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Misguided Trust

Page 11

by Jamie Ott

  He led her back to the couch.

  “Well, for starters, you and I lived together for a few years. When my father and I first came to the United States, yours and you father’s were the first faces we saw. Your father picked us up from the airport. I was 12 years old; you were a few years younger, though I’ve forgotten how old you are.”

  At that moment, a montage of herself eating cereal every morning with a strange and annoying older boy came to mind.

  “We stayed just long enough for my father to save enough money to buy a house. Then we left and I didn’t see you as much. The last time, I think – aside from your wedding - was your 16th birthday party.”

  “I think I remember now. You and your friend were sneaking alcohol from the grownups table, and then you threw up in the pool.”

  “I was hoping you wouldn’t remember that.”

  Michael told her stories of things that’d happened in the house, both good and bad. Maddie sat back and listened, completely amazed that she’d forgotten so many things.

  When he was done, she asked him, “So you had a crush on me all those years?”

  “Well, not all those years. I guess it started at your father’s Christmas party. You were about fourteen, and you wore a pretty red dress. You were just coming into your looks. I was, of course, a horny 18 year old boy. When I saw you that day, well, let’s just say that I never forgot you, not ever.”

  She laughed and tried to look far, back into her mind, for an image of him somewhere, but nothing came. And then, the fuzzy outline of a young boy with full lips and bright eyes, holding a plastic cup came to her.

  Maddie was lost in the memory a moment. Michael brought her back with touch of his hand on her cheek.

  He coaxed her head in his direction and gave her a sweet kiss. Maddie felt that he was kissing her with his soul, and he did. Michael kissed her with the feelings of memories past, for all the times that he imagined kissing her, and then was disappointed to find it was only in his mind.

  Maddie kissed him back with equal passion. This time, she didn’t consider Joe, not even for a moment.

  Michael pulled her dress off forcibly while Maddie tugged at his jeans. They made love right there on the couch, not caring that the curtains were drawn, and that the moon shone right into the living room.

  Michael looked up at her bouncing breasts as she rode him up and down. He put his hands around her waist and pushed up into her. She cried out toward the ceiling, as he thrust harder. Then she leaned forward and kissed him hard as she lay on his chest. They continued to push against each other, and finally he felt her kiss go slack as she came.

  He turned her around and leant her back onto the arm rest of the couch. Michael held her hips just off of the cushion and entered her once more. This time, Michael couldn’t hold back as he looked down and saw her body sexy and stretched out the way it was. When he came, he lay on her because he wanted her to know his pleasure. He pressed her chest into his, and they swayed together.

  Back in Touch

  Chapter 11

  Joe couldn’t believe what he saw when he got the call. Was it really her? Or was it her father trying to lure him? He sat on the couch of the hotel room and stared down at the number on the phone. When he listened to the voicemail, he just about lost control. Joe jumped up and ran his fingers through his hair as he paced back and forth while muttering “oh my God” under his breath.

  Since the Earl tried to kill him two months ago while he was in the desert, he’d been living in a hotel in South Bay. Earl Baldric Engelard was a dangerous man, and Joe was certain that he’d be looking for him, because he had the proof.

  He only left his room briefly, always in disguise, and was very careful about being meeting anyone.

  Joe went to the police before all this started. He took the evidence his investigator gave him, but they did nothing. They said the case was too old and there was not enough to arrest him. After Baldric tried to kill him, Joe thought for sure the police would help, but they merely suggested that he get a restraining order.

  And why was Maddie calling him all of the sudden? Was she no longer at the manor with Michael? Joe put on his arm guard and gun, picked up his keys, wallet, and left.

  When he got to his neighborhood, he slowed his car and turned down his lights. He kept an eye out for any strange vehicles that may have been staking out the house. During the last few months, Joe often had the feeling that he was being watched. It wasn’t until the man in the dark suit dragged him into the middle of the desert and nearly put a bullet in him that he realized his feeling was accurate.

  He slowly pulled into the space across the street from the house. Getting out, he quietly shut the door, looked left and right. From where he stood, he couldn’t tell if anything was not as it should be. Ignoring his worries, he walked up to the front lawn and easily observed them, chatting in the living room. Why were they sitting in the living room with the curtains drawn? How stupid were they?

  He got closer to the house, and the motion sensor lights came on. Joe ran over and behind the neighbor’s garbage cans which stood out on the curb.

  Michael left his house through the side door and walked the perimeter. A few moments later, he went back inside.

  Joe crept up to the wall of the house and peered through the window into the living room. Maddie and Michael looked very comfortable, there on the couch. He wanted to tell them he was there, but for all he knew, Earl Baldric had put cameras in the house.

  Maddie got up from the couch, and she went upstairs. Michael stretched out on the couch. When most of the lights had been turned out, Joe decided it was safe to go inside.

  This time, he remembered to creep around the heat sensor areas, which were mainly in the front and back of the house. He crept over the chain link fence into the side yard that Maddie had long since wanted to turn into a garden. He crept to the kitchen door, hoping all the lights would be off so he could go in, but when he looked inside, Michael was going through the refrigerator and rummaging through the cupboards, looking for food.

