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Regency Romance: Duke’s Forbidden Love (The Fairbanks Series - Love & Hearts) (Historical Romance Fiction)

Page 7

by Jessie Bennett

  “A very morbid thought, my lady. Especially from someone like you.”

  “Someone like me? What do you mean?”

  “You seem to be a very positive person in most respects.”

  “Yes, I like to let my light shine. However, everyone has a side they do not want others to see. A side that they keep to themselves. This depressed, anxious side of the human soul is present in every one of us. It is imperative that we fight against it if we can. As well to not harbor on situations nor dwell on circumstances.”

  “Wise words, my lady.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace.”

  Bryan was moments away from asking Lady Anna if she would accompany him on a ride the next day, when the door opened and a teenage boy entered. Lady Anna stood up again, smiling.


  “Mother.” The boy’s eyes were on Bryan. He looked surprised to see him. “Duke Watson?”

  Bryan stood up and bowed to the boy. “Master Drake. Is this your home?”

  “Yes, sir, it is. Whatever can you be doing out this far into the country?” Drake approached him with a smile. Anna had raised her eyebrows, shocked to see that her son and the young man she was interested in already knew each other.

  Bryan moved his smile to Anna. “I apologize for not making the connection between you two. Your son came to the offices yesterday to discuss taking on an internship for the summer.”

  “Truly?” Anna’s eyebrows were still raised and she turned a stunned face to her son. “Why did you not mention this to me, Drake?”

  The teenager shrugged. “I was going to but I wanted to find out whether the company offered internships. I am interested in making my own furniture, becoming a carpenter. Working at the Watson Furniture Company would be a nice addition to experience. As I would also learn many new skills in the process.”

  Anna nodded. She wrapped her arms around her son’s shoulders and held him to her. “You are a smart and capable young man. I’m sure the Watson company would be pleased to have you…” She glanced at Bryan. “Unless you do not take interns.”

  Bryan smiled. “Only on a paid basis.”

  Anna laughed. “Well, that is certainly fine, I’m sure.”

  “Yes, I would like to start making some money for myself. There is much investing that I want to do.”

  The three sat down, facing each other and keeping warm by the fire.

  “I thought you wanted to go into banking like your grandfather.” Bryan said. He turned his gaze to Anna. “Is that not what you mentioned before, Lady Anna?”

  She nodded. “Yes, that is a point. Have you changed your mind and decided to work in construction instead?”

  Drake shrugged. “I’m not sure, mother. I would like to pursue my dream of creating and selling furniture, while also doing some personal woodwork of my own. Having banking knowledge will propel me further, should I venture to do that. Therefore, I will perhaps do both. But first I want to start with the carving…the furniture, you see.”

  “I’m sure your grandfather would love to show you what he knows about banking. Your plan is to intern at the Watson company, making furniture and money while furthering your knowledge in the banking industry?”

  “That’s it, mother, you have it right.”

  “Hmm. I am impressed, Drake. I’m proud of you for making these decisions.”

  Drake and Anna smiled at each other. Bryan thought to himself how lucky Drake was to have a mother like Anna. She was filled with an energy and good will that positively spilled out all around her. Her beautiful smile and intelligent mind intrigued him.

  “Did you come here to tell me I have a position in your company?” Drake’s blue eyes lit up with excitement as he thought of the prospect.

  Bryan was tempted to take the boy on at Watson Furniture just because he was Anna’s son. But he didn’t need to. He knew that Drake was strong, smart, and willing. He nodded.

  “I did not come here to deliver the news but yes, you will be able to work through the summer at my company.”

  “Thank you, Duke Watson!” The smile on Drake’s face was enough payment for Bryan.

  “You are welcome.”

  “Mother, did you hear that?”

  Anna laughed, much to the delight of Bryan’s ears. He struggled not to bite his lip and give her a look of longing desire. He kept his eyes on Drake, so that he would not be tempted to grab the woman and pull her to him. “I am sitting right here, son. Of course, I heard him. I’m glad that you will get this chance. It will truly help you in the long run.”

  “Yes, it will. Thank you again, Duke Watson.”

  “If you are interested, tomorrow we can go on a tour of the facility where you would be working.”

  “That would be amazing, my lord, truly!”

  Bryan nodded. “I won’t put you to work right away, but you will at least see what you should work with.”

  “I have made some amazing pieces here at home. Mother has given me a room just for my wood work.”

  “That’s nice.”

  Anna remained quiet, watching Bryan and Drake talk. They seemed extremely comfortable with each other as they discussed the varying types of wood that was generally used in the making of fine furniture. Bryan told them a story of a man who brought some special type of wood from another country; and asked that his furniture be made from it. However, the wood was weak and didn’t cut correctly. They argued and debated with the man for months attempting to make him understand that the wood was unfit for furniture and would rot away quickly, in addition to breaking. The three ended up laughing at the way it was resolved.

  “You must stay for dinner, my lord.” Anna said, making Bryan smile wide. “In fact, I am quite starving for some more biscuits and tea.”

