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Page 2

by Liv Bennett

  Bizarre, I think to myself, that my nipples should feel cold air.

  “Oh, God!” I jolt up to a sitting position with a sudden realization. My chest isn’t covered, and my breasts are on full display. Jamie must have untied the halter while playing with my hair.

  CH 3


  Trembling with panic, my hands reach for the top of my dress, my arms covering my breasts. I can feel his stare on me, burning my skin, although I’m too embarrassed to look at him. From the corner of my eye, I can see he hasn’t moved from where he’s standing, while my fingers try without success to tie the straps back around my neck.

  Even though this is the perfect opportunity to seduce him, the perfect scenario Loraine expects me to make happen, I can’t, for the love of God, do anything other than panic.

  Jamie pulls my hair from my back right then; the suddenness of it causes me to lose one of the straps. I can barely catch it before it slips below my breasts.

  “I’m not done with your hair yet,” she complains while trying to get her hands back on my hair.

  My hands are a complete mess, not working as I wish them to, as long as Kenneth is watching me.

  “Sorry, honey. I need to use the bathroom.” I stand in a hurry, hugging my chest with my arms, and race toward the stairs, which is currently blocked by Kenneth’s wide torso.

  My feet won’t move past him to reach the stairs, my legs heating up from my toes to my apex. I dare look up and see his eyes stripping me one layer at a time as if they were hands reaching for my dress.

  The man standing before me isn’t the concerned husband or the loving father I’ve come to know. He’s a starved shark who has smelled blood. His expression reveals to me every erotic desire crossing his mind and the waves of temptation trying to break free of his hard, controlled torso.

  His barely restrained posture should scare me, and I should run screaming for the hills. But I don’t, and instead keep standing before him. The strange thing is, that twisted look feels more familiar than every other expression I’ve seen on him, and my ache to satisfy his every desire burns me from inside out, however selfish or painful they might be.

  Licking his lips, he runs his dark eyes along my body. I part my lips to suck in a gasp, feeling jolts of electricity all over my skin under his intense study.

  “I’m hungry, daddy!” Jamie’s loud voice pulls me out of my trance. I manage to bolt around Kenneth, not without getting hit by his scent though, and rush up the stairs toward the bathroom.

  Closing the bathroom door, I switch on the light and move toward the mirror. My hands let go of the straps of the dress and my eyes fall to my exposed breasts. They look swollen and bigger with my nipples tight and erect. I run my fingers over them, imagining they are Kenneth’s as I pinch my nipples.

  Seconds pass while my hands caress my breasts, the tips of the loose braid of my hair brushing my sensitive skin, the ache between my thighs turning into cramps with each stroke of my fingers over my nipples. Releasing my breasts, I rest a hand on the sink and reach for my sex with the other. The top of the dress hangs loosely around my hips, revealing my torso down to my stomach.

  Desire pounds in my core as I consider the possibility of Kenneth walking in on me like this, half naked and with my finger between my thighs. The door isn’t locked, he knows exactly where I am, and can easily figure out what I am doing, considering how long it’s been since I left him and the kids downstairs. The only missing variable in this equation is his desire for me.

  Adjusting the hem of my skirt above my hips so I can see exactly how my sex looks while I press my thumb against my clit, I stare at my reflection. I want him here, right behind me. Even if he won’t touch me, I want him to watch how I pleasure myself, to witness the rush of blood to my cheeks, the hitching of my breathing, and the gasp escaping my lips as I break apart in an orgasm.

  The pad of my thumb moves around the swollen knot in a delicious swirl that has me quickly on the edge. I glance at the reflection of the door through the mirror one last time, holding off the inevitable explosion for a second longer in the hopes of getting caught by him. But my body is too eager and hungry to waste another moment, and my eyes fall closed when the heat of explosion bursts in my core, its flames reaching every corner of my body.

  Inhaling deep breaths, I open my eyes. Too bad he hasn’t seen me climaxing. Glancing at my red cheeks and my swollen lips and my disheveled hair through the mirror, I notice it’s one of the few moments I’d be considered beautiful.

