Book Read Free

Disillusion Meets Delight

Page 8

by Leah Battaglio

  “So, do you want some popcorn or candy?” Jake asks as we walk toward the concession stand. Unsure how I should respond as I don’t want to seem like a pig, but I also don’t want him to think I am too nervous to eat, I decide on the Junior Mints; the best of both worlds, chocolate and mint, very important for a first date.

  I have to say, that there is nothing worse than sitting next to a gorgeous male for two and a half hours with nothing but our shoulders touching. He didn’t try to yawn and stretch. He didn’t try to touch my hand “accidentally” while sharing the arm rest. No, he didn’t do anything! We exchanged looks when something exciting happened or a funny remark was made, but he didn’t try to cop a feel whatsoever! When the movie ended, Jake walked me back to my car and I had assumed that I would get the “I’ll call you sometime” routine.

  “So, Natalie, what’s this week like for you?”

  “Nothing too exciting. Work will keep me busy probably, but apart from that, no plans yet.” Dammit, now he’s going to think I’m a boring loser. I could have lied and said I was having drinks with the girls or a concert to go to or maybe kick boxing class that I faithfully attend twice a week! Something! I might as well have told him my weekly line up of television watching since it was the new seasons of everything now.

  “I have a client coming in from L.A. this week, but if you have next Wednesday free, I’d like to see you. Would you want to get dinner?” His brown eyes glistened and he had a cute smile that was almost cocky yet sincere. Who was this guy? I had thought surely he was a player that had obviously figured out I was a spinster, put out to pasture and not worth the time, even with the help of Victoria’s Secret. Maybe I was wrong.

  “Hmm, I think I am free that night. Why don’t you give me a call later on this week?” I reply with my own cocky and sincere smile.

  “Okay then, I will call you with details this week. Goodnight.” No kiss. Another warm, squeezable hug that left me wanting so much more.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Ian began his Monday morning ready to be refreshed and revitalized. His morning runs with Jenna usually proved to be a great workout. Although they rarely made specific time and meeting places, they had an unspoken connection and were able to meet up most mornings to run together. Ian had learned to read Jenna by her way of running. This morning was particularly stressful given her endurance and stamina. After several morning meetings with her, Ian began to feel more comfortable engaging in personal conversation. This morning, she was finally able to come out and let Ian in on the hypothetical questions and told him the whole story. As he suspected, the wedding dress was purchased by her and it was obvious that she was already having doubts.

  “It was an impulse buy, Ian. I don’t know what was wrong with me. It just felt so right. Of course, my best friend’s hate me now and I don’t know if I will ever make them feel any different.”

  “I don’t know your friends, but if they really care about you, they will come around. You may need to be the first one to break the ice though, I’m afraid. They may love you, but they sound totally pissed off!”

  “Thanks. You aren’t helping, Ian! You had better be nice. If I ever make up with her, I still may try to hook you up with Nat. She may be a bitch sometimes, but she really is fantastic.” Jenna replied. Ian could tell that the thought of losing her best friends was extremely hard for Jenna to fathom.

  “As inviting as it sounds, I think you need to worry about your relationship with your friend first, then work on me.” He was beginning to think meeting this friend of Jenna’s was never going to happen. To be honest, he wasn’t sure that he was all that interested anymore.

  “Yes, I know. It’s so hard though Ian. I can’t talk to Rob about it because he has no idea that I bought the dress. I can’t take it back to the boutique and to make matters worse, Rob and I haven’t been getting along the last couple of days. He has been so busy with work that he hasn’t been around all weekend. I barely get to see him anymore. He works so hard and then we fight because I miss him.”

  As Ian walked into the office, he kept thinking about Jenna’s situation. Something didn’t seem right but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Whatever it was, Ian just felt fortunate that he really wasn’t involved. Jenna’s crisis was probably going to become worse before it got better.

  Ian stopped to get a cup of coffee before going to his desk, where he expected to see Jake discussing his usual weekend exploits but when he walked into the coffee room, it was empty. He couldn’t have finished his story yet, it was barely 8 A.M. and Jake’s X-rated tales usually lasted for much longer. Maybe he was sick and didn’t come in, Ian thought to himself. He felt ashamed for actually wanting to hear of Jake’s torrid love affairs but he found them really entertaining. Since his own love life left something to be desired, he had to live vicariously through someone and Jake was just the man.

  Ian walked through the corridor to his office, where Jake was waiting for him. He was sitting comfortably at Ian’s desk with a coffee mug in his hand and a grin like nothing Ian had ever seen before.

  “Jake what are you doing here? I thought sure you’d be in the break room still.”

  “Man, you missed out. Right after you left, these two girls came into the bar. They were so amazing. I went out with one of them last night. I’ve never experienced anything like it.” Jake spoke as though he had reached an epiphany. Ian was intrigued.

  “What are you talking about man? Did you sleep with her?” Ian asked suspiciously.

  “No, that’s just it. I didn’t even take her home Saturday night. We met up for a movie last night and that was it. I didn’t even kiss her. We hugged, just hugged. I don’t know what was wrong with me! Have I lost it?” Jake asked, perplexed.

