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White Apache

Page 20

by tiffy

  Her facade almost broke. She desperately wanted to keep Samuel from knowing of her disastrous liaison with Quinn, which might prove as dangerous as if he learned the truth about Edouard. ʺThe privations of the trail were inducement enough to make me long for American soil, Samuel. Quinn was a capable guide who saved my life. Nothing more.ʺ

  Samuel watched her turn away and sensed she was lying. ʺYouʹve changed a lot since we were children, Liza. I blame Louvois for that, but you still canʹt fool me.

  Iʹve done a bit of checking on this renegade mustanger since the governor freed me. He has quite a reputation with women andʺ

  A sharp rapping on the door interrupted him. Eager to avoid her brotherʹs questions, Elise bade the caller enter. Spybuck stepped into the room, dressed in the buckskin shirt and pants so common to frontier trappers and traders. He had cut off his prized scalplock and had not shaved his head since she saw him last.

  A thick stubble of hair had begun to grow on it.

  His face was grim as he addressed her. ʺI have just received most distressing news from the Indians who reside in Analco, across the river. Santiago was captured on the road to Chihuahua and has been brought to the deserted prison on that hill.ʺ He gestured to the promontory visible from the window.

  Her heart stopped beating. ʺCaptured! They found out about the guns!ʺ

  ʺNo, the weapons for the Lipan had long since been delivered, with Castal none the wiser. Do you not recall the duel Santiago fought in New Orleans?ʺ

  ʺOh, my God! Castal! That was the familyʹs name!ʺ Elise ground her fist against her lips. ʺI should have remembered. When I met the lieutenant, I instinctively disliked him and couldnʹt fathom why.ʺ

  ʺThe Creole must have thought Santiago dead all these years. He was recently transferred to Santa Fe and learned the truth. He will kill my friend, Elise.ʺ

  ʺBut he canʹt! Without knowledge of Santiagoʹs gun running, what charge can Castal use in New Mexico to hold him?ʺ she asked.

  ʺGun running? Liza, you canʹt get involved with these renegades,ʺ Samuel said, trying to step between Elise and Spybuck.

  She shoved her brother aside. ʺSamuel, this is Spybuck, who has been an invaluable friend to me on my journey. Spybuck, this is my headstrong younger brother, Lieutenant Samuel Shelby. Now please ignore him and tell me everything you know.ʺ As Samuel glowered, Spybuck explained. ʺCastal needs no chargeshe used Jeffrey Soames to elicit information about Santiagoʹs journey south to meet Night Wind.ʺ

  ʺNight Wind! The Apache raider?ʺ Samuel was liking this less and less, but both his sister and the big Indian ignored him as Spybuck continued speaking.

  ʺThe lieutenantʹs patrol brought Santiago to the prison before dawn this morning. No one knows he is there.ʺ

  ʺAnd as long as Governor Alencastre is gone, Castal is in charge.ʺ Elise could read in the Creekʹs eyes how serious the situation was. ʺHow much time do we have before he executes Santiago?ʺ

  ʺCastal will not simply execute him. He has brought him to the old prison for a reason. The torture devices inside were designed by Santiagoʹs own father when he was governor.ʺ

  Her blood ran cold. Somehow she found her voice and asked, ʺWhat do you plan and how may we help you?ʺ

  ʺNow wait a minuteʺ

  ʺHe saved my life, Samuel,ʺ Elise said quietly.

  Samuel studied her pale face. ʺThis involves more than a debt of honor, doesnʹt it, Liza?ʺ

  Spybuck interrupted, ʺThere is no time for this. I must ride for Night Wind. He and his raiders are our only hope for freeing his brother. But that will take timetime Santiago may not have once Castal decides to begin his grisly games.

  The residents of Analco told me about him. He may well be as insane as Conal Quinn was.ʺ

  ʺI will buy you time, Spybucksomehow.ʺ

  She wrung her hands, thinking of how to approach the cold Creole officer.

  Turning to Samuel, she asked, ʺWill you ride after the governor? Perhaps he could return before Spybuck can reach Santiagoʹs brother.ʺ

  ʺWho is an infamous Apache raider,ʺ Samuel said darkly.

  ʺFew people know of their relationship,ʺ Spybuck said meaningfully to Shelby.

  Looking from the menacing savage to his sister, Samuel sighed. ʺLet me get a horse and directions to Taos. If I ride like hell, maybe I can bring Alencastre backif he thinks this Quinn fellow worth his time. But I donʹt want you in danger, Liza.ʺ

  ʺI wonʹt be,ʺ she lied glibly, practically shoving him toward the door.

