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Suburban Cyborg

Page 20

by Gloria Martin

  Rebecca looked up at him once the tears had stopped flowing from her eyes.

  “Sorry,” he whispered as she clutched onto his chest.

  “Why are you sorry,” Rebecca questioned and found herself melting into his body. His smell, the way he felt as he wrapped his arms around her made her feel safe and loved. It was strange, but even though she’d always thought her sex life with Brian was great, it just wasn’t as good as this. She never felt this way when she was in bed with Brian.

  “I’m the reason this happened,” he said in a tone that didn’t make Rebecca believe he was actually sorry. Either way, part of her felt that her breaking up with Brian would have happened regardless if Asher was in the picture or not.

  Rebecca didn’t respond to his apology. She just hung onto his form. She felt his hand stroke her back gently, and her eyelids began slowly to drop. Her mind went blank and all she could hear was his heartbeat and the steadiness of his breathing. His hand continued to stroke her back in a way that almost felt like it was soothing her problems away.


  Rebecca had woken up that afternoon still in Asher’s warm embrace. Surprisingly, she did not feel the punishing effects of a hangover as she expected from a night of heavy drinking and thanked her lucky stars. Rebecca looked up to see that Asher was still very much asleep, which was okay because she liked being in his arms. She nestled into his body a little more and wrapped her arms around him slowly. Her hand traveled up and down his back gently driven by curiosity. Eventually her hand snaked under his shirt and up and down his back once again. She could feel the permanent scars that were scattered all over his olive skin.


  Seeing the scars again revived Rebecca’s earlier curiosity about their origin.

  “What happened?” she said.

  Rebecca had been curious about his scars ever since she saw a glimpse of the when they first met. She looked up at him waiting an answer and found that he was looking at her to.

  “Rough childhood, like I said. I don’t talk about it, in fact the only person that knows what happened is Stephen.”

  Asher averted his gaze from hers leaving Rebecca to wonder what kind of horrible human being would hurt a child in such a way.

  “So who is Stephen to you?”

  “He’s my uncle. He’s taken care of me ever since my parents were put away, and he has always been there for me, even after all the times I’ve caused him trouble. He’s also the one that got me into basketball; he’s the reason why I’m here.”

  Rebecca found herself clutching on to Asher as he told her these very personal things.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that as a child,” Rebecca whispered into his chest.

  “I don’t think I would be here if it wasn’t for those tough times.”

  Rebecca looked up at him and felt an overwhelming sense of emotion. It must have been so horrible for him. Asher met her eyes once again and let out a chuckle.

  “What? Do you want to kiss me?”

  Rebecca let out a laughed as she inhaled the tears back.

  “Yes actually I do,” she said as she leaned up and pressed her lips against his. They embraced one another tightly as the kiss deepened. Rebecca moaned into his mouth as he grinded his lower body against hers. At that moment she didn’t want anything more than to feel him inside of her.

  She broke the kiss leaving them both panting slightly for air.

  “I want you,” he said as he sat up and pulled her up with him, he must have read her mind.

  “But only if you want it.

  Rebecca bit her bottom lip and nodded. With that he had her on her back with both her wrists pinned down to the mattress.

  “Say it,” he demanded.

  “I want it, I want you,” Rebecca said breathlessly.

  Asher smirked before his lips were on her neck and his hands exploring her body. Her body responded, on fire from his touch but craving more. His lips kissed their way down her body, and he removed her clothes along the way. She found her body thrusting upwards to meet the hardened part being restrained by his pants.

  Her hand found her way to his zipper as he continued kissing of her chest. She released his strained dick and began to pump the hardened appendage with slow, firm movements. Rebecca heard him curse against her skin as his hips began to move to meet her hand motion.

  Before Rebecca knew it, his hand had removed her pants and underwear and he was pressing his finger against her slick opening. She moaned out his name as his fingers pressed in, spreading her open. Her hand continued to pump his dick feeling it grow harder in her hand. His fingers suddenly stopped their in and out motion inside of her to take hold of her wrist to stop what she was doing.

  With some maneuvering, Asher nestled in between her legs and rubbed the head of his dick against her opening. Rebecca’s legs went to wrap themselves around his waist as she felt his thickness push its way through her tightness.

  She bit her bottom lip and her hands went to grip his back as he fully pushed himself inside of her. His groan echoed through her ear as he began to roll his hips increasing the speed in which he fucked her. Her nails raked against his back as his dick hit her g-spot with such intensity that it shook her whole being.

  In quick motion, Asher had pulled out of her and rolled her over onto her back. He brought her ass up into the air before putting his dick back into her pussy. The new angle had Rebecca gripping the sheets, moans freely flowing from her lips. Asher gripped her hips as he brought her ass back and thrusted his dick into her with force.