  “Maybe you aren’t that interested. Did that occur to you?” Ian asked, perplexed himself because this was new and foreign conduct being witnessed.

  “No, I know that I like her. She is so different than any chick I have ever been around. Granted, I usually don’t stick around long enough to really know, but that’s what I mean. I want to stick around. I want to get to know her more. Jesus, Ian, I think I respect her! What is wrong with me? This isn’t me?” At this point, Jake was beginning to grow increasingly uneasy and started breathing heavily.

  “Okay Jake, listen to me. What you are feeling is a natural emotion. Most normal people go through this. You are evolving into a decent guy. It’s going to be just fine. Look, I live here and I am great.” Ian exclaimed.

  “Dude, when was the last time you got laid?” Jake asked.

  “Um, it was, oh a uh, a few months ago.” When he said it out loud and admitted it, the thought was really depressing and Ian wondered if maybe he should join Jake’s world instead.

  “My point exactly. Nice guys finish last. I don’t know what to do. I’m totally into her though. We are going out next Wednesday night. I think I’ll make reservations at Di Marco’s in the Pearl.”

  “So, you’re going to wine and dine her huh? Look, don’t stress it. She must be amazing if you are putting this much thought into her. You don’t even think about work this much!”

  “Screw you man!” Jake remarked, leaving the room. “Happy hour tonight right? It’s my turn for beers.” And with that, Jake was off to shuffle papers around his desk for the first part of the morning.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  For the first time in many Monday mornings, I actually looked forward to getting up. It wasn’t a particularly nice looking morning. I have grown accustomed to assuming that it will rain because it usually does in this city. However, this morning, it didn’t really bother me. In fact, I kind of liked it. There is something cozy about hearing the rain fall off the gutters outside into the puddles on the ground and the first smell of smoke from chimneys that sway through the chilly air. I started my routine like every other but today it was just a little bit more special. I fed my dear cat his scoop of wet food that he adores and poured my small cup of freshly brewed coffee before
I got in the shower. Because I got up at the time I was supposed to (instead of hitting the snooze for an hour) I was able to enjoy every part of my morning. Today was going to be a good day. It had to because I could not imagine anything ruining my bliss. Obviously I was still high from my fabulous date with Jake and now eagerly waiting with frenzied anticipation for the phone call that would confirm our next date that would hopefully end with a soft and meaningful good night kiss!

  Traffic was typical, slow and congested. I got into work right at 8 A.M. and checked my email first thing. Although I had only been a Team Lead for a very short period of time, Mr. Woodhouse and his 7:55 email regarding his daily agenda for me was already a nuisance. He was so uptight and I felt it somewhat insulting that he felt the need to tell me how to do my job every single day. Silly me for believing he found me competent. Regardless, nothing, not a single thing was going to ruin my bliss-not today.

  Strangely enough, it was 8:04 and my routine email from Woodhouse was not in my inbox. Granted, one would normally be thankful for the moment’s peace, but I have learned in my department that change is not normal and never leads to good things.

  “Marcia, have you seen Woodhouse yet this morning?” I ask the forty year old woman who is donned in black stirrup pants and a polka dotted scrunchie.

  “You didn’t hear? Seriously Natasha, you need to keep up on the news.” The scrunchie lady replies, rolling her eyes.

  “Marcia, I’ve worked with you for two years now. When are you going to learn that my name is Natalie? Anyway, what do you mean? What’s going on?” I ask feeling my face getting warm and my heart starting to beat more rapid. The last time I didn’t keep up on the news, I found out that my only work ally got fired.

  “Woodhouse took a sudden ‘early retirement’ effective immediately. I heard through the grapevine that he’s been having heart problems and his doctor told him he couldn’t keep working here. Seeing that he’s been here since the place has been built, they let him start his retirement. We have a meeting at nine with Magda Rubin Allen. We got an email about it Natalia. If I were you, I’d go read it because all eyes are going to be on you.”

  Marcia was right. I did get an email but I was so distracted by the fact that I didn’t get an email, I completely disregarded it. Sure enough, there it was.

  Arnold Woodhouse will no longer be on staff as supervisor of your current department. He has opted for early retirement. Effective immediately, Natalie Everett will serve as your interim supervisor until otherwise alerted. A mandatory meeting is scheduled in Conference Room B at 9 A.M. Monday October 4th. Any questions that need to be answered will be done so at that time. Do not reply with questions until then as they will not be responded to.

  Thank you,

  Magda Rubin-Allen

  Director of Contracts and Marketing

  503-555-7165 Telephone

  503-5555-7160 Fax

  What??? Are you fuckin kidding me? Who in the hell decided that I was going to be the supervisor of this god forsaken department? How dare she announce my life before even discussing it with me! Magda Rubin-Allen was a feared woman in the company. In some crazy way, I admired the way she could make men fear her since it was predominantly of the male persuasion. But at the same time, I resented the way she made ambitious women look. We are not all bitches fighting our way to break the glass ceiling. We wanted to succeed and be equal, but not at the expense of others. That was not Magda Rubin-Allen. Oh she would pretend like she cared sometimes, if it suited her schedule but in all actuality, the woman did not care about a single soul in my department unless it jeopardized her control or image.

