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Undeniably His: Bliss Series, Book Five

Page 9

by Hall, Deanndra

  “Just a suggestion, but he’s always with his mom on Thursdays and Fridays, so those might be good days for you to be off. And he’ll go back to his mom on Wednesday, so let’s plan on Wednesday night if you want.”

  I’m almost jumping up and down. “Oh, I want all right.” That makes him belly laugh. “And I’ll talk to Frieda about my days off. Call me later?”

  “If I get him in bed at a decent hour, I’ll give you a call back. If not, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, sweetie.”

  “Yes, sir. Talk to you soon. Bye.”

  “Bye, babe. Hugs and kisses.” And the phone goes silent.

  I sit there and clutch the phone to my chest. He misses me. He wants to see me. He’s already making plans with me. My god, I hope this is going where it seems to be going. If it ended right now, at least I wouldn’t get my heart broken.

  And I know that’s a big ol’ lie.

  * * *

  He didn’t call the night before, so I have to believe he was taking care of Baker. Baker―it’s a cute name, I think. I hope I get to meet him soon.

  The day was slow, the middle of the afternoon is stretching out, and I’m wishing it was time to go. I mean, I like it here, but when it’s slow, it’s torture. Kind of like sitting around diddling myself on a set because I’m waiting for the guys to get hard again. Boring as hell.

  And then a bright spot―I come back from the bathroom to find a customer wandering around. Tami’s already helping a man who’s been looking for something specific, so I just stroll around and when I come face to face with her, I smile. “Please let me know if there’s something I can help you with. I’ll be glad to.”

  She’s younger than me, but she’s no child, and she looks surprised and a little embarrassed. “Oh, um, okay. Thanks.” I know better than to hover but as I walk away, she says, “Um, maybe, yeah. Can you, um …”

  I turn and go back. “Yes, ma’am. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s okay. You wouldn’t believe some of the things we hear, so I’m sure I can help you. What exactly do you need?”

  “I need some, um, lube. I, uh, when I’m, uh, with my finger, you know, and―”

  “When you masturbate?” She blushes and nods. “Okay, well, I’d recommend this,” I say and reach for a tube. “This is silicone based, so it doesn’t dry out, plus it’s hypoallergenic, in case you’re sensitive to a lot of things. Here.” I pick up the tester tube from the shelf and take the cap off. “Try a little. It’s very slick and velvety.”

  She squeezes a tiny little bit out on her finger, then rubs it and her thumb together. “Wow. This really is velvety. Very smooth.”

  “And it’s safe for latex toys too,” I tell her with a smile.

  “Oh, no toys,” she says. “I mean, what kind of toys would I want with that?”

  “Oh, honey, if you’ve never used a dildo while you’re masturbating, you’re missing out. I mean, really. It’s awesome.”

  “Really? No, I couldn’t …”

  Don’t press too hard, I tell myself. Not everybody is as free with their body as I am. “Just think about it and if you want something else, I can help you find something that will be well-suited to you.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “My pleasure. If you need anything else, just let me know,” I tell her and walk away, almost humming to myself. I planted a little seed, and I wonder if it’ll grow.

  I haven’t been away from her five minutes when I hear her say, “Excuse me?”

  “Yes, honey,” I say, pivoting to face her and wearing a subtle smile.

  “So I was thinking about what you said and I was wondering … What would you recommend?”

  With her trailing behind, I head back to the wall full of all kinds of dildos, and I mean all kinds of dildos. Loads and loads of them, all different lengths, girths, colors, materials―it’s crazy. The days of using a plain rubber cock are over. We’re looking around and I’m commenting on this one and that one when she points to one. “Is that glass?”

  “Yes! It is. They’re very popular too.”

  “Have you ever used one?” she asks, her eyes wide.

  “Yes. I have one. I think I like it better than any other I’ve ever used. It’s nice and rigid, so once I get it going just the way I like it, it’s easy to keep going.”

  “Isn’t that hard to do? I mean, doing both things at the same time?”

