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Regency Romance: Duke’s Forbidden Love (The Fairbanks Series - Love & Hearts) (Historical Romance Fiction)

Page 13

by Jessie Bennett

  “What did you notice about the Duke’s accounts with my father?”

  “He regularly made purchases of the same amount and transferred money from one account to another. I know you will not be able to understand. However, I spotted the pattern and how it is only this week that it has been changed from normal. I believe you, when you say the Duke spent an extraordinarily long time looking for a chamber pot to use. I believe you are right when you say he went into your father’s papers and changed some of the figures to make it look as though your father was stealing money.”

  Relief flowed through Anna like a tidal wave. At the same time, she felt a cold breeze blow over her face and she hugged herself. He noticed and wrapped both his arms around her.

  “I’m going to resolve this, my lady.”

  She pressed her face into his chest. “How, my lord?”

  “I will go find Duke Doughtery now and discuss this with him.”

  “He will never admit to his wrongdoing.”

  “I will make him.”

  “Do you think it is possible?” She looked up at him with pleading eyes. His heart hammered against his chest. He kept himself from kissing her, knowing all the while it was what they both wanted.

  He pulled in a deep breath. “I do hope so. This must be stopped. He must admit his guilt.”

  He moved away from her and she felt cold again. “Go inside, my love.” He murmured. “You will not be cold inside. Go sit by the fire.”

  “My lord,” she said, quietly. “I fear my father will never change his mind now.”

  Bryan shook his head. “I explained to him my reason for asking those questions the way I did. He understands.”

  “As for us, I fear he will not give us his blessing. Even if Duke Doughtery is found guilty.”

  “You must not think that way.” He took her hand, stepping further away to go down the porch steps. “You must be positive and keep your faith. I will court you. I will marry you. It must be that way. If it is not, I will never be happy.”

  His words filled Anna’s heart with happiness. She pressed her lips together and blinked back tears. He squeezed her hand and let go. She watched as he walked away, praying silently for his safety and success.

  She hugged herself to stay warm, watching him go toward his carriage. He turned back once. “Go inside, my lady. It is too cold out here.”

  She smiled at him.

  As he left, she stood at the window watching, holding herself tightly. It didn’t seem to her a good idea for him to go find the Duke. She wondered, if she might be able to finesse the man into telling the truth.

  She had a good feeling she knew where he was. He was the type that would run to the pub if he felt threatened. Many times, over the years she had seen him drunk, stumbling through the street to get to his carriage or horse. He had even spent an evening drinking with her father, ending up in one of the guest rooms for the night.

  She thought for a moment about telling her father where she was going, but decided not to at the last moment. She went to the closet by the front door and pulled out the heaviest coat she could find. She pulled on a thick bonnet to keep her head warm and picked up her hand muff. It was getting colder by the moment. She didn’t like to be cold.

  Anna slipped back through the front door, going quickly to the stable, where the groom would set about getting two horses ready for their smallest carriage.

  Would she find the Duke at the same time as Bryan? It might be wise for someone to prevent any possible danger the two might represent to each other.

  Once she was seated in the carriage, she sat back and contemplated what she wanted to say to the Duke. How would she get him to admit his deception? Should she tell him plain and simple that she will never marry him, hoping that he would believe her and admit to the deception? Perhaps, it would be better if she played nice with him, acting as though she didn’t know what was going on.

  She shook her head. What good would that possibly do? She didn’t think she could pull it off anyway. That kind of pretending was best left for the stage by professionals.

  By the time, she reached Main Street, where she knew Duke Doughtery often was, she directed her driver to pull over and let her walk.

  She got out, stepping down carefully. Her boots were new and had not formed quite to her feet yet. She walked slowly down the path, along the storefronts till she reached the first pub on the street.

  She looked inside, but did not see the Duke. She saw several other people she knew from the town but did not go all the way in. When she didn’t spot the Duke, she left the pub and went into the restaurant across the street.

  She glanced around her, peering through the sparse crowd. She didn’t see who she was looking for but her eyes settled on Elizabeth Worthington, alone at a table. It was such an odd sight to see her good friend sitting alone, she froze in place for a moment, unsure if she was really seeing Elizabeth or a woman who looked remarkably like her.

  Elizabeth looked up as a server came toward her table and Anna knew it was her. She went swiftly toward her, the bottom of her dress brushing softly against the ground, her boots threatening to twist her ankle.

  Elizabeth turned her eyes to Anna. A smile lit up her face. “Anna! My dear cousin, come and sit with me.”




  Anna was glad to have a reason to sit back down. She really ought to wear her new boots all around the house first before she ventured out in them. At least long enough for her to get used to them and them to her.

  “Liz! It is so delightful to see you out on this cold day. But whatever are you doing eating alone, my dear?”

  “Shawn and I came out for a late lunch. A messenger came and got him a few moments ago, saying he was needed at the bank.”

  Anna froze in place and had to keep herself from scowling. What was going on at the bank? Had the Duke and Bryan gone there and caused a scene somehow?

