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Books for Girls - WITCH SCHOOL - Books 2-6: Book 1 is FREE!

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by Katrina Kahler

  The tall girl was glaring at Charlotte, her wand raised. She was about to use the blocking spell that Gerty had found for her when she saw Miss Moffat flick her wand.

  Calmness ascended on the girls and all the cast spells reversed. Both the tall girl and Charlotte lowered their wands and walked over to their teams.

  Miss Moffat walked into the center of the court where the tower had now been lowered and she coughed loudly to clear her throat. All attention turned to her and the yard fell silent.

  'Congratulations Witchery College on your superb effort and thank you for travelling over to our Academy. It was a pleasure to host you and to see you play strongly. Now, my girls, you showed that strong will and exquisite teamwork will pay off. I am very proud of you all and there will be a special celebration for you on the weekend.'

  Miss Moffat nodded over at Mistress Ravenshawk who nodded back, the furious look still on her face.

  'Come on girls, let's go,' Mistress Ravenshawk clapped her hands loudly and her broomstick appeared by her side.

  All of the Witchery College girls flew over to Mistress Ravenshawk, including the two older girls that were now human but were still twitching erratically.

  They all glared and growled in the direction at the other girls as they took off up into the air and flew off, a mass of bats surrounding them.

  'We did it,' Gerty wrapped her arms around Charlotte and Alice.

  ‘If you've got slime on my clothes then you can wash them,' Alice replied, although she didn't move away.

  'But it isn't one of your expensive tracksuits?' Gerty giggled.

  'I still don't want it to get dirty.'

  'We couldn't have done it without you Gerty, you're a natural climber,' Charlotte said.

  'Eek, we won,' Gerty ran on the spot.

  'I wonder what the celebration will be?' Charlotte asked.

  'I hope there will be cake there,' Stef said.

  News of their win had spread and as they walked back to their rooms every student congratulated them.

  'I could get used to this, it's like being famous,' Stef said, as she pushed their bedroom door open.

  The others followed her into the room and the doors of the large ornate wardrobe immediately opened and sucked their broomsticks out of their hands.

  'Mistress Ravenshawk didn't look very happy, do you think she'll turn her girl students into toads?' Gerty chuckled.

  'I hope she does, they deserve it after cheating. I would have scored that sixth basket if it wasn't for their illegal move,' Stef said.

  'Do you know why her hair is made of feathers?' Charlotte asked and Gerty shook her head.

  'I know why, my mother told me,' Alice said.

  'Do you really know?' Stef asked.

  'Of course I do, my great-grandmother attended school with her.'

  'Please tell us Alice,' Charlotte begged.

  'Okay then,' Alice sat down on the edge of her bed. ‘Many years ago Mistress Ravenshawk attended this Academy, only she wasn't known by the name Ravenshawk then, her name was Celeste. She was a powerful witch but she was disobedient and chose her desire to win at all costs, over loyalty. There was a witch called Roxanne who was also very powerful and Celeste was jealous of her.'

  'Was Roxanne your great-grandmother?' Gerty asked.

  'Of course not,' Alice said snootily. 'Anyway Celeste was so jealous that she used a spell from the Book of Dragons to take away Roxanne's powers. It just so happened that Roxanne's father, a man called Lord Adogold was one of the most powerful wizards in the world. When he found out what Celeste had done to his daughter he was furious. He hunted her down and although she was a strong witch...her powers were no match for him. He turned her into a raven and for many years she flew around the skies unable to turn herself back.

  One day Lord Adogold decided that she'd paid the price for her actions and he turned her back into a human. He kept the feathers growing from her scalp so that she would remember never to dare cross him or his family ever again.'

  'How do we know you didn't just make that up?' Stef said.

  'I did not make it up, look it up if you don't believe me.'

  'Maybe you looked it up in the library already and what you said about your great-grandmother going to school with her was nonsense.' Step was trying to push Alice’s buttons.

  'I'll have you know that Violet Alexandra Pennyford was very much a student here. If you don't believe me I suggest that you consult the Academy records,' Alice huffed.

  'We all believe you Alice, Stef's just messing with you,' Charlotte said.

  'I find it fascinating, she was a bird for all those years probably thinking that she'd never be human again. Imagine soaring through the skies,' Gerty held her arms out either side of her and pretended to fly around the room.

  'Don't you know any wing spells?' Alice asked.

  'I tried one once but it didn't go so well,' Gerty stopped pretending to fly and walked back over to her bed.

  'Why, what happened?'

  'Well, I ended up temporarily turning myself into a penguin.'

  'They're a flightless bird,' Stef laughed.

  'I know but I did make a very cute penguin. My mom was certainly surprised when she found me waddling around the kitchen trying to open a tin of sardines with my beak,' Gerty chuckled.