  I giggle. “A little! But honestly, the concentration it takes to use the dildo takes the focus away from what you’re doing with your other hand, which makes the orgasm slower to arrive and adds to the length of time you can do it. It’s pretty amazing, really.”

  “But there are a bunch of these. Which one?” she says, rifling through the boxes. She’s right. They come in all kinds of colors, some with ridges, some with bumps, some smooth with big bulbous heads.

  “I like these, but that’s just me,” I say and pick up one that has swirly ridges with bumps in between them. “A lot of sensation. Oh, and you can put them in ice water or in warm water beforehand for different sensations too. That can be fun.”

  “Hmmm.” I wait until she picks up a pretty one. It has concentric ridges up and down its length, and the deep pink glass turns to purple and then to blue as the colors move down the shaft. “I like this one.”

  “Then this one it is! Oh, and inside the box there’s a pretty velvet drawstring case to store it in. Make sure to wash it after every use and let it air dry before you put it away.” She nods her understanding, so I follow with, “Anything else I can help you with?”

  “Maybe another day, but this looks pretty good. So thank you …” she says, then leans in to look at my tag before she says, “… Mary. I appreciate the help.”

  “Never be afraid to ask. That’s what we’re here for. By the way, are you a first-time customer?” She nods. “Then I can give you a ten percent discount.”

  “Really? That’s cool! Thanks so much! You know, I went into that chain adult store down the way, but I felt kind of out of place. A lot of their stuff looked cheap and silly, but this is nice.”

  “Thanks. Frieda’s worked hard over the years to keep it in good shape and make it the nicest store of its kind in the area.” I gaze around and find Tami, whose customer has just left. “Tami, can you ring up this sweet lady? Frieda hasn’t shown me how to use the register yet. She’s a new customer, so can we give her the ten percent discount?” I ask, knowing there’s no way Tami would say no.

  “Of course! Oh, and here’s our sales flier for next month. Might find some more interesting things in there!” Tami says with a wink.

  As Tami rings up the lady’s sale, we chit-chat. She’s a pleasant woman with big brown eyes, dark hair, and a killer smile. When she’s all finished, I walk to the door with her and hold it as she leaves. “Hope you come back soon and thanks for the business!”

  “You’re welcome. Thank you,” she calls back as she slides into her car which, for the record, is a Lexus. Nice vehicle. I check the receipt at the register for her name. It’s Beatrice. Beatrice Russo. I can remember that. I need to call her by name so she feels special if she comes back.

  I’ve no more than stepped back inside when I hear something under the counter. “Think your phone’s going off,” Tami says, so I run to my bag and pull it out. There’s a text message and when I open it, I laugh aloud.

  Look at us!

  Under the text is a picture. It’s Boone. He’s got his hair up in a man bun, and he’s hanging upside down on some monkey bars, his arms straight out at his sides, his tee dropped down until it’s bunched up by his armpits and his chin, and he’s grinning like a fool. Beside him, also upside down, is a face that I can only describe as an itty-bitty Boone. I text back, Very classy!

  The three little dots cycle to tell me he’s answering me before he responds. Kid didn’t know what monkey bars are. WTF? Couldn’t believe it. Had to find some.

  I laugh again. Glad whoever took that picture didn’t make off with your phone.

ady with four kids. By the time she could get them together, I’d would’ve been down and after her.

  I’m still snickering. Good thing too.

  Good day at work?

  Yeah! Made my first sale.

  Thatta girl! Proud of ya. Smooches, babe. Gotta get ice cream.

  I’m smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. Have a great afternoon with mini-Boone.

  His response is a GIF of a woman laughing hysterically, but I’m guessing I’m not the first person who’s called Baker mini-Boone. To not be his biological child, they sure look alike.

  The rest of the day drags on. A couple more people come in, but they don’t buy much. I’m still thinking about the customer from earlier. It must be hard to be that age and so inexperienced and unadventurous.

  I stop by the bakery on the way home. They have homemade entrees that are ready to warm up, so I get one and a small salad to take with me. Once I’ve eaten that, cleaned up the kitchen, and done a load of laundry, I sit down and watch a movie. Every so often I look at my phone and wish he’d call, but he’s with Baker so he’s busy, I know. I’ve got to be at work at ten tomorrow so I can’t be out late, but I really need to see a friendly face and talk to somebody, so I grab some of my tamer fetwear and head out to Bliss.