  ʺThis is a dangerous man and youʹre on foreign soilhis soil, Liza.ʺ Samuel refused to budge.

  She shook her head placatingly and said in her most soothing voice, ʺIʹve spent over half of my life on foreign soildealing with dangerous men.ʺ More than you could ever imagine. ʺI am not a fool, Samuel. Iʹll be very careful.ʺ

  He remained unconvinced. ʺI shouldnʹt leave you alone.ʺ

  ʺAll I have to do is charm that viper while you summon help.ʺ

  ʺRemember your last encounter with a snake, Liza?ʺ Samuel asked with a scowl.

  He looked at the stubborn set of her features. It was useless to argue further and best to find Alencastre as quickly as possible. What is this Spaniard to you, little sister? As soon as he met Santiago Quinn, Samuel Shelby planned to look him over very critically. He seized her shoulders firmly. ʺPromise me you wonʹt do anything crazy that will cause Castal to turn on you.ʺ

  ʺIʹve had much practice at this sort of game, little brother, more than either of you,ʺ she said, looking from Samuelʹs worried dark eyes to Spybuckʹs. ʺBring help, both of you!ʺ The Indian only nodded, understanding her feelings for his friend far better than did her brother.

  Elise inspected herself in the polished steel mirror and decided her appearance would do. She had sent word to the lieutenant that it was imperative she see him. The messenger had returned at once, saying she was invited to have dinner with him at the governorʹs palace that evening. His special guard would escort her the short distance.

  ʹʹI must keep him away from Santiago for tonight,ʺ she murmured to herself as she inspected the violet silk gown Santiago had commanded her to bring when she had abandoned most of her elegant clothes on the banks of the Missouri River. Santiago! Her heart pounded as she considered how to approach Castal.

  The Creole had been attracted to her when first she met him. Seducing him would not be difficult. Elise shocked herself when she realized that she would be willing to do so if it would save Santiago. But bedding him would serve nothing.

  A man who had hated this obsessively for nearly a decade would not give up his prey for any woman. In fact, if she handled it maladroitly, Castal might well take delight in imprisoning her alongside Santiago.

  She smoothed her hair in its sleek, heavy knot and adjusted the amethyst-studded pins that held it in place. No, it would be a grave error to allow Castal the advantage of knowing how much she cared for the renegade. Even if she possessed any real diplomatic power, this was still a savage, wilderness, as far from the City of Mexico as it was from Washington. Castal would not be daunted by her threats any more than he would be seduced by her charms.

  She was too emotionally involved to think this through as she always had done in dangerous situations in the past. Elise resisted the impulse to rub her aching temples and ruin her hairdo. Pacing over to the narrow bed, she seized her small silk bag and prepared to leave for her rendezvous. The soldiers sent to escort her had been kept waiting long enough.

  ʺThis time Iʹll just have to play it by instinct. Iʹm certain heʹs a filibuster. How can I turn that to my advantage?ʺ

  As soon as she was ushered down the long, deserted hall to the private dining room, Elise felt her fear was well justified. Once he sensed any weakness, the wolfish Castal would pounce on her as a hound would on a crippled rabbit.

  His hair was impeccably clubbed back, revealing the strong lines of his aristocratic face. He had gone to great pains with his appearance. His elegantly
tailored indigo uniform was molded to his body and trimmed with elaborate gold braid. Unlike the austere Alencastre, this was a man who delighted in displays of power. When he smiled and bowed over her hand to salute it with a brushing kiss, the light in his eyes was as cold as death.

  ʺWelcome, Madame Louvois. You have grown even more lovely than when first you captured my interest . . . the day you arrived in Santa Fe,ʺ he said in perfect French.

  He bent to kiss the back of her hand, and Elise summoned every ounce of willpower to not jerk it away as his moustache touched her skin. ʺYou are most kind to invite me for dinner, lieutenantor should I address you as acting governor?ʺ Feed his vanity. That can never hurt.

  His smile was predatory. ʺLet us forgo titles tonight,ʺ he said as he escorted her to where an Indian servant waited to seat her at the handsomely appointed table set with the governorʹs linens and flatware.

