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Christmas Grace

Page 4

by C. L. Miles

  “He loves his little girl and talks about her all the time. I can’t say too much more because it’s not my place to do so, but what I can tell you is there is only one other person he talks about just as much….” When Aaron looked up, Freddie continued, “It’s you.”


  “Oh yes. He’s talked about you for months now. And every time he does, I can see the love he has for you shining in this face.” Freddie gently patted Aaron’s knee. “He loves you, Mr. Cordell. Of that you can be absolutely sure.”

  Aaron’s eyes watered, and he blinked back tears. “But if he loved me, why didn’t he tell me about his daughter sooner?” Anger resurface again at the thought Craig could share things about his daughter with Freddie, yet he hadn’t said anything to him.

  “I know you’re hurt, but like I said, give Mr. Delaney a chance to explain. Then you can decide if your relationship is worth fighting for or not,” Freddie told him. “I’m going to hang up these wet things. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” After getting to his feet, Freddie picked up Aaron’s jacket and scarf and left the room.

  ONCE AARON was alone, he sat forward and dropped his head into his hands.

  “He loves you, Mr. Cordell. Of that you can be absolutely sure.” Now that Aaron had time to think, he knew Craig didn’t say things he didn’t mean. Over the months they’d been together, Aaron always found Craig to be open, honest, and sincere, never once giving Aaron reason to distrust him.

  So why now did Aaron all of a sudden not believe Craig when he said he hadn’t lied, that he was waiting for the right time?

  It was because Craig was protecting his daughter. Could Aaron really find fault in that?

  Aaron groaned out loud. What the hell was he doing? Was he willing to walk away from Craig and everything they’d built together over the last nine months? Was he going to let the fears his past relationship had created ruin everything? If he did that, then Tom had succeeded in destroying Aaron’s life.

  And why the hell did he keep comparing Craig to his ex-boyfriend? Craig was nothing like Tom.

  As Aaron thought about Craig’s traits, words entered his head. Important words like kind and compassionate, generous and respectful, loyal and loving…. And, most important to Aaron, trustworthy.

  Dear God, what had he done?

  He’d accused Craig of being a liar.

  And Aaron hadn’t even let Craig explain anything. Instead he jumped to conclusions and condemned him on the spot.

  Urgency flowed through Aaron, making him want to see Craig right away.

  Suddenly, feeling another presence in the room, Aaron shifted around on the sofa. He expected Freddie; however, Craig was standing at the entryway to the lounge, looking sad and worried.

  Not sure of his welcome but not wanting to waste another second, Aaron jumped to his feet and practically flew across the floor to get to Craig. He flung himself at Craig, wrapping his arms around him and holding on as tight as he possibly could. He nearly cried out in relief when Craig put his strong arms around his waist and pulled him close.

  “Oh, Craig! I’m sorry! So very sorry.” Aaron’s voice trembled. A tear trickled from the corner of his eye and slid down his cheek.

  “I know you are.” Craig’s voice was low and filled with emotion. “And so am I.”

  “I didn’t mean what I said,” Aaron sobbed. “Forgive me. Please forgive me.”

  Craig squeezed him tighter. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s far from okay. I was so wrong.”

  “God, Aaron, no.” Craig sniffled. “You’re not wrong. I’m the one who needs to apologize. I should have told you about Grace a long time ago.”

  “Yes, you should have.”

  “I’m sorry.” Pulling back a little, Craig’s pale-blue gaze searched Aaron’s face. “Will you come back upstairs and let me explain?” Using his thumb, Craig gently wiped away Aaron’s tears.

  “Okay,” Aaron said and briefly closed his eyes at Craig’s touch on his cheek.

  After taking Aaron’s hand, Craig led him out of the lounge. When they passed the front desk, Aaron stopped and looked at the security guard.

  “Thanks, Freddie, for… well… everything.”

  “You’re most welcome, Mr. Cordell.” Freddie gave a nod and an understanding smile. “You need anything, you call down. I’ll be here.”

  “Okay, I will. Thanks again.”

  They both bid Freddie good night and then headed to the elevators.

  ONCE THEY were back on the tenth floor, Craig opened the door and guided Aaron inside. After removing his boots, Aaron followed Craig to the sofa, where they sat down close together.

