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Tempted by The Vampire

Page 5

by Khardine Gray

I glanced back at him over my shoulder and gave him a smile of my own.

  “I’m on my knees,” I cooed.

  “Yes my lady. Time to fulfil my promise to your sweet pussy and fuck you properly. On your knees and screaming. My. Dear. Lady.”

  I stared back at him, speechless. Stunned and surprised from the raw, dirtiness of his words. Stunned and surprised but loving it. Loving the thought of what he promised, of having him inside me again.

  Taking hold of my waist he plunged into me and straightened up like a vengeful god ready to take his vengeance, ready to claim me and make me his.

  Lust scorched me clean and my body obeyed his command, moving with him in the way he wanted as he started pounding into me, fucking me hard, rutting into me relentlessly. My muscles gripped tight around his cock and I was screaming within seconds. That was what this man did to me. He devoured me. Devoured me whole, in body and essence. He rode me with the passion of a beast and just when I thought I couldn’t handle anymore he leaned in close and nibbled on my ear.

  “Wait till you feel this Princess.”

  I was on the edge of another orgasm. It thrashed within me. One last pound pushed me straight over that edge again but he held me close to him and it was like we shared the same mind. He whispered something in my ear, in words I didn’t understand but felt. It was magic.

  Magic that pulsed into me awakening everything inside me. He still moved inside me while holding me and we came together as one. As we did a mass of white light surrounded us. White light with glitter like the stars. It moved from me to him and burst into specs of gold. We both watched it flutter around us until it faded.

  “Oh my God,” I breathed.

  What was that?

  “It was us,” he replied but to my mind. I heard him inside my head.

  He was inside my head.

  “I heard you.” I twisted around to face him.

  That cunning, cocky smile was on his face. “I know.”

  “You can do that?”

  He nodded. “You try. Think something and send it to me.”


  “Come on Princess, you aren’t going to discover those powers of yours if you don’t try.” He chuckled showing off his fangs again.

  I wasn’t afraid anymore. Not afraid and I wanted him again. The need for him pulled on my insides.

  “You want me again and you’re not scared of my fangs anymore.”

  My eyes widened. “What? You heard that? You weren’t supposed to hear that. I wasn’t ready to think the thing I wanted you to hear.”

  He laughed. “Emotion. Your powers work with emotion. You have telepathic abilities. You can hear me, and I can hear you. To block someone from hearing you, control your emotions. It’s sexy when you’re with me, but dangerous in some circumstances.”

  I gazed at him in awe. Since I’d been in this strange world he seemed to be the only person who understood me.

  I shuffled around and he lay me back down on the pillows, lowering next to me and slipping his arm around me.

  I reached up and touched his face, tracing the outline of his jaw as I looked at the sharpness of his fangs.

  They were real.

  “If you bite me, will I become like you?”

  “Yes, but there’s more to it than that.”

  “Like what? Blood, I’d have to drink your blood?” That’s how it was in some movies.

  A vampire would bite you and drink your blood, and if you drank their blood you’d become like them.

  “No, not like that. I’m different. Vampires from the order don’t create new vampires like that. The others do though. For us it’s a ritual to mark your soul mate. Male vampires mark their soul mates with the kiss of love. With that bite they are mated for all eternity.” It was the first time I’d ever seen that softness in his eyes.

  Like the idea of a soul mate meant something to him.

  “Oh, soul mates.”

  “Do not tempt me my lady. You ask the question like you want it. Remember I can read your mind.”

  I pressed my head against his chest and he pressed his chin to the top of my head.

  I expected not to feel his heart, but it was there. beating loud in my ear.

  As I lay there my mind drifted and I allowed it to. So many questions still plagued me. Too many. Questions and feelings. Good and bad.

  The coven of shadows was supposedly where I belonged, but I didn’t feel that when I thought about it.

  In reality I lay in the arms of a vampire who made me feel like his.

  With him was where I felt like I belonged.

  With him...

  Chapter 6



  The beauty woke up in my arms, stretching against my chest and I gave her a kiss that tasted of last night.

  She slipped her hand behind my head and kissed me back. It was the kind of kiss I could have gotten lost in.

  Gabrielle smiled and looked about her. I switched off my ability to hear her thoughts. It was okay to read someone’s mind sometimes, but not always. A person needed their privacy and going into the mind like that was an invasion when not invited.

  “I should go,” she whispered.

  “No, I’m keeping you with me.” I was actually serious. I would keep her if I could, if she allowed me. Screw the consequences.

  “You’re going to keep me here with you?” she giggled.

  Her delicious breasts bobbled as she sat up and the messy hair made me want to take her all over again. I had her all night and yet I wanted her all over again. More, more for the taking. More of the beautiful woman who rocked my world.

  “I can you know.” I sat up. “I could keep you here forever if I wanted to.”

  “Forever?” she cooed. “Right, and what would we do?”


  “Must you be so crass?” She blushed and her cheeks turned a soft rose color.

  “Yes. Don’t act like you don’t like it.” I teased reaching out to touch her pretty pink nipples.

