Book Read Free

Fatal Exchange

Page 12

by Cindy M. Hogan

  Today I branched out with a butter and cinnamon sugar crepe. The fountain area was packed, and I was lucky to get a seat. After lunch I’d have to hustle just a bit in order to get Kamal enough stuff that it would look like I’d worked hard all day.

  My phone rang, which was unusual. I typically got texts from everyone. My heart flooded with glee as I heard the voice on the other end. I thought I might spontaneously combust.

  “Hey.” It was Jeremy, speaking to me in French. So sexy. “Get your body to HQ if you aren’t already there.”

  Chapter 11

  That’s when it really hit me that I was talking to Jeremy. I had to concentrate not to sob. Jeremy was safe. He was back from his covert mission and I would be able to see him soon. Then I remembered where I was and a hard lump formed in my throat. I needed to get back to the Louvre as soon as I got done with my crepe. I’d been gone too long already. “I can’t.” The words felt like sandpaper in my mouth. I had a lot of picking to do. Division had used a lot of my time this morning.

  “Seriously? I’ve been gone for four months and you can’t make it work?”

  “I’ve taken too long of a lunch already. I’ve got to get back to the Louvre.” I cleared my throat. The moment of our first kiss in New York filled the screen of my mind and I relished every second. “If I had known you were coming…”

  “I heard you got yourself in trouble. I’m supposed to come and slap your wrist or something.”

  I paused. “So, you haven’t been briefed yet?” A new surge of relief washed over me.

  “Well, I got a four page email from Director Siron, but I chose not to read it until I’d heard what you had to say first. I’m on my way to HQ now.” His voice lowered a register, and the worry in it gave my heart a tiny flutter.

  “There have been some…developments since then. You can probably disregard it.”

  “Of course there are.” A curious disappointment sounded in his voice.

  I spoke quickly to beat his outcries. “It’s all squared away now. Siron’s still raging mad, but she let me back on the mission. Turns out I know what I’m doing after all.”

  “She took you off the mission? Tell me you didn’t go undercover on a mission without any backup, without any support…” His voice was a soft growl.

  “How do you know I went undercover?” I demanded.

  He sighed. “Well, I know you, don’t I? You always do what you have to do no matter what anyone says.”

  I smiled. He did know me. That felt good. What felt bad was that there would be no more kisses between us. The conversation we’d had about our relationship still felt sour on my tongue after all this time. We’d agreed that his job and my job were more important. He was my handler and there couldn’t be romantic feelings between a handler and his agent. But intense feelings swirled around us anyway. We had to fight them and not give in no matter how hard it was. “I have a lot of things to tell you, both terrible and great. Don’t let Siron make them all seem terrible. You’ll never believe who my shadow is.”

  “Lay it on me.”


  “Summer Barnes from Washington, D.C.? Summer Barnes who hates your guts?”

  “That’s the one.”

  He whistled. “I’m here now, so that won’t last long.”

  His words felt like a balm to my soul, but I couldn’t have him challenge Siron. Not now. “I’m hanging by a thread with Siron as it is. I would love for you to get rid of Summer, but I don’t think it’s the right move right now. Siron brought her in as a condition of my return.”

  “She really expelled you?”

  “Not for long. Are you at Division now?” I had to change the subject. I didn’t want our first conversation to be an angry one.

  “Not yet.”

  “What took you so long to get here?”

  “You know I would have been there had I been able. The mission I was on was one held one minefield after the other. I sure am glad we have the team we do here.”

  I wanted to gush and tell him how glad I was that he was back, but I couldn’t. He was my handler. I hoped that he would hear in my voice how I felt about him since I couldn’t say it. I had to be a bit sarcastic to hide my disappointment. “Sure you are. All I am for you is trouble, right?”

  “Far from it. Is that a fountain I hear?”

  “Yep. I do believe you have a picture of said fountain.” I’d sent him pictures of various things despite knowing he wouldn’t see them until he came back. It was so amazing to hear Jeremy’s voice again, and yet so painful not to be able to touch him.

