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A Quick Sun Rises

Page 9

by Thomas Rath

  Jack leveled his gaze on the once king. “Not so, Dagan. Only my wife was killed. My son was captured and I have searched for him these many years. I left the crown for good that day and if it weren’t for your complete inability to think of anyone else but yourself, I would have remained as I was. But you forced me out, and I will not easily forgive you for it.”

  Dagan’s face suddenly became twisted in hate and rage. “You’re supposed to be dead! I am king because you died with your son. I am the rightful king, I…” Dagan never finished his thought but instead suddenly fell in a crumpled heap down the steps where he landed face up, his death mask eternally carved into a stupor of incomprehension.

  Everything seemed to happen at once as the brown cloaked figure dropped the slightly beating heart he’d ripped from Dagan’s chest and then shot with incredible speed toward Jack, his clawed fingers intent on repeating their gruesome work. But Colonel Braxton, having seen him take Dagan from behind, was already at Jack’s side, pushing him away as the robed figure bore down on them. Jack tripped on the stairs and went down as Braxton took the claws directly into his own chest. Only the chain mail he wore beneath his tunic saved his life though the force of the attacked sent him flying.

  Jace pulled a dagger from his boot while Jne and Thane jumped on the brown robbed assailant struggling to hold him down. Thane wrapped an arm around his throat in an attempt to subdue him and felt an almost instant connection between himself and the man. But he was no man. Just as understanding was forming itself in his mind, Thane and Jne were catapulted back with more force than ten men could have mustered. But it was too late. Thane knew the truth.

  He landed hard on the marble floor knocking the wind from his lungs and temporarily stealing his voice with it. Amazingly, Jne landed on her feet, as if part feline and crouched in defense, though the look on her face betrayed the amazement she felt at having been so easily dislodged.

  Jack tried to regain his feet as Tam and Dor rushed to help Thane. Meanwhile, Jace pulled another dagger that had been hidden on his person and tossed it to Ranse. Dagan’s other sons sat in their chairs, unable to move as their screams mixed with those coming from the gaggle of women who were now running about pell-mell as if unable to form the complete thought that would direct them to one of the exiting doors.

  Jace let fly his dagger, its force enough to have easily penetrated the man’s robes and pierce his heart but to his amazement, the blade merely bounced off and fell with a clang to the floor.

  Teek and Domis were quickly at Jack’s side, pulling him to his feet and trying to get him to one of the exits when the brown robed figure rose to his full height and then continued to grow in size. Thane watched from where he had landed, his brain knowing what was going to happen but his voice still unable to communicate it as he struggled to refill his lungs with oxygen. The others watched in horror as the brown robed figure grew larger, the fabric of his clothing expanding around his body, as if another skin, before hardening into small sections. No longer was a man standing before them but a scaled creature that continued to expand in size and bulk.

  It was then that Thane was finally able to work his diaphragm enough to shout to the others, “Get out! It’s a dragon!”

  Teek looked to the Waseeni boy still watching from the dais and called out to him. “Hurry! Come with us, now!”

  The boy looked at the growing, brown figure, his eyes locked on its transforming shape with a look that could almost be described as envy before he suddenly leaped down the stairs toward Teek and the others as they ran for the pillars and the door beyond. The dragon was now at full size, its terrible girth filling much of the room as it roared a terrible sound that shattered the glass domed ceiling and rained deadly shards down upon those still in the center of the room. Dagan’s oldest son’s screams were cut short as a large piece of glass sliced his neck, cutting his vocal cords, and almost completely severing his head. His brother escaped immediate death, receiving a slight gash on his arm but was not spared as the brown dragon bore down on him. He opened his mouth to scream but the dragon fear gripped his heart, stealing his voice and releasing his bowels. The prince was frozen like a bird caught in the hypnotic gaze of a great serpent waiting to be eaten. But it didn’t eat him, instead it released its terrible breath in a stream of liquid decay that hit the prince directly in the chest and almost instantly decomposed him into a mass of rotted flesh that dropped into a rancid pile.

