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Rescued by the Wolf

Page 12

by Kristal Hollis

  “So do you, and yet you shifted in front of Red the first time you met her.”

  “Cybil had her pinned.”

  “Cybil?” Rafe snorted. “The old sow was probably sniffing her for a candy bar. Hardly constitutes mortal danger.”

  “No, but Cas and I are mates.”

  “Did you know that at the time?”


  “I didn’t think so.”

  “Cas freaked when it happened and when a mate-bond began forming between us, she completely resisted it.” Brice lifted his muzzle toward the sky. “Sometimes I wonder if she’d known me as a man first, would she have had an easier time bonding with my wolf?”

  So much for Rafe following Brice’s lead. Terrifying and alienating Grace wasn’t how Rafe wanted to introduce her to wolfan life.

  “We all want Grace to know the truth,” Brice continued. “But we need to be careful. Truth can bring people together or tear them apart.”

  “So do lies.”

  “Not divulging something is not necessarily a lie.”

  “Spoken like a true lawyer.”

  “Since the accident, I’ve teased you about Grace because you’re so damn easy to rile. But, is there something going on between you and her? Is it possible she could be your new mate?”

  Anything was possible.

  Technically, if Grace were commitment minded, Rafe could easily establish a mate-claim by biting her during sex. The mate-claim could be established without thought, consideration or credence given to forming a mate-bond.

  The problem was, Rafe wasn’t the type of man to claim a female without experiencing a mate-bond.

  Not all wolfans developed the mystical ties to their mates. Those who did experienced a merging of heart and soul that surpassed the mere telepathy the mate-claim produced. Even at great distances, a mate-bonded couple could sense each other’s emotions and share dreams.

  From the beginning, Rafe’s wolf had wanted Grace. Now, the man wanted her, too.

  But, he wanted Grace to have an honest understanding of him. Revealing his wolf would make an affair more personal for him, but it didn’t have to lead to a mate-claim.

  He’d barely survived the loss of his first mate and it took a long time for him to get to a better place. Since his sobriety, he’d started figuring out who he wanted to be as an individual, not half of a couple. He wasn’t ready to lose himself again. Not even to Grace.

  “I can’t do another mateship,” Rafe finally responded to Brice’s query. “And Grace is only interested in a sex buddy.”

  “There’s a fine line between lust and love.” Brice’s gaze seemed to burn through Rafe. “If your heart decides to cross that boundary, you won’t be able to stop it.”

  For Grace’s sake and his own, Rafe needed to make sure his heart didn’t get involved.

  Chapter 19

  It’s too early for Cassie’s baby. Way too early.

  Arms hugging her chest, Grace paced the hospital’s emergency clinic waiting room.

  She’d had a lot of nice thoughts about Rafe today.

  Ten minutes ago, all those nice thoughts dissipated like wisps of smoke. She unhooked her arms and glared at the cell phone in her hand. “Why haven’t you answered?”

  The better question was why she had texted Rafe in the first place. He hated hospitals.

  She could rationalize until cows started producing chocolate milk that she asked Rafe to come because he was Brice’s best friend, and Rafe should be here to support him. Truthfully, Grace was scared and Rafe made her feel safe.

  Brice was in the treatment bay with Cassie, even though he’d been told to stay in the waiting area. Good thing no one actually protested when he ignored the order. He might’ve torn down the place to be with her.

  Grace actually felt good about his reaction. He wasn’t going to allow his wife to face a terrifying unknown alone.

  Grace, of course, didn’t have the commanding presence Brice did. She’d been relegated to the waiting room. Facing a crisis alone made her stomach roll.

  It would’ve been nice to have someone sit with her. Rafe’s presence wouldn’t change the outcome of what would be, but she would’ve been grateful to not hear the news by herself.

  Sitting in a plastic, straight-backed chair, Grace waved her fingers at the little boy being rocked against his mother’s chest. He squinted tired, weepy eyes to hide from her, then peeked one eye open. She waved again and he giggled.

