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Nefarion: Embrace of the Keepers Book 2

Page 6

by Olivia March

  The Balruin Keeper in him wanted to see this as a further sign of Annabelle being too weak for one such as he. But instead he felt more protective, more…entangled. He’d slept only a little, and the rest of the time he’d counted the beats of Annabelle’s human heart, listened to the soft puffs of her breaths coming in and out, and smelling the aroma of sweet woman and spent passion. He’d been rock hard the entire time, so tempted to finish what he’d started with her. Resisting was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but she was untried, an innocent. And he was an animal under the skin, more like a beast than a Keeper. Being noble was a new experience for him, but for some reason it was important to him to be noble for this human.

  Annabelle hadn’t bothered arguing with him about leaving her hovel again, which saved time. They’d eaten more of her unappetizing food a short time ago, and then had gotten on the move. Nefarion followed the very faint scent trail of Mithrain, making sure Annabelle was following behind him. He was careful never to get too far ahead of her, even though he itched to lightstep and move faster. Annabelle’s legs were very short, and she didn’t have the stamina of a Keeper. There would be times he’d just take her up and lightstep with her, but for now he wanted to be careful not to lose the faint trail of Mithrain.

  “So, what is this mission exactly? Are you sure having me along won’t impede you?” came Annabelle’s voice from behind him. Her voice was soft, but Nefarion had no trouble hearing it. The sound was like a soft caress over his senses, enticing him, reminding him of the night he’d spent wrapped around her. He could still smell her skin and feel the enticing warmth of her body even now. All those soft curves had molded to him perfectly and tested his resolve like it had never been tested before. He’d had to count her heartbeats and focus on the sound of her breathing to resist the urge to sink his cock where it had no business being.

  “One of our men was taken when our camp was attacked a week past. We found traces of blood but no body. My mission is to find his body and return it for burial.” Nefarion knew they wouldn’t find Mithrain alive. Whoever had gone to such lengths to hide his body had surely been thorough in his killing. There was a slim chance that Mithrain had been taken hostage to be tortured for information, but it was a very faint possibility. It would be a very inefficient information gathering idea because Mithrain wouldn’t have any knowledge of the wider movements of Keepers around the planet. Engagements were planned every morning for the select area a group of Keepers was assigned to. If the Scourge wanted a real source of information on Keeper movements they’d need to kidnap the High Commander, and they’d never accomplish that.

  “I’m sorry to hear that Nefarion…are you sure he’d dead? Is there any chance you’ll find him alive?” There was true sadness in Annabelle’s voice then, which surprised Nefarion a little.

  “Why do you care, human? Your kind wants us dead as much as the Scourge do. Humans are just a lot less effective killers than the Scourge, so your race has had no success in that regard.” Many puny human males had tried to kill Nefarion and his comrades since they’d arrived. It was almost laughable how pathetic their efforts had been. Almost. Cold fury is what Nefarion had felt every time he’d been attacked. He’d left his home and he’d lost comrades and friends fighting Scourge through the galaxies. And the humans on this polluted backwater of a planet trying to attack them had been infuriating.

  “You’re surprised that I’d feel compassion for your friend? Not all humans were upset about the Keepers arriving on our planet. Your people have saved countless numbers of humans from being killed, including myself.”

  “And yet countless numbers of your people have pulled weapons on us and attempted to capture and kill us.”

  “Well, I’m not sure what your experiences with my people have been like, but put yourselves in our shoes. We were invaded by Scourge and slaughtered by the millions. And then we were invaded again by Keepers, who we knew no better than the Scourge. I think we can chalk up any hostility from humans towards your people as just a defensive measure.” Annabelle’s voice also sounded a little defensive now, Nefarion was interested to note.

  “We could assume it was learned defensiveness, young one, if your people did not continue to attack us all the time. By now they know we’re fighting the Scourge and not attacking humans. We even set up safe places where humans can seek protection from our mutual enemies. Yet still your people attack us daily.”