  I wash my hands and run my fingers through my hair before heading out. As much as I wished Kenneth to witness me only a minute ago, now I’m dreading facing him. I have to drag my feet down the stairs, as I’d much prefer to hide in my room to avoid him. God, I’m such a slut for getting turned on by my own semi-nakedness before a man. I whisper a silent prayer to have Kenneth gone for the evening so I’ll not die of embarrassment in his presence.

  I descend the stairs with slow, careful steps, my ears open to hear the murmurs coming from the kitchen. He’s in the kitchen, where I must go to attend his kids.

  After a deep breath, I step into the kitchen, not ready in the least to face him.

  It must have been quite a while since I left, because now both kids are sitting at the table, nibbling their dinners, while Kenneth is speaking on the phone in a corner of the kitchen. Fortunately, his face is looking away through the window, and his posture is calm as he speaks into his phone.

  I have a nagging suspicion that he’s not aware of my presence in the same room. It’s depressing to think I can sense him even without seeing him, while he can be worlds away, not noticing me, as I stand only a few feet from him.

  I slip onto the chair next to Jamie, smiling at her, and only when she asks for a second round of the delicious fajitas, does Kenneth turn his head toward me—for merely the briefest of seconds, though. Then he casts his eyes back to the window without any sign of recognition of the intense moment that passed between us back in the living room. Although I wished to avoid him earlier, his indifference toward me leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

  I give my head a little shake to get my thoughts in check. It shouldn’t matter if he gives a damn about me or not. I have a week left with him, then I’ll be out of his life for good, whether I manage to get him to have sex with me or not. I shouldn’t let any expectations regarding him and me form. It’s only a recipe for disaster. Seriously, what can I expect from a guy I’m trying to seduce in trade for money? That he will leave his wife and children to be with me? Give me a break!

  I should only complete my part of the deal and then get the fuck out of this house with the money that’ll help me build a strong foundation for my future.

  I grab a spoon and start feeding baby Jack the last of the food pieces on his tray.

  “I finished my dinner, daddy!” Jamie exclaims. “Can I get a popsicle?”

  Kenneth turns to me only to motion his head toward the fridge, and I get to my feet to grab a strawberry Popsicle out of the freezer. Slipping the phone into the pocket of his dress pants, he walks out of the kitchen and heads upstairs. I hold my gaze on Jamie to keep myself from staring after him.

  After dinner, I change Jack’s diaper and put him to bed. Jamie asks me to read her a book, while she busies herself with painting in her bedroom next door to Jack’s. Two hours pass with Jamie and me playing a variety of games I had no idea existed, and not once does Kenneth or Loraine come over to check on her. I wonder if their negligence is a frequent habit or a temporary occurrence due to Loraine’s abortion.

  When Jamie starts yawning, I prepare her bath in the bathroom attached to her bedroom and set out clean pajamas for her while she bathes herself. With a towel wrapped around her head to dry her wet hair, she settles in her bed and hands me the book she wants me to read. She can already read some words and eagerly joins me reading the book whenever she recognizes some simple words. She smiles sweetly when I praise her reading skills, and I love how m
uch more enthusiastic she gets with each page I turn.

  Upon her request, I blow dry her hair before turning off the lights and sing her the only good night song I remember from my childhood. She laughs at the funny lyrics, and I admit I don’t remember the words all too well.

  She asks me to place my hand on her back to help her fall asleep, and I gladly keep my hand on her little back until I hear her breathing get even. Such a sweet girl, I think to myself as I glance at her one last time before leaving her room. A little after ten, I prepare Jack’s nightly bottle and feed him in the dark.

  The only light in the whole house is looming from beneath the door of the study, where Kenneth must have thrown himself into work. I wonder what he’d think, had he witnessed my conversation with Loraine in that exact room when she informed me of the seven days I had left to complete my part of the deal. Shocked wouldn’t even begin to cover his reaction.

