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Three Cups of Tea

Page 41

by Greg Mortenson

  In Madrid, Ahmed Rashid was good enough to sneak away from the podium at the world summit on terrorism and treat me to a crash course in both the intricacies of Pakistan’s political system and the relation between the rise of the madrassas and extremism. Conrad Anker, Doug Chabot, Scott Darsney, Jon Krakauer, Jenny Lowe, Dan Mazur, and Charlie Shimanski each gave me meaningful glimpses into the high-wire world of mountaineering. Jim “Mapman” McMahon deserves kudos for both the professional job he did drawing the book’s maps and for his offer to mud wrestle anyone at Fox News who doesn’t like Three Cups of Tea’s message.

  I owe my old friend Lee Kravitz at Parade a debt for the day he said, “There’s someone I think you should meet,” and for his wise counsel as the book came together. I’d like to thank him also for having the good sense to marry Elizabeth Kaplan, who gracefully shepherded this book through the publishing process and educated a rube about the book business, all while simultaneously eating, walking, talking on her cell phone, and caring for her children. I’m grateful to Ray Roberts at Viking both for his erudition and his courtly attitude toward all the minor catastrophes involved in preparing this book for publication.

  I need to thank the Murphy-Goode Winery, for lubricating so much of the interview process. Thanks also to Victor Ichioka at Mountain Hardwear for outfitting our trips to the Northern Areas. And I’m grateful to the coffee shops of Portland, Oregon, some of the finest on earth, for allowing an overcaffeinated writer to mutter to himself throughout so many long afternoons.

  Finally, I want to thank Dawn, for far too many things to list here, but especially for the look on her lovely firelit face that evening in the Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness when I read her the first few completed chapters.

  —David Oliver Relin

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  Copyright © Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, 2006

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  ISBN: 978-0-14-191794-8




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