I could not blame her for that, he was extremely easy on the eyes. Matthew took very good care of himself physically and his daily workouts were reflected in his muscular physique.

  Master Jason looked on. Amused that Mistress Liliana had taken such an interest in my pet. He turned to me and said nothing. I already knew what he was going to say.

  “Kindly remove your clothing, my pet,” I instructed. His eyes met mine, a hint of embarrassment on his face. True to form, Matthew began to do as I had ordered. He used his toes to kick of his shoes as he fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. He pulled his shirt open and slid it off over each of his arms. His hands found his belt and unfastened it followed by the fly of his pants. He removed his pants one leg after the other and proceeded to fold each item carefully, setting them in a neat pile on the floor next to him as he did so. Taking off his socks, carefully balancing on each leg in turn he looked up at me again, standing before us in only his boxer briefs. I nodded once. I saw his shoulders slump forward slightly. He ran is thumbs around the elastic waistband of his underwear and slid them down his muscular legs.

  Mistress Liliana snapped her fingers and John crawled down off of the pedestal he had been mounted on since our arrival. He rushed over on his hands and knees and retrieved the pile of Matthew’s clothing. “See to it those are put in a safe place for later,” she commanded.

  John crawled away, using one hand to hoist the clothing close to his chest as he did so. Once he had disappeared around the corner, out of our sight, Liliana turned her attention back to my pet. “Well Goddess, I am quite impressed with your, Pet did you say?”

  I nodded as she continued to circle around Matthew one more time before finding her seat again. A Cheshire grin stretched across her face exposing perfectly straight teeth. I was struck suddenly by a slight tinge of jealousy. The green eyed monster tried to rear its head. I stuffed it back down and proceeded to gesture for Matthew to join me. I motioned toward the pedestal to my left. Matthew obeyed promptly and, as was his way, sat up straight, lacing his fingers behind his neck forcing his elbows back.

  “Goddess, oh, Goddess,” she shifted gears suddenly, “I would love for you to show me your technique. Master Jason speaks very highly of you and I have heard many things about you. He is my mentor now, he ushered me into our world, saving me from myself. Until I met him, I spent my life pining after men who used me for my money and emotionally abused me. I was a doormat to them, someone to pay their bills, to buy them lavish gifts, and to use as a punching bag when they were drunk. He pulled me from a reality of self-loathing and enabling behavior and has since been teaching me your ways. Please, Goddess, it would be my honor.” She stopped speaking and appeared to hold her breath awaiting my response.

  “That will be fine. In a little while, I have not finished drinking in this place yet,” I smiled at her and she again clapped her hands together rapidly, bouncing up and down as she did so. I vaguely recall seeing John return to his pedestal and resumed his crouching position without a sound.

  She reached out and ran her fingers through his dark curls. Suddenly grasping a handful and yanking his head back, causing his Adam’s apple to jut out sharply from his throat. With her free hand she reached around and pinched the tip of his penis between her thumb and forefinger causing him to wince and suck air in quickly through his nostrils. She pushed his head forward and let go of his hair, his head pivoted forward into a bow where he remained.

  “Yes, in a little while. Speaking of drinks,” Liliana rose her petite hand into the air and snapped her fingers sharply twice. Out of nowhere a naked servant girl appeared ready to do our bidding. “I will have a Martini extra-dry. Goddess?” They both looked in my direction. “Gin and tonic,” I simply stated. The servant nodded sharply and looked toward Master Jason. He waved his hand in her direction, indicating that he was fine for now.

  “Ah, Goddess, you are predictable. Your drink of choice, of course,” he chuckled. He was tickled by the idea that he knew me so well.

  “Jason, I have not seen Kendra yet. Are you two not still
playing? I am sure she would have told me if you were not,” I had been glancing around for her tight, petite frame and long, blonde waves but had not observed her presence anywhere.