  Now the first of those seven days is gone without any improvement, other than having Kenneth see my naked breasts. Except for those strange moments where we couldn’t pull our eyes away from each other, there’s no apparent progress toward a successful completion of my assignment.

  Perhaps what he needs is a bigger and more intense exposure. Maybe I’d have a better chance if I tie him down in my bedroom and strip naked in front of him.

  I smile at the thought, although I decide I shouldn’t dismiss that option immediately and even consider it as a last resort. If his behavior to my semi-nakedness was any indication, he likes my body. As ugly as I tend to think of myself, I’m young and fit. That should count for something from a man’s perspective.

  With Jack’s empty milk bottle in my hand, I walk down the dark hall toward the stairs, but come to a sudden halt when I hear murmurs coming from Loraine’s bedroom. Kenneth isn’t in the study as I thought, but in the bedroom with Loraine. I can’t help but tiptoe toward the door to listen to their conversation and I don’t feel even the tiniest bit guilty about it. I’m trying to bed a married man; any other immoral act pales in comparison.

  “I thought you didn’t want another kid,” Kenneth says, the soft nuance in his words making me imagine him gently caressing his wife’s hair.

  “I didn’t, but it still doesn’t take away the pain,” Loraine says, her voice hoarse, possibly from crying.

  “We can try again as soon as you feel better,” Kenneth offers tenderly.

  “I can’t have a full-term pregnancy according to Fiona. She’s a doctor; she should know.”

  “I don’t care what she says. We can consult other doctors and seek a second or a third or a tenth opinion if necessary. You didn’t have any issues with Jack. Whatever you have now should be treatable. You’ll have more babies. I promise you that.” That’s a man who won’t be stopped by a small obstacle, but who will grow stronger with the challenges life throws at him. My insides soften as admiration for Kenneth fills my chest. I wish I’d known more people like him so I could have learned to become strong myself.

  For the majority of my short life, I’ve been surrounded by lazy people who blamed bad luck, a declining economy, lack of money, or lack of education…basically everything other than themselves for their misfortunes. And behind this door stands a man who thrives on obstacles. He’s not just a beautiful and sexual man, his inner strength makes him stand out among millions. No wonder he made so much money at such a young age.

  Contrary to my admiration, Loraine responds to his encouraging words with sobs, her reaction causing more speculations regarding her abortion to run wild in my mind again.

  What does her lover have that Kenneth doesn’t? Kenneth is already a trophy with all his sexuality, personality, and power. Loraine’s lover must be a governor with a degree in Psychology and a career in underwear modeling to beat Kenneth.

  The endless theories popping up in my mind make me restless and drain the last drops of energy from my body. There’s also the thing about not having eaten dinner yet. I make a mental note to remind myself of the importance of a warm meal over a few seconds of hiding out in bathrooms for masturbating the next time I get turned on.

  God, I don’t recognize myself. Just two days ago, hunger was the main issue in my life; now I have to remember to eat. Giving up on thoughts regarding Loraine’s marriage and the reason for her treason, I head for the kitchen.

  The smell of fajitas is still the most dominant scent in the kitchen and I grab a fork and a plate and settle at the table. I pop a big piece into my mouth. As the meat and tortilla melt in my mouth along with the tasty salsa, worry over Monika hits me hard.

  Does she have enough food to eat? Is she all alone? Did she have to work today? She hasn’t called or texted all day and the ups and downs of the day with Loraine have kept me from remembering to at least send Monika a text to say “Hi.”

  I use the kitchen phone to give Monika a call since I left my phone in my bedroom. Her voice mail is all I get. Considering it’s almost ten thirty, I shouldn’t be surprised she’s not answering. If she went to work today, she must have been bone-tired, what with work and her pregnancy.

  I leave her a quick, “I miss you. Call me when you hear this message,” note and hang up. Without realizing it, I mouth the last bite of the fajita and stare down at the empty dish.

  Has Kenneth eaten any dinner? What about Loraine? They’ll know it was me who shamelessly gulped down the majority of the food that could feed a family of four. Can I get more embarrassing than that?

