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Regency Romance: Duke’s Forbidden Love (The Fairbanks Series - Love & Hearts) (Historical Romance Fiction)

Page 16

by Jessie Bennett

  “The fact that I could be your mother, I suppose.” Anna smiled back at him, feeling more love for him than she ever had before. He had grown out a short beard and she loved to run her fingers through it. It made him lift his chin and grin like a pleased puppy. Her smile widened at the memory. He’d grown the beard to make himself look older. She knew that was the purpose. It made her heart melt for him.

  “Oh no, are we back on that subject? Is that not something that should be left for those gossip-mongers and tale tellers in the streets of society? Shall we leave that behind us for today?”

  “It is no longer a burden to me, my lord.” Anna whispered, drawing closer to him, longing for his touch on her skin. She tingled when he touched her on a normal basis. She could only imagine what their first night together would be like. It made her excited, nervous, and hopeful all at the same time.

  “Shall we, my lady?” Bryan held out one hand in the direction of the entrance of the maze. Chairs had been set up so that anyone wishing to witness the marriage could sit comfortably. An arch of violet flowers had been placed over the entrance to the maze. Since it was so narrow inside and children could easily get lost in it, Anna had suggested the ceremony be held outside the entrance. She wanted it to be as special as possible could be; without losing the whereabouts of the children of her guests.

  “Is it time?” She asked in a soft voice. He grinned at her.

  “Yes, Lady Anna. It is time.”

  She walked with him to the entrance and stood there, holding his eyes with hers in a long-lasting loving look. He leaned down and whispered excitedly, “Are you ready?”

  Anna pulled in a deep sigh. She was ready. He was all she ever wanted in a man, even if his age didn’t reflect it.

  “I am ready, my lord.”

  They shared a smile.

  “There must always be something to be concerned about, mustn’t there?” If he hadn’t been smiling, Anna might have thought he was upset by what she was saying.

  They were sitting on the porch swing outside the Watson Estate, watching the sun setting in the distance. The lanterns had already been lit and the bugs were active, flying around the flames wildly. Anna watched them, snuggled up against her husband. He didn’t need to keep her warm, as summer was fast approaching. The nights were perfect for sitting outside, as they sat looking at the stars and moon.

  “You must not be concerned. Be excited and be happy, but do not be concerned. It never accomplishes anything, does it?”

  “I must be concerned for my wife. That is the kind of husband I am.”

  She smiled up at him. “You are the perfect husband, my love.”

  “I adore you, Anna.”

  “I adore you, Bryan.”

  “Shall we run away together and never look back?”

  Anna laughed, reaching up to run her fingers through the short hair on his chin. “We have no need to run away now, Bryan. We are married, happy and about to bring a new life into this world.”

  “But that is something to be concerned about.”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  Bryan sat back, wrapping one arm around her shoulders, pushing one foot on the ground to move the swing forward and back. Anna rested her head against his shoulder. He kissed the top of her red head. “I say that it is. You must be careful with your health. You are not…not…”

  “The right age?” Anna asked, with her eyebrows raised. Bryan looked away from her, not wanting to make eye contact. She grinned. “Oh, you must not worry, my love. I firmly believe if it was meant to happen, it would happen. As it did! I prayed about it before, I will continue to pray about it. Our little miracle will be just fine, I am confident.”

  “I am glad you can be confident. Allow me to be a bit concerned and frightened for the life of my wife and child.”

  “I would rather you not be worried, my love. I want you to be happy.”

  Bryan chuckled. “I am most definitely happy. The last four months being married to you have been blissful for me.”

  “Even though there were repercussions?”

  “Yes, my love. Losing a few accounts to people who did not understand our connection; was worth every precious moment I spend with you.”

  “I was shocked that people could take such offense to something that meant nothing to them personally. We have not hurt anyone with our love. In fact, I am happier than I have been at any other time in my life, except when I gave birth to Drake. He was such a lovely little boy. I hope our child is as easy to take care of and as sweet as Drake was as a child.”

