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Books for Girls - WITCH SCHOOL - Books 2-6: Book 1 is FREE!

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by Katrina Kahler

  ‘Charlotte. I just wanted to know if you’d like to be my girlfriend?’

  ‘Yes,’ Charlotte answered straight away.

  ‘You will?’ he smiled.

  ‘Yes, I will,’ she blushed.

  ‘You’re kind and beautiful and I’m so happy.’

  ‘You two are the cutest,’ Gerty clapped her hands excitedly.

  ‘Bye girlfriend,’ Charlie pecked her on the cheek.

  ‘Bye boyfriend,’ Charlotte smiled back.

  Her heart was thudding in her chest and her palms were sweaty. She was beyond happy, a happiness that she couldn’t put into words.

  ‘Hi Charlie,’ Margaret brushed up alongside him.

  ‘Oh, hi Margaret. Guess what? Charlotte’s my official girlfriend now.’

  Margaret looked shocked but quickly composed herself.

  ‘That’s nice,’ she gave a weak smile before she walked away.

  ‘Bye Charlotte,’ he hugged her.

  Charlotte never wanted the hug to end, as she didn’t know when she’d next see him. Hot tears began to roll down her cheeks. As they pulled apart she tried to brush them away before Charlie saw them.

  ‘Don’t be sad,’ he wiped away her tears. ‘I got you something.’

  He reached into his pocket and pulled something out of it. He moved his hand towards her.

  ‘For you,’ he uncurled his palm.

  There was a silver ring with a small blue stone.

  ‘To match your eyes,’ he placed it on her right hand.

  ‘Thank you. It’s perfect,’ she smiled.

  ‘Just like you,’ he grinned. ‘Now you'll always have a piece of my heart with you.’

  He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek before he pulled away and began to walk off. He kept on looking back at her until he was too far away.

  ‘He is a keeper,’ Gerty said.

  ‘Yes, he’s the best,’ Charlotte replied.

  She looked down at the sparkling stone on her finger.

  Chapter Three

  When Gerty, Stef and Alice had fallen asleep, Charlotte stepped out of her bed and crept across the room. She tiptoed along the corridor and gently opened Molly’s door.

  ‘Hello,’ she whispered into the darkness.

  ‘Oh, it’s you,’ Molly’s voice replied.

  The end of Molly’s wand illuminated like a torch and she shone it on Charlotte. She brought her arm up to her face to shield her eyes.

  ‘Sorry,’ Molly lowered her wand. ‘I'm glad you're not Mr. Bumble.’

  ‘No, it’s just me. I was thinking that maybe I could go and see Flame tonight.’

  ‘Of course you can,’ Molly replied.

  ‘I mean by myself.’

  Molly gave her a questioning look.

  ‘It’s just that I know you’ve been busy and I thought you might like a proper night’s sleep?’

  ‘Thanks Charlotte, that’s sweet of you, but I want to see Flame tonight.’

  ‘Oh, okay. That’s okay.’

  ‘I’d just feel better if I saw him. Especially as I’ve only seen him fleetingly today, thanks to the Eisteddfod.’

  ‘I understand.’

  ‘But that doesn’t mean that I won’t take you up on your offer another night.’

  ‘Okay. I’m happy to fill in anytime,’ Charlotte smiled.

  ‘Thanks Charlotte, you’re the best. Now, we’ve got a dragon to visit.’ Molly grabbed her broom and walked across the room.

  Charlotte gave a nod before she followed her.


  They flew down in front of the house and dismounted their brooms.

  ‘I can’t wait to see Flame,’ Charlotte said.

  ‘Yeah me t-’

  A loud banging sound came from within the house. Through the window, they could make out the silhouette of Flame erratically flying around inside.

  Molly and Charlotte looked at each other before they rushed towards the door.

  ‘Flame, settle down.’ Molly said, as she stepped into the room.

  It was then that she noticed that there was someone else in the room. A tall, handsome man with his long white hair and a golden sword gripped in his right hand.

  ‘Don’t worry girls, I’ll protect you from this hideous dragon.’ He sliced his sword through the air.

  ‘Stop!’ Molly shouted.

  The man didn’t listen, instead he charged after a wing-flapping Flame.

  ‘Gelida,’ Molly aimed her wand at the man.

  He instantly froze and then Molly lifted him with her wand and placed his outside in the garden.