  The only other way to get inside in pure darkness, so as not to be seen, was the attic. So he climbed up the side lattices and onto the green shingled roof. On his hands and knees, he crawled up to the little attic window, which was always unlocked and climbed in carefully. Once inside, he tiptoed to the attic door, which he opened very quietly. Unfortunately, it kept squeaking and cracking, so he had to unlatch it very slowly.

  When he’d finally lowered the attic door to the carpet, Joe tip toed to his bedroom, only to find it empty. She was just there a few minutes ago!

  He sat on the bed and waited for her. When she didn’t return, he went downstairs to see what she was doing.

  Joe poked his head around the wall. He ground his fingers into his fists and bit through his tongue; it was the only way to keep his rage in check.

  Maddie’s breasts bounced as she rode Michael. Then he grabbed Maddie and leaned her over the couch and had her that way. She enjoyed it, too; she begged him to do her harder.

  Michael came and then told her he loved her. Joe wanted to kill him, to smash his face in, to kick in his groin. Instead, he turned away and left the way he came in.

  ~Across Town~

  A middle aged nanny was putting to rest, a sweet innocent baby boy. He’d been fed, washed, and dressed. Now, as the nanny lay him down in the white dressings of the walnut crib, the old man came to wish the baby a good evening. He was proud of him and as he watched his little arms and legs wave in the air, he swore that nothing would ever happen to him. That he would have a good life and be the son he’d always wished for.

  If only he’d have gotten around to it sooner. Now, all he could hope for was to see him graduate high school before death. Earl rested his hand on Jesse’s stomach until he fell asleep.

  As he stood there, he contemplated everything that’d happened the last few months. So far, everything went according to plan, except Michael and Maddie’s escape from his old fri
end’s, Anton’s, house. No matter, maybe Maddie didn’t have to die. She bought everything he’d said, but Joe and Michael? He didn’t think he could let them go; it wouldn’t be wise because they knew too much.

  He pulled the cell phone from out of his pocket and called his man

  “This is Baldric. How’s your progress?”

  “We’ve been watching the house, but we’ve seen nothing. No sign of your guy.”

  “Two should go down, but as long as my daughter remains naïve, you can let her go.”

  “Okay, will let you know.”

  New Reality

  Chapter 12

  Maddie and Michael lay on the couch in each other’s arms. She knew it was too soon to feel as she did, but if they both survived the ordeal they were in, Maddie wouldn’t want to be without Michael. She felt almost as though they were meant to be together and she wondered if he had any serious feelings for her, beyond that of his years of fantasy.

  Michael rubbed her back and played with her hair. Infrequently, he gave her kisses on her face and body.

  “What are we going to do next?” she asked him.

  After a moment, he answered, “Joe hired an investigator. Tomorrow we’ll pay him a visit and find out what he was hired for.”

  “Do you know who the investigator was?”

  “Not exactly, but he mentioned something that could be a clue. When we talked, he said, ‘hold on, I think I’m here.’ Then he said ‘San Vicente,’ so I think I can do an internet search, and hopefully, narrow it down.”

  “Michael, that could be any city in Los Angeles.”

  “I know, but what other clues have we got?”

  She got up and went to her desk, and returned with her laptop.

  Quickly, she typed in her search words.

  “That narrows it down to about a dozen possible businesses.”

  “Well, then, it’s up to you to pick where we start. Think about it, if you were Joe, where would you go first?” asked Michael.

  “Knowing Joe? The most expensive one.”

  “Okay, but he’s also very practical. I say we start in Century City.”

  “I agree.”

  She said a slew of addresses to her phone and then turned off the laptop.

  “Michael, what about you and me? I mean, after this is over?”

  “What about us? You’re married.”

  Maddie felt terrible at hearing his words. Michael must have seen the disappointment, for he held her and said, “Well, you are married, are you not?”

  “Joe is a killer.”

  Michael kissed her and stroked her face.

  “I don’t see myself moving to Los Angeles; it’s just not for me. I’ve got my father’s restoration to complete and you’ve got your job. Are you willing to give that up? That’s all I am saying. Obviously, some things need to be considered if you want to be with me.”

  “Oh that is so typical of men. Why is it that women need to give up everything just to be with you guys?”

  “A precise point, Maddie. I’m not denying the situation is unfair, but I can’t leave my home. All of my time is spent there, right now. Having a relationship, between here and there? Well, it will be the same as a cross country, long distance intimacy. Plus, I want a family.”

  Maddie stayed silent, considering his words.

  “You need to think about it. Throughout this whole mess, first you’re into me; then you’re not. You’re all over the place, and I don’t see that as good for starting a relationship.”

  Maddie decided he was right. How could she consider giving up her job when she had worked so hard? Although she might have already lost it, but there were still so many opportunities out there.

  Michael waited for her to speak, but she feigned sleep and he knew it.

  The next morning, he woke to the smell of cooking meat wafting from the kitchen. Maddie was grilling hamburger meat. A pile of frozen pitas sat, thawing on the counter.