  She leaned forward and kissed me, then pulled back.

  “They’ll come looking for me.”


  “So, I should get back. Besides, this is crazy. I can’t just stay here. We haven’t even been on a proper date.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “You want to date?”

  “Don’t you guys date?”

  “No. Not so much we just...” I didn’t bother to finish the rest of that sentence. The deflated look on her face told me she wouldn’t like the answer.

  Dating was a human thing. Vampires had a high sex drive and tended to skip over all that stuff that took up too much time. If we saw a woman we wanted we took her. I was more over the top than the average vamp. I couldn’t help it. Of the three brothers, I was the wildest. I got it from my father.

  When mother died he filled his days with concubines. One woman was never enough for him. It was only my mother that he treated with respect and gave his heart to. A demon killed her to get back at him. After that he wasn’t the same. He even chose to die, so to speak, by taking his leave from the world.

  At one thousand years old he just decided to fade into the ether. That was it. He gathered us together one day, set up the new order with me, my brothers and a few witnesses and that was it. He was the wild child too in his family, but he could be serious when the time called for it.

  Just like me.

  Gabrielle pulled the sheet over her breasts and gazed out the window to the bright blue morning sky.

  “So if you don’t date how do you get to know a person?” she asked.

  “We know each other.”

  “The dream world is different, we never even got to know each other’s names.”

  “What do you want to know about me?”

  She shrugged. “Just stuff you want to share. And, I don’t know about vampires.”

  “I love sunlight and magic. That’s me. I spend my days learning whatever I can. Vampires in general tend
to be curious beings. Like humans we each have our skills and abilities. Magic is my thing. Vampires have a number of different abilities. Telepathy, the power to enchant, teleportation, and for us we walk in the sun. I like to add to myself with magic. My brothers Ivan and Virgil have their own things too. Ivan is the brains and the organizer, Virgil the negotiator. Me, I’m muscle in every sense.”

  “That sounds like you.”

  “It is.”

  “What else is there?” I loved her curiosity. The light in her beautiful eyes reminded me of a child who was eager to learn everything.

  “I have a soul, I’m not dead, as you can see I don’t sleep in a coffin and I have a reflection.” I was trying to cover all the myths.

  “Is that vampires in general?”

  “No, baby, you see the other kind and you will know straight away. I pray you never happen upon any of them. If you do, call me straight away.”

  “What if I’m not with you?” I loved the little smile that pulled on her pretty lips.

  “Find a way. Magically or somehow.”

  She laughed. “Okay. What were you doing in the dream plane? How did we meet that way? Why?” She looked back to me.

  “I was testing a spell.”

  “So there I was exploring the dream plane when I saw something I’d never seen before. A bar decked out like the humans call the Wild West. I went in and I saw you. You projected the dream here.”

  “What?” her brows shot up.

  “Yeah, the whole setting was you. Every time you fell asleep the dream would come to Saphiro.”

  “Saphiro.” The name rolled off her tongue in a way I liked.

  “That is where you are Princess. This is the land of The Order.”

  “Is it a realm?” she looked intrigued.

  I nodded. “Indeed.”

  “How would I get here outside of a dream?”

  I sighed. “If I don’t bring you here there is no other way. Most beings travel through the veil via the Eden stones or teleportation stones. Saphiro is different. Only someone with our blood running through their veins can get here on their own.”

  “How so? How does it work?”

  “A little like using the Eden Stone. We think of home and we appear there.”


  “So, tell me, how did you get to the dream plane? Can you remember how it happened the first time?”

  She shrugged. “I fell asleep watching a western. I was thinking how cool it would be to go to a bar and get whisked away by a handsome stranger. Then it sort of happened.”

  There was something I was noticing since talking with her. Since the other day when I first kissed her in real life. She had a powerful mind. It piqued my interest. A lot.

  “Tristan...” She gave me a thoughtful look. “What do you think about the etherstone? I mean what do you think should happen to it?”

  I sighed and stared deeply into her gorgeous eyes. “I’m not sure. I know it’s dangerous but I don’t know what we should do with it. There’s a reason our ancestors worked hard to get rid of them.”

  “Are they that bad?”

  I nodded. “They absolutely are baby.”

  “So maybe the stone should be destroyed?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe, but the thing I learned from people of the past is this... they fear things they don’t understand. They think if something is different or they don’t understand it, it should be destroyed. We’ve learned from all that so maybe we could use it for good. I don’t know. It may still be a threat.”

  “To who? A threat to who? Caleb was the only threat I know. I hear people talking about dark magic and dark forces but what does it mean? At home in LA I was scared of thieves, burglars, and I guess just really bad guys who could kill you. I don’t know what I have to fear here.”

  I frowned at that. It was crazy. The coven had had her in that castle all week and hadn’t at least told her what to fear.