  “I’m Grace. What’s your name?”

  He squealed and hid his face.

  “Connor, you’re not being nice,” his mother said. “I’m Loretta.”

  “Grace.” She didn’t extend her automatic handshake because Loretta’s arms were full with her son.

  “I saw you come in with Cassie and Brice. Is she in labor?”

  “I hope not.” Considering Cassie was only six-and-a-half months pregnant.

  “Gray-see.” The little boy lifted his head and grinned, even though his big, brown eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

  “Nice to meet you, Connor.”

  He stared at her outstretched hand, grabbed her fingers and pulled them to his pert little nose. “You smell funny.”

  “Connor,” Loretta said sharply. “That’s not polite.”

  “It’s all right.” Grace laughed. “What do I smell like?”

  “I dunno.” He crinkled his nose. “Lots of things.”

  “It’s her perfume.” Rafe’s strong, quiet voice slipped over Grace’s shoulder. “Some women like to change their scent. Grace is wearing a combination of strawberry, violets, gardenia, jasmine, vanilla and grapefruit.”

  “Are you making that up?” Grace looked at Rafe.

  “My wife worked at the botanical gardens,” he said simply. “I learned to identify a lot of floral scents.”

  “Rafe, it’s good to see you.” A radiant smile lit up Loretta’s face and her dark brown eyes warmed to the color of hot fudge. Even the contours of her face softened. From the highly-charged vibe Loretta cast, she definitely had a thing for Rafe.

  “What brings you here?” She adjusted Connor on her lap, exposing her low-cut T-shirt and ample cleavage.

  “Grace asked me to come.” Rafe’s hand squeezed Grace’s shoulder, yet he gazed at her with an absolutely blank expression.

  Nothing reflected his perception, reception or assessment of Loretta’s interest, how he felt about the text from Grace or if he wanted to kiss her again.

  “Any news?”

  Grace shook her head as the heat from his touch seeped into her muscles and eased some of her tension. Regardless of whether or not he wanted to be there, Grace appreciated his presence.

  “You’re getting a little shaggy,” Loretta said to him.

  “I like it,” Grace blurted at Rafe. “You look more laid-back, comfortable.” Sexy, but she didn’t dare say it out loud.

  Rafe cut his eyes at her, the tease of a smile in his gaze.

  “He prefers a clean-cut style,” Loretta huffed, then turned to Rafe. “I can come by the R&L to give you a trim if you’re too busy to stop by the barbershop.”

  “I’m trying something different.” Rafe rubbed Loretta’s son on the back. “Got an earache, Connor?”

  “Yeah.” The boy pushed out his bottom lip in an exaggerated pout.

  Loretta kissed Connor’s head. “I know Doc came in for Cassie, but if he’s done before we see the on-call pediatrician, would you ask him to examine Connor?”

  Rafe nodded and slouched in the chair next to Grace, lacing his fingers behind his head and stretching out his legs. His knee grazed hers, sending goose bumps scurrying up her spine to high-dive into her belly.

  His eyes slid shut.

  So much for conversation to keep her distracted.

  She glanced at Lorett
a. Her friendly demeanor had cooled. Though no true malice was reflected in the narrow-eyed look Loretta gave her, continuing their chitchat didn’t seem likely.

  Grace closed her eyes in another silent prayer for Cassie, then opened a social media app on her phone. Her message board was filled with notes from friends all across the globe. Reading them, it struck her how everyone talked at her and not really to her. Posts were generic updates on what they did or where they were going. No one actually said anything in an attempt to go beyond the surface to delve into a deeper, more meaningful relationship. For the first time, the lack of depth in their communication bothered her.

  * * *

  Rafe shut his eyes. He’d taken a sleeping pill and was almost asleep when he got Grace’s text. The adrenaline rush of seeing her urgent message had dampened the sedative’s effects.

  Though no longer tired, he pretended to sleep to avoid talking to Loretta. His efforts to deter unwanted attachments with her hadn’t been as successful as he’d hoped.