  “As a matter of fact, my lady, your father said that you and Drake were already partaking in biscuits and tea and that I was to join you. Imagine my disappointment that no such pleasantries were at the ready.” He kept his smile wide so that she would know he was teasing her.

  “Yes, we have been terrible hosts.” Anna gave him a serious look, but he could see the sparkle behind her eyes just before she gave him a returning smile. She turned to her son. “Drake, go and find Martha. Tell her we would like some more biscuits and tea. Tell her to put jelly and butter on the tray.”

  Drake stood up. “Will do, mother.” He hurried to the door and was through it quickly.

  “Your son is a fine young lad.”

  “I think so, too.” Anna gave him a beaming smile. Again, he restrained himself from grabbing her. He wanted to pull her close and hold her to him, feel her heartbeat, listen to her breathing. His steady gaze didn’t seem to fluster her. She gazed into his eyes and after a moment, a smile crept across her lips.

  “I am not sure what you are thinking, Lord Watson, but I must say you look deep in thought.”

  “I confess that I was fantasizing, my lady.”

  Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Oh? And what were you fantasizing about?”

  He grinned and looked off into the distance with a wistful look on his face. “The largest tray of biscuits and the best tea in England.”

  Anna threw back her head and laughed. He was fascinated by the smooth skin on her neck and the upper part of her chest that was exposed. He wanted to plant kisses all over her. He almost moved to take her in his arms but the door opened and Drake came back in. Bryan felt somewhat relieved. If he had made such a move and Anna had rejected him or become angry, he would have wanted to die. He didn’t think she would do either but there was no way for him to be perfectly sure.

  “Martha is bringing a tray of biscuits and tea, mother.” He came over and threw himself into the chair he had vacated earlier.

  Anna’s grin was wide when she replied. “I hope it’s a big one.”

  She and Bryan laughed while Drake just sat looking confused.




bsp; When Anna sat down at the table that evening, she knew something was up. She folded her napkin over her lap and kept her eyes on her plate. Her father had been giving her a disapproving look since she entered the room. Since she wasn’t wearing strange clothes and was sure there was no change in her facial features, she knew he had something to say to her. She hoped he would at least refrain from discussing whatever it was until after Drake was finished and had left the table.

  She didn’t get her wish. In fact, it was almost as though Frank waited until Drake was in the room before he spoke.

  “Did you have a productive discussion with Duke Watson when he was here today, Anna?” her father asked as Martha put a plate of food down in front of him. He picked up his fork but didn’t touch the food, his eyes still on his daughter.

  She smiled at him. “I did, thank you for sending him to the great room. I always enjoy speaking with Duke Watson.”

  “He is a very young man, isn’t he?”

  Anna resented the fact that she couldn’t keep herself from blushing. “He is young, yes.”

  “A good businessman, I must say. I did notice that you have a particular fondness for him.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  Her father snorted softly. “When you get to be my age, my dear, these kinds of things are unmistakable. You may want to reconsider letting yourself have any kind of feelings for the young man other than pertaining to business. There can be no relationship between a woman your age and a man his age. In addition, you have Duke Doughtery pursuing your hand in marriage. He is a much better suitor for your affections.”

  “Duke Doughtery is ten years older than I am.”

  “That is very different from a twenty-year age difference. You must keep this in mind.”

  “The only thing I am going to keep in mind is my happiness, father.” Anna replied, finally picking up her own fork and putting a large chunk of potato in her mouth. She didn’t want to look at her father. She was angry. She knew her father only wanted to protect her from harm but she knew that the more he pushed her in Duke Doughtery’s direction, the more she would rebel against his plan. She knew in her heart there was no way she would ever give her hand or her body to Duke Doughtery.

  Duke Watson, on the other hand, lit her body on fire just by his presence. She pictured his gentle blue eyes, the way he gazed at her with such obvious admiration. It made her feel rejuvenated, refreshed and beautiful. She had no self-esteem problems. But it wasn’t his age that made her feel that way. It was the sheer look of awe on his face. It made her feel as though she was made of gold.

  Not to mention the instant connection she had felt with him that very first day at the ball. From the moment she met him, she knew she wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. She suspected it was the same with him, as it was with her. The attraction was much more than just outer beauty. She wanted to dedicate herself to finding out what he was, who he was on the inside, his innermost thoughts on every subject possible.

  Every moment she’d spent in his presence made her want to pick his brain even more.

  “My dear, you are not thinking logically,” Frank shook his head, taking the first bite of his food. “Duke Doughtery has many ties to the business world in which I function.”

  Anna frowned and shook her head. “Father, you just said that he works in your industry. That he works with you. In your business dealings. What has that to do with me? And do you not also do business with Duke Watson?”

  Frank matched her frown, ignoring the last question to say, “You are expected to fill a certain role, Anna, which you well know. Being a widow and an older woman does not exclude you from those duties. Marrying Duke Doughtery will bring a unity to our business dealings, which could easily lead to further and more expansive income.”

  “My life is not all about the money that I can make for you, father. What about my happiness? What about what I desire for my life?”