  “The main threats are anyone who attempts to break the laws of the realms. But... the darker threat is those who follow the old ways. Those who want them back. Those who fought against our forefathers who banished the demons and hell gods back to hell and the underworld. It was a massive war centuries ago. It took the legions of heaven, and all creatures and beings that ever existed to banish them. Their leader was a hell God called Razul. His followers are forever trying to free him. The stone could be used for that. The fact that it’s new suggests to me that the stone is bigger than Caleb’s plan to rule over Pandir.” I gazed at her, knowing that was a lot to take in. Yet she looked like she understood.

  “You’re looking at me weird.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Sorry. Gabrielle, what made you come here? What really made you come to this world. I say this world because while we all live in separate realms we know who we are and to the humans we either don’t exist or we fascinate them. What made you do it? You don’t seem very happy.”

  She seemed like a fish out of water. Looking at her at that council meeting, she looked like she’d been pulled from her world against her will, yet I knew she’d come willingly.

  “I’m adopted. I have a great family. My adopted parents love me like nothing else. They made sure I knew they wanted me in their lives. Every day was a testament of that. They couldn’t have kids of their own so they spoiled me rotten. I was eight when they got me, and I never really questioned who my biological parents were. It didn’t matter because I didn’t have it rough like some people I know, and I didn’t need to. Then this happened and it was the first time that my biological parents really and truly crossed my mind.”

  I was listening. I was damn well listening. Listening to her, hearing her heart, feeling the desire in her soul.

  “No one ever talked about who they may be?”

  She shook her head. “Nobody. It was all anonymous. I really wanted to ask my mom— my adopted mom – more questions before I left to go to the Woodland Realm, but talking to her was difficult. I didn’t tell her where I was going, just that I was moving and she could sense there was something up with me but I couldn’t tell her. Usually I tell her everything. I figured the coven would have some answers. So far I haven’t had any and it’s just been so daunting being there. And look at me, in bed with you. My best friend would think I’d lost my mind.” She shook her head.

  I chuckled and pulled her onto my lap allowing the sheet to fall from her completely. I wanted her, naked pressed up against me.

  I slipped my arms around her waist and she slid hers around my neck.

  “Do not be coy about us. And don’t pull that stunt you did the night before.”

  “What stunt?” She feigned innocence.

  “Stay awake all night and try to avoid me. It won’t work, and I won’t leave you alone.” I gave her a sinful smile.

  “Not even if I tell you to?”

  “Especially if you tell me to. Forbidden flesh is the sweetest of all. You’re mine.”

  Her eyes widened. “Yours?”

  “You’re mine, but I’ll allow this...” I could keep her here but she’d end up hating me for it. That wasn’t the way I wanted us to be. That aside I knew this was fast both for her and me. I was serious though. She was mine. “I’ll take you back to the coven if you come back to me every night. I’ll come and get you. You are to contact me in the dream plane and you are to be careful.”

  “Be careful?” Now she looked worried. “I’m not part of the coven yet, I don’t care about their rules about vampires and witches.”

  “My lady, being a part of the coven is a blood rite for witches. It’s in your blood. You were born into it. The life you live however is another story.”

  “That sounds like the same thing and like they could just come and punish me for doing what I want to do. And what would they do, take my powers away? Or curse me?”

  “The punishment is death.”

  Her lips parted and her face went completely pale. “What are you saying to me?

; “The punishment is death for both of us.”

  “Pru didn’t tell me that.”

  I would have joked about her asking Pru about vampires being with witches but now wasn’t the time to joke.

  “Prudence might not have told you that key factor because her dear father was the one who added on that rule to the law. It wasn’t always so strict. Then one day he called council and lay down the new laws.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “Why would he do that?”

  I shook my head. “Preservation of pure magic was his argument. The only beings it really affected were vampires and werewolves because we are the closest to humankind and witches.”

  “You knew this and you brought me here?” She looked worried but not for herself. It was for me.

  I didn’t read her mind but I sensed it.

  “I live by my own rules. Whatever suits me, and I sure as fuck won’t have some person, whoever he is, tell me I can’t have the woman I want. So, Gabrielle be careful until I know what you are.”

  My emphasis on the word what made her look more curiously at me.

  “What? Did you just say what I am?”

  I nodded slowly.

  “I’m a witch, right?” she asked.

  “Yes, definitely. But there’s more to you than what meets the eye.”


  “No witch can walk the dream planes. It’s impossible. But you can and if you weren’t a witch you wouldn’t have guardians. And. If you weren’t something worth protecting you wouldn’t have two.”

  She pressed her hand to my chest. “What should I do?”

  “Trust me. Can you do that?”

  I smiled when she nodded.


  I had her one last time before I took her back.

  It was early enough for her to get back and no one notice that she’d been gone all night.

  I left her appearing to her like I was leaving but I cloaked myself and thought I’d do a little more investigation of my own.

  My research in the books didn’t really give me any pointers, but for damn certain gave me more questions. Raising my suspicions.

  What was she?

  What was my girl indeed?

  With my cloaking I could go anywhere I wanted to in the castle without being seen. I would literally walk up to old Abe himself and not be seen. This was old magic my father taught me. Old in the sense that it relied on wit and a little thing called being clever. I wasn’t actually invisible.


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