  Loretta’s snippiness toward Grace and the flash of jealousy in her eyes when he’d touched Grace’s shoulder signaled it was time to find a new moon-fuck partner.

  He heard Grace lean forward in her seat, her feet tapping the floor in an agitated beat. Her breathing sounded shallow and harsh. In the half hour he’d been with her, she’d barely relaxed, except when he touched her. He wished he could say it had been accidental. It wasn’t, although after the shoulder touch he’d tried to make the occasional bumps and grazes appear accidental in an attempt to thwart Loretta’s jealousy.

  A hairstylist and manicurist with three kids, she wasn’t violent. Then again, she’d never been jealous of him, either.

  When she disappeared into a bay with Connor, Rafe lightly trailed his fingers down Grace’s spine. She gave a startled jump beneath his touch. He sensed her turn to him, but he kept his eyes closed, trying to imagine anything other than her big, green eyes staring at him.

  He strummed the muscles in her back methodically. Slowly, she began to relax, and so did he. Her tension had been so high he’d felt the weight of it on his own body.

  She was much too intense for her own good.

  He knew some horizontal activities that would help her relax. A few vertical ones, too.

  Footsteps sounded in the corridor behind the closed double doors. From the stride, he knew his father was coming.

  Rafe stood and Grace’s worried gaze caused his gut to clench. He wanted to ease her mind, tell her everything was fine, but without knowing that all was well, he wouldn’t promise her it was.

  He offered his hand, signaling with a curling finger for her to stand. Without hesitation, she gripped his fingers and walked with him to the doors.

  Doc stepped through, Gavin and Abby a few steps behind. All looked relieved.

  “Cassie’s fine,” Doc said with a smile.

  Grace seemed frozen, unable to process the news.

  “Can Grace see her?” Rafe slipped his arm around her waist and gave a gentle squeeze, despite Gavin’s frown.

  “Come with me.” Doc rubbed Grace’s shoulder. “She really is doing well.”

  With Grace pressed against his hip, Rafe walked into the east wing triage ward. If Doc had been at the hospital when Cassie had arrived, he would’ve directed them to the Co-op’s west wing, where Wahyas and their families were treated.

  But Cassie was human and likely wanted Grace to be with her once the emergency passed, and humans not affiliated with the Co-op weren’t allowed into the west wing—in case they saw something they shouldn’t.

  “Cassie and the baby are really okay?” Grace asked softly.

  Deep inside, Rafe felt the depths of her concern and her fear. Without thinking, he leaned into her, nuzzling her cheek.

  “See for yourself.” Doc pulled back the bay curtains.



  Instant relief was mirrored on their faces.

  Rafe glanced at Brice, standing bedside. His features were tired, but relaxed. He stepped aside so Grace could wedge in next to Cassie.

  Grace crawled right into the bed and the women hugged.

  “I had some false labor pains and my blood pressure got too high,” Cassie said. “It’s down now.”

  The women’s animated chatter turned into a whirring noise inside Rafe’s head.

  He leaned toward Doc. “Loretta brought in Connor. He’s pulling at his ears and looks fevered. They’re with the on-call pediatrician but she wanted you to check him.”

  “I’ll pop over to see them.”

  Brice walked over as Doc left.

  “You all right, Walker?” Rafe asked.

  “Yes.” Brice released a heavy breath. “Cassie will need to take it easy. She’s not going to like it much.”

  Rafe stuffed his hands into his pockets.

  “Thanks for coming, man.” Brice cuffed Rafe’s shoulder. “It means a lot to me that you’re here.”

  “Glad Red’s okay.” Rafe glanced at Grace, her head bent toward Cassie as they laughed at something on Grace’s phone.

  “Grace has a way of putting people at ease,” Brice said. “Cassie wants her to be in the delivery room. Apparently, I don’t have a very good bedside manner when my mate is scared and in pain.”

  Rafe really didn’t want to discuss labor and delivery plans. “Since Red’s okay, I’m gonna head home.”

