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I Can't Believe He Shaved Me! (Kari's Lessons)

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by Cassandra Zara

  I Can’t Believe He Shaved Me!

  Kari’s Lessons #2

  A Kari’s Lessons Erotic Short by Cassandra Zara & Lucinda Lane

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright 2013 Cassandra Zara & Lucinda Lane

  Please note: All titles in the Kari’s Lessons series feature explicit sexual acts between fictional characters who are consenting adults aged eighteen years of age or older. These titles are intended for a mature adult audience.

  - X -

  “We should totally make out.”

  It wasn’t the first time Jenny had suggested this. She always said that we should do it to put on a show for the boys and that it would really turn them on, but I got the impression that for the most part it was just because she wanted to make out with me.

  “Sure.” I was feeling rebellious and restless. Since Max had spanked me (and seriously, I still can’t believe he actually did that) things had been a little strange. For a start the spanking had actually worked. I’d been good to my word and tried not to be as much of a brat. But things were weird between us.

  Or maybe it was just me. Max didn’t even acknowledge anything had happened and just took it all in his stride. That was part of the problem. Whenever I saw him I was reminded of the mind blowing orgasm he’d given me while I lay over his knees, my ass still red and burning from my spanking. I was also reminded of just how hard his cock had been as it pressed against my stomach.

  Max had gone from being the most annoying person on the planet to being the only thing I could think about. And the fact that he didn’t seem to be interested in me at all made him even more annoying.

  So I was feeling rebellious. I was feeling restless. I’d had a lot to drink. And when Jenny suggested that we should totally make out to put on a show for the boys I said yes.

  I was already wearing a fairly scandalous swimsuit. When I had brought it home Max had taken one look at it and insisted I return it immediately. But I had ignored him and kept it hidden in my room. Now that he and Mom were out of town and I’d been invited to a little pool party at my best friend Jenny’s house, it seemed like the perfect time to try it out.

  When I first stepped out of the house in the swimsuit I was pretty nervous. It’s one thing for it to look glamorous and sexy in the store, but when you’re actually wearing it out in public in front of other people? That’s when you realize just how small it actually is and how much of your body you are putting on display.

  A thin triangle of shimmering gold material struggled to cover my crotch. It tapered to almost nothing behind me and I could feel it riding up my ass when I walked. It was cut really high on the hips, showing off a lot of way-too-pale skin, as well as having a dramatically plunging neckline that did its best with my modest cleavage.

  When I’d stepped out on the deck you could almost hear the jaws dropping. Despite being a bit of a troublemaker I didn’t usually wear anything this revealing and something like this was way out of character for me. Jenny in particular couldn’t take her eyes off me.

  A couple of the boys laughed nervously and I poked my tongue out at them. I may be a little shy at times, but I know I’m hot. Not like supermodel hot, but good enough for these guys.

  And then, to put on a show for them, Jenny and I kissed.

  It was not what I had expected. I had kissed a couple of boys before and it usually felt like I was under attack. This was different. Her lips were so soft as they parted and instead of an attack it felt like an invitation. An invitation to kiss her back. I did, and we explored each other. Slowly at first, like we were unfamiliar with the terrain, and then with more gusto. I became lost in the kiss, the raucous comments of those around us fading to a dull background noise.

  When she broke from me I drew a sharp gasping breath and took half a step backwards. She looked at me with a big I-told-you-so grin. I was still gasping for air, shocked by the unexpected intensity of the moment we had shared.

  “Show us your tits!”

  A moment that was broken by a shout from one of the boys.

  “Tits! Tits! Tits!”

  Jenny looked at me and shrugged, before pulling her shirt over her head in a single fluid motion. The boys watching us went wild when they saw her big teardrop shaped breasts. I had to admit they were impressive. I stood transfixed for a moment, wondering what it would feel like to cup one in the palm of my hand.

  Then Jenny jumped in the pool and it was just me, standing there, with a dozen expectant friends watching me. I took a deep breath and pulled the top half of my swimsuit down, allowing both of my breasts to pop free. Not big, certainly not in the same league as Jenny. But they were pert and cheeky and I’d had no complaints.

  I dived into the pool to a chorus of cheers and wolf whistles. I paddled around for a bit waiting for the excitement to die down. It soon did. The music was turned back up, people grabbed another beer and went back to sucking whatever face they had been sucking before the show.

  I toyed briefly with the idea of finding Jenny again. Maybe we could kiss a little more somewhere private, but something held me back. Instead I grabbed a towel, headed inside and called a cab. I used to love parties. I loved the noise and the dancing and the drinking, but tonight had been different. Apart from a brief moment when Jenny was kissing me, I hadn’t been enjoying myself and I didn’t really feel like trying to enjoy myself. I just wanted to go home.

  - X -

  With Max away with my mother I had no curfew to worry about, but for once I would have been home in time anyway. I moped around the big empty house for a while, but wasn’t in the mood for TV and didn’t have the energy for anything else, so I turned in for an early night.

  Once in bed I couldn’t sleep.