  ‘Flame, it’s okay.’

  Molly rushed over to him and patted his head to try and calm him down.

  ‘It’s okay Flame, I’d never let anyone hurt you.’

  ‘Who is he?’ Charlotte examined the frozen man.

  ‘No idea, but unless he apologizes for attempting to hurt my dragon I will turn him into a cockroach. And I won’t hesitate in stomping on him,’ Molly replied.

  ‘Okay,’ Charlotte widened her eyes.

  ‘No one hurts my baby,’ she tickled Flame under his head.

  ‘If we didn’t know Flame and we stumbled across a dragon in a house near a school, then, well, we’d be freaked out too.’ Charlotte said.

  ‘I wouldn’t attack it with a sword.’

  ‘But you would be terrified. Still, even though his man was no doubt scared, he still tried to protect us.’

  ‘Yeah, I suppose.’

  Molly patted Flame’s head before she walked over to the frozen man.

  ‘I’ll unfreeze him and try to explain to him that Flame is a good dragon.’

  ‘He’s very handsome, isn’t he?’ Charlotte stared at the frozen man.

  ‘Er, yeah, I suppose.’

  ‘I think he’s way cuter than that boy who was staring at you at the Eisteddfod.’

  ‘I don’t know what you mean,’ Molly looked away from her.

  ‘Yeah, if you say so.’

  ‘Okay, so that boy is my ex. I used to sneak out at night to see him.’

  ‘You rule-breaker,’ Charlotte chuckled.

  ‘But with Flame around I couldn’t go and see him as much. Of course, I couldn't tell him about Flame so he just presumed that I wasn't interested in him anymore. I told him I had a lot on and to trust me...but he made out I was just making excuses. So yeah, we broke up.’

  Charlotte didn’t know what to say. She wanted to give Molly a hug but she didn’t want to annoy her, so instead she just gave her a friendly smile.

  ‘It’s okay. I mean, yeah, I was upset for a while, but then I realized that I want someone who will support me and trust me no matter what and he, well, he wasn’t that. Which is why he asked me out again just before the contest and I said no. So that’s why he was giving me weird looks during the entire Eisteddfod.’

  ‘It sounds like you did the right thing. You deserve someone who can see how awesome you are,’ Charlotte said.

  ‘Thanks,’ Molly smiled. ‘Now, I suppose I’d better unfreeze this intruder. Can you keep Flame inside? I want to explain things to whoever this man is before he comes face-to-face with Flame again.’

  ‘Sure,’ Charlotte nodded her head.

  Charlotte opened the door and Flame poked his head out the door and growled at the frozen man.

  ‘It’s okay Flame, I won’t let him hurt you. Once I explain that you’re a good dragon then I’m sure he’ll love you nearly as much as I do,’ explained Molly in a calming voice.

  Flame tried to push his way past Charlotte to get closer to the frozen man, his teeth barred.

  ‘Flame, look what I’ve got for you.’ Charlotte had moved just inside the door and had an apple in her hand.

  She pulled another apple out of her pocket and held it out. Two apples were just too much temptation for Flame and he followed her, his eyes fixed on the apple. Once he was inside the door, Charlotte quickly slammed it shut and gave him one of the promised apples.

  ‘Right, let’s
do this,’ Molly muttered to herself.

  She straightened out her jumper and ran a hand through her hair.

  ‘Solve fasciculus,’ Molly flicked her wand at the frozen man.

  He jerked awake, his sword rose as he scanned around him, looking for the dragon. When he saw that Flame wasn’t anywhere near him, he looked directly at Molly with his large and very beautiful blue eyes.

  ‘Sit down, we need to talk.’ Molly beckoned him over to a wooden tree stump with her wand.

  ‘Very well,’ he backed his way over to the stump and sat down on it.

  ‘Who are you and why are you here?’

  ‘My name’s Ethan, I’m a Huntsman. It’s my job to search the Academy grounds and the surrounding area and to protect it from wayward trolls and from beasts such as dragons.’

  ‘I’m Molly and my friend inside is called Charlotte. We’re students at Miss Moffat’s Academy and Flame is my dragon. Charlotte loves him too and helps me to look after him.

  ‘Your dragon?’ he looked at her questioningly.