  Rebecca felt herself getting close to her climax with each thrust and couldn’t hold out anymore. The timing seemed perfect because Asher was leaned over her arching body whispering into her ear how bad he wanted her to come for him. The dirty talk was enough to set her over the edge because she came with such ferocity that she collapsed soon after. Asher was right behind her as his orgasm overcame him; he made sure to fall next to her and not on top of her to Rebecca’s relief. The two of them lay there panting with smiles on their faces.

  Asher brought her body to his as they still worked on catching their breaths. He nuzzled his face into her neck, causing her to giggle at the contact. It was amazing how comfortable she felt with him, what a contrast he was with Brian.

  Asher seemed like the perfect fit.


  Rebecca sat in a small café that early morning before work waiting for Brian to arrive as well. After that night with Asher, she felt the need to meet with Brian to properly end things so she called him, asking him to meet with her to talk. She couldn’t imagine how he would act which is why she decided for them to meet in a public place.

  A few moments had passed before she saw a familiar body approaching her. Rebecca felt her throat become dry and her palms grow sweaty as she went over in her head how she could break it the news to him.

  “Rebecca,” Brian said with a small smile as he leaned down to hug her. She returned the hug feeling a painful pull at her heart for what she was about to do. Brian sat down and ushered the waiter over so he could order a drink.

  “I’m glad you called Rebecca, what happened that night was unfortunate and I really think we can move past this.”

  Rebecca took a deep breath and found the words were caught in her throat. Brian realized something was wrong, and his smile faded. He leaned in close.

  “Rebecca what is this about? Why am I here?”

  Rebecca took a sip of water to sooth her increasingly dry throat and took a deep breath.

  “I don’t think things will work out between us, so I think we should end it.”

  Brian remained silent but his brows furrowed and his face scrunched up, clearly showing he was displeased with the decision she was making.

  “It’s because of him isn’t it?”

  Rebecca sighed and shook her head. Sure Asher was a driving force causing the break up, but she genuinely felt things would have not worked out, that she and Brian were just no
t meant to be together.

  “No, it was my decision at the end of the day.”

  “I don’t understand, I mean I know we had some issues but were they enough that we have to end things?”

  “I’m sorry Brian, I feel the way I do and I understand that it’s difficult but I don’t want us to part on bad terms.”

  Brian didn’t take his eyes off of her and Rebecca wondered what he was thinking. Brian pushed his chair back, startling Rebecca. He went over to her side and placed both hands on either side of her face and planted a kiss on her. When he felt satisfied, Brian moved back and searched Rebecca’s eyes for any sign that she was regretful of the decision she was making. But there was no sign. She had no regrets.

  “Brian,” Rebecca said slowly as she stood up and gathered her things. “I’m sorry, but this needs to happen.”

  Rebecca wrapped her arms around the stunned Brian and pulled away, placing a kiss on his cheek and exiting his presence.

  She could understand what he was feeling; surprise, hurt, angry and any other bad emotions one would feel when being dumped. She had to do this for her though. She knew her heart, and it wanted Asher not Brian. Maybe it was something that would bite her in the ass later but as of right now she was happy with her decision.

  Rebecca made her way to her office with a weight lifted off her shoulder. As she made herself comfortable there was a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” Rebecca said as she put her white coat on.

  Joy trotted into her office and took a seat.

  “So, give me details,” she said.

  Rebecca caught Joy up with her love live and the craziness that occurred within the week.

  “So you guys are like officially together?”

  “Yeah, well I mean we’re taking things slow. I’m still not sure about the whole celebrity thing.”

  “What about the fact that he’s your patient?” Joy inquired with her eyebrow raised high on her forehead.

  “Well I was worried about that too actually so he dropped me as his doctor.”

  “How’d Brian take things?”

  Rebecca still felt the ping of guilt but she was absolute in her resolve to end things and that was what mattered to her.

  “As well as you’d expect, I mean I feel like he was in shock and it’ll sink in later.”

  “Poor guy,” Joy said.

  “You don’t think he’ll come back and try anything crazy?”

  Rebecca never really thought about it, Brian didn’t seem like that kind of guy. Even if he was, it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle.

  “I don’t think he’s that kind of guy, but I’ll cross that bridge if I ever get to it.”

  “Wow, guess that settles that. Now my next question is very important,” Joy said as she scooted closer to Rebecca’s desk and suddenly had a very look on her face.

  Rebecca’s eye furrowed. A large part of her knew where this was going but she was going to humor the young brunette.

  “What is it?”

  “Does he have a friend that he can introduce me to,” Joy asked with the familiar sparkle in her eye.

  Rebecca sighed and composed herself for a moment before looking back at Joy. On any other day Rebecca would have shut the conversation down and thrown Joy out of her office promptly but she was in a particularly good mood lately.

  “I’ll talk to him,” Rebecca said with a smile.

  Joy was thoroughly shocked, expecting to be chased out of the office as usual.

  “Wow thanks,” she said as she got out of the seat. Rebecca could still the confusion on her face trying to figure out if that had really just happened or not.

  “I like that Asher is putting you in such a good mood, hopefully that’ll be me soon too,” Joy said with a laugh before exiting Rebecca’s office.