  And they did. Nefarion didn’t mind killing humans when it was necessary. He’d taken a lot of pleasure in destroying those disgusting males that had attacked Annabelle. He’d killed others as well, human males that wouldn’t stop trying to kill him no matter how much peace he talked and how unaggressive he’d tried to portray himself. When a human male fired a weapon on Nefarion, he died, simple as that. He had no intention of letting a human from this ridiculous planet end his life prematurely. There was too much he still needed to do with his life, including finding a queen and producing an heir for his kingdom.

  “Well, I can’t speak for them. I can only speak for myself I suppose, and I for one am truly grateful to you and your people for coming to our aid. I’d be severely injured or more likely dead if you hadn’t come along and saved me. You’ll have my gratitude for the rest of my life, however long or short it might be. And I will never try to hurt you.”

  Nefarion didn’t point out that she had zero chance of inflicting him with harm. The very idea was ludicrous, like a little kitten trying to scratch a panther. She’d been speaking in such earnest, he found himself not wanting to hurt her feelings. Her gratitude towards him also eased his perpetual annoyance with her race just a touch. It was grating on his nerves that he was risking his life every day to save such ungrateful people. But Annabelle’s gratitude was sincere and warming. He was glad he’d found her in time to save her life. She was an undesired complication to his mission, but he was loath to see that shining light inside her doused. He was like a moth attracted to her flame, wanting to hover around it until he burned.

  But first…he stopped. Mithrain’s scent had just gotten stronger. He could follow it lightstepping now. The thrill of the hunt began to course through his veins, pumping him with adrenaline. He’d have Mithrain soon, and then they’d send him to his ancestors like the hero he had been in life.

  “Come Annabelle, I have a strong trace on Mithrain now. We will lightstep until the scent changes.” Nefarion walked swiftly back to where Annabelle was struggling to haul herself over a large log. Her stature was once again making things difficult for her, but he had to admire her tenacity, she was climbing it without complaint. When he tried to pull her to him though, he was left standing shocked on one side of the barrier while she jerked so hard away from him she landed on her ass to the other side. His head titled, staring at her with some amazement, while she stared back at him from the ground.

  “Did I startle you Annabelle? Or does lightstepping discomfit you? It didn’t seem to harm you last evening.”

  Annabelle’s face flushed, and her eyes shifted away to the forest behind him.

  “Nefarion…I think, all things considered, we should forego any physical contact with each other. Last night was…well, it was eye-opening in a lot of ways. But I think you’re right that we shouldn’t be involved. And I think keeping some distance between us, physical distance, will help keep things more impersonal between us.”

  Nefarion was surprised to feel a flash of heat scorch through his body at Annabelle’s words. He had told her they couldn’t be intimate, not fully. But her reiterating it now, and refusing even the most basic of touches from him, was infuriating. His shadows responded to his anger and began to seep from his pores slightly. Annabelle flinched when she saw them, but Nefarion didn’t bother to reign them in.

  “Lightstepping is a necessity of this mission Annabelle. We must cover a lot of ground and cover it quickly. How do you suppose we’re going to do that if you won’t let me touch you?”

  Wouldn’t let him touch her�
�last night his fingers had been deep inside her, in the hottest, wettest channel he’d ever felt in his long life. He’d held her plump breasts in his hands and tasted the sweet saltiness of her skin. The entire episode had done nothing except push his desire for Annabelle to a near frenzy that had been threatening to consume him for the last dozen hours. And here, while he was going mad with need, Annabelle was outright rejecting any touch at all from him, no matter how innocent. More shadows bled from him, their volatile movements a warning to Annabelle to exercise caution. A warning she ignored.

  “Well, I did warn you that I would only impede your progress Nefarion. I’d like to continue this mission using my own feet. And if that’s a problem for you I’m more than happy to turn around and go back to my basement. I already told you I think it’s plenty safe if I don’t venture out needlessly-ack!”