  “You can be happy with Duke Doughtery, if you let yourself be.” Frank wasn’t even looking at her now. His eyes were steady on his plate, as he ate his food. She knew he could tell she was becoming angry. After a lengthy pause, in which both frantically ate their food, Drake sat staring at them both. Frank finally shook his head and looked up at his daughter. “Anna, you cannot be interested in courting with a man who is only a few years older than your own son.”

  “I do not see his age, father. I see his soul.”

  “Regardless, that is not what others will see.”

  “I do not care what others see. I care what is in my heart and how I live my life. Father, you are making too much of this as it is. I am interested in seeing Duke Watson out of curiosity. He is an interesting man. I find him fascinating.”

  “Yes, he is a very handsome young man.” Frank nodded.

  Anna felt a jolt of anger slide through her, from her neck to her lower back. Her frown deepened. “I did not say anything about his attractiveness, father. I was talking about his personality. Who he is.”

  “You do not know who he is.” Frank snorted. “Very few people know who he is. He has traveled and seen many things and done many things for his few years on this earth.”

  “Which may contribute to why I feel a deeper connection to him. He is mature, wise and interesting.”

  “Grandfather, you work with Duke Watson as well as Duke Doughtery. Isn’t Duke Watson a fine gentleman in business?” Drake spoke up for the first time, holding a bread roll in one hand that he’d taken a large bite from. One of his cheeks was pushed out with the food he held in his mouth. He’d noticed how Frank had skirted the question, refusing to answer when his mother mentioned it.

  Frank looked at the boy. “I do work with both men, though on a much closer basis with Duke Doughtery. Duke Watson only just returned from a trip abroad and took over his father’s title and business.”

  Anna felt a bit of shock run through her. In her eyes, her father had just told a fib, something she never thought to expect. “Father, now you know that isn’t true. Duke Watson began traveling at the age of 17, which is the same age as Drake, you might recall, and returned at 20 when his father found trouble with the Prince Regent.”

  “Yes, that is so.” Frank admitted.

  “Duke Watson is 23 years old. He did not ‘just return’ as you say, from a trip abroad. It has been three years.”

  “As the years go by, time goes faster. To me, he just returned. I’m sure to him it seems like a long time. But you should know that the years begin to slip by the older a person becomes.”

  Anna knew her father was trying to divert from the topic of discussion. He was probably tired of talking about it. She pulled in a quiet breath and held it for a moment. Should she continue to argue with him?

  His rejection of a possible relationship between her and Duke Watson was going to be counter-productive. She already knew that. It would end up pushing her toward Bryan, rather than away from him. Her mind had been set against Duke Doughtery for a long time already. The entrance of Bryan into the picture had solidified her opinion.

  “Father, I must tell you now that I have no intention of allowing Duke Doughtery to court me. I have no interest in the man and will not share the rest of my life with him.”

  Frank stared down at the remaining food on his plate, holding his fork up in mid-air in front of him. Anna saw his jaw clench and felt a bit fearful. Frank rarely became angry and rarely with her or Drake. He was a calm, collected man who got things done. But he also insisted on his way.

  He had passed the trait on to his daughter, which didn’t make things better for either of them.

  “You will do what is best for this family, Anna. That is your obligation, your duty to your son and your father.”

  Anna stood up abruptly, the backs of her legs knocking the chair away from her. Her face was flushed. She was holding in her anger to the absolute best of her ability, but she knew if she didn’t get away from her father and this discussion, she was going to lose her temp

  “Mother…” Drake stood up, concerned. He held out one hand to her but she shook her head.

  “I cannot stay here and listen to another word of this discussion.” She growled, staring at her father, who would not look at her. “You are talking about my life!” Her breath was coming and going rapidly as she restrained herself. “You are talking about it, as though the only thing that matters is how much money I can make the family. I will not exist in a world where I cannot be happy. You are trying to sentence me to a life of misery, father and I won’t have it.”

  “I am not doing that.” Frank looked up at her, dropping his fork on his plate and standing up. “I’m trying to make you understand your role, your duties. You may have stars in your eyes over the young Duke Watson, but he does not signify solidarity, unity, security. He is a young boy who has a lot to learn about life.”

  “You, yourself said that he had traveled extensively. I notice that you always show him respect when you see him.”

  “I show the proper respect due a Lord, Lady, Duke or Duchess. Or any other title. That does not mean I particularly care for that individual.”

  “You don’t care for Duke Watson? What has he done to you?”

  “Now, he is attempting to court my daughter, who is many years his senior. I’m sure he has enough to deal with without adding to his troubles.”

  Anna’s skin was burning with rage. She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at her father. “So now I am an added trouble, am I? Is this what you thought of me all along? A meal ticket? A way to keep money flowing into the family accounts?”

  Frank shook his head, realizing they were talking in circles and would not get anywhere with it. “We must not talk about this anymore.”

  “Unfortunately, we will be talking about it for a while,” Anna’s voice was low and upset. “You have not convinced me in the slightest; that I must sacrifice my life, so that you can line your pockets with money. I have not convinced you, that Duke Watson’s age means nothing and that we can have a successful relationship. A relationship we must work on together. Without the interference of others who think they know better than we do about our own hearts, minds and lives.”


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