  “I did get those pictures as well as the fifteen other texts as soon as I turned on my phone today.”

  “The kids in the pictures are all pickpockets.”

  He groaned. “Of course you wouldn’t send me random photos of you having fun in Paris. You were working the mission. I should have been here a week ago.”

  “You said it, not me.”

  “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later.”

  I frowned. “What?” I didn’t want to say goodbye. “See you soon.”

  A strong smell of moss and water wafted throught the air. Watching the water flow over the fountain soothed me. I felt his presence before he actually sat next to me. Then I smelled the musky scent that belonged solely to him. I kept my eyes forward and instead of giving in to my desire to grab him into a hug, I took an involuntary breath in as relief washed over me. All the massive worry and fear I’d been carrying around and not allowing myself to think about burst at knowing he was right next to me. An ache settled in the back of my throat.

  I let my peripheral vision sweep over him. He had on long black dreads—it had to be a wig—a rainbow crocheted hat, and very baggy clothes. Even though he didn’t look anything like himself, I knew this was Jeremy. The corners of my mouth turned up, and I bit into my diminishing crepe. My insides felt like smooth melted chocolate with him next to me. I looked forward, not wanting him to know that I knew he was there. When I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I said, my lips barely moving, “You know it’s risky having you here.”

  “No such ting, man,” he whispered in a thick Jamaican accent. “No’ here. No risk. Just enjoying da afta-noon rays. We don’ know each udda.”

  My insides vibrated like a tuning fork. He was the most beautiful sight in Paris, even in disguise. I wanted to look at him straight on. I wanted to touch him.

  I leaned back so I could see more of him. It was just the two of us. I could talk to him. How I loved his fake accent. “We don’t have to pretend. No one’s here.” I’d know it if they were. My spidey senses never let me down when it came to people tailing me. I’d lost Summer when I left the Louvre.

  “We never know who’s there.”

  I finished my crepe, wishing the whole time that I could share it with him.

  “I should have known when you sent me those pictures that you were already working on this. What were you thinking?” He’d dropped the accent. Too bad, it had been kind of cute. Did he want to hold me as badly as I did him?

  “I already told you, time was of the essence. And it’s all worked out.”

  “You drive me so crazy how you put yourself in danger all the time. And without me to protect you. Christy, the most important thing is that you stay safe, and without Division behind you, you weren’t safe. What happened with Dufor—?”

  “Was a terrible mistake,” I hissed, trying to keep my voice down. “Please don’t rub salt in the wound.” A horrible heat started in my belly and rushed to my chest, anguish filling me.

  He reached for me, but pulled back before his hand touched mine. I wanted desperately for him to grab me into a comforting hug. I’d told him we were alone. Why wasn’t he holding me?

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t going to chide you. You should know me better than that. I can’t imagine what you’ve been going through.” He wrung his hands in his lap.

  Just do it, take my hand. No one will see. He didn’t. “I’m going to fi
x it. I saw the pickpocket—I knew I could find him again, but Siron refused to even listen until now.”

  “I’m not denying that you were treated badly—but still, did you have to go rushing into danger? You have a gift for persuasion. Couldn’t you have persuaded her?”

  “She wouldn’t let me talk.” I could feel the pulsing heat coming off his skin, so close to mine. I took a quick deep breath to help slow my heart.

  He was here. He was finally here. I suddenly didn’t care about Siron. The only thing I wanted was his hand in mine. I almost reached over and took his hand, but he turned to me and said, “Just…don’t be reckless. Please don’t be reckless.” His body slouched slightly, and his pleading voice tore at me. Hadn’t Siron told me I was reckless?

  “I’m not reckless.”

  “Uh, this, what you are doing right now, is reckless. Where is your backup?”

