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Disillusion Meets Delight

Page 21

by Leah Battaglio

  Ian was looking forward to the Tuesday night cooking class with Natalie. It was an opportunity for them to just be themselves and laugh. They were able to bond and feel inept together. She pulled away at the end of the night, deciding last minute not to get coffee though. Was she scared that her feelings for him changed? Or maybe she knew his feelings had changed. Maybe she didn’t feel the same way. Or maybe she didn’t want to ruin what had been the best time they spent together yet. Whatever the situation was, Ian knew that he yearned for more.

  He rushed through lunch and got back to work so he could leave on time. Maggie stayed with Caroline Everett while he was in class which meant he had to pick her up from Beaverton and brave rush hour traffic to Lake Oswego. The fact that Maggie formed a bond with Natalie’s mother was a definite bonus.

  “Hey buddy, we got an extra ticket for the Blazers-Heat game tonight. You up for it?” Jake popped his head into Ian’s office with the basketball ticket in hand.

  “I can’t tonight. I have a class.” Ian hadn’t told any of his work buddies exactly what he was doing. A heterosexual man taking a cooking class would most likely be deemed, well not manly.

  “Dude what kind of class is more important than watching basketball?”

  “Sorry man.” Ian turned off his computer and gathered his things.

  “Oh, I get it. There’s a hot chick in the class. Or is Ian hot for teacher?” Jake raised his eyebrows and did a little air guitar just in case Ian didn’t get the Van Halen reference. Ian suddenly had a flashback to being in his Frat house on a Saturday night. The maturity level between he and Jake were still miles apart but the guy still made him laugh.

  “Uh, something like that. Listen, maybe we can meet up this weekend for a beer or something. I have an anniversary party on Saturday night but Sunday at the Sport’s Pub?”

  “Yeah that sounds cool. Not too early on Sunday eh? I might have a late Saturday night with the ladies.” Jake gave a wink and a shooting gun signal and was off.

  Ian dropped Maggie off at Natalie’s mother’s house and got on the 217 to the cooking class. He was eager to see Natalie but wished they could be somewhere to just talk. It was hard to discuss their interests between instructions from Chef Le Bleu and intense recipe concentration. If he was going to break through Natalie’s wall, it was going to take more than a couple quick jokes in cooking class.

  “Natalie, it’s Ian, are you on your way to class?”

  “Yeah, traffic is awful tonight. In a city that has rain all the time, you’d think people could drive. You’re still going aren’t you?” She seemed stressed.

  “I’m on my way but I was thinking we should skip and go get food. Are you hungry?”

  “Skip? Would we get in trouble?” She asked in a cute mischievous tone that reassured Ian a bit. Her defensive angry tenor eased a bit.

  “It’s not like we’re getting graded for attendance. I think it’ll be okay.” Ian said reassuringly with a bit of a laugh.

  “Yeah you’re right. It’s not real school. Sure, let’s skip! Where do you want to go?” Ian could tell she was excited about the spontaneity and rebellion.

  “How about Mama’s?”

  “That’s perfect. Okay I have to get off Sunset Hwy but I’ll be there in a little while. See you in a few!”

  A few was actually 35 minutes but Ian felt he could have waited hours to see her. Natalie walked in the restaurant in a rush and stopped abruptly. She was still wearing her glasses and was simply beautiful. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail that bounced when she walked. The apple green trench coat brightened her porcelain skin and brought out the warm brown in her eyes. Ian was mesmerized.

  “I’m sorry it took so long. I shouldn’t have taken Walker. Have you been here long?”

  “Nope, I just got here. Do you know what you want or do you need time?”

  “Are you kidding? I know this menu inside out. Of course, I always get the same thing. Creature of habit I suppose. Do you want to split a pizza or are you having pasta?”

  “Let’s split a pizza. I like pretty much everything except, let’s see, sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts and pepperoncinis.”

  “Well, that’s everything that I like so we better do half and half eh?” She laughed and waved Mr. B over to order.

  “Well, look here! It’s our Natalie with Ian O’Reilly from Washington D.C. Mama will be very happy to see this. Very happy indeed.” Mr. B gave his playful smile. It was clear that Mr. and Mrs. Bonofiglio were accepting of the Natalie-Ian alliance.

  “We’re playing hooky from our cooking class. It’s very exciting!” It was clear to Ian that Natalie was not a rule breaker.

  “So what’s going on with Jenna? Do you know when she’s coming back from Santa Barbara?”

  “How do you know she’s in California?” Natalie asked confused.

  “I called her the other day. I didn’t know she left. I was worried because I hadn’t seen her running lately.” Ian took a sip from his beer. He had actually talked to Jenna a couple times since her departure. In fact, he knew exactly when Jenna was returning but he wanted to talk about it with Natalie.

  “Well, Jenna hates me right now. I don’t blame her. The moment I found out Rob was engaged to Mallory, I should have just told her. The longer I waited, the worse it got. By the time I fessed up, Pandora’s Box had already opened and I was a goner. The whole thing sucks. I miss her so much.” Natalie took a deep breath and began to look around aimlessly at the restaurant. She was so afraid to open up. Ian wasn’t sure if this was how she was with everyone or just him.