  Master Jason giggled, which was fairly unusual. I had only heard him giggle on a few occasions. He raised his finger and pointed toward the play area directly across from our thrones. I gasped slightly. Kendra was suspended from the eyebolts by lengths of red, silk rope. Her legs had several loops of rope encircling them and then back up to the eye bolts, holding her hovered above the ground. Shorter lengths of ropes spread her legs wide apart and fixed them there so that everyone could see her tiny, pink vulva. Her hands had been bound behind her and several sets of rope crisscrossed around her torso and under her breasts, forcing them up and forward. Placed on each nipple was a clamp, tightened down securely. Humiliating her further, a bucket had been placed directly under her groin. I shuddered realizing why that had been placed there.

  As if on cue, a young, dark-haired gentleman approached Kendra from the side. On his way by, he carefully selected one of the phallic items from the table. It was very long and had an impressive girth. He proceeded to insert the faux-penis into her vagina with a quick thrust. He repeatedly thrust it inside her then withdrew it until I saw her legs begin to quiver. She rolled her head back and I could hear soft moans coming from her lips. In a sudden gush, Kendra was given her release and her fluids landed successfully in the carefully placed bucket.

  I looked at Master Jason with a disapproving glare.

  “What?” He teased, “Kendra is such an exquisite creature, such a fine example of a dutiful submissive. I just had to put her on display and share her with my fellow Lords and Ladies.” He leaned his head back and laughed heartily. His shoulders moving up and down with each guffaw.

  I continued my stare. He stopped laughing and put his hands into the air, clapping loudly twice. I watched as two servants rushed toward Kendra and began the careful process of excavating her from her woven prison. One held her from around her waist as the other quickly untied several knots that held her legs apart and suspended. Kendra slowly lowered her legs and felt the ground carefully with her feet. They untied the ropes from her wrists and from around her torso and she was freed from the silk ropes. She walked swiftly toward us.

  As if she had not even seen me, she rushed to the feet of her Master. Bending forward she kissed both his feet several times before glancing up. That’s when she realized I was there. Her eyes lit up with joy. The torch lights on the wall behind us casting a sparkle into her large pupils. A smile worked its way across her thin lips.

  “Come, Kendra, greet Goddess properly now,” he commanded.

  She jumped slightly before kneeling before me and proceeded to kiss my feet like she had his.

  “Stop it, I am not your Mistress, Kendra. You need not bow down to me.”

  “As you wish, Goddess,” she replied. She winked at me with the eye that was now facing away from Master Jason. I assumed that she had turned her head to the side slightly so she could do so without his observation.

  “Kendra, it has been a long time, come embrace me as you would the friend that I am,” I had to make it clear that I had instructed her. I did not wish to see her punished further on my behalf. Kendra complied, springing to her feet and folding me into her arms. I could feel her heart beating, still at a fast pace from being bound to the display rack.

  After we had greeted one another, Master Jason snapped his fingers. Kendra scurried to the pedestal to his right and knelt down there, sitting up straight and pulling her shoulders back so her breasts were properly displayed. A position I knew Master Jason preferred.

  We engaged in casual conversation about how we had been doing, how work was going, how Master Jason’s practice was fairing. All small talk, but a long time coming. Master Jason even allowed Kendra to occasionally chime into the conversation. She was limited of course by a glance that let her know to discontinue speaking. These silent commands were often possible when a dom and their submissive had played together for some time, allowing them to get to know the other intimately. Eventually, like an old, married couple, words were sometimes not required.

  Mistress Liliana participated jovially in our banter. She was leaning so far forward as we spoke, I thought she might fall from her chair. She was enraptured with even the smallest detail of my life. In my reality or in this world. I had a feeling she would be hanging around me a lot. That cling-on friend that you can’t get more than two feet from without receiving a text message or an email.

  I finished my second Gin and tonic and Liliana polished off her third Martini when the conversation turned back to my skills. This prompted Mistress Liliana to implore me yet again to give her a demonstration of the things I am known so well for. I decided to finally give in and provide her with what she desired. Her Cheshire grin returned, dark red lips stretched across a flash of pearly white. I saw her run the tip of her tongue across her lips slowly as she glanced over at my pet, still perched motionless to my left.