  Instead I said, “Right next to me.” While it was kind of a buzz kill to have him lecture me, nothing could douse the total excitement that I felt now that he was with me. He moved like he was getting ready to leave. “Before you go, grab a crepe.” I wanted to share something amazing with him. “Mad Dogs.”

  “All right. Heading for the Louvre, then?”


  “I just re-programmed your phone. Number one on speed dial is me. If you’re in trouble, press it and I’m there.”

  He’d reprogrammed my phone? I hadn’t even felt him take it. He was so good. Or perhaps he just distracted me so much I couldn’t notice. I’d have to get him to show me how he’d done that later.

  “I know you don’t want me to say it, but I can’t not say it. Please be safe.”

  I nodded.

  “I’ll see you back at HQ later.” Then he was gone.

  I hated that our first true meeting would be at HQ.

  I pulled out my phone to look him up. I had a message. From him. I can’t tell you how good it was to see you. I missed you. My heart raced.

  On the train back to the Louvre, a pregnant lady sat close next to me. I had an open seat on the other side of me and thought about sliding over to give her room, but she sighed and turned to me. Summer. I slid to the next seat and she slid into the one I’d vacated. I stared across the aisle. I had had no idea she was there. “That was a beautiful little reunion. Glad I was able to pick you up when you left the Louvre. I wouldn’t have wanted to miss that for the world.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I clenched my teeth. Wait. Had she said she picked me up after the Louvre this morning? I thought I’d felt her following me inside the Louvre. I must’ve misunderstood her.

  “You and Jeremy. Even from a great distance, I could see your longing.”

  “Shut up, Summer. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I know unrequited love when I see it. How old is he anyway?”

  I didn’t answer.

  “There’s got to be about a ten year difference between you two. He could never be interested in you.” She snorted.

  Only eight, I thought. I stared hard at the people across the aisle, my jaw tense. I wanted to get the heck off the train.

  “I’m sure there’s someone out there for you,” she continued. “I met some nice guys taking a nap in the train station that would be perfect for you.”

  “Look, Summer, you’re supposed to be my shadow. Never seen or heard.”

  She snorted. “It’s kind of ironic, don’t you think. That I’m here to keep you safe?”

  Heat flushed through my body as I stood to take my exit.

  “He has such a smooth and inviting voice—even as a Jamaican.”

  I couldn’t help it, my head jerked back to her. She’d listened in on our conversation.

  She grinned a wicked grin and I rushed off the train, the sounds of her laughter following me. It took all my strength not to turn back and let her have it.

  It was a good thing Jeremy had held back.


  I stopped off in Division’s restroom to freshen up before the debriefing. I was about to see Jeremy. Jeremy as himself, with no disguise. Would he have changed in the last four months? My heart thumped in anticipation as I looked through the windows of the conference room. The team, Halluis, Ace, Rosabella, and Jeremy, all stood around the table talking. I focused on Jeremy. My whole world seemed to stop as a great relief once again rolled off me. His striped, button up shirt fit snugly against his toned body and I imagined what it would be like for him to hold me tight. His hair was a bit longer and shaggier than usual and my soul was set aflame. I stared a little too long, giving Summer an opportunity to needle me.

  “He looks so good, doesn’t he? I’m excited to see the fireworks.”

  “There’s nothing going on between us.”

  “And I’m good at pretending too,” she hissed before heading to the room, entering right after the director. The room seemed to fill with energy when Summer entered it. I forced myself not to look her way. She’d always had that gift, while mine had been to go unnoticed. Now it seemed she had both. I hurried in behind them and shut the door. The meeting was over in what seemed a flash. Summer had already reported everything I’d done, so I simply asked if they needed clarification of anything. It took me a total of five sentences.

  “So, tonight should be the night, then,” Siron said. “If those tracked drives work, we should be able to determine the whereabouts of Dufor’s drive and retrieve it. Good work, everyone.”

  After leaving the conference room, I went to look at blueprints of the suspected clearinghouse and surveillance tapes with Ace for a little bit before noticing that Siron, Jeremy, and Summer were still in the briefing room discussing something.

