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The Ties That Bond [Bonding Camp 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 5

by Christelle Mirin

  Rhonda felt energized, her sleepiness all but gone. Seeing Jack below her, the lustiness in his eyes, the way he looked at her with a sense of a connection between them. She’d never felt this close to someone before and just that fact caused her to warm inside.

  “How do you feel?” Jack asked, sliding his hands up and down her waist.

  “I feel great,” she said, shifting her weight slightly.

  “Here, let me help you.” He lifted her slightly and the next thing she knew, she was impaled on his hardened cock. “How’s that?”

  Rhonda shivered, the feeling of fullness inside her making her complete. Her pussy squeezed him, creaming over his hard shaft.

  Jack grinned. “I think you like it. But we’re not finished yet. Lean forward.”

  She did as she was told, and he held her slightly above his chest. She felt someone move in behind her and bit her lip.

  “Shh,” Jack soothed. “Everything will be okay. I’m here, remember?”

  Rodgers knelt down on the edge of the mattress at Jack’s head. He was naked now, his cock standing at attention.

  “Rhonda, Morgan is behind you and Rodgers in front of you. We want to fill you with us. You’ll allow that, won’t you?” Jack asked, his voice soothing and low.

  Slowly, she nodded. She’d never taken on three men while being bound like this. “I trust you, Jack.”

  “Good. Now just enjoy.” He thrust up, beginning to move.

  Fingers pried her ass cheeks apart, and Morgan inserted his lubricated fingers into her ass, then when she was ready, his cock followed. She shuddered, closing her eyes as they moved smoothly in and out of her. Jack braced her from below, and Morgan held the handles on the bindings at her pelvis, using them to pull her back toward him when he thrust into her ass. Rodgers moved forward, cock in hand, and touched her forehead.

  Rhonda looked up at him and parted her lips, offering her open mouth. Rodgers slid the head of his cock into her mouth, and she began to suck, wrapping her tongue around his shaft, trying to match the rhythm of the other two men.

  She was lost in a world of sensation. Three cocks invading her, filling her, completing her. She experienced pleasure and pain, the leather straps tightening and rubbing against her skin only serving to add to the satisfaction that was building inside her. On a wave, she came, her body releasing its juices as she struggled to hold on to her senses. The men continued, in and out, generating heat in her pussy, her ass, her mouth. Just as she started to come down from the heights of pleasure, her body was rocked with another explosive orgasm, and she jerked, arching her back and pulling away from Rodgers just to be able to breathe. Rodgers caught the back of her head after she had the chance to catch her breath and drove into her mouth again, only to coat the back of her throat with his warm seed. She swallowed, her throat working, as the other two men came simultaneously in her cunt and her ass.

  Rodgers pulled away first, falling back onto his heels. Rhonda gulped large gasps of air, her body like a live wire, jittery and full of energy. Snaps of lightning raced over her skin, the sense of being bound and at their mercy, a new sort of ecstasy she wanted to experience again.

  Morgan backed off his position, and Jack lowered her down to rest on his chest, wrapping his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head. “Rhonda, you okay, baby?”

  She nodded, smiling against the damp skin of his chest. “Better than okay.”

  Fingers worked at the bindings at her back, and soon her wrists were free. She pulled her arms forward, bracing her palms on the mattress to either side of Jack. She pushed herself up and looked down at him, gazing into his green eyes, eyes she’d never get tired of looking into. “So, that was nice. When can we do it again?” she asked.

  Jack looked up at her and grinned.

  Chapter Seven

  After they all caught their breath, Rhonda felt in raw need of a shower. She finished the bottle of water she’d been drinking and tightened the belt of her robe. “I’m heading for the shower. Want to join me?” she asked Jack, who was lying on the mattress on his side with his head propped on his hand.

  “A shower? With you?” He pushed up off the mattress and went in search of the robe he had worn to get here. Shrugging it on, he took her hand. “Let’s go.”

  As they walked toward the door, Rhonda waved at the other two men. “We’ll see you at dinner?”