  Aaron shifted his gaze to the window, and after watching the blowing snow for a moment, returned to Craig. “I keep comparing the relationship I had with Tom to the one I have with you.”

  “Hey, listen to me.” Craig placed a hand on Aaron’s knee. “I don’t believe our relationship is anything like the one you had with Tom.”

  “I know that. I do. You aren’t at all like Tom. Yet you still lied to me.” Aaron paused and swallowed hard. “Are you… ashamed of me?”

  Craig’s eyes went wide and began to water. “I have never been ashamed of you. You are an amazing man, Aaron, and I am so very proud and so very blessed to have you in my life.”

  Aaron couldn’t miss the love and honesty that flowed from Craig’s words. “I believe you, but it still doesn’t explain why you hid from me something as profound and amazing as having a daughter.”

  “Because I was scared.”

  Aaron’s gaze flashed up to meet Craig’s. “You’re afraid of me?”

  “No, not of you.” Craig took Aaron’s hand. “Of relationships. I was afraid that if I allowed myself to trust and love, I’d have my heart broken again.”

  Aaron nodded in agreement. “It’s been the same for me too.”

  “One of the reasons my ex Shawn no longer wanted to be with me was because he decided he didn’t want to help parent my beautiful little girl. It ripped not only my life apart, but Gracie’s as well. And for a long time, Grace didn’t understand why Shawn wasn’t coming back. She kept asking me why he didn’t want her anymore.”

  “Oh man.” Aaron’s heart hurt for that little girl, and for Craig as well. “That must have been so hard.”

  “At the time it was.” Craig shifted a little closer, and after a pause, he said, “I owe you an apology—”

  “You don’t—”

  Craig held up his hand to stop Aaron from saying anything further. “Yes, I do. It was wrong of me to keep Gracie a secret for so long. I should have told you about her from the beginning. I did it to protect her, but it was also my fears that stopped me from saying anything. Please know I didn’t do it to intentionally hurt you.”

  He could tell how sorry Craig was and how much it hurt him knowing the pain he caused Aaron by holding back the truth.

  “I believe you.” Aaron felt a jolt of happiness flow through him, but then as quickly as it came, it left him when he thought about what he’d said and done earlier. Lowering his head, he stared at the floor. “I’m sorry too for what I said earlier. I really am—”

  “No more apologies. We’re both sorry.” Craig brushed some hair away from Aaron’s eyes. “Do you think we can move on from here?”

  Aaron looked up and studied Craig for a moment. “Yes, I believe we can.”

  The most amazing smile slid across Craig’s face. Aaron reached out to trace those full lips, and Craig kissed and nipped at his fingertips, making him grin.

  “I actually never thought I’d let another man into my life or my heart again,” Craig said earnestly, “but then you came along and changed everything. You are constantly on my mind. I can’t stop thinking of us living here, spending our lives together.”

  “Wait….” Aaron’s heart raced with excitement. “You… you want me to live here?”

  “You know I never say things I don’t mean.”

Aaron had to smile at Craig’s words. “Yes, I know.”

  “And I would love for you to live here with me. You don’t have to be afraid anymore, Aaron. I promise you that you can trust me. With anything. I will never betray you or lie to you again.” Craig gazed at him with such sincerity that Aaron knew, from that moment forward, he would never have reason to doubt Craig again.

  Aaron wrapped his arms around Craig, kissed along his jaw to his cheek. “I would love to move in with you, but would you mind if I took some time to think about it?” They hadn’t even said I love you to each other yet, and Aaron wanted to be absolutely sure moving in together would be the right thing for the both of them, and for Grace too. “What about Grace? Will she be okay with me living here with the two of you?”

  “Gracie doesn’t live here with me.”

  “She doesn’t?”

  Craig shook his head. “She does spend a lot of time here, and she often stays the weekends, but she lives with her mom.”

  “I can’t wait to get to know your daughter. I love you, and I….” Aaron stopped talking when an odd look appeared on Craig’s face.

  “What did you just say?” Craig asked quietly.

  Aaron frowned, wondering what he had said. He sat up straight, and his eyes went wide in surprise when he realized what words had slipped from his mouth.