  Turning quickly, the dragon expelled another load of liquid breath at the fleeing companions just missing Jne as she ducked behind the nearest pillar. The rock immediately began to age and then started crumbling away, unable to hold against the dragon’s exhalation. The deteriorated pillar, no longer able to sustain its top heavy weight, dropped under its own mass and then toppled to the side where it cracked the pillar next to it before crashing to the ground creating a huge divot in the marble floor.

  Not looking back, Jne jumped for the open door where Thane stood calling for her, the others having already raced through and down the hallway. The dragon’s roar filled the great hall and was quickly followed by another stream of decaying breath that shot through the open door where Thane and Jne had just been and sprayed against the opposite wall where it immediately decayed the stone revealing the room beyond.

  Thane feared the dragon would use its breath to continue to rot away the walls in an attempt to capture its escaping quarry or bring the whole castle down around them in a heap but after the last discharge of corrosive breath, the dragon seemed to stop. As they raced further down the hall and around the many corners and through the countless rooms, the rumblings from the dragon ceased. Thane didn’t stop to wonder why, though he felt that it still didn’t bode well for them. Instead, he concentrated his efforts on catching the others, hoping they had followed the same route out as they had used coming in. Using the power of the TehChao Tane he knew he could at least get them to the same door they used on entry.

  Making a final turn, he discovered the door from which they had entered, and to his relief, saw the others there catching their breath, waiting for them. “What now?” Ranse asked, directing his question to Jack.

  “The dragon does not seem to be following,” Thane offered, “though I can’t be certain. It’s too big to walk through the hallways but that is not to say it hasn’t returned to its HuMan form.”

  “We are compromised,” Jack added, “that is for certain.”

  “But whether it follows as man or beast,” Braxton inserted, “we need to sound the alarm and get the people out of the city.”

  “But what if it attacks while we are in the open?” Dor asked.

  “Then better to die fighting and with honor,” Jne said.

  “I agree with Jne,” Tam added, “but with what can one fight such a thing? Only Jace seems to have any weapons, and a couple of daggers will not help.” Jne smiled at the Chufa woman as if suddenly gaining a greater level of respect for her.

  “Well, we can’t stay here and argue the issue,” Jack said. “We need to act now and start moving people out of the city. Whether the dragon attacks or not, Bedler’s army certainly will, no matter what Dagan thought.” Jack looked at Ranse with his last comment to gauge the once prince’s reaction but saw nothing there but determination.

  “Wess’ men!” Ranse suddenly added. “I had forgotten them. We need to get them out.”

  Jack paused for a moment to think. This was unraveling faster than he’d hoped though with Dagan dead they might at least still have a chance at getting most of the people, including what army was left, out of the city. “All right,” he finally said. “You and Jace go to the dungeons and release Wess’ men and anyone else you find down there. See if you can’t gather supplies and weaponry as you go, especially long bows and quivers, and meet us at the west gate. Spread the word as you go and keep your sight to the skies. The rest of us will take to the streets from here and see what we might do to rouse the rest of the city. It won’t be easy to convince peop
le to go so a visit by that dragon may not be a bad thing after all.”

  “But where are we going?” the young Waseeni boy asked.

  Jack regarded him for a moment surprised at his mixture of emotions. Though happy that Teek was no longer alone, there was something that gnawed at him about the boy that he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around. He had, after all, been at Dagan’s side in the throne room, a strange position for someone so young and who didn’t fall under the king’s rule. “What is your name?”

  “Tryg,” the boy answered, his tone sounded almost challenging.

  “Well, Tryg,” Jack said, forcing a smile, “We will make our stand at Bedler’s Keep.”

  Tryg looked as if he might say more, but Jack quickly cut him off. “Now let’s move. It will take all the time we have just to get the women and children out of the city.”

  Jack moved as if to open the door and Ranse and Jace were turning back to the castle’s hallways when Jne stopped them. “Wait. You must save those who can fight first.”