  “I would love to have you demonstrate on young Matthew here, but since my slave John likely deserves it more, I will offer up his flesh instead.” She stood up, snapping her fingers as she did so. John dismounted his pedestal and crawled quickly to her feet, bowing his head forward and pressing the ball gag against her feet. She flicked her foot at him in recognition of his tribute and spun around on the ball of her stiletto. I followed Liliana to the center of the hall, where Kendra had been suspended artistically for all to see. She stopped when she reached the display rack. Turning to meet my gaze, she smiled and held her hands out towards both tables. Whatever is your pleasure Goddess. Her voice trailed through my mind. I joined them and we began to prepare John for his well-deserved punishment.


  “First things first,” I declared as I walked over to the table on the right and retrieved several lengths of the bondage rope that had held Kendra firmly in place earlier. Mistress Liliana giggled with glee and clapped her hands together quickly as she had done before. Internally I sighed, it was becoming a little much for me to take. I distracted myself with the task ahead.

  Rope in hand, I moved to the center of the platform directly under the highest eye bolt. Stepping back a few paces, I gestured where the placement of Liliana’s slave should be, pointing toward the center of the play area we occupied. She immediately snapped her fingers and pointed toward where I had indicted. John complied instantly. With a nudge of my hand, I turned him to face outward, away from me. He obeyed my silent command. I glanced over at Mistress Liliana who was looking on with earnest. She caught my gaze and I looked upward, indicating I intended to tie John from that eyebolt.

  “Rise slave,” she commanded with a booming voice. I was impressed by her sudden change in tempo. John rose slowly to his feet, keeping his eyes down as he did so, a slight bow to his head. It was only now that I noticed that he was fairly short for a man. I estimated around five foot seven, five foot eight at the most. This made me smile internally.

  It made sense that someone of limited stature would assume the submissive position in our world. In reality, they would be the ones to challenge the world, to insist they were the one to bark out orders, that they were in control. Napoleon syndrome I have heard it referred to in the past. Someone making up for their short stature with attitude and resentment in attempt to make themselves feel better. Similar to the man who buys a large, lifted pick-up truck with huge knobby tires to compensate for their tiny penis.

  “Place your hands together over your head and lace your fingers together firmly,” I took over the instruction momentarily. He did as he was told right away. I tied the rope around his wrists, binding them together firmly with several coils of inseparable bracelets of scarlet.

  Barely able to reach on my tip-toes, I fed the free end of the rope through the eye bolt above John’s head and pulled until his arms were stretched high above his head. His feet still planted firmly on the ground, but he did not have m
uch give. I again visited the long table of implements and retrieved a three-foot spreader-bar. It had two cuffs attached to either end with large buckles. I placed the bar between his feet and, raising one end at a time, fastened each cuff around his angles, forcing his legs wide apart. I took smaller lengths of the rope and looped it through the cuffs and threaded the ends through the lowest eye bolts and pulled them tight. Tying each side tightly, I stepped back to admire my work so far.

  Mistress Liliana observed closely, a look of awe on her face. I smiled at her slightly. She noticed my attention and returned the smile. She went over to the other table and looked over the numerous devices located there. Looking this way and that until her eyes found the one she wanted. I watched as she pulled a large, dark-colored phallus from the collection. It was fairly large around and was long with faux veins around the shaft simulating a huge, erect penis. I could not help but smile in amusement as I suddenly realized her intentions.

  She made her way back to where John was transfixed and ready for us to unleash our will upon him. The large, black phallus was waved tauntingly to and fro in front of his vision. A muffled sound coming from behind the ball gag made it clear that John was near protest.

  Mistress Liliana clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she shook her head slowly back and forth. His actions were obviously perceived by her as non-compliance.

  Because I had foreseen in advance her desires with the large phallus, I reached up and loosened the rope that held John stretched upward. He slowly began to tip forward, exposing his buttocks. As if he knew what position would best accommodate his angle, he tipped himself forward farther at the waist, the rope sliding carelessly through the eyelet. When I felt he was properly positioned, I fixed the rope to its new location.


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