  “Why don’t you try calling her? Just because she was mad at the time doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss you too Natalie.”

  “I want to but I can’t. I know I should, but I’m scared. I’m not good with rejection, especially if it is from someone that I care about. Just another example of Natalie Everett: Non-risk taker and overall bore. Maybe if I wasn’t such a chicken over everything, I wouldn’t be in this situation.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. It may sound stupid, but I think everything happens for a reason. I don’t think you’re so chicken. You’re here having dinner with me, the guy that ran over you in the video store and was pretty much an ass in the process. I would say that is a definite risk.” A smile and giggle broke and Natalie’s mood seemed to lift.

  “Well I think that’s debatable. I was kind of a wacko but yeah I see your point.”

  “Hey, it was a learning experience. Don’t get between a girl and her John Hughes flicks.”

  “Now Ian and Natalie, are we going to see you both on Saturday night?” Mrs. B came out with the large pizza half vegetarian and half loaded with meat.

  “I’m planning on it. Maggie has a slumber party that night so I am all yours Mrs. B. I hope you have your dancing shoes on.” Ian winked at Mrs. B and she blushed.

  “I would be delighted to have a dance with you. But there are also much younger and prettier girls that you may also want to consider dear Ian.” Although Mrs. B was addressing Ian, she was giving a smile to Natalie. She walked away and Ian looked at Natalie. She was flushed and seemed to have difficulty breathing. It was clear that both she and Ian had the same thing on their minds.

  “The pizza is fabulous as always. How is your side Ian?” Typical Natalie, he thought; changing the subject to something less emotional.

  “Why yes, Natalie, my side is fabulous as well. So, how’s the job hunt going? Have you started looking yet?” She rolled her eyes and took a drink of her beer.

  “I’m about ready to get a job at Starbucks, although they probably wouldn’t hire me because I have no barista experience. To answer your question, the job hunt isn’t going very well. I think the problem is that I don’t know what I want to do. Or the things I want to do, I don’t have any experience. No employer is going to hire someone with zero experience when they have 50 applicants with years of it.”

  “What do you think you want to do?” Ian liked to solve problems. It’s that
whole Mars and Venus thing with men and women.

  “I’d like to maybe do some writing or maybe marketing, or advertising. I don’t know really.”

  “It sounds like you do. Don’t give up on it. This is your chance to find a career that fulfills you.”

  “Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind when Visa raises my interest to 30% for late payments. I’ll figure something out. Should we get going? I can’t believe it’s after 8 already.”

  “Wow, time flew by. Yeah, I should go get Maggie. I think your mother was going to begin etiquette classes with her tonight.”

  “Oh shit I’m sorry Ian. If she starts correcting your grammar or use of the dinner fork, please, blame my mother.”

  “It’s okay. Actually, Maggie doesn’t have any older women in her life. There’s only so much an older brother can teach.”

  “My mother means well. I’m glad Maggie likes her. So, goodnight then?”

  “Okay, I’ll probably see you on Saturday.” Ian replied casually.

  “Oh, um yeah. So, I’ll see you here then?”

  “Yep, I’ll be here. I’ll see you later.” Ian got into his Land Rover and drove away. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and give her a kiss that would make both of them combust but it wasn’t the right time. He wanted to ask her to be his date but Ian had plans. He just hoped it would all work out.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  I got into my car and began to drive back home. I am such an idiot. He obviously doesn’t like me in that way. If he did, he would have asked me to the party. I feel so stupid.

  I walked in to see Mya knitting on the sofa. The TV was on, but she didn’t seem to be paying any attention. It was more background noise.

  “Hey you’re back. How was class?” Her face was blotchy and she had obviously been crying.

  “What’s the matter? Did you tell him?”

  “He said he didn’t understand. He said he was going to propose to me this Christmas. He had a ring already. Did you know?”

  “Oh my gosh, no I had no idea.” Mya looked at me waiting for more.

  “No, I really didn’t know. I promise, on Christian Bale’s life.” Mya knew I was serious.

  “I feel like such a bitch. What if I made a mistake Natalie? What if I just threw away the best man that will ever enter my life?” Mya was a mess. Her typical trendy pixie cut was fuzzy and messy. Black circles formed around her eyes from mascara and eyeliner.

  “You didn’t Mya. If you were thinking about other guys and considering more than that, it wasn’t meant for you and Kyle.”

  “I keep telling myself that too but it’s hard. I know you’re right. I don’t know how I’m going get used to not seeing him every day or talking to him on the phone.” She cried and suddenly my problems with Ian seemed so minute and unimportant.

  “How was your cooking class? Did you have a good time with Ian?”

  “Oh it was fine. We don’t have to talk about that. Do you want to watch a movie or something?”

  “Natalie, you can talk to me. To be honest, I could use the distraction.” She blew her nose and had a sip of wine.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, now what happened?”