  I don’t see Brian when I walk in, so I go straight to the locker room. When I come out, there he is, drying some glasses. “Hey, you!” he calls out when I sit down on a stool.

  “Hey back atcha! How’s everything?”

  “Can’t complain. Waiting for my submissive.”

  “Oh! Cirilla’s coming in?”

  “Yeah. About time too. I need a crop in my hand,” he says with a grin.

  “Uh-huh.” Brian’s hardcore when he wants to be, and an old softy the rest of the time. Cirilla’s got it made. I still remember the night his apartment was shot up. God, I was scared they were both dead! It was bad enough that he was shot, but it could’ve been so much worse. “Want me to watch the bar while you scene?”

  “Would you? That would be great, babe. Thanks.” His gaze swings toward the door and a huge smile breaks out on his face. I don’t even have to look―I know what’s filling his vision.

  “Hey, Melina! How are you?” Cirilla sings out and hugs me from behind.

  “I’m good, sweetie! You doing okay?”

  “I am! Of course, trying to watch that one and keep him in line is a full-time job. Good thing we’ve got Trish and Sheila helping out now,” she says and plops down on a stool beside me. “What are you up to?”

  “Settling into the new job. I really like it.”

  “Good! Everybody needs something useful to do. Wouldn’t you agree, Sir?” she says toward Brian.

  “I would. And you, submissive, are very useful. Go change. The lovely submissive sitting beside you has offered to watch the bar for me.”

  She leans over and plants a huge kiss on my cheek. “Mwah! Thank you, honey! I’ll be right out.” He’s grinning from ear to ear as she walks away, and I know he’s watching her ass. Honestly, I’ve noticed it’s a fine one.

  “Guess I should go change too. Don’t know how long we’ll be,” he says as he sets down the glass he was drying.

  “Take your time. I’ve got nowhere to be.” By the time I stand and slip behind the bar, he’s disappeared into the men’s locker room.

  They put on quite a show. I didn’t know Brian was into erotic asphyxiation, but it appears he’s been practicing. Me, I don’t like it. Way too risky, but to each his own. They recently purchased a brand-new bondage horse―I heard Clint found it at a good price―and Brian and Cirilla are taking advantage of the purchase. Ten minutes after they start, he’s got her bound to it, face up and legs wide open. I almost moan as I watch him stroke her clit and run his free hand all over her body, up and down her legs, over and around both breasts, tweaking her nipples, pinching the insides of her thighs, and I can’t see her slit but I know she’s dripping. Brian’s hands are magic, just like Dave’s, and she’s got her work cut out for her. It’s obvious she’s about to come when he stops, upzips the front of his leathers, releases the serpent, and drives it into her.

  She comes alive, but as he pumps into her slowly, he runs his hands up her body, over her breasts with one pinch of her nipples, and up her chest until his hands encircle her throat. It’s like I can feel his hands around my throat, feel them tighten, my breathing growing more labored and shallower, until I’m a little dizzy. She gasps as well as she can as his strokes grow increasingly more demanding and I have to fight to keep from running my hands all over myself. Damn, I’m turned on watching them. With her hands bound above her head and back over the end of the bench, she can’t fend him off, can’t claw at his hands, and she’s completely at his mercy.

  And then it happens―he strokes into her a few times and I see her body stiffen as his hands tighten ever so slightly. She’s so far gone that she might as well be in Tibet, and I can tell he’s loving it. When he finishes, he loosens his grip on her throat and I expect her to heave in a breath, but she doesn’t. Instead, she looks peaceful, almost reverent, and I watch as he unbuckles all the restraints. When her arms and legs fall free, he bends and kisses her lips, then picks her up and carries her toward the private rooms, limbs dangling. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be here at the bar for the rest of the evening.

  Two Dominants ask me for drinks, and when I’ve gotten those, another asks me to call him a cab, which I gladly do. Looks like he had no luck tonight with submissives, but he’s had a lot more luck with alcohol, and he certainly doesn’t need to drive.