  She poured him a cup of coffee.

  “There isn’t any other food in the house. Like I said, the place looks like it’s been empty since I left.”

  Michael didn’t say anything. He chewed and drank his coffee, thoughtfully, as he watched her.

  “So how much more money do you need to complete your restoration?”

  “A lot.”

  ”Do you think Marie and Julian are okay?”

  “They’re fine; I got a call from them the other day.”

  “Poor Anna, though.”

  “She’s with Abilene.”

  ”Oh, great! Do you think that’s wise?”

  “It’s the safest place for her, for now. Once I get my hands on more money…”

  “All anything is about is money, with you. Is there anything more important in your life?”

  Michael’s face turned red.

  “Why are you being such a bitch? You know how important this project is to me. You and your husband have ruined my life, so try to have some empathy!”

  “I’ve ruined your life? Ha! You’ve ruined my life!”

  “Yeah? Well, if it wasn’t for me, you’d be dead! Don’t think I don’t regret saving you, because you’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass.”

  Michael stood up and threw the plate at the wall. He grabbed Maddie by the shoulders and pulled her up to her feet. Pressing her body into his, he put his hand around her waist and pushed her back onto the table.

  “Why are you so pretty when you’re angry?”

  He kissed her lips groped her breasts, hard, making her moan. She unzipped him, took out his cock and pushed it in.

  Sometime later, they drove to other side of the 10 freeway. They parked several blocks away from the investigator’s office. Michael put a hat on both their heads, and then they got out and walked down the street.

  The first place they chose to investigate was a small house on the corner. They knocked on the door several times, but all remained still. Maddie followed Michael around to the back of the house. She watched as he peaked in the windows to get glimpses inside to see if anyone was home. Although they couldn’t see much, the place looked normal to them.

  Michael wrote a quick note on a business card and stuck it in the door.

  “You left your personal information?”

  “No, just my number. The business card belongs to one of my investors.”

  “So what do we do now?”

  “We move along to the next place.”

  Just then, Michael’s cell phone rang. He pulled it out and looked at the screen.

  “It says ‘caller unknown.’”

  “Maybe it’s Joe.”

  He pressed the screen and said, “Hello?”

  A second later, he handed the phone to her.

  She looked at him, questioningly.


  “Hi, Maddie. How are you?” he asked.

  “It’s Joe!” she said to Michael. “I’m fine.”

  “Glad to see you’re alive,” he said, but there was something off about his tone.

  “What’s wrong? Where are you?”

  “At a hotel in South Bay. Listen, I’ve got some information to give you, and it’s very important. Put Michael back on, and I’ll tell you guys where to meet me.”

  She handed the phone to him. He said a few words and pressed the off key.

  “Are we going to see Joe?” she asked.



  “A little area we used to hang out when we were college mates.”

  “He sounded odd. Did he sound odd to you?”

  “It was hard to tell, but we have to be on guard, though, just in case it’s a trap.”

  On their way south of the freeway, Michael reached for her hand.

  “I never pictured you as a hand holder.”

  “I might not see you again, after today. Believe it or not, I’ll miss you.”

  Maddie smiled.

  When they finally arrived at a tourist harbor made almost entirely of wo
od, Maddie instinctively withdrew her hand from Michaels. She didn’t want to give Joe any reason to be angry, she told Michael. He agreed that they should act as though everything was normal. All they needed was to get little baby Jesse back, and for Joe to call off the feud that he was having with the earl. For that, they would use calm logic first, then, if that didn’t work, they would come up with another plan.

  They paid the toll and parked the car in the most desolate area of the lot. Afterward, they walked down the pier to a lone standing telephone pole that was missing a telephone and had a half ripped up telephone book. Next to it sat Joe on a wooden fence staring out at the parking lot with his back to the ocean. He turned his head just in time to see Michael and Maddie walk up to him.

  Joe looked normal, except for the enormous black sunglasses and the baseball hat. Maddie briefly reflected that Joe didn’t even like baseball.

  Michael reached out his hand to shake Joe’s.

  “Hey, man, long time.”

  Joe turned his back on him, momentarily, and swung around fast. Maddie screamed and grabbed her face. Michael fell to the ground.

  Blood welled from his lip. “What was that for?”

  “Last night, I came by. I saw you two.”

  Michael pushed himself up off the ground.

  “I’ll let that one go, but don’t pretend to be innocent. We both know you haven’t been faithful to Maddie.”

  Joe’s face went cherry red. He looked like he’d relented, but then, he charged Michael again, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

  Michael wrangled his way out of his grip. Then he arrested Joe around the neck with one arm while using his other arm to tighten his grip and forced him down to the ground.

  “Stop!” yelled Maddie.

  Joe continued to try to wrestle with Michael, who said, “I don’t want to fight you. We’re here to get Jesse.”

  When Joe continued to fight, Maddie then said, “Joe, it’s over, so stop fighting. Where’s Jesse? Where’s my brother?”

  “Alright, alright,” Joe said. “Let me up.”


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