  “We skipped class and had dinner at Mama’s instead.”

  “Like a date? Holy shit Natalie! That’s great!” She practically choked on her Pinot Grigio when I told her.

  “Yeah, it was really nice. Oh Mya I love him! He’s so dreamy!” I whined and pulled the sofa pillow to my chest.

  “So, are you going to go out again?”

  “I’m going to see him at Mr. and Mrs. B’s anniversary party.”

  “Are you going together?”

  “No. He didn’t ask me and he totally could have. He doesn’t like me back Mya!” I buried my head into the pillow and cried.

  “Not necessarily, Nat. He has made a lot of effort with you. Do you think he’s bringing someone else? Maybe he invited her before he realized you were the love of his life and being the perfect gentleman that he is, couldn’t break his plans.”

  “Oh my god you think he’s bringing someone else? I think I would die if I saw him with someone else. This is terrible!”

  “Oh, um maybe he isn’t bringing someone else. Don’t overreact yet. I’m sure there is an excellent explanation why he didn’t want to be your date.”

  “I think I have every right to overreact right now. I have finally found my lobster and he doesn’t want me back. Will you go with me?” I ask in desperation while still appreciating that I can incorporate a Friends episode into any real life situation.

  “Of course I’ll go with you. We’ll make a fabulous couple.” Mya gave me a hug and we just sat on the sofa quietly. Our lives were so dramatically different in such a short period of time. Life can change in the blink of an eye and I don’t know how prepared either one of us were.

  The next morning, Mya and I awoke feeling a little hung-over from our wine binge but we managed to make some coffee and have toast.

  “So, what are you going to wear Saturday night?” Funnily enough, I hadn’t really considered my ensemble for the party. My stomach began to cramp. I got really achy.

  “I have no idea and it’s not like I can go shopping for something. Ugh, I’m so glad I got fired!”

  “Your birthday is coming up. Tell ya what, we’ll go shopping and your outfit can be my present to you.”

  “Mya, all I need for my birthday is a Starbucks card to keep up my addiction.” Now that I am destitute, spending nearly $4.00 on a coffee seems fairly ridiculous.

  “We’re going shopping and that is final. Get dressed, we have a dress to go buy. If you’re going to knock Ian’s socks off, you can’t just wear some ordinary outfit. We have a lobster to catch!”

  “Okay let me get in the shower!” I run off to get bathed and dressed for my exciting mall outing.

  “Mya nothing is right. This always happens to me. Whenever I need an outfit, I can never find it!” I was kind of panicking. There was a lot of pressure now. I needed to find the perfect dress so that I could look 10 times better than the hoochie he was bringing instead of me. It needed to say, I’m respectable but totally hot. I wanted him to drop his jaw and realize that I am the perfect girl for him.

  “We haven’t gone to Nordstrom yet. There are always cute dresses there.” Mya began to walk towards the store as I pulled her back.

  “Mya, I am not allowing you to spend $300 on me. I can’t do that.”

  “Look, you have let me crash at your apartment and completely invade your space. The least I can do is help you get the perfect dress. I’m not taking no for an answer.

  After looking through what could have been a million dresses, Mya shouts me over.

  “Here it is. This dress will look fabulous on you!” I had to admit, it was cute. It was a Maggy London shirred silk chiffon dress that was low cut just enough to show a bit of cleavage but not too slutty. It was black with capped sleeves and when I walked the skirt flowed elegantly. I loved it and it was less than $200.

  “Since it has that little art deco pin thing at the waist, I don’t think you need a necklace. Your boobs are the accessory there. Hm, you need some dainty earrings. Ah here we go, some little dainty studs. He doesn’t have to know they’re cubic zirconium. I love ya, but not that much. Oh and I have the perfect shoe! You can wear Evelyn!” She was really excited over this. Normally, Jenna is the girly girl who plays dress up with us. It was fun to see Mya getting into it.

  “Who is Evelyn?” I asked confused.

  “My Evelyn crystal sandals, silly! You know, Jimmy Choo.” She says matter of fact.

  “You mean the pretty little strappy metallic shoes with the crystals on them? Oh I love Evelyn!”

  Mya and I stood in the middle of Nordstrom jumping up and down clapping like cheerleaders at the Homecoming game. It was the first time in a while that both of us felt pure happiness.

  “I wish Jenna was here to enjoy this with us.”

“Thanks for ruining the moment Nat! I know what you mean though. I miss her too. She’ll be back and then the three of us will be able to do silly stuff like this again.”

  “Do you think so?” I asked with doubt. I didn’t see how we would ever be like we were.

  “I know it. Just believe in it. Wow, that was a cheesy moment. Sorry. I went all Disney on you.”

  “Come on. Let’s go home. I want to try on my ensemble and twirl around the room. We should get you a dress too and then we can watch Down with Love starring my boyfriend Ewan McGregor!”

  “Okay!” And so Mya bought a cute Betsey Johnson. She can pull off Betsey and look fabulous. I on the other hand look like an idiot.


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