  ʺWhile his excellency is away, it is my great pleasure to entertain the first American lady ever to enter Santa re.ʺ He paused a beat, then said, ʺI thought perhaps your brother would join us.ʺ

  This was dangerous ground indeed. ʺSamuel has fallen in love with this wild, exotic country,ʺ she began carefully. ʺHe hired a trapper to guide him for a few days of hunting, since we cannot depart for American territory until Governor Alencastre returns.ʺ

  ʺHas his mission with the governor gone well?ʺ he asked as another servant poured dark red wine into her goblet.

  Elise shrugged and sipped her wine as her mind raced. Castal had most probably eavesdropped when she pied Samuelʹs case to Alencastre. ʺMy brother is very dear to me, lieutenant.ʺ She smiled, then resumed. ʺBut he is often too noble for his own good. His mission was dangerous and, I fear, useless. I have secured his safe passage home and that is all that matters to me.ʺ Smiling, she changed the subject. ʹʹPray tell me, how long have you served in New Mexico?ʺ

  ʺOnly a brief tenure. I was a native of New Orleans before the French emperor sold it to your country.ʺ His eyes were glacial as he stared out the window at the gathering twilight for a moment. ʺBut my fatherʹs family has a long and illustrious tradition of military service with the Spanish monarchy. I served most of my career in Spanish Louisiana and then Texas before being reassigned here.ʺ

  His anger at the loss of his home to the Americans was evident. Also, he had been passed over for promotion and sent to this backwater post. His family was probably impoverished. That was why he joined the filibusterers, to get rich.

  What if she could convince him that Santiago had access to a great deal of money? Elise decided to gamble.

  ʺDo you find New Spain as fascinating as I? It is a land rich in promise.ʺ

  Castal studied her as they were served thin slices of lamb, fresh vegetables, and hot corn cakes. He had the servants refill their wine glasses, then dismissed them and turned his measuring gaze on her. The flickering candlelight cast his handsome face in sinister shadows. The sun had been engulfed by the jagged mountains and darkness fell.

  ʺExactly what game do you play, madame?ʺ

  Elise forced herself to take a bite of the lamb and a long, sensuous swallow of wine before replying with reigned innocence, ʺGame, lieutenant? Me?ʺ She laughed softly and switched to Spanish. ʺI merely think there is much wealth in this vast wilderness . . . and Spanish power is as weak as that of my brotherʹs army.ʺ

  Surprised by her fluent Spanish, he raised his eyebrows and gave her a mock salute with his goblet, then also switched to Spanish. ʺYou almost speak treason, yet you are supposed to be an American.ʺ

  ʺI, like you, was raised between two worlds. My father was American, but I grew up in France and wed a French diplomat who is a weakling and a fool. I have learned to look out for my own interests.ʺ

  ʺAnd those of your idealistic younger brother?ʺ

  She shrugged with Gallic dismissal. ʺComing to Samuelʹs rescue worked out most felicitously for me. Along the trail, I learned some very useful information about the renegade Spanish nobleman who guided me here. I understand you are holding him in the prison on the hill?ʺ

  His eyes narrowed as he took a large swallow of wine. ʺNot only do you play games, my dear, but dangerous ones as well. How did you learn I hold Quinn?ʺ

  ʺWhy do you think I urged my brother to ride off to shoot deer? Ever since I arrived here, I have been waiting for Quinn to reappear. I have even employed several of his own men and some locals to inform me of his whereabouts.ʺ

  ʺWhat is your interest in this renegade? An affair of the heart, perhaps? He has charmed more than one unfortunate lady.ʺ

  Perhaps the mysterious woman who sparked the duel? She smiled laughingly as if the idea were too absurd to merit a reply. ʺHe exudes a certain crude fascination that piques my curiosity, I confess, but I am a great deal more interested in the Aranda fortune than I am in the man.ʺ

  The meal now forgotten, he hissed furiously, ʺWhat fortune! He is a renegade mustanger who once masqueraded as a count. His father was an Irish mercenary who ended his career in madness and disgrace.ʺ

  ʺLa, Lieutenant, you have been deceived. Colorado Quinnʹs son is indeed a disreputable outsider who chooses to live among savages, but that does not negate the fact that his mother was an heiress of some renown in Spain. He is indeed Count of Aranda, and he uses his inheritance to send guns to his Apache allies. I almost had him ready to reveal where he keeps his wealthfor it is banked in various locations from the City of Mexico to New Orleans. Now I learn you have arrested him. How inconvenient for me.ʺ She made a pouty toque, then added, ʺBut I am not greedy. I would be more than willing to share with you.ʺ

  He gave her a speculative look. ʺYou think you can convince him to reveal this information to you?ʺ

  ʺIf I had been allowed to pursue my original plan, certainly. But a prison cell is not exactly a trysting place, it is, lieutenant?ʺ

  ʺThere are other ways to extract information from a man than seduction,ʺ he replied in a chilling voice.