  Morgan gave her a wave. “See you then. If you happen to run into Grace, ask her to come here to see me, would you?” He smiled wickedly.

  Rhonda laughed. “I will. See you all later.”

  Walking down the path back toward the main house, Jack took her hand. She looked up at him and smiled. “I feel like we’ve somehow become closer.”

  “You do?” He looked down at her. “I’m glad. I want to be close to you. I want to get to know you. Know all about you.”

  “Really? Well, there isn’t that much to know.”

  “Oh, I’ll bet you’re more complicated than you think.”

  Rhonda laughed. “So, you think I’m some sort of puzzle to work out?”

  “No, but we’ve already found out that you like a bit of bondage, haven’t we? I’m wondering what else you would like if the right person introduced you to it.”

  Rhonda slowed her walk. “What do you have in mind?”

  “How do you feel about toys?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her comically.

  “What sort of toys?” She bit the inside of her lip to keep from grinning.

  “I’ll have to see what’s in the toy box. Are you up for it?”

  “Hmm, maybe you can talk me into it. Let’s get our shower first, okay? I feel pretty scruffy right now.”

  Jack let go of her hand then wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. “I don’t care if you’re scruffy. I like you anyway.”

  Rhonda laughed and slapped him on the chest.

  Once they got to Rhonda’s room, Jack didn’t leave. They took a long, leisurely shower together, taking time to lather every inch of each other and tenderly dry each other after. Returning to Rhonda’s bedroom, she slipped on a pair of leggings and a T-shirt and ran a comb through her hair. “Are you hungry?” she asked, watching as Jack wrapped a towel around his waist.

  “I am, actually. What time is it, anyway?” He glanced around, looking for a clock.

  Rhonda looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand beside her bed. “Holy smokes, it’s after three. We missed lunch.”

  Jack started for the door. “I’ll grab some clothes and meet you in the kitchen again.” He opened the door then stopped, looking back at her. “You know, for some reason, you and I keep ending up in the kitchen. Why is that?”

  Rhonda shook her head. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it’s the room everyone ends up in when they’re at home?”

  A small smile curved his lips. “That’s a wonderful thought, you know. Makes it seem like we’re more family than anything else, doesn’t it?”

  A warm feeling settled over her. “Yes, it does.”

  Jack nodded then continued out the door, closing it with a soft click behind him.

  Rhonda sat on the edge of the bed, tapping the comb on the palm of her hand. Family. Did Jack really feel that way about her? As if she were part of his family? And what part exactly would she be if she was? She shook her head. Her mind was running away with her. Thinking thoughts like being a part of Jack’s family, maybe a major part, was totally out of the question at this point.

  But they were drawing closer together the more time they spent with each other. Maybe being connected like family wasn’t all that far out of the ball park.

  This weekend seemed to be revealing much more than she had imagined about bonding. Meeting Jack had come out of the blue. Sometimes things that just happened were better than things that were planned. Rhonda rose from the bed and dropped her comb on the vanity. A sense of new beginnings came over her, and there was a new spring in her step. She most definitely didn’t feel like an office
manager today. Not at all. She felt more like a woman who had finally met the man who could complete her. Jack was someone she felt she could trust. With him, the bondage hadn’t seemed so intimidating. She wondered what else he had up his sleeve when it came to sex.

  Rhonda entered the kitchen to find Grace, Missy, and Jack leaning over a paper bag on the kitchen table. “What’s going on here?” she asked, stopping beside Jack to peer over his shoulder. “I hope there’s food in there.”

  “No food, just new lotions and potions,” Grace said, pulling a tall, slim bottle of lotion out of the bag. “Here, take a whiff.” She opened the bottle and held it toward Rhonda.

  Rhonda reached across Jack and took the bottle from her, sniffing. “Mmm, that’s a really strong vanilla. I like it, though.” She handed it back to Grace. “By the way, did Jack tell you Morgan wants to see you in the playroom?”

  Grace snapped the lotion shut and dropped it into the bag. “I’ll see you all later. My man is calling.” With a finger-wiggling wave, she left the kitchen through the back door.