  Jack gave her a stern look. “What?”

  “You must alert and gather all that can fight first. You cannot waste time on those too young, too old, or too weak. We cannot waste supplies and time coddling the helpless or we all suffer and perish for it.”

  Thane was shocked by Jne’s words, as were most of the others, but then their logic suddenly pierced him. It was a cruel thought indeed, but the time to act had almost passed them and sacrifices would be necessary if they had any hope of survival. Jack seemed to come to the same conclusion at the same moment, but he could tell the taste was bitter indeed for his old friend to stomach.

  “She is right,” Jack whispered. “We must first gather our army.”

  Jne nodded, her demeanor not revealing any sorrow or regret with what she’d said. She was a warrior, and warriors were well accustomed to the tragedies and terrors of war. It did not mean she relished the idea of innocents being slaughtered; she was not so calloused as that. But she understood that some things were necessary when it involved assuring the lives of the greater number of people—in this case, possibly multiple races—no matter how horrid the costs.

  “But we will deny no one the chance at life,” Jack added. “All who are willing will be allowed to come and we fight to the end to protect them.”

  Jne just nodded, as did all the others, though their faces reflected the horror of the situation.

  Ranse turned to go, motioning to Jace as he did so, but the large bodyguard stopped and turned back to Jne. Reaching into his boot, the weapons master produced another long blade that he tossed to the Tjal woman. “You might need this,” he said, and then smiled.

  Jne deftly caught the blade by the hilt and smiled back, nodding her appreciation as Jace turned and followed after the once prince. Thane watched the whole exchange and suddenly felt a slight pain in his chest that quickly turned into anxiety. It surprised him and he instantly recognized the feeling as being the same he’d felt when Dor and Tam were together. Jne looked at him quizzically but he quickly brushed past her as Jack called all to prepare to leave.

  “We don’t know what we will face when we go through this door, but when we reach the outside, immediately fan out and sprint for any cover available. Once we know we are clear, we will then make our way back to the city.” Everyone nodded, steeling themselves for what lay ahead. Jack did not wait long before pushing open the door and leading them out.

  The guard stationed in the alcove was slightly alarmed to see them suddenly dashing out of the castle at a dead run but all were passed him before he could even raise a call of inquiry. A large roar from above, like an exploding cannon, heightened his surprise which turned swiftly to terror as a great shadow filled the courtyard followed by the dragon’s massive body as it dropped from the sky in quick pursuit. True to Jack’s instructions, everyone scattered as they exited the palace, which more than likely saved their lives as the dragon paused as if uncertain who it should take down first. Roaring in anger it released its decaying breath at the first group it saw as they ducked behind an oversized statue of King Dagan slaying a troll. Teek, Domis, and Tryg dropped behind the base just as the liquid completely wasted away the king from the knees up. The overspray splattered the ground creating large divots in the marble walkway and came dangerously close to Tryg’s wounded leg.

  Tryg jumped up immediately, cursing the dragon as it passed while promising retribution. Teek grabbed the boy’s arm and pulled him down, his face flushed. “What are you doing?”

  “Come on,” Domis said, before Tryg could answer. “We can make it to those trees before it returns.” Not waiting for the other two to answer, he shot out from their hiding place quickly followed by Teek and Tryg who shouted another curse to the skies.

  The dragon twisted, raising itself into the air and then banked for another pass but by this time everyone was secreted in various locations out of direct sight making an aerial assault impractical. After swinging around for another pass the dragon dropped its colossal body into the courtyard and let out a deafening roar of challenge. For a brief moment, all was still as no one dared move and give away their position. Thane watched from his hiding place behind another of the many statues of the dead king as the dragon moved its great body away from him directly to the spot where Colonel Braxton lay beneath a wide bench by a large fountain. He knew that if the dragon continued on its current route, it would easily catch sight of him. Closing his eyes Thane reached for the wind and found it immediately answered his call. Gathering it in strength above him, he twisted it into a rushing tornado that sucked at the grass beside him threatening to lift him from the ground with its increasing strength.