  “I’m sure he or she will be, darling.”

  “I can’t see our child being any other way.”

  She felt Bryan’s arm squeeze her shoulders. She pressed her cheek against his shoulder.

  “I love you, Bryan.” She whispered. He lowered his head and pressed a kiss on her cheek. She turned her head and their lips met. It wasn’t the first time they had ever kissed – far from it. But she still felt that sense of amazement, that excitement flow through her. She was so in love with her husband. It flowed through every bone in her body and with every beat of her heart. It was a strong sensation that she never wanted to let go.

  “I love you, my sweet Anna.” He replied softly. She loved listening to his voice. When he was not around, she would bring up the memory of him talking to her, simply to hear the sounds and the inflections of his words.

  “I’ll tell you what I would like, Bryan.” She pushed away from him enough to look up into his eyes. He tilted his head.

  “What’s that, my love?”

  “I want some tea and biscuits.”

  He looked agreeable. “That sounds very nice. I will call Greta and get her to bring some for us.”

  She missed him the moment he stood up and left her to pull the cord next to the front door of the cottage. The bell would ring deep inside the mansion and the girl would come out to the cottage shortly.

  “If there was only a way for you to tell her what we want,” she said. “Then she would not have to go back for it and return once more. That seems like such a lot of walking for her to do.”

  Bryan laughed, coming back to the swing to sit down. “You are concerned about the servants? They don’t mind, really. They enjoy their work.”

  “And how would you know that, might I ask?”

  “I have asked them.”

  “You just asked them? They said they enjoyed doing these menial tasks; that they perform every day?”

  Bryan shrugged, getting comfortable with her again. “Everyone has a purpose, Anna. A job they must do. Some of us were born to lead, while others were born to serve. They know their place. I give them a lot of respect for how hard they work and what they do.”

  “Yes, you do. You are a good employer, Bryan. You treat all your people with respect, whether they are cleaning the floors at the Furniture company or working beside you as an executive. I admire that. You are simply intriguing.”

  “Why thank you, my love. I like to be complimented by my wife. It makes me feel so good.”

  “When Greta gets here, you must remember to tell her one thing.”

  “Oh? And what is that?”

  “We need to ask her to bring a large tray of biscuits and plenty of tea to drink.”

  “The largest tray of biscuits in England?” Bryan asked with an overly excited look on his face.

  “Yes, definitely. The largest tray of biscuits in England!”

  The two laughed, ceasing their laughter with a long, loving kiss that neither wanted to ever end.


  for reading my book and

  I hope you have enjoyed this story as well.

  “Loving A Reluctant Viscount” is a standalone novel with at least 260 pages.

  If you have enjoyed reading this book so far, I believe you will be interested in checking out “Loving A Reluctant Viscount”.

  This book will be focusing on Viscount Allan and Lady Janelle Bowling.

  What can a relu
ctant Viscount and a Lady on the shelf do in order to uncover a secret plot bound to destroy their young love. Will Lord Allan and Lady Janelle discover the meaning of the secret plot to destroy their young love? Is it finally time for Fairbanks to enjoy an extended period of peace and harmony?

  A reluctant Viscount. A Lady on the shelf. A secret plot to destroy a young couple's love.

  Viscount Allan Gray has traveled far to the most exciting ball of the season.

  He never intended to leave with a bride…

  When the ruling family of peaceful Fairbanks plan the ball of the season, they invite all of their family and friends to celebrate the joyous occasion. The lady of the house includes her one remaining unmarried sister amongst the invitees, Lady Janelle Dowling. As if destiny itself has ordained the union, a handsome stranger and beautiful lady are joined together from the moment they meet—true love at first sight.

  Lady Janelle is immediately captivated by Lord Allan.