  ‘Yeah. It’s a long story but he’s a good dragon, he wouldn’t ever hurt anyone. He lives in this house because he has the space to fly around in it and we thought it was safe. We used to hide him in the Academy dungeon but hated it there, whereas he loves it here. This house is his home.’

  ‘I can’t allow a dragon to live here. What if he escaped and hurt someone?’

  ‘He would never hurt anyone. He’s friendly.’

  ‘He’s a dangerous animal. Dragons can’t be trusted.’

  ‘Look! I’m going to show you that he’s not dangerous.’

  Ethan gave the pretty, dragon-loving girl a wary look. He found himself intrigued by her.

  ‘Auferat,’ she aimed her wand. His sword vanished.

  ‘Where’s my sword?’ he jumped to his feet.

  ‘It’ll reappear in about an hour, maybe.’

  ‘An hour! You expect me to deal with that, that creature without a weapon?’

  ‘Flame is a good dragon. I’m going to prove it to you.’

  She whistled loudly. The door opened and Flame came running outside and rushed to Molly’s side. Charlotte joined them.

  Ethan rushed over to Molly and stood in front of her, forming a barrier between her and Flame.

  Charlotte shook her head before she walked over to Flame, crouched down and patted his head.

  ‘Ethan,’ Molly growled at him. ‘I told you to give him a chance.’

  Molly walked over to Flame and scratched his wings. Flame looked from her to Ethan and spat out a spark.

  ‘Flame, this is Ethan,’ she pointed to him. ‘He is very sorry for his actions and he doesn’t mean you any harm, do you Ethan?’ she glared at him.

  ‘No,’ he sighed.

  ‘Good,’ she walked over to him. ‘Give him this,’ she held an apple out to Ethan.

  He stared at it hesitantly before he took he took it from her. He turned it over in his hand.

  ‘Hold it out,’ Molly said.

  Ethan sighed before he held out his arm.

  ‘Flame,’ Molly said.

  Flame made his way over to them and came to a halt in front of Ethan. He sniffed at the apple before he gently took it out of Ethan’s grasp and swallowed it whole.

  ‘See, Ethan’s a friend.’

  Flame knocked his head against Ethan’s leg. At first, Ethan jerked his leg away from Flame...but not to be discouraged, Flame tottered up to him and again rubbed his head against Ethan’s leg.

  Ethan looked down at the scaly dragon and found himself smiling. Maybe this dragon wasn’t a vicious creature after all.

  ‘Go on, he doesn’t bite,’ Molly coaxed.

  Ethan cautiously stretched out his hand towards Flame before he flinched it away. He looked at Molly who gave him a reassuring nod before he again stretched out his hand. This time his hand touched Flame’s head and he rubbed it. Flame cocked up his head and gave a toothy smile.

  ‘He’s forgiven you,’ Molly smirked.

  ‘I…I don’t understand. I was always told that dragons were ferocious beasts.’

  ‘As a kid, my mom used to tell me stories of faraway lands controlled by fierce dragons. But that’s all they were, stories. Sure, I imagine that some dragons are ferocious and uncaring; just as some humans are cruel and ruthless. Obviously not all dragons are evil and bad,’ Charlotte said.

  ‘She’s very wise for her age,’ Ethan looked at Molly.

  ‘Yeah, she is,’ Molly flushed.

  Flame pulled away from Ethan, gave Molly a lick across her face, sniffed at Charlotte’s shoe and then walked to his mattress. He curled up on it and closed his eyes.

  The three of them joined him inside the house. They drank pumpkin juice as they sat facing each other on the floor.

  ‘So, Ethan, tell us more about yourself?’ Molly twirled a strand of hair around her finger.

  ‘Well, I come from a long line of Huntsmen who have all guarded the Academy grounds and the surrounding area for centuries. It was an honor to have been trained by my father. He was a truly remarkable Huntsman and he taught me all he knew. When he passed his leadership onto me he gave me his sword and I vowed to guard it with my life. It seems I have failed him,’ he gave a thoughtful sigh.

  ‘Reditus,’ Molly flicked her wand.

  Ethan’s sword reappeared on the ground in front of him.

  ‘Thank you,’ his eyes glowed with happiness.

  ‘That’s okay,’ Molly blushed.

  Charlotte looked from Molly to Ethan and smiled to herself. It was clear to her that Molly liked him and she was pretty sure that he liked her too.

  ‘So Ethan, are you single?’ Charlotte asked.