  The howls from the air currents caught the dragon’s attention and jerking its head back it immediately caught sight of Thane who was concentrating too hard on what he was doing to notice. Thane continued to gather more force oblivious to the imminent danger now approaching. Jne, crouched nearby, reacted instantly by darting from her place of hiding and swinging her blade in a wide arc landing it hard against the dragon’s flank. The dragon roared, but more in anger than pain since the blade was like a reed against a piece of steel sliding without effect to the side. Jne jumped back, barely escaping being crushed by the dragon’s rear leg. But now she was exposed. The dragon whipped its head around and opened its jaws, its head pulling back to release its deadly breath. Jne stood frozen, not from fear but from a certain knowledge that her time had finally come. She faced it with courage and honor, knowing she was about to lose her life to a foe worthy enough to take it.

  Bringing its head forward, the dragon released its breath just as Thane’s twisted winds connected with the side of its head sending it hurtling against the castle. Its putrid breath jet passed Jne, its force blowing her hair back. Seeing that her opportunity at a worthy death had passed, Jne quickly sprinted to the tree line surrounding the courtyard while Thane did the same.

  Somewhat dazed, the dragon bellowed in anger and then spread its wings, lifting its great mass from the courtyard to once again direct its attack from the skies. By now all had made it to the trees and were tracking the dragon’s movements as it lifted high above the castle and then swung out wide, dropping down to attack from the east. This time, it did not search out its prey, but instead leveled itself over the tree line, raining down a storm of decay that covered the first row of trees where everyone hid. None of the liquid made it through the foliage but as the trees quickly deteriorated, huge branches and great limbs showered down from above covering the ground in composted vegetation.

  In an effort to escape one such falling branch, Jack was forced back into the courtyard where he tripped on a molding branch and fell hard onto the marble pavers just as the dragon banked for another run. Trying to regain his feet, Jack watched the dragon press forward with remarkable speed, bearing down on him with talons outstretched prepared to tear him from the ground. Jack dove to the side just as three large forms rocketed over the castle and right into
the dragon sending it crashing into the tree tops where it floundered before falling to the ground in front of Teek, Domis and Tryg. Tryg again jumped at the dragon, cursing it before grabbed from behind by Domis and Teek who pulled him back behind a tree.

  Though uncertain as to what brought the dragon down, Thane understood that this was possibly the only chance he would get to dispatch it using his Tane. Determined in his resolve, he raced headlong toward the giant serpent using his skills as a Chufa to make his passing more silent then a gentle wind. The dragon, though obviously stunned and possibly hurt, was able to regain its footing and was attempting to spread its great wings so it could escape the ground just as Thane reached its tail. Reaching out his hand, he pressed it against one of the brown scales and endeavored to concentrate his mind enough to connect with the fluid running through the great beast’s veins. Unaware of Thane’s presence, the dragon continued its attempt to clear itself enough to gain sufficient uplift to raise its girth from the forest floor.

  Reaching deep, Thane searched for the door that would unlock the dragon’s physiology to his will and answer his call for its fluids. A tremendous gust of wind pressed against his face causing him to lose concentration as the dragon began to beat its massive wings. Time was running out. If the dragon took to the skies again his opportunity would flee with it. Struggling to settle his mind, he pressed, delving for the connection, willing it to come to him as it had once before.

  The dragon’s tail was now lifting as its wings were finally able to create the force needed to free it from the confines of the earth. Thane’s hand rose with it clutching the edge of the scale as if he would allow himself to be lifted skyward attached to the dragon’s tail. His arm was fully stretched now and he knew that in mere seconds he would lose touch. And then, it was there. The door opened to him, the connection was made. He felt the water that flooded the dragon’s body and knew it would answer his call. Smiling with satisfaction he began to form his will and send it out to be obeyed when, to his dismay, the connection was suddenly cut off, the door slammed shut. The dragon’s tail slipped from his fingertips as it broke through the trees, once again rising into the sky.


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