  The rest of the day went smoothly as Rebecca busied herself with patients and house calls. By the time she had reached her apartment complex the sun had gone down and she was entirely exhausted.

  Rebecca dragged her tired body to her apartment and placed the key into its slot to unlock the door. The scene that met her left Rebecca speechless; her apartment was lit up with candles with her dining table set up with a full course meal.

  “What is this?” she said to herself as she entered deeper into her romantically lit apartment.

  “For you, Rebecca.” Asher had come out of the kitchen with a simple white apron and the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up.

  “You did all this?”

  “Yeah,” Asher said as he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “You know I had a sort of similar dream to this,” Rebecca said with a laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She recalled the steamy dream and just the thought of it was erotic.


  “Yeah it involved you shirtless in my kitchen cooking me breakfast.”

  “Well that can be arranged too,” Asher said as he pressed his lips against hers before leading her to the table. Rebecca sat down and took a sip of the wine that was waiting for her. It suddenly dawned on her that Asher had gotten into her apartment without her, he had never even been here before.

  “By the way how’d you get in here?”

  Asher began fixing her plate and let out a chuckle.


  Rebecca shook her head, she should have known it was Joy; she was the only other person who had her spare key.

  “I promised her a date with a friend and she basically threw the key at me.”

  Rebecca laughed as she pictured the whole thing in her mind.

  “Sounds like her,” she said as took a deep whiff of the food.

  Asher sat next to her after fixing her plate and topping of her wine before taking care of his own plate. The two spoke about many things; for example how things would be different for Rebecca now that she was dating Asher. Things like paparazzi and lack of privacy would be an issue now. However, all these things didn’t deter Rebecca from being with Asher, it would be a challenge to deal with such things but she knew it would work out.

  The two finished their meal and settled on the couch where Rebecca sat on Asher’s lap facing him.

  “So you think you can handle this lifestyle?”

  Asher’s hands went to grip her ass delivering a hard squeeze to them. Rebecca leaned down to kiss his lips. She pulled back from the kiss with a smile on her face.

  “For you, I’m willing to try.”


  Bonus Story 6/40

  Her Dream Come True

  Tessa James held the lottery ticket in her shaking hand, and stuffed it back in her pocket to hide it from the people milling about the corner store. She couldn’t believe her eyes when the scanner had declared her a winner. And not just any winner, but the winner.

  She had to get out of Alta Loma quickly and find the nearest lotto office before someone found out she was carrying millions in her pocket.

  The only problem was, Tessa didn’t have a car and she had no idea where to find the nearest California lottery office.

  She walked out of the store briskly, passing a homeless man on her way. He was a regular, sitting in the streets day after day with a sign pleading for help. Tessa always gave what she could, but living on her own and barely scraping by herself made it hard for her to do anything.

  But today was different.

  She reached into her left pocket, the lotto ticket still firmly shoved into her right pocket-and pulled out a ten dollar bill. She placed it in his hand, smiling at him warmly.

  “Hey Sid, what’s the good news today?”

  “The world’s going to end any day now, Baby, but you’ll be fine until the end.”

  Tessa guessed Sid’s age to be about sixty, a full forty something years older than Tessa herself. She didn’t know what had led the man to become street dependent, but she could guess. Most everyone she knew was one missed paycheck away from living on the street. Tessa was no exception to this, thoug
h her situation had changed drastically overnight.

  The trolley station was within sight, and Tessa breathed a sigh of relief. It would only take her a few minutes to get out of crime-ridden Alta Loma and to the downtown area. Once there, she would find a quiet place to get the information she needed.

  She looked at her watch. It was only ten in the morning. She had plenty of time.

  She flashed her monthly pass to the metro guard and climbed the stairs of the middle car. The only open seat was next to a middle-aged white man, so Tessa smiled at him and asked him if the seat was open.

  To her surprise, he smiled back and moved over, giving her plenty of room to sit without being jammed against him. Which was good, since her pocketed hand was between them, and she wasn’t about to let go of the ticket, or bring it out and show it off.

  People had died for much less in her neighborhood.

  Tessa’s stomach was in knots as the Trolley lurched forward and sped between each stop. She tried to breathe slowly, in and out, staying as calm as possible. Which was difficult, because she wanted to scream to the rooftops that she was a millionaire!

  A woman and a small child got on the trolley, sitting across from her and the gentleman beside her. The little girl was no more than four, carrying a tattered dolly that had seen better days. Both the doll and the child had blonde hair and startling blue eyes.

  The little girl looked at Tessa, smiling broadly and waving her little pinky finger at Tessa.

  “Can I touch your hair?” the little girl blurted out, completely unashamed.

  “Jenny, don’t be rude,” the mom turned to Tessa and smiled an apology, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” Tessa said, smiling at the little girl. “Of course you can touch my hair.”

  She bent over and the little girl reached out, feeling Tessa’s hair and marveling at the texture.


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