  Molly shot her a stern look.

  ‘Ah, yes, I am,' he gave an awkward look.

  ‘Oh, no. Not for me. You’re old. I mean, you’re not old, but you’re way older than me. Besides, I have a boyfriend.’ She rambled on, her face now as red as a tomato.

  She showed him her finger with the small blue stone ring on it.

  ‘Charlie gave me this. It’s so beautiful isn’t it?’ she brought her hand back and cradled her finger.

  ‘Yes, very.’ Ethan looked over at Molly as he spoke.

  Molly caught his eye and smiled, before she quickly looked away.

  ‘No, I don’t have a girlfriend,’ Ethan said.

  ‘You don’t? How interesting,’ Charlotte grinned.

  Molly shot her another unimpressed look.

  ‘I spend all night protecting the Academy grounds. I suppose that leaves me little time for a girlfriend.’

  ‘I know the feeling,’ Molly muttered to herself.

  ‘Do you have a boyfriend?’ he looked at her.

  ‘No,’ she sighed. ‘Not anymore.’

  ‘Oh, I see. Well, whoever let you go must have been a complete and total idiot.’

  Molly smiled as she looked at the floor.

  ‘It’s very hot in here,’ Charlotte waved her hand in front of her face. ‘I’m going to get some air.’

  Molly watched her stand up and walk outside. She looked over at a snoring Flame and then back at Ethan. She couldn’t deny that he was extremely handsome.

  ‘So…how often do you come here?’ he asked

  ‘Every night and I try to come at least once during the day.’

  ‘That’s a big commitment. How do you fit in your studies?’

  ‘That’s a good question,’ she smirked. ‘But he’s worth it.’

  ‘I can help you out if you want? I’ll check in on him on my rounds and make sure that he’s okay.’

  ‘That’d be great,’ she smiled.

  ‘No problem.’

  He picked up his sword and fixed it into the sheath that was attached to the side of his black pants. Molly stood-up too and followed him towards the door.

  ‘Molly, it was an absolute pleasure meeting you. I hope that we will soon cross paths again,’ he lifted her hand and gently kissed it.

  ‘I would
like that,’ she blushed.

  He held the door and beckoned her through it. She walked over to Charlotte, who was sitting on a rock outside. He gently closed the door so as not to disturb Flame and walked over to the girls.

  ‘Molly, Charlotte, it was a pleasure. I bid you both good night,' he gave a bow.

  ‘Night,’ they both replied.

  They watched him walk off until he became a blur that disappeared beneath the trees.

  Molly checked on Flame before she put a locking spell on the door of the house, picked up her broom and flew alongside Charlotte back to the Academy.

  They crept through the empty corridors back to their rooms.

  ‘Ethan was brave, wasn’t he?’ Molly whispered.

  ‘Yes,’ Charlotte replied.

  ‘And he was handsome, wasn’t he?’


  They came to a stop in front of Charlotte’s room.

  ‘And he was so gentlemanly. He kissed my hand and held the door open for me.’

  ‘Yes. He was all those things and that is why you liked him.’

  ‘He was just kind, that’s all.’

  ‘Whatever you say,’ Charlotte gave a knowing smile. ‘Night Molly.’

  ‘Night Charlotte.’

  Creeping into her room, Charlotte navigated her way over to her bed and pulled the duvet back.

  She found herself missing Charlie and fiddled with her ring. As she turned the ring, a hologram of a smiling Charlie with his tousled brown hair appeared. He gave her a wave before he disappeared.

  ‘Oh Charlie,’ she whispered, as she let out a thoughtful sigh.

  Chapter Four

  The picturesque village of Clearbrooms was situated several miles east of Miss Moffat’s Academy. It had thatched cottages and friendly village folk and was surrounded by rolling hills and vast meadows. The local tavern, The Three Wands, attracted both locals and magical folk from afar to sample its infamous bubble pumpkin broth.

  The tallest building in Clearbrooms was the old watchtower. It was built centuries ago when war had broken out between the wizarding worlds so that any intruders could be seen. Now, life was peaceful in Clearbrooms. The most dramatic event that had happened in the last couple of centuries was when Billy Threston had drunk one-too-many broths and on his way home and he’d staggered head first into the spiky bumble bush. It took eight villagers to prise him free and his skin was as irritated as his pride. A few days later he was back to normal but never again drank more than his limit.


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