  Missy took the bag from the table. “I guess I’ll get these put into my inventory. Do either of you feel like a massage? I’ve got all this new stuff.” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Maybe later,” Jack said, rubbing his hands together. “Right now, I think Rhonda and I are going to have a bite to eat and then maybe find a game to play.”

  Rhonda bit the inside of her lip to keep from commenting on the “game” he was speaking about. She couldn’t wait to begin playing with him, but first, she did need a bite to eat. “I wouldn’t mind a massage later this evening, Missy,” she said, linking one arm through Jack’s. “I have a feeling I might need one.”

  Missy held the bag in her arms and walked toward the kitchen door. “Just give me a ring. I’m anxious to try some of these new potions.”

  “I’ll call you later.” Rhonda winked at her.

  Missy left through the same door Grace had, leaving Rhonda and Jack alone.

  Jack looked down at her. “What are you hungry for this time?”

  “Something light. Maybe some crunchy, fresh veggies and some dip?”

  “Okay, but I think I’ll slap together a sandwich for me, if you don’t mind.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t mind. You should keep up your strength. There’s no telling what sort of activities we’re going to get into this evening.”

  They set about gathering things on the kitchen table to make their lunch, working together as if they’d been fixing each other lunch for years. “Tell me, Jack, what are your plans?” Rhonda arranged some baby carrots and celery stalks on a plate.

  “Plans for what?” He was busily slapping slices of cold cuts on bread for himself.

  She shrugged. “Life. Job. You know, the basics.”

  “I don’t have a plan. I’m liking my life just as it is right now.”

  Rhonda zipped the baggie closed, sealing the unused veggies inside. “That’s refreshing. Almost everyone I know has plans to do something bigger, or better, or different with their life. Except for the partners, of course. You’re the first single man I’ve met in a while who is satisfied with what he’s doing right now and not looking for the next leg up.”

  “Leg up?” Jack removed the lid from the jar of mayonnaise. “What do you mean?”

  Rhonda stirred the vegetable dip with a spoon. “Oh, you know, it seems like everyone is trying to make connections to advance their career. Buddying up with the partners or trying to get into their good graces.” She waved the spoon at him. “Not that you would do that sort of thing, but I see it a lot at the office.”

  Jack chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about me doing that. I’m perfectly happy doing just what I’m doing.” Suddenly he leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. “But then, my life could get a little better by adding someone to it more often.”

  Rhonda was filled with a floating sense of warmth. “And who would that someone be?”

  “You, of course.” He stopped what he was doing and took her by the waist, turning her around from the table to face him. “I’d really like it if you would be a recurring feature in the drama that is my life.”

  A laugh roared out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  “What? Did I say something funny?” He leaned back, looking at her with both eyebrows raised.

  Shaking her head, she struggled to control her laughter. “No, no,” she said. “You didn’t say anything funny. It’s just the way you put it. Like we’re in some sort of soap opera or something.”

  “I didn’t mean it to sound like that, but sometimes, life can play out that way.” Then he crushed her lips beneath his.

  Heat infiltrated her veins, his tongue breaking through the barrier of her lips to taste the inside of her mouth and cause her to moan. She sucked at his probing tongue, grasping a handful of his T-shirt in her hand.

  Jack pulled away, groaning. “We’d better get something to eat before we start this again.”

  Rhonda swallowed and brushed a strand of hair back from her forehead. “Food. Yeah. Okay.” She’d never felt so hypnotized by a man’s sensuality before, and it was absolutely wonderful.

  Chapter Eight

  Rhonda’s body vibrated in anticipation.

  They had eaten a quick lunch, taken a walk in the woods, and now they had ended up back at the entrance to the playroom. Rhonda’s hand itched, wanting to touch Jack’s naked skin again. “What if Morgan and Grace are still in there?” she asked as they stopped in front of the door.

  “Listen.” He leaned toward the closed door. “I don’t hear anything.”

  Rhonda placed her palm flat on the door and started to lean toward it when, suddenly, it opened. “Oh!”