  Although her blood ran cold, Elise smiled at him with the indulgent expression one might reserve for a dim‐witted child. ʺYou could torture that one until you killed him. He would never talk. His Apache honor is a matter the fool takes seriouslybravery in the face of pain is everything to them. You have spent your career fighting Indians. Surely you know this.ʺ

  ʺHe is white, not Indian.ʺ

  ʺHe is the White Apache. Your methods would fail.ʺ

  He regarded her with narrowed eyes, his expression growing hostile and suspicious. ʺWhat would you propose instead, my dear?ʺ

  ʺSimply a variation on my original plan. I was never so naive as to think I could seduce him into giving over his fortune. I planned to accompany him from Santa Fe into Mexico, then have him followed when he contacts those who hold his wealth. Only Santiago Quinn, as Count of Aranda, can lead us to his riches. If you were to arrange a prison escape, I could take the credit for it, which would smooth over any mistrust he might have for me. Then you could follow us.

  Together we would learn his secrets.ʺ

  A paper‐thin chance. Please let it work. The alternative was too horrible to contemplate!

  Castal toyed with his goblet, staring into the bloodred wine. ʺLet him escape with you and follow. What is to keep the two of you from slipping away once you have him free, eh?ʺ

  ʺSurely you have a genízaro soldier or two who will follow orders. They can pose as the men I hire to implement the escape.ʺ She watched his face with a sinking heart. Heʹs playing with me.

  ʺNo, I do not think so. You deny any tendresse for the renegade, yet you would risk a second journey across the wilderness with him.ʺ

  ʺThis time I know he can offer me far more than a passing sexual diversion. I much prefer money to men,ʺ she added in an ice‐cold voice. ʺAnd for you, Quinnʹs money would mean power.ʺ

  The wide slash of a smile did not reach his fathomless dark eyes. ʺSo, my sources in New Orleans were right. You are meddling in our plans.ʺ

  She shrugg
ed again. ʺIf you choose to take the whole of his majestyʹs possessions in New Spain from him, it is nothing to me. I am interested only in the freedom that vast wealth will afford me.ʺ

  ʺLet us test the truth of your assertions. Come.ʺ He rose and reached for her hand.

  Silently she acquiesced, knowing, with dread squeezing her heart, what he planned to do. ʺA test, Lieutenant?ʺ

  ʺA test, madame,ʺ he replied.

  Chapter Twenty‐Two

  Santiago awakened slowly . . . to agony. His head throbbed, and the pain in his arms was excruciating. He had been manacled all day against a rough stone wall in a dark, filthy cell. At least the night air was cold, giving minimal relief from the fiery burning on his back. When they arrived at the prison before dawn, all Castal had time to do was have his sergeant ply the lash for a brief interlude.

  When he was summoned to town, the lieutenant had not wanted to forego the pleasure of watching Quinnʹs torment. He had him manacled to the wall, left to contemplate the fate that awaited him.

  God above, to be subjected to the same tortures his father had devised for his brother! Halfway through the day, he had passed out and hung by his arms. The manacles bit into his wrists even when he struggled to stand on rubbery legs.

  Every muscle in his body screamed. He willed his mind to focus on the Lipan stronghold far away in the fastness of the Guadeloupe Mountains, blocking out the pain.

  I must practice now . . . for much, much worse will come later. He conjured up the faces of Orlena and Joaquin, She Who Dreams and Ana, but they kept fading away. Only one face hovered in front of his pain‐glazed eyesElise, with her huge violet eyes.

  The sound of footfalls echoed in the empty stone prison. Castal had returned under cover of darkness to continue his bloody sport. Bracing his manacled legs firmly on the hard‐packed dirt floor, he waited, closing everything out but the face of his lovely Elise.

  ʺSo, you have awakened. How propitious the timing,ʺ Castal purred. ʺI see you are still standing. Commendable, but then perhaps it spares your arms.ʺ He gave a signal, and two of the soldiers walked to the wall, then pulled on the chains until his arms were stretched so high that his feet barely touched the ground. His shoulder muscles bunched in agony as his arms felt pulled from their sockets.


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