  “Oh… I… um…,” Aaron stuttered.

  “It’s okay. Come here.” Craig opened his arms, and with no hesitation, Aaron went into them. Shifting Aaron’s face up, Craig looked directly into his eyes. “Say it again.”

  Aaron smiled. “I love you.”

  “God, Aaron.” Craig beamed. “I love you too. So very much. Nothing is ever going to change that.”

  The admission made Aaron’s breath catch. Craig loved him! It was amazing to finally share how he felt and hear that his love was returned.

  Leaning forward, Craig covered Aaron’s mouth with his, and quickly the kiss deepened, their passion taking over. When Craig drew Aaron closer, he moved one of his big hands to play with the hair at the nape of Aaron’s neck while he stroked the other down Aaron’s back. Instantly Aaron felt Craig’s swollen arousal press against his thigh, and hot desire raced through him.

  “Come to bed with me?” Craig asked, his voice husky.


  As soon as Aaron replied, Craig took his hand and led him through the condo, down a hallway off the dining room, and into a large bedroom decorated in the same style as the rest of the condo.

  “I like your room,” Aaron said.

  Reaching up, Craig slowly caressed Aaron’s face. “It’s even better now that you’re in it.”

  The tender touch and gentle words sent Aaron’s pulse racing and made him ache for more.

  Looking at the bed, Aaron felt slightly nervous all of a sudden. It wasn’t like he and Craig had never been together before. They’d been in Aaron’s bed plenty of times, sharing kisses, hand jobs, and blow jobs. But this time was different. This time what they were about to do meant so much more. They weren’t only giving each other their bodies, but their hearts and souls as well.

  Staring into Craig’s eyes, Aaron knew it was time for them both to stop living in the past. They had to put to rest the hurt that was done to them, trust in their relationship, and focus on their future together.

  Making love in this room was a ceremony of sorts. They were committing their lives and their futures to each other, as well as their honesty, and Aaron was more than ready. It was time to take that final step.

  Sliding a hand around to the back of Aaron’s head, Craig drew him forward. Craig kissed him hard, let him go, and then came back in again. As Craig pushed his tongue past Aaron’s lips, heat pooled in his cock, the sensation making him crazy.

  This was exactly what he needed, to be right here in this moment with Craig.

  Shifting back slightly, Craig raked his gaze up and down Aaron’s body. “I want you naked.”

  Aaron smiled at him slowly. “Then take off my clothes.”

  With a growl, Craig came at him. He grabbed Aaron’s hips, brought him down on the mattress, and maneuvered Aaron under him. After taking hold of Aaron’s wrists, Craig pinned them above Aaron’s head and then took his lips in a heated kiss.

  Craig parted Aaron’s leg with a knee and pushed their cocks together, making them both groan. Aaron surged up against Craig’s chest and tugged his hands free. He slipped his arms around Craig and pressed his lips against the side of his neck, stroking the warm skin with his tongue.

  When Aaron dropped his head back down onto the mattress, Craig brought his mouth down on his once more. “Craig… need more….” Aaron’s breath left him in a rush.

  Breaking the kiss, Craig reached for the hem of Aaron’s sweater, tugging it up and over his head. Craig’s touch was soft and sure as he ran his fingers over Aaron’s shoulders, down his arms, and then up to caress his chest. Craig pinched at his nipples, the tingling sensation making Aaron gasp in pleasure, and he closed his eyes as a wave of hunger pounded through him.

  Craig’s lower body rubbed along Aaron’s, the hardness of him pressing into Aaron, making him strain against him and want more. He wanted Craig naked. Even more, he wanted Craig inside him.

  “I want your shirt off,” Aaron growled.

  When Craig levered himself up, Aaron quickly undid the buttons and slid the material off Craig’s shoulders and down his arms. Once the shirt was free, Aaron tossed it over the side of the bed.

  Reaching out, Aaron touched the dusting of dark hair that covered Craig’s well-muscled chest and then moved up over the broad shoulders. Craig felt warm and solid, powerful, and oh-so-deliciously male.

  Aaron traced around the flat nipples, slid lower to map the contour of Craig’s ribs, and glided along his stomach, taking a moment to admire the sculpted shape of his abs.