  Jack caught her around the waist before she stumbled in and landed on top of Rodgers. “Whoa there.”

  “I didn’t know anyone was out here. Didn’t mean to frighten you.” Rodgers dipped his head to get a look at Rhonda’s face. “Are you okay?”

  She laughed. “I’m fine. I just feel like I’m a kid who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.”

  “There are some wondrous treats inside.” He looked at Jack. “I wouldn’t mind showing you, unless of course, you’d like to be alone.”

  Jack caught her gaze. He raised an eyebrow. Rhonda pursed her lips and nodded. “Let’s see what sort of treats Rodgers has in mind.”

  Rodgers opened the door wider, and they stepped through.

  Rhonda noticed the room had been cleaned, and there was no sign of them having been there earlier today. “Rodgers, are you sure we’re not holding you up from your dinner or something?” It was getting to be almost five, and though she and Jack had eaten a late lunch, Rodgers might be hungry.

  “Dinner can wait. I don’t mind expending a bit more energy to work up a better appetite.” He clapped his hands together. “Now what did you two have in mind for some afternoon delight?”

  Jack hugged her close to his side. “I want to experiment a bit more with Rhonda and introduce her to some delicious bondage ideas.” He looked down at her. “You’ll trust me, right?”

  A coiling of excitement began to wind tight in her belly. Jack, binding her, using her as he wished, had almost become ingrained in her sexual fantasies even though they’d only begun this adventure into more intense bondage today. “I trust you.” Though her voice trembled, it wasn’t because she was scared. She wanted to get started.

  “I’ll get the toy chest,” Rodgers said, moving toward a door. He disappeared, and when he returned, he was rolling a dark wooden chest. “Here we go.” He stopped in front of them and lifted the lid. “Choose what you like. Let me know what you’d like me to do.”

  Rhonda peered over Jack’s shoulder into the chest. There were silvery glints of metal and the colors of red, black, and hot pink leather. Iridescent scarves shimmered in the light, and things she didn’t recognize drew her interest. Jack reached in and gathered a few things. He turned, causing Rhonda to s
tep back.

  “Why don’t you get out of those clothes?” Jack asked, planting a quick kiss on her forehead.

  “The changing room is open,” Rodgers said, pointing toward a door on the left. “I just finished stocking it with robes. You can slip one on until Jack figures out what he wants to do.”

  Rhonda nodded. She ducked into the changing room and quickly undressed then slipped on a red silk robe that felt wonderful against her skin. She heard something being dragged across the floor in the other room and wondered just what Jack was going to do to her. Her stomach twitched, nervousness beginning to settle in. She looked at her reflection in the mirror that covered the back wall of the changing room. Her hair was down around her shoulders, and she wore no makeup. Her complexion had a fresh glow to it, one she hadn’t seen on her own cheeks in years. Her eyes were bright, and she could swear there was a sparkle in her gaze. She looked and felt young. At thirty-eight, she wasn’t ancient, but she had felt her years from time to time. Right now, though, she felt as if she hadn’t passed twenty-five. The anticipation and nervousness raised her blood pressure, and her heartbeat increased. “Get your butt out there with the men,” she scolded herself.

  Rhonda stepped out into the room and immediately noticed a small stand in the center of the floor. It was almost like an incline bench but shorter.

  Jack crooked a finger at her. “Come here, Rhonda.”

  Rhonda closed the space between them. “What’s this?” She pointed at the contraption.

  “You’ll find out.” He quickly slid her robe from her shoulders, exposing her nakedness. “Damn, you are a beautiful woman, Rhonda. I’ll never get tired of seeing your luscious body.”

  Rodgers approached them. Jack leaned down to whisper in her ear. “You’ll need to trust me,” he said, running his hand down her back and over the curve of her ass, making her shiver in delight.

  The two men took her by each arm and helped her to kneel in front of the small bench. Jack placed one hand on her back and urged her to bend forward. Working together, Jack and Rodgers placed her hands and ankles into the shackles that were attached to the small bench at the front and back. Once they were done, she was restrained on her hands and knees, the bench supporting her midsection.


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