  'Penguins are my favorite, when I was younger my parents used to take me to the zoo and I would scream if they tried to move me away from the penguins. In the end, they took it in turns to stand with me whilst the other one went off and looked at the other animals,' Charlotte said.

  'Charlotte making a scene, who'd have imagined that,' Stef smirked.

  'Like I said, I really liked penguins,' she grinned.

  'I like penguins too but I'd rather be human. Anyway, I'm going to wash this slime off because I stink,' Gerty held her towel under her arm and headed towards the bathroom.

  'That's probably for the best, you do smell pretty bad,' Stef waved her hand in front of her nose before she burst into laughter.

  'You don't smell so great either,' Gerty laughed back, before she disappeared into the bathroom.

  'Do you know a spell to make the weekend hurry up, I want to see what surprise Miss Moffat has for us?' Charlotte said.

  'Nope,' Stef shook her head.‘We'll just have to wait it out.'

  'You girls are so impatient, it's only a few days away,' Alice said, as she tugged her brush through her hair.

  Charlotte and Stef both exchanged knowing looks and tried not to laugh.

  'I still can't believe that we won, it's the best feeling ever,' Charlotte smiled, as she fell back onto her bed.

  'We're a strong team and we have Gerty for a climber so we were sure to win,' Stef replied.

  'Do you think we will face Witchery College again sometime soon?'


  'I hear that it's in a black castle surrounded by a moat of boiling tar, so you better hope that you don't fall off your broomstick when flying over to it,' Alice said.

  'Yeah right, I suppose you know that because your great-great-great-aunt was a student?' Stef goaded.

  'I come from a very respected wizarding family and none of us have attended Witchery College.' Alice put her nose into the air, how dare any of these lower-class witches make fun of her family.

  As the two girls carried on bickering Charlotte closed her eyes and relived the game in her head and a contented smile spread across her face.

  Chapter Seven

  It was the girls’ first lesson with Miss Zara, their fortune-telling teacher and they were all excitedly apprehensive about it.

  'I hear that she's strict and that she once turned a second year into a slug for a whole week,' Gerty said, as she walked alongside Charlotte up the hallway.

  'Do we have to go to this class, my mother says that fortune-telling is nonsense anyway and that we are in charge of our own fate,' Alice groaned.

  'Don't let Miss Zara hear you say that,' Stef said and a worried look appeared on Al
ice's face.

  'She can't be that bad,' Charlotte said, as she pulled on Gerty's arm. 'Come on, let's make sure that we aren't late.'

  'And that we get good seats,' Stef added.

  They hurried into class and over to the front row, which was the only place where there were four seats together. Miss Zara was sitting behind an intricately carved oak desk, a large glass ball on a stand in front of her. Her long dark hair fell in ringlets down her blue trimmed black dress and she wore a beaded black choker around her neck. She wasn't looking at the girls, instead she was glancing down at the worn-covered book that was in front of her.

  The girls exchanged looks between themselves and sat in silence. They didn't dare speak just in case Miss Zara turned out to be as terrifying as she was made out to be.

  'I am Miss Zara, fortune telling is what I shall teach you. Unimportant is what you might think this lesson is. You take your spells and your potions, you say they are more useful. I vant you all to understand that my lessons count,' she said in a strong Russian accent.

  'Come, come,' she gestured for the girls to gather around her. 'This crystal ball is important, very much so. 'Fortune telling is not alvays correct, because your actions can change your future. However, your futures are all in the crystal ball for this point in time.'

  'So you can see what will happen to us in the future?' Demi asked.

  'Yes, it is in there. Who will volunteer?'

  'Me,' Stef shot her arm into the air.

  'Miss, you should choose me to go first, after all I know my future is assured as I do come from a first class witching family,' Alice chimed in and Stef rolled her eyes.

  'Yes, Alice Smithers, let's look at your future first,' Miss Zara gave a slight smile as she leaned over the crystal ball.

  'The Magic Mirror Company is where you work.'

  'Don't you mean I own it?' replied Alice.

  'You work the assembly line, installing magical powers into the mirrors.'

  'What do you mean by that?' Alice said angrily.

  'You know, magic mirror on the wall, I give you the powers to install, yada, yada, yada,' she waved out her hand. 'Don't believe me, see for yourself.'

  Alice looked down at the crystal ball and saw a woman with the same mousey brown hair and freckles. It was an older version of herself. She was wearing a long white lab coat with a badge saying 'Magic Mirror Spell Installer,' pinned onto it.

  'No, it can't be,' Alice muttered, before she walked back to her seat and sat down in shocked silence.

  'Stephanie, your turn,' Miss Zara said. She looked back into the crystal ball. 'Big things vill happen to you Stephanie Jolly.'

  'Are they good or bad big things?' Stef asked.