  Elizabeth cocked her head to one side. “Are you all right, my dear? Have I said something to cause you distress? Sit, my dear, sit.” She patted the chair to her right and Anna dropped down into it.

  “Oh, Liz, things are so terribly awry. Things have not gone well today. I don’t know what to think any more.”

  “Tell me what’s happened, dear? Perhaps I can help.”

  Anna shook her head. “I doubt that you can, but I do want to tell someone. I need some advice. I am so torn.”

  “How are you torn?”

  “You see, this morning, it was discovered that some of the accounts my father handles were off by several pounds, enough to cause worry. Duke Watson paid a visit and he and my father left to discuss it with Duke Doughtery.”

  “How is Duke Doughtery involved in it? Or Duke Watson for that matter?”

  “There are accounts that my father handles for Duke Doughtery that involve not only the Watson Furniture company but other companies as well. It seems Duke Watson’s staff discovered a discrepancy that seemed to indicate my father had taken some money off the top and set it aside for himself.”

  Elizabeth looked skeptical. “Oh my, that doesn’t sound like your father at all, Anna.”

  “I agree. My father is not a thief. The accounts that Duke Watson mentioned were those of Duke Doughtery. If there are more, I do not know.”

  “Did your father and Duke Watson speak with Duke Doughtery about it? Perhaps they can compare account books.”

  “That is what they did but the Duke refused to show them his accounts. He said he did not have access to them.”

  Elizabeth scowled. “That sounds very suspicious.”

  “That was my thought, as well. And theirs. However, my father is still holding out hope that there will be a discovery that will clear him. Duke Watson and I suspect that Duke Doughtery is behind these discrepancies.”

  “How could he possibly have changed your father’s books?”

  “He spent a length of
time away from us during his last visit to the estate. I believe he went into my father’s study and committed the crime, hoping that my father would be ruined and leave me destitute and desperate.”

  Elizabeth shook her head, her frown remaining in place. “That makes absolutely no sense, my dear. At this point, if you are left destitute and desperate, you will marry Duke Watson and be a wealthy, happy, loved woman. How would perpetrating this crime possibly help Duke Doughtery in any way?”

  “It is a quandary.” Anna lowered her head, shaking it back and forth. “I cannot say that I understand it in any way. For all I know, the Duke may have been angry with my father for not pushing me to marry him or for not forcing me to do so. Father has talked to me about it on several occasions but I have never agreed and would never agree to marry Duke Doughtery. I do not love him.”

  “You do love Duke Watson though.”

  “I must say it is unfortunately so.”

  “Your father is not willing to accept the age difference and give his blessing?”

  “That is right, Liz. And it is something that Duke Watson must have before he will bless me with a courtship.”

  “Have you thought that perhaps it is wise to take a step back and look at the situation from his perspective? The Duke is so very young. He has not the wisdom and experience that you do, nor the other available suitors that are your age. Your father wants to protect you and keep you from harm. He does not want to see you hurt.”

  “If anyone should be worried about someone, it is the family of Duke Watson.”

  Elizabeth raised her eyebrows. “Oh? Why do you say that?”

  “Because he is a smart, talented and handsome young man. He is also very…tumultuous. He has a quick temper, I noticed, and is often spurred on by impulse. These can be good qualities. But they can also be a hindrance.”

  Elizabeth had a look of understanding on her slender face. “Ah yes. I understand what you are saying, my dear. Perhaps you will be able to calm him.”

  “I do not want to change him in any way. I just hope and pray for his safety and happiness. I do not want to harm him.”

  “You will not harm him.”

  “I do not want to. I worry about what he’s doing right now. What if he is confronting Duke Doughtery and one of them loses their temper? There could be serious damage done to one or both.”

  Elizabeth’s smile was soft and warm. She reached over the table and rested one hand on Anna’s. “You are worried because he is young and impetuous?”


  “My dear, you must let him be who he is. Life can be difficult and it is never fair for any of us. You must control what you do and how you react to what’s happening around you. But you cannot control him, nor can you expect him to change because you think it’s best that he does.”

  “I do not want him to change.” Anna’s voice was soft. “I love him for who he is, who I see in him and who…”

  Elizabeth sat back. “Who he will become?”

  “Well…” Anna stopped and blinked a few times, thinking about her words before she said them. “Yes, who he will become.”

  “That is a very mothering thing to say.”

  “I don’t care. There are very many women the same age as their husbands who act as a mother to them. Men need to be taken care of sometimes. They are not as strong as women.”

  “I agree. I must tell you, my dear, that if you want him to stay with you, you must be in control of yourself and your own life first. He doesn’t want you to change, nor does he want you to try to make him change.”

  “I know this, Liz.” Anna nodded.