  Jenny was only a brief distraction. As much as I enjoyed her kiss and as lovely as her big soft breasts were, it was Max I continued to obsess over. Max who liked me to call him Daddy. Max who had spanked me and brought me to an orgasm so good that I couldn’t be bothered masturbating any more. It would just pale in comparison.

  - X -

  I awoke to the sound of some classic rock on the radio and the smell of coffee. Good coffee. Max? He wasn’t supposed to be home for a couple more days.

  Intrigued I pulled on some shorts, cinched a robe around my waist and went to investigate. It was Max, sitting at the breakfast bar, eating toast and drinking coffee. He had his laptop open and didn’t comment on my entrance.

  “I didn’t think you were getting back until Monday.”

  He placed the remainder of a slice of toast on his plate and glanced up at me. Over the last couple of weeks I’d come to realize that Max was actually quite an attractive man. I guess it was a matter of perspective, but previously I’d always found him annoying and that must have made him seem less attractive.

  “Welcome home Daddy. Nice to see you Daddy,” He said, making it clear he was annoyed at my greeting. Part of our new arrangement was that I was supposed to treat him with more respect and address him as Daddy.

  Whenever one of us said that word it felt like a cold hand was gripping my chest and squeezing. Max wasn’t my father, but he wanted to be my Daddy. And while a good girl was supposed to love her Daddy, she wasn’t supposed to be in love with him. Was she?

  But that was where the thrill came from. The fact that this was something that wasn’t supposed to happen made it so much more of a turn on. Just seeing him, especially when it was just the two of us alone in the house, was enough to get my heart pumping. I could feel my cheeks coloring as I shifted nervously from foot-to-foot.

  “I’m sorry. Welcome home Daddy. I’m so glad you’re bac

  “I had to leave early. There was something I had to deal with.”

  He sounded serious, all business. I had to admit I was a little disappointed, part of me was hoping that he’d returned early for me, that he’d wanted me and had jumped at the chance to be alone with me.

  He looked concerned and troubled and I wondered for a moment if something had happened between him and my mother. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about that. However, I didn’t have the chance to dwell on it.

  “Take your clothes off.”

  At first I thought I’d misheard him. There was no hint of anything out of the ordinary in his tone. It was all very matter-of-fact.

  “I... uhhh....”

  “That wasn’t a question Kari,” he said, “take your clothes off now!”

  I was confused and unsure what was going on, but I had a feeling it would be better if I did what Max said. It wasn’t like I was wearing a lot anyway. I tugged the waistband of my shorts over my hips and let them fall to the ground, before stepping out of them. Now I was naked under the robe and I glanced up at Max to see him looking at me expectantly. I took a deep breath and opened my robe, letting it slide off my shoulders.

  You can’t live in the same house with someone for any length of time and not catch them in various stages of undress. However I don’t think Max had ever seen me completely naked before. It should have been thrilling, but instead I felt very self-conscious. I have an OK body. It’s cute. Nice boobs, nice ass, slim... everything young and firm. But beyond that it was nothing special. I got the feeling Max was very experienced and had probably seen a lot of women. I couldn’t help think that I was just a scrawny kid compared to the real women he’d been with.

  I tried to cover my breasts and crotch in a futile attempt at modesty. This seemed to amuse him for a moment.

  “Someone sent me a very interesting little movie last night,” he said, before swiveling his laptop around on the counter so I could see it.

  It was just a short clip, filmed on a cell phone at night. It was blurry, dark and overexposed. But you could still make out me, in my tiny swimsuit, kissing Jenny before exposing my breasts and jumping in the pool.

  “It’s called...” he swiveled the laptop back and squinted at the screen, “Teenage Attention Whores, and a lot of people have watched it. A lot of people. Now I doubt most people would recognize you, but the person who sent it to me did.”

  That was a mystery right there. Who was forwarding Max videos in the middle of the night?

  “So, do you have anything to say for yourself?”

  I looked at the floor and gave a half shrug. I still wasn’t sure why I was naked or what he intended for me, but I thought it best to play along and try and keep on his good side.

  “I’m sorry... Daddy. Things got a little out of hand but...” I felt the need to say something about the fact that I’d gone home early because he was all I could think about. That ever since my spanking I’d been becoming obsessed with him and dreams of his hard cock kept me up at night, but I couldn’t form the words.



  “I thought as much. Do you understand that when you behave like this it disrespects not just yourself, but your family? Teenage. Attention. Whore. Is that what you want to be known for?”

  “N... no Daddy.” I really didn’t know how to play this or what Max was looking for. Did he want a contrite innocent? Did he want a teenage whore? At that moment I would have done anything to know what he wanted from me.

  “And what do you think your punishment should be for this behavior?”

  All it took was that one little word. Punishment. I felt my nipples pop beneath the arm that shielded them. Punishment.

  “Perhaps you should spank me again Daddy?” I said.

  “Hmph.” He didn’t seem too impressed by my eager tone. “I think maybe something you actually won’t enjoy quite as much. Perhaps some chores... but as you seem to enjoy exposing yourself so much at the moment I think you should remain naked. You can start by cleaning the kitchen.”

  That was not what I had expected. As I stood there stunned, he went back to using his laptop, pausing occasionally for a sip of coffee. It appeared he did not think there was anything more to discuss.