  “Do you mind taking Grace back to the resort? She rode with us but Doc wants Cassie to stay overnight and I’m not leaving her.”

  With fatigue beginning to catch up with him, driving all the way to the resort and back into town might be pushing his limits. “I’ll take her home with me.” His apartment was only a few minutes away from the hospital. “Grace will want to be close by in case Cassie needs her.”

  “Careful now.” An irritating grin lifted the tension and worry etched on Brice’s face. “Keep spending the night with Grace and you’ll ended up mated.”

  “Screw you.”

  The humor in his friend’s eyes as he painstakingly turned his gaze in slow-motion toward Grace told Rafe exactly who Brice thought he should screw.

  Chapter 20

  5:47 a.m. flashed on the digital clock.

  Rafe flipped the clock face down into the top of the couch back.

  A few hours ago, Grace had fallen asleep within minutes of crawling into the Murphy bed.

  Stretched out on the couch, one arm draped behind his head, Rafe stared at the ceiling. Grace’s soft, even breaths were like a lullaby. More than anything he wanted to crawl next to her. Feel her heat. Smell her skin. Sink deep inside her until he came undone.

  She had no idea what she did to him.

  Her presence ate the silence. Even in the quiet of the early morning, she filled the void.

  Hell. He had a hard enough time keeping his mind off her. Her scent permeating his home wasn’t helping.

  Willing his mind and body to settle, he rolled to his side, burying his face in his pillow. It didn’t stop him from breathing in Grace’s scent. He tried holding his breath, but somehow her essence filled the room with a warmth that seeped into his skin. His nerves danced with awareness. Everything in him, except his common sense, wanted to crawl next to her, press against her heat and give into her softness.

  His groin, tight with arousal, showed no signs of easing, Unable to fall back to sleep, Rafe tossed aside the white sheet and slipped quietly out of the room. He padded into the bathroom and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature just enough to take the bite out of the cold water.

  Standing in the cool spray, he soaped his chest and stomach. His thoughts kept drifting to Grace. He could disappear in those vast green eyes of hers and a mere glimpse of her genuine smile could warm him for days.

  Her scent, her skin, even the timbre of
her voice called to him in ways he never imagined would ever be possible for him again.

  He wanted her.

  No surprise there. He’d been drawn to her the moment his wolf had first detected her scent. What he’d dismissed as a fleeting interest hadn’t dissipated in the following months when he’d actively avoided her. He’d been right to keep his distance.

  Grace’s hadn’t merely wrecked her car; she’d crashed into his life.

  Nothing would ever be the same again.

  Something inside him had known this at Brice’s party and Rafe had been wise enough to remove himself from her path. He’d been too new to sobriety, his grip on rebuilding a new life too fragile, and his heart not nearly mended enough.

  Now, Rafe had reached the point where he wanted companionship but not commitment. Still, he didn’t want to live like Tristan, a different woman every night.

  Well, to be fair, Tristan had said he really didn’t bed a woman nightly, or even weekly anymore. Still, that was his reputation and Rafe didn’t want it to be his.

  Rafe had hesitations, but he was ready for more intimacy than his moon-fuck partnership provided.

  He doubted Grace would seriously consider putting down roots in such a small, unsophisticated town. He hoped that would work in his favor. A down-home kind of guy, he couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The differences in their very natures would prevent any serious pursuit. This could work.

  Rafe’s soapy hands slid down his abdomen. His erection, not diminished by the spray of cool water, begged for attention.

  This time, he refused to give it. Grace was in his home, under his protection. If he kept jerking off to fantasies about her, it would cloud his judgment.

  If she wanted to initiate something, so be it. He’d let it be on her terms.

  Rafe shut off the water, climbed out of the shower and grabbed a towel, rubbing it roughly over his body. The friction warmed his skin, but didn’t take the edge off the chill inside him.

  He stared at his reflection in the mirror. The dark circles that had once ringed his eyes were barely visible now. He had allowed his hair to grow a little longer than he usually wore it, but it was not nearly as shaggy as it had been when he was drinking.


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