  Viscount Allan Gray has come all the way from his Australian home to spend time with the Worthington family and further his business interests in England. Along with his sister Lady Emiline, Lord Allan simply desires to bring his innovative ideas and business savvy to a new location. He never intended to fall in love with beautiful and intelligent Lady Janelle.

  When a daring theft shatters the tranquility of their beloved Fairbanks, everyone must work together to discover the shocking truth of the situation.

  If they cannot solve the mystery, a nefarious plot will succeed, and this would mean drastic unwanted change for all of Fairbanks…

  I have enclosed a preview of “Loving A Reluctant Viscount”.

  Check it out below…

  It is currently at $0.99 (around 260 pages).




  The Worthington butler, Joshua, walked with the new arrival to where the three were waiting.

  “Your Grace, allow me to introduce Viscount Steven Miner, cousin to Stephen Windingham, adopted brother of Mary Jane Windingham Erinson.”

  “Gregory’s wife.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Thank you, Joshua. Greetings, Viscount Miner. How are you today?”

  Steven bowed deep at the waist, keeping his head up and his eyes on the distinguished couple.

  “Greetings to you both, Duke and Duchess Worthington. I am feeling well this evening. And you?”

  “I am well, thank you, as is my wife. Would you care to join us and chat for a bit?”

  “I would like that, yes, Your Grace, thank you.” When Steven sat, he seemed to plop down in the chair as if he could no longer hold himself up. Truth be told, Elizabeth could see in his face that he was worn out and tired. His eyes were deep and dark blue, set back into his eye sockets further than Elizabeth was used to. He had a crooked grin that matched his crooked nose. Elizabeth had time to wonder what had caused his nose to be crooked. It was either a punch to the face or genetics. She had no indication it was more one than the other.

  “I have brought a gift basket of fruits, grains and nuts that I put together from my own backyard. I do hope you enjoy it.”

  Elizabeth took the basket from him, standing up to set it on the table near her. She peeked under the cover and squeaked with delight. “Oh my, look, Shawn. Dates. I absolutely love dates!” She turned to Steven. “Do you know how long it has been since I’ve had a date?”

  “Hopefully she will leave some for us.” Shawn shook his head, ignoring her question and tossing the barb toward the other two men, who laughed.

  “I would be glad to ship in more of them, if you truly do like them.”

  “Please do!” Elizabeth took a bite and closed her eyes in pleasure. “Delicious. thank you again, Lord Miner!”

  “Please, it would give me great pleasure if you would call me Steven.”

  “As you wish, Steven.” Elizabeth took another date from the basket and bit into it, giving Steven a once over from head to toe.

  Steven didn’t put off any vibes of being a scoundrel. After a short time, Elizabeth became comfortable with him and enjoyed listening to him, Shawn and Abe discussing the necessary changes that would need to be made to allow for better transportation between countries. She didn’t get involved. It wasn’t the kind of topic she felt she could discuss with some knowledge. She tended to avoid topics that she knew nothing about, lest she embarrass her husband and herself by uttering false statements. It would not look good for her to put her nose where it did not belong.

  She was happy to see her sisters, Jillian and Janelle, crossing the floor to them. She stood up with a smile. The men stopped their conversation and greeted the sisters.

  “Janelle, Jillian, this is Viscount Steven Miner.” Shawn introduced their guest. Steven stood up and bowed to the two ladies, placing a kiss on their extended hands. “Viscount, this is the sisters of the Duchess, Lady Jillian and Miss Janelle.”

  “How lovely to meet such beautiful ladies.” He glanced over his shoulder to Shawn. “You are a lucky man, Your Grace. You are surrounded by lovely women on all sides.”

  “Elizabeth has a third sister, Katherine, who is not in attendance tonight. She will be having a child soon and is not in the festive mood, shall we say.”

  “You are so polite, Shawn.” Elizabeth giggled. She looked back to her sisters. “How is mother?”