  It’s almost eleven when I hear my phone chirp, and I pull it out from under the counter and check it. And I smile―I can’t help it.

  Hey! What are you doing?

  Oh, boy. This should be interesting. I’m at the club.

  My phone rings immediately, just like I knew it would. “Yes, sir?”

  “You’re at the club?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  There’s a ragged edge to his voice that I haven’t heard before. “And pray tell, what are you doing at the club?”

  “I’m minding the bar while Brian and Cirilla scene,” I explain, grinning to myself.

  There’s silence for a few seconds before he says, “Okay. Fine. That’s fine. Did he call you and ask you to?”

  “No. I came in and when I found out Cirilla was on her way and they wanted to scene, I volunteered.” I know where this is going and I’m almost laughing.

  “Uh-huh. You went in not knowing that’s what you’d be doing. What did you go in there thinking you were going to be doing?”

  “I thought I was going to be sitting at the bar, talking to Brian. We’re friends, you know, and it’s better than sitting at home by myself, looking at the walls.”

  I can almost see him fuming through the phone. “I see. Well, would you do me the courtesy of telling me next time you go in without me so I know what’s going on?”

  “Oh, so we’re in that kind of relationship?” I ask, playing the cagey bitch.

  “Do you want to be in that kind of relationship?” he parries back.

  Okay, I think I’ve probably fucked with him enough. He sounds like he’s getting a little testy. “Yes. I do. And I’m sorry. I was just messing with you. I didn’t come in here to scene, Boone. I just didn’t want to be alone, so I came in hoping Brian would stand and talk to me. And I miss Dave.”

  “Look, I’m sorry I can’t spend every night with you. Really. But I―”

  “Stop! I didn’t mean it like that! I don’t want you to miss out on time with your little boy, babe. I didn’t come in here to get back at you because you weren’t around. Not at all. I just knew I could find a friendly face here, that’s all. And, of course, when you started questioning me, I had to play with you. I didn’t have a choice. I know that was naughty of me, but―”

  “Yes. Yes, it was. Very damn naughty of you, girl, and when I see you, you’ll get your ass spanked good for that. I ain’t takin�
�� that shit off a submissive, not at all. So be prepared,” he growls, and everything between my legs starts to tingle.

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir. That wasn’t very nice of me.”

  “Damn straight it wasn’t. Tomorrow night you’ll learn to behave yourself. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir. Got it. I was just trying to have a little fun.”

  “Making me doubt our relationship doesn’t seem like fun to me.”

  Ouch. When he says it like that, I realize what I did wrong. “Oh, god, no. No, sir. I don’t want that. I’m so, so sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “Think about how you’d feel if I did that to you. How would you feel if you were out of town and you found out I was at the club?” He’s got a point. I wouldn’t like it much. “I’m not trying to run your life, Melina, but I’d like the courtesy of knowing if you’re doing that. If you go to the grocery, I don’t give a shit. But if you’re going to the club without me, I’d really like to know.”

  “I get it, sir, I really do. When you put it that way, it makes perfect sense. I’m very, very sorry.”

  “You’ll be sorry tomorrow night, that’s for damn sure. I’m going in here to have a shot of moonshine and try to forget my mad. Let me know when you get home, please.”

  “It could be a while. Brian did asphyxiation with Cirilla and they’re still back there in a room,” I say in way of explanation.

  “I don’t care. Text me and if I don’t answer, call me. I want to know when you’re inside and have the doors locked.”

  “Boone,” I say, wondering if I can say this right, “you need to remember that I fucked guys for a living. That doesn’t mean anything to me. So even if I had―”

  “Do you want to go back to doing that?”

  Now there’s a question I haven’t had anybody ask me. “Um, I don’t think so. I haven’t thought about it.”

  “Maybe you should. Because I don’t hold your past against you, and I don’t care what you did before we met. If you’d still been in the business, that would’ve been okay too. But if you’re out of it, you tell me you’re out of it, and yet you still want to fuck around, then we’ve got some discussing to do.”


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