  “Your body is amazing. You always turn me on,” Aaron practically purred as he leisurely moved his hands up and down the warm skin.

  Craig dipped his head and looked away, but Aaron didn’t miss the flush on his cheeks.

  “Are you blushing?”

  “No. I don’t blush.”

  Aaron looked closer. “Yes, you are!” He playfully nudged Craig’s shoulder.

  “Not. Blushing.” Craig’s glare only made Aaron laugh harder. “Okay, enough talking—”

  “And more of this….” Aaron put his lips against Craig’s nipple, and as he licked and nibbled, he squeezed Craig’s cock through his jeans.

  Craig hissed and arched his back. “God yes, I’m all for that.”

  Aaron deftly undid the belt buckle and zipper of Craig’s jeans. He slid the material, along with Craig’s underwear, down his hips, over his ass, and along his legs. Once everything was free of Craig’s feet, Aaron pushed it aside, where it landed with a thud on the floor.

  Aaron licked his lips as a pearly drop of semen leaked out of the slit and slowly dripped over the reddened cockhead. A thrill went through him, knowing he was the one who had such an effect on his lover. Not wanting to waste a second more, Aaron quickly lowered his head and took Craig’s cock into his mouth.

  “Aaron!” Craig bucked up from the bed.

  The movement pushed Craig’s cock deeper, and Aaron sucked harder, swallowing when the head hit the back of his throat.

  “Oh God….” With a moan, Craig grabbed hold of Aaron’s head and held it still as he thrust up. One, two, three more times, and then Craig was pulling Aaron off. “No more. You’ll make me come.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” Aaron eyed that delicious cock and sucked it back into his mouth.

  “Stop.” After sitting up, Craig grabbed Aaron by the shoulders and flipped him onto his back.

  Craig held him down, his gaze hot and hungry when it met Aaron’s. “I want to be in you when I come.”

  “I want that too.” And this time it was Aaron’s turn to moan. He closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to finally have Craig inside him. />
  When Craig moved away, his eyes flew open, but before he could let out a sound of protest, Craig told him to remove the rest of his clothes.

  In a rush, Aaron took off his pants. They hit the floor and his boxer briefs soon followed.

  “That’s much better.” Craig slid his fingers up Aaron’s thighs and pushed them farther apart. He took Aaron’s cock in hand, rubbed up and down a few times, and then used his thumb to swirl precum around the head.

  “Oh yeah….” Desire, strong and hard, rippled through Aaron. “Craig…. Need you.” When Craig squeezed, Aaron let out a long moan of pleasure.

  Craig kissed his way up Aaron’s body to his mouth. As soon as Aaron parted his lips, Craig thrust his tongue inside, kissing him passionately.

  “Need stuff,” Craig murmured. His weight shifted as he reached for the bedside table and, a few seconds later, had a tube and a condom in his hand.

  Craig looked at him, his blue eyes intense and blazing. “Open your legs wider.”

  Anticipation made Aaron tremble, and his hands shook a little when he pulled his knees up to his chest, opening himself to his lover.

  “Look at you.” Craig slid his warm hand along the inside of Aaron’s thigh and then smoothed a circle over his asscheek. “All open for me.”

  “Yes, all for you… only you,” Aaron panted. “Craig, touch me… please.” Aaron didn’t care that he was begging. He was desperate to have Craig’s hands on him and that gorgeous cock inside him.

  There was the sound of foil being ripped and a cap being popped open. A few seconds later, Craig slid his slick fingers between Aaron’s asscheeks, slowly circling around before brushing over his opening. The lube felt cool at first but soon warmed as Craig moved his oiled fingertip over him again, back and forth and then in tiny circles, sending delicious sensations all through his body.

  Aaron moaned softly and lifted his head to look at Craig. When their eyes met, heat flared between them.

  “Grab on to the headboard,” Craig said.

  Gaze locked onto Craig’s, Aaron let go of his knees and wrapped his fingers around the wooden slats above his head.

  “Yeah, that’s it.” Craig ran his hand up Aaron’s abs and over his chest, the touch possessive and loving. “You’re perfect. And all mine.”


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