  “Now?” I asked.

  He nodded dismissively.

  - X -

  I cleaned the kitchen. Sweeping and mopping the floor, scrubbing down counters and cabinet doors. Doing this work naked was an unusual experience. Doing it naked and in front of someone else was a very unusual experience.

  I felt a deep sense of shame. My cheeks and chest reddened with a blush that wouldn’t seem to fade. At times the nature of my chore dictated that I bend or squat in an extremely unflattering position and I’d try to hide this from Max’s view, mostly by covering myself clumsily with my hands.

  And yet despite the embarrassment and shame I felt, I also found myself becoming increasingly turned on. Perhaps it was because of the embarrassment and shame. This combined with my uncertain feelings for Max only added to my state of confusion.

  As I worked I could feel how wet my pussy was. With each step I experienced my slick and glistening folds sliding against one another. It felt as if the juices were running out of me and I was sure Max must have been able to smell it. If that were the case then he must have known how turned on I was.

  As I worked my demeanor began to change. I went from trying to hide my body, to trying to show it off. I had noticed Max casting the occasional appraising glance in my direction and I wanted to remind him that even though he had a tendency to treat me as his little girl, I was actually a woman. I wanted him to notice that.

  - X -

  I was close to finishing when I heard him chuckle under his breath. I had the feeling it had been done for my benefit and he was expecting a response. Given that I was hoping there was more to this punishment than cleaning a room in the nude, I decide to give him one.

  “What’s so funny Daddy?”

  “Oh, you should read some of these comments. A lot of people seem to be enjoying your little movie, but some people aren’t impressed.”

  I was unsure what he meant and he must have seen this confusion on my face as he beckoned me over to look at his computer once again. The top comment on the screen read, “Someone should buy that skinny bitch a razor if she’s going to wear a swimsuit like that!” Another poster had leaped to my defense claiming that they quite liked the natural look, but everyone else seemed to accuse him of being a “white knight”. Whatever that meant.

  I blushed furiously. Even though the footage from the cell phone was blurry it was clear that I really should have paid a little more attention to my personal grooming before wearing that swimsuit in public. I mean it wasn’t a jungle down there, I kept myself neatly trimmed, but the thin triangle of fabric covering my mound demanded a little more than “neatly trimmed”. I don’t know how I hadn’t noticed it when I’d put it on, too much to drink I guess.

  I was mortified. Getting caught topless on someone’s cell wasn’t exactly a big deal. But this... this was a disaster. I looked up to catch Max looking down at my crotch with a smirk on his face and immediately brought my hands down to cover myself.

  “I think we need to do something about this Kari. Wait here.”

  I stood rooted to the spot as Max left the room. His computer screen was still on the comments. Someone had even included a still image from the video, blown up, with the stray hairs escaping my swimsuit circled. This was a nightmare!

  When he returned Max was carrying a small towel and a dinky little toiletries bag. He put them on the counter, grabbed a large bowl from a cupboard, and began to fill it with hot water. I guess I was being a little slow, but it was only then that I realized what he intended to do.

  No no no no no.

  “You can’t do this!”

  My stomach was doing flip-flops as I struggled to keep it together. Lusting after Max was one thing. Even my bar
e bottomed spanking and the fact that he’d gotten me off afterwards seemed relatively tame... but this was a whole new level of intimacy. And yet my pussy didn’t seem to mind. Already aroused and wet from traipsing around him in the nude, I felt it becoming even more juicy as my clit sent out little pulses of excitement.

  “Of course I can. If you can’t take care of it yourself I guess I’m going to have to do it for you. Now hop up on the counter.”

  I felt my stomach drop. He wasn’t bluffing, this was going to happen. I struggled to hide my nervousness as I climbed up onto the narrow breakfast bar.

  “Right, lie back here,” Max said as he helped me into position. I had to bring my knees up but kept them together. I didn’t know if I could go through with this.

  Max dragged a stool around and placed the bowl of hot water, towel and his shaving kit on it. Then I felt his hands on my knees applying firm and insistent pressure to push them apart.

  I chewed my lip and closed my eyes tight as a futile last line of defense. As my legs were spread wide I could feel how wet I was. I could smell myself. That unmistakable bitch-in-heat scent wafting up from between my legs.

  “Oh dear. Someone is a little excited isn’t she?”

  I squeezed my eyes tighter and muttered an inaudible response.

  “What was that?”


  I felt a finger at the base of my pussy and then it was slowly dragged upwards. Separating my lips with an embarrassing little squelch as my natural lubrication helped it move smoothly, coming to rest firmly against my clit. I groaned and shamelessly bucked my hips upwards against the finger.

  “Yes what?” Max held his finger firmly against my clit awaiting a response as I pushed myself against him.

  “Y...yes Daddy.”

  “Well I must say I approve, but we’re going to have to clean you up a bit first.”

  I groaned again when the hot, wet towel came in contact with my pussy. Max wiped me down, cleaning up where my oozing juices had escaped from between my lips. I felt a rush of pride that he seemed to be impressed by how wet I got. I’d always thought guys would find it kind of gross.


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