  Elizabeth leaned forward and patted her hand once more, wrapping her long fingers around Anna’s and squeezing gently. “I love you, Anna, not because you entertain me or because you do things for me. I love you because you are smart, beautiful, intelligent, and strong. I’ve noticed since the death of your husband, you have truly come into yourself. Your confidence is strong and unwavering. But when you are in a relationship with a man, your husband before and Duke Watson now, you lose some of the confidence and start doubting yourself. You must take care not to let that happen. Duke Watson has fallen for the strong, confident woman, not the worried woman who clings to his coattails.”

  “I hope that I have not given him that impression.”

  “It may be that way and it may not. I am only supplying you with a bit of knowledge that my mother bestowed upon me when I was young.”

  “Please continue with your words of advice, Liz. I am very interested.”

  “Try to remember that a marriage is only difficult if you cannot act as one and cannot talk to each other. When a woman is forced to marry a man she does not like or does not know, it often ends with her living a miserable, unhappy life. Simply because she is unable to communicate her feelings to her husband. You must work together and you must trust him to make the decisions that men are supposed to make, without pushing your opinions on him.”

  “I never tried to make my late husband do anything. I was never a nagging wife.”

  “That is good. There are many who are. I didn’t suspect you were like that.”

  “No. I know Duke Watson will make good decisions. I know he will.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “If you trusted his decisions, Anna, you would not be out here searching for Duke Doughtery. What did you plan to do? Seduce him into telling the truth of the matter?”

  Anna gasped. “Seduce? Not by any means of the word, Your Grace.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “What was your plan, then?”

  “I just wanted to talk to him about it. I want him to change his mind.”

  “There is where you will encounter a problem, my dear.” Elizabeth replied quickly.

  “What do you mean, Liz?”

  Elizabeth looked up when a serving girl brought a tray topped with a large plate and a glass, both of which she set in front of Elizabeth. She looked at Anna.

  “May I bring you something, my lady?”

  “I would like a cup of tea and two berry biscuits please.”

  “Yes, my lady.” The girl bowed at the waist and turned away.

  Anna looked back at Elizabeth. “Tell me what you mean, Liz. What problem am I encountering that I do not see?”

  “Both of your sentences expressed what you want. But you must consider also what he wants. In fact, what he wants will prevail so it is best to allow him to make the decisions without interference.”

  Anna almost resented hearing the words, even though she knew that were true. “It will be difficult for me to let him make mistakes that I have already been through. He would benefit from my knowledge.”

  “You must allow people to grow and mature in their own way, at their own pace. You know this, Anna. We’ve discussed this when it comes to your treatment of Drake. If he makes mistakes and gets himself in any sort of trouble, the only thing you can do is offer encouragement and support. You can give him advice, but you cannot make him do anything he does not want to do. You could not make him join the Queen’s Army, any more than you could prevent him from doing so. All you can do is express your opinion, give him advice and let him make his own choices.”

  Anna contemplated her cousin’s words. She was right, of course. “Yes, that’s how I’ve always been with Drake. But to think that I must be that way with a suitor, as well. I fear I will not be successful.”

  “You are overthinking this situation, my dear.” Elizabeth shook her head. “There need not be so much struggle. Concentrate on the love you feel, let him do what he wants and needs to do and you will be fine. It is obvious he has strong feelings for you. If you push him too hard, he will surely go in the opposite direction. You will push him away.”

  “I do not want to do that!”

  “Then I recommend you go home and speak with your father. If there is any time that you must win over your father on Duke Watson’s side, it would be now. I presume he knows that you and Duke Watson suspect Duke Doughtery has done
something to cause this situation with the financial discrepancies?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “And he is taking Duke Doughtery’s side?”

  “Not entirely. He is having a hard time believing it could be true. He has expressed to both Duke Watson and I that he cannot give his consent nor his blessing to our courtship.”

  “You do not need his consent. His blessing would be nice, but a woman of your age does not need the consent nor the blessing of her father.”

  “It is something that Duke Watson desires. He longs to be accepted.”

  “Has Drake expressed an opinion yet?”

  “He is highly impressed with the Duke. They have spent some time together, getting to know each other. It was a very successful venture, from what I could tell after speaking with Drake. They get along very well.”

  “They should, since they are so close in age.”

  “Yes, yes.” Anna blushed. Elizabeth laughed softly.

  “Do not be embarrassed, Anna. If you are embarrassed now, imagine how you will feel at your wedding to the Duke? He has such a smooth face and large, alert eyes, he is like a wildcat on the prowl.”

  “I am not sure I like that description of him, Liz.” Anna laughed.

  “Oh Anna!” Elizabeth shared her laughter. “I did not mean an alley cat. He is like a large cat in the woods, always alert and knowing. His eyes sparkle with life whenever I see him. I noticed the day I spoke with him about you, he lit up like a candle when I said your name.”

  “Do you think this passion is something that can last?”

  “I do. It is rare to find. If you have a chance at that kind of happiness, you must try it. It is imperative that you not pass up a chance to see if happiness could be on the horizon.”

  “I have been so very lonely.”

  “I know you have, my dear.”

  “Drake has never left my side, but you know that it is not the same.”


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