  “She is doing well, Liz.” Janelle replied. “She regrets she could not be in attendance but promises to come to the next event. Will you have anything before the holidays?”

  “It is always likely.” Elizabeth responded, sitting down and gesturing to two chairs near her. “Please join us, girls. Have you been feeling well yourselves? It has been several weeks since I’ve had the chance to chat with you.”

  Janelle and Jillian nodded to Abe, who had stood up along with the other men when the women approached. He bowed to them before being seated.

  “I wanted to say hello before I go, Liz.” Jillian said. She and Janelle were dressed very similar, their long gowns only different in color. Their long blond curls were the same length and seemed to settle on their shoulders softly in exactly the same way. Jillian leaned to kiss her sister on the cheek. “I have had too much wine and now I’m sleepy.”

  Elizabeth giggled. “All right, dear. I hope to see you again soon.”

  After she left, Elizabeth turned to Janelle. “It is so early. How could she have already had too much wine?”

  Janelle’s eyes flashed with amusement. “I do believe our sister is going to have another child, Liz. She has been showing signs of it for weeks.”

  “Oh my!” Elizabeth turned her smile to Shawn. “You’re going to be an uncle again, dear.”

  Shawn gave Abe and Steven a furtive look. “The Christmas gift list just keeps growing.”

  The men laughed.

  “Do you have any children, Jan?” Steven asked.

  Janelle shook her head. “No, I am unmarried.”

  Steven looked surprised and smiled. “I find it difficult to believe that a beautiful woman such as yourself has not found a proper suitor.”

  “Believe it or not, sir, it is a fact.”

  Steven tilted his head to the side. “Would you care to dance with me?”

  Janelle giggled. “I would be honored.”

  The two stood up at the same time and moved onto the dance floor, leaving the group feeling somewhat stunned.

  “I believe that was the most obvious proposal I have ever heard.” Shawn said.

  Abe nodded. “I agree with you, Shawn.”

  “They certainly have the right to dance, Shawn.” Elizabeth said.

  “Yes, they do. I am just surprised by the abruptness of it.”

  “Perhaps Steven has only a little time to find himself a bride. How much do you know about him, Shawn, other than the information we’ve gathered in the past half hour?”

  Shawn looked at Abe and shook his head. “I do not know the

  Abe nodded. “I suggest keeping an eye on him. If you do not remember, it is his cousin who caused the trouble for Lady Erinson before she married several years ago.”

  Shawn nodded. “I do remember, Abe. But I must not, I cannot judge someone by the actions of another, whether they are from the same family or not.”

  “I remember his cousin’s misdeeds.” Elizabeth spoke up. “And I was watching Steven closely while you chatted with him. I didn’t see an indication that he is unfair or manipulative, as his cousin was.”

  Abe looked out to where Janelle and Steven were dancing. They looked good together and both were smiling. Janelle laughed at something Steven said.

  “How is Carter doing, Abe?” Shawn changed the subject. Elizabeth looked at him gratefully. Abe’s brother, William, had spent many years being a less-than-stellar individual. A gentleman, he was not, until he went through a transformation after the death of his wife, Liza. Abe knew what a scoundrel looked like. Mentioning Abe’s son was a good way to distract from the current negativity in their conversation.

  “He is doing well, thank you for asking.”

  “Will you be dancing with any of the ladies here this evening, Abe?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I may well do that. I have just arrived. I’m a little old for most of the ladies of the ton.”

  Elizabeth chuckled. “I hardly think so, Abe. You are a very attractive man.”

  Abe grinned. “Thank you, my lady.”

  “How are things in Fairfield?” Shawn asked. Elizabeth turned her eyes to the dance floor, watching her sister move lightly on her feet around the floor with her partner. She had to admit the two did look comfortable together. They were talking while they danced. He seemed charming. It was obvious Janelle thought so, too.

  She waited until there was a pause in her husband and Abe’s conversation before speaking.


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