  I frowned. I hated that Summer was in there with both of them, probably undermining me. But I knew there was nothing I could do about it.

  I was about to leave headquarters when Halluis said, “Siron wants you back in the conference room.”

  I lifted an eyebrow. So they had been talking about me. I fought back a sudden desire to stomp into the room. He took my arm. “Don’t make any assumptions. Ace told me what you said about Summer. We’re watching her, so don’t worry. Play by the rules and everything will work out.” He smiled softly and I returned it.

  “Thanks for that.”


  As I walked in, Director Siron said, “Check other agencies and see if anyone else is working pickpocket cases right now. I mean, they’re always working them, but see if there’s a connection with Agent Hadden.”

  “I already did,” Jeremy spoke up. “No one is working on anything that has to do with our girl.”

  “Okay, then. Glad you’re back, Jeremy. Maybe you can knock some sense into this rogue agent.” Siron’s eyes fell on me.

  Summer curled her lips into a conniving smile and said, “Maybe we should pull her until we find out who they are.”

  I was sure she said that just to annoy me. I ignored it.

  “That’s really not practical.” Siron’s eyes searched mine. “As much as I don’t want to reward Agent Hadden’s insubordination, we are on a time crunch here. We need her to continue.”

  Summer stood just to the left and slightly behind Siron. She gave me a mocking smile.

  “What were you talking about just now? What’s going on?”

  “You’re being followed.” Jeremy ran a hand through his hair.

  “I know. Summer is following me.”

  “Someone other than Summer,” Siron angled her head toward her shoulder and then looked at the huge monitor on the wall. Two surveillance photos of two different men filled the screen. One was bulkier than the other, but both wore big black glasses.

  “Those guys are following me? How did—”

  “Summer took these pictures today. She spotted these two taking turns watching you. What do you know about them?”

  I stared hard at the faces. “Nothing. The bulky one on the right looks slightly familiar, but I have no idea w
hy.” Along with the huge black glasses, both men wore caps. They obviously didn’t want to be recognized. “But why would they be watching me? No one made me the other night at Dufor’s office, right?”

  “Not that we know of. Summer saw them follow you through the museum this afternoon. Could they be the henchmen for Kamal’s boss?”

  Summer put her hand over her mouth and coughed. She loved making me look bad.

  I stayed calm and asked, “Do we have anyone following them?”

  “Not yet. We just found out. I’ll put someone on it.” Siron nodded. “It may be nothing to worry about, anyway, especially if we can recover that drive tonight.”

  “It’s been seven days since Christy lost that drive. What are the chances that the drive hasn’t already been compromised?” Summer asked.

  I shook my head. “No, Kamal said his drive guy would be out of town for a week. That should give us three more days before the handoff. That means he probably still has it—we just need to figure out where he’s keeping it.”

  “What if the tracked drives don’t work?” Jeremy insisted. A line of worry creased the space between his eyes. “The last ones didn’t—these may not either. We can’t count on that. What’s the backup plan?”

  Siron pursed her lips, then turned to me. “Well, as a last resort, we can bring Kamal in, possibly use that girlfriend of his against him.”

  I chafed at that. I’d hated having to tell Siron about Marni, but once the contents of Kamal’s laptop had been given to the analysts, it couldn’t be kept from her. Marni was completely innocent in all this, and most likely suffering enough already. I’d do everything I could to keep Kamal and Marni out of this.

  Siron went on, “We’ll get our best agents working to discover the identity of the men following you, as well as tracking the drives you gave Kamal. I have a team ready to steal into the building you suspect is the clearinghouse tonight. Maybe the drive is there, who knows? One of these avenues is bound to lead us to the information. In the meantime, see if you can’t put a little bit of a squeeze on Kamal. Try to get him to tell you more about how he runs his business. Maybe he’ll give us some kind of clue.”


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