  Nefarion cut off her foolish talk before it infuriated him further. He sent a shadow tendril shooting forward to wrap around her mouth. Her eyes had widened with shock and a little fear, but he didn’t stop there. He arrested her arms with two more tendrils, wrapping around her firmly but not painfully. He crooked a finger and the shadows lifted her a foot above the ground, putting her close to eye level with him. She needed to see how serious he was in what he was about to say.

  “Listen well, Annabelle, I won’t repeat myself. I am in charge of this mission. There is only one way to proceed, and that’s my way. I will listen to any concerns you might have, but ultimately, I will make all decisions regardless of your feelings. I will do this for the sake of my mission, and to save your life. You will allow my touch for lightstepping, that is not negotiable. It would be pointless to fight me, as you already know. Do you understand?”

  Nefarion waited until he saw her nod, amused that she took a minute to do so. He liked her defiance, up to a point. It was cute, even if it was pointless. Her refusing his touch was not cute, however. He knew how much she wanted him, she couldn’t hide it. She’d managed to bring her lust down to a simmer after her orgasms last night, but he could still taste it. It pleased him even as it frustrated him. He wanted to do so many things to her, with her…so many wicked things. She was right to refuse any more intimate touches from him. But still…

  He wasn’t sure he could stop himself from touching her entirely. Even now he was considering ripping those flimsy garments off her body to see all that luscious skin in full daylight. His mission was pressing, but controlling his animal impulses was hard. All the restraint he did have was focused on keeping his dick inside his pants instead of inside the girl. Perhaps just another small taste would satisfy him enough to continue onward without the compulsion to touch her driving him crazy.

  With a thought Nefarion commanded his shadows to bring her closer and closer, until they were nose to nose. He considered her wary green eyes, noting the trepidation there. But stronger than that emotion was another. Curiosity. She didn’t fear him really, but she wondered what he might do to her, and the possibilities turned her on as much as they did him. And though Nefarion frequently enjoyed disappointing people, especially his Commander, he wouldn’t want to leave little Annabelle’s curiosity unassuaged, not when appeasing it would give him so much pleasure.

  Nefarion stepped back slightly, allowing him full view of Annabelle as he sent more tendrils floating forward. Annabelle eyed them, clearly remembering her first experience seeing them. In that case Nefarion has used them to slice those disgusting males to pieces. This time, he used them to slowly unbutton Annabelle’s top, then push it open to expose an odd female undergarment. He didn’t bother learning how to undo it, instead commanding the shadow to slice it down the middle and pull it away, fully exposing Annabelle’s full breasts to his eyes. Goddess, what magnificent breasts, the rose-tinted nipples taunting him to touch, to taste.

  But he wanted to see more. He sent two more shadows slithering down her body, dragging her pants down until her boots halted them. For a moment, he just stood there, taking in how her skin glowed in the sunlight. Balruin Keepers loved the light of the moon, but Nefarion had to admit that Annabelle looked stunning by the light of the sun. From the shine of her golden hair to the surprising delicacy of her tiny ankles, Annabelle was a goddess come to life. An innocent goddess, begging to be pillaged.

  Nefarion didn’t trust himself to touch her right then, with his need so near. Instead he used his shadows, curling them around her breasts to stroke and tease. Her eyes had widened in shock, but she couldn’t move away from the touch. Nefarion’s shadows kept her suspended in the air, mouth still gagged. When those shadows began caressing her sensitive nipples, Annabelle’s eyes rolled back a little and her legs began to jerk but could find no purchase on anything.

  But that was fine, Nefarion had other plans for her legs. Leaving the other shadows to continue their torture of her breasts, Nefarion sent out several more. This time he had them wrap around Annabelle’s thighs and begin to slowly separate them. He could see Annabelle tensing and trying to close her legs back, but he wouldn’t allow it. The shadows were gentle but insistent, opening her legs as far as her stretchy pants would allow before pushing her knees up towards her torso. The position left Annabelle’s sex completely exposed to Nefarion’s hungry gaze. And he took full advantage, moving closer, drawn to Annabelle like a bee to honey.