  'You are destined to marry the most influential and wealthy wizard in the world. Together you vill rule over a kingdom of magical people and creatures and bring good deeds to your land.'

  'Gosh!' Stef exclaimed, her legs beginning to wobble so she leaned against the desk to steady herself.

  'Who is he?' Gerty asked.

  'You have met him recently.'

  'Do you think it's the boy you were dancing with at the dance?' Gerty said.

  'I doubt it, he didn't look like he would ever be a powerful wizard,' Destiny said.

  'Demi seemed to like him,' Charlotte added.

  'I did not,' Demi grunted.

  'This is so exciting, make sure you invite us to the wedding,' Gerty clapped her hands.

  Stef just stood there speechless before she nodded her head and walked over to her seat, sitting down next to a now even more annoyed looking Alice.

  'Gertrude, your turn,' Miss Zara studied the crystal ball. 'Umm, let's see. Ah yes, Gertrude Baggs, you're going to live in the normal world and as a witch you vill be able to help many people around the world. I see you on the world stage as a humanitarian, you are receiving a reward. Let's see, ah, yes, the Nobel Spell Prize.'

  'That's the perfect reading for you Gerty,' Charlotte hugged her friend.

  Gerty excitedly jumped on the spot, a huge smile on her face.

  'Charlotte Smyth, you are next. Such a big heart you have, full of love and goodness. Charlotte you are going to become a teacher at this Academy. And one day when Miss Moffat retires she shall entrust you to become the principal at this esteemed school.'

  The other girls gasped on hearing this and they all looked at Charlotte, who blushed, not knowing what to say.

  'Your fellow teachers vill admire your special ability to turn around girls who are on the edge,' she glared over at Demi. 'Into respectful young ladies.'

  'That's really great Charlotte, you'll make an amazing teacher,' Gerty wrapped her arms around her dear friend.

  'One reading is all I have enough energy left for,' Miss Zara yawned. 'Demi, come closer,' she gestured her forwards. 'It shall be you.'

  Demi looked wary as she reluctantly took a step forward.

  'Let me see,' Miss Zara fell silent as she concentrated on her crystal ball. 'Demi Taylor, do you like iPhones?' she glanced up at her.

  'Erm yes, they're by far the best type of phone.'

  'Good, good, because when you leave school you're going to repair shattered iPhone screens in a phone repair factory.'

  'What!' Demi shouted.

  'It's not all bad Demi,' Miss Zara patted her on the shoulder. 'You are by far the best worker in the entire factory. Every day you will repair hundreds of screens, with a little help from your magic ability.'

  Demi stared at her open-mouthed, too startled to show her anger.

  'What about my good friend Margaret Montgomery, do you know what her future will be?' Demi enquired, still feeling wounded on hearing about her future.

  'Good news, you'll see her every day.'

  'Will she be working in the iPhone factory as well?'

  'No, but a fast food restaurant is across the road from there, I see her flipping burgers.'

  Demi lowered her head, she didn't want to hear anything else Miss Zara had to say about her future as her words were too awful for her to comprehend.

  'Remember that the future is always changing, but if you want to change the must change your behavior,' Miss Zara addressed the girls, stopping on Demi.

  Demi nodded her head before she looked down at the desk in deep thought.

  'Over the coming months I shall teach you how to read the crystal ball without my help. For today this is the end of the lesson,' Miss Zara gave them all a smile before she went back to reading her book.

  The girls all left the classroom, chatting excitedly amongst themselves about Miss Zara's future predictions. They found her fascinating and frightening at the same time and they were all curious to learn how to be able to read fortunes by themselves.

  Chapter Eight

  The weekend arrived and with it came their reward for winning Save the Princess. The yard had been turned into a party paradise, with a large table full of cupcakes and sweets. There was a constantly flowing fountain, one side of it contained red soda and the other chocolate. There was also a color-changing candy-floss stand. The candy-floss was being spun by large grey owls.

  'This is the best party ever,' Gerty said, as she dipped her eighth strawberry into the chocolate side of the fountain.

  'It's definitely better than the last party I went too,' Charlotte grinned.

  'Look,' Alice pointed up to Miss Firmfeather, who had turned her broomstick into a rhino and was flying above them.

  'Girls, who wants a ride?' she smiled down at them.

  'Me, me,' Gerty squealed, as she waved her arm in the air.

  'Do you think flying is a good idea, the amount of chocolate strawberries you've had?' Alice said.

  'I once ate a family bag of chocolate buttons and then went on a plane and I was fine,' Gerty replied.

  Miss Firmfeather landed the rhino in front of them and beckoned an excited Gerty forwards. She flicked out her wand at Gerty and made her feet lift off the ground and up onto the back of the rhino. They flew a c
ouple of laps around the yard before Miss Firmfeather helped Gerty down with a spell.


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