  After a little over a week of acting like a supervisor, I was ready to pull my hair out. I brought in two temps from a local employment agency. Magda decided that it was cheaper to hire temps because she didn’t have to pay them as much and if she didn’t like them, it was much easier to get rid of them. Unfortunately, Magda is not the one who now has to train them and in one case, teach them how to use this wonderful machine called a PC. Yes, there are still some individuals out there besides the Amish who do not know that the little X at the top of the screen means that if you press it, your work goes away. Poof! Please do not think of me as judgmental for it took me years to use E-Mail but for crying out loud! I do not have time to teach someone Microsoft Office 101. Needless to say, poor Mrs. Randall had to go and by Wednesday afternoon I had hired two temps, fired one and got a new one by the lunch hour. Do they have them on standby or something? Are there relief temps so when one goes down, the relief temp comes in and takes over? There are so many things in life that simply perplex me.

  It is now Wednesday afternoon at 2:07 and I have yet to hear from hot Ben Affleck guy which is really annoying. Between my new job title and this man, I think I am going to have an aneurysm. What was going on? He seemed so sincere even though he looked like a player! I was going crazy with wonder. Normally, I would call Jenna to vent or ask for advice but as we had yet to make amends that was not going to be an option. Since Jenna was a nanny, it was easier to reach her during the day, usually around this time when the kids were having their afternoon nap. I think Jenna kind of liked my afternoon calls because it gave her someone to interact with besides the children and Dora the Explorer. I was going to have to deal with this problem alone unfortunately. Mya was in her practicum until 7 tonight and Laura was out of town with her ex, which leads me to believe that I really need to make more friends.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It had been an uneventful week so far as Ian attended countless meetings and lunches. He almost had to go to Austin but the big boss sent Jake instead, which was fine by him. At this point, Ian had not really found anyone that could stay with Maggie when he had to go out of town. There was no way he would allow her to be alone for a week and given his first encounter with Mrs. Johnson, Ian felt somewhat uncomfortable asking if Maggie would be able to stay with Becky at her home for a whole week. It was something that he would need to figure out soon though. His job was going to entail some travel and Maggie’s living arrangements was not something he should procrastinate on.

  As Ian was about to escape the dull and dusty office to get a sandwich at the local deli the phone rang, much to his annoyance. He worked through his lunch to catch up on all the paperwork that he wasn’t able to get done early in the week. Needless to say, he was ready to get out of the office and eat. Half tempted to let the call go to voicemail, he answered it anyway.

  “Ian, hey it’s Jake. Listen man, I screwed up bad! I never called Natalie to reschedule our date and I forgot to cancel the reservation for tonight. Buddy, you have to help me. If I blow her off, she’s not going to talk to me. I can tell she’s one of those chicks.” How refreshing, Ian thought to himself. Most of the women Jake dated would ask how high for him, which is probably why he never really respected most of them.

  “So, why are you calling me? Call her and reschedule. I’m not your secretary Jake.” Jake’s timing of requesting favors was terrible. Had Ian eaten lunch at his normal time, perhaps he would have been more willing to help the forgetful Casanova.

  “I don’t have time. I’m about ready to board the plane. Dude, if you do this for me, I will owe you so much.” This was sounding more like it, Ian thought.

  “Now you’re talking. What’s she worth Jake?” Ian loved negotiating.

  “Alright, uh, let’s see. Oh, I know! I have box seats in December for the Blazers- Lakers game. I’ll give you one.” Tempting but Ian wanted to see how far he was willing to go.

  “Give me both and we have a deal.”

  “You’re killing me man! Fine, I’ll give you my Blazers box seats for this small favor! So do you want her number or what? The ticket lady is giving me the evil eye.” Ian enjoyed seeing Jake, who is normally calm and self assured, feeling distressed. It made him realize that Jake was just like any other guy.

  “Alright Jake, give me her number.” Ian planned on going with Jake to the game anyway. It
was fun to make him sweat it out a bit though.

  “Don’t forget to cancel the reservation at Di Marco’s too. Oh her number is 555-7854 and her name is Natalie. Thanks man. This really means a lot to me. I have to go. This chick at the counter is getting pissed off.”

  Great, now Ian had the dilemma of getting his much needed food or calling this poor girl, only to cancel her date with his friend. If he ate first, he would probably be a nicer person on the phone, but he also knew that she would probably be more irritated as the evening approached. Oh crap, he would just call her now. There were times that he really disliked being a nice guy.

  “Hi, is this Natalie?” Ian didn’t stop to think how ridiculous this actually was. He had never even met this girl before and he was about to tell her that her date was going to stand her up.

  “Um, yes who’s this?” She replied in a tone that made him feel like a telemarketer or something. This sucked.

  “Hi Natalie, this is kind of awkward but I’m a colleague, well, friend of Jake’s. He had to leave for Austin today and asked if I would call you to reschedule.”


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