  The closer he got, the better Nefarion could smell Annabelle’s arousal, and the lust he was keeping at bay leapt inside him, weakening his resolve. He sent his tendrils to stroke those folds he’d had in his hands just hours ago, drawing heated moans from Annabelle around the gag of his shadows. His skin felt too tight, his heart beating too fast. The normally comfortable armor he always wore felt like it was six sizes too small, and his cock felt like it was going to tear through his pants at any moment.

  Nefarion had never felt this crazed before over a woman, and he knew he’d never be able to touch her with only his shadows, not when her sex was weeping with desire for him. Last night he’d felt her inside and out with his hands. Today he wanted to feel her on his tongue. He strode forward quickly, ducking low before coming up between the knees his shadows obligingly spread for him. Annabelle’s pants were still stuck over her shoes, but her thighs opened wide enough for Nefarion to find his place between them. He looked up into Annabelle’s eyes and took in how wide they were, and how flushed her cheeks were. Her breasts were heaving but his shadows were relentless, touching and stroking her without cease.

  “I’m going to touch you with my mouth Annabelle. I want you to come all over my tongue, so I will never forget how you look at this moment and how you tasted when you reached your climax. And when I’m through, I dare you to tell me that I’m not allowed to touch you.”

  With that warning, Nefarion thrust Annabelle’s thighs as wide as they could go and brought his face right up to her sex. His eyes closed for a moment, relishing the softness of those thighs and breathing the scent of her arousal deep inside himself. He’d never forget what this woman smelled like, not if he lived thousands of years. And then he could wait no longer, reaching out with both hands to part her soft folds to reveal the treasure he sought. His tongue came out and gently touched the pearl waiting there, grinning when Annabelle bucked and moaned. So, he did it again, harder this time, before tonguing a circle around that sensitive bud. And then he teased her more, flicking and tasting around the lips and avoiding the spot she needed his touch the most.

  Annabelle’s body was taut under his hands, quivering and jerking as much as his shadows would allow, which wasn’t much at all. Nefarion enjoyed having her under his power, unable to move as he lashed her over and over with his tongue. Soon that wasn’t enough, he needed more. He sucked her sweet clit into his mouth, and then stroked her with the fingers of his right hand before penetrating her with not one, but two fingers. He distantly heard Annabelle’s muffled wail, but it was one of pleasure, not pain, so he stroked deeper, and deeper, letting her feel the hot friction of her sex accommodating his pillaging fingers. Godd
ess, she was tight, impossibly tight. His cock ached to be inside her, even as the sane part of his brain told him he’d hurt her. His animal brain didn’t care, it wanted to penetrate, dominate, and claim this woman.

  Nefarion pulled his focus from his raging cock to the fingers sliding inside Annabelle. He focused on her slick wetness, looking for the spot inside her that begged to be stimulated. He needed her to come, needed to end this torture for the both of them before things went too far. And then he found it; the center of her pleasure, never before touched by a man. He rubbed it with his questing fingers, all while sucking hard on her clit, letting her feel his teeth as he flayed her mercilessly. And that was all his little human could take, her body jerked hard and he could feel the ripples deep inside where his fingers were lodged. He quickly pulled them out and replaced them with his tongue, eager to taste the spent passion gushing from her core.

  Nefarion prolonged her pleasure for a while longer, drawing out the climax until Annabelle was sobbing for mercy. Then he withdrew, not for her sake really but for his own. He’d gone one step further in claiming this woman, a woman he was certain in fact that he couldn’t really claim. And the more he touched her, the harder it was not to impale her on his cock and seal both their fates. If he took her fully, he wouldn’t let her go, he understood himself well enough to know that. But he also knew that the longer he was in her company, the closer he got to doing what ought not to be done. He needed to complete his mission and offload Annabelle on Helion before he did something crazy, like taking this human as his mate no matter what the odds were of her survival. She deserved better, and he deserved worse. Now he just needed to convince himself of that and keep his cock to himself.


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