  Well, I did actually, by displaying my boobs to Kenneth while his kids were in the same room with us. He should sense by now something is outrageously wrong with my hiring as I don’t quite fit the nanny model, neither with my clothing, nor with my manners.

  I’m dying to find out what will come first—him realizing my recruitment is a ploy to ruin his marriage and business, or me photographing his penis with my hands or mouth wrapped around it. If he’s as smart as he looks, the former should take place sooner. But then again, he’s a man, and men aren’t known to see through the sexual intrigues women like to play.

  CH 4


  While placing my dirty plate and the empty casserole dish in the dishwasher, a knock on the front door startles me. I wait for a moment in case Kenneth gets the door, although it’s highly unlikely he’ll hear that faint sound all the way from their bedroom upstairs.

  Straightening my dress and its halter—particularly the halter—I walk to the door and open it hesitantly.

  Scott, the driver, stands on the porch with an apologetic smile on his face and a black dossier in his hands. “Hello, Lisa. I hope I’m not disturbing you at this late hour. Mr. Carter requested this.” He lifts his hand to point my attention toward the dossier he’s holding.

  “Hello Scott. I’ll let him know.” Opening the door wider, I show him in and start to go upstairs.

  “Please, don’t bother. He knows I’m here.”

  I stop and frown at him in confusion. “Okay… Would you like waiting in the kitchen?”

  “Sure.” He rubs the back of his head, his hazel eyes doing a quick run over my body.

  “I was going to make myself tea. Would you like some?”


  Filling the kettle, I place it on the stove and go through the drawers to locate any tea they might have. Seeing my ignorance, Scott chuckles and points his finger at the cupboard that has an assortment of at least a dozen different types of tea and coffee.

  “All right. You’ve been working for them for longer than I have,” I say with a fake angry tone.

  His smile grows wider and he nods. “Four years and ten months.”

  “Sounds like you can’t wait to leave them,” I observe.

  “No, not at all.” He shakes his head and shoots me a glare. “They’re the best bosses anyone can ever imagine.”

  “Yeah, sure.” I don’t know about Kenneth, but Loraine didn’t strike me exactly as a great boss, what with her changing the terms of our deal when it struck her fancy

  I must have been sarcastic with my response since Scott is staring at me with a confused expression. “You don’t think they’re great bosses?”

  “No, yeah, I think they’re awesome.” I modify my response, thinking I’ve dug a hole for myself with my comment. To make matters worse, I drop a box of black tea and the teabags in it spread all over the floor.

  “Let me help you.” Scott kneels in front of me, gathers the teabags in a quick move, and places them in the box before handing it to me with a naughty smile playing on his lips.

  I thank him and pour hot water into two cups with slow and careful moves in order not to make a bigger fool of myself. When I place the cups on the breakfast table, he settles back on the chair and sips from the tea. “Are you happy with your job so far?”

  “I am. I really am. I’m just…it’s very different here.” I look around the kitchen, unable to suppress my guilt for considering Loraine anything less than a great boss, when the only thing she did was to offer me a chance to make it in life.

  “Yeah, takes a while to let it all sink in.” His fingers play with the cup and the teabag, leisurely dipping it in the hot water. “I’m a born and raised Los Angeleno myself, but before taking this job, I’d never been to this part of town, the real sunny side of SoCal, as they call it.”

  I smile and nod in agreement. Hell, I didn’t even know a neighborhood named Beverly Park existed. “I know what you mean.”

  “But, really, Mr. and Mrs. Carter are both very kind people. They treat everyone working for them with respect, which is a rare quality among wealthy people. Last year, my mom got sick and had to be hospitalized for two weeks. Mrs. Carter visited her every single day and brought her flowers and magazines. She was eight months pregnant at that time and had little Jamie to take care of. Mom still talks about those two weeks and how nice Mrs. Carter was to her.”

  I blink and swallow the large lump of shame blocking my airway. “That was very nice of her.”


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