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Suburban Cyborg

Page 93

by Gloria Martin

  “So, you really had nothing to do with that award?” I asked again.

  “Nope.” He smiled. I saw the honesty in his eyes.

  “And what about me getting the job? I just can’t help but wonder I got the job because of… how you feel.” He dropped a spoon of batter on the stove and turned to face me. He leaned over the counter on his forearms and distracted me with the road map leading to his calloused hands.

  “I decided to hire you the moment I saw your resume. When you came into the office I was more than surprised. I expected an older woman.” I giggled when the irony hit. “What?”

  “Nothing, it’s just that I expected you to be older too.” He gazed back at me. I felt that tether pull again.

  “I am a bit older than you.” He smiled.

  “Yeah, by two years. That’s nothing.” I smiled. It was easier to talk to him now because we had made sweet love hours ago. He laughed and turned back to the stove.

  I walked over to the living room and turned on the television. The first headline on E! News was the gala from last night, they profiled the guests and award winners. I was surprised to see myself but at least the picture was good.

  “Oh my God!” I exclaimed when I saw a picture of Cade and I hand in hand, entering the ballroom. He looked flawless, gorgeous, and I didn’t even know pictures were being taken but I looked pretty okay.

  “What?” Cade came over and stood next to me.

  “We’re on the news.” I whispered.

  “You’ll get used to it.” He laughed and kissed my cheek. “Come on, breakfast is ready.” I could get used to him saying that.


  I felt like a rock star by the time we returned from my parent’s house. It sucked being away from Cade for that long but it gave me the time I needed to think. At first, I thought being with him wasn’t worth jeopardizing my career and the opinions of my co-workers, but the time away from him showed me just how much I already cared for him.

  I spoke to him every night on the phone or over video chat. He spent Christmas with his friend Derek, whom I have yet to meet. But apparently, that’s what we’re doing tonight. We returned to work the week after New Year’s., Laney was helping me decide what to wear, as usual.

  “Why didn’t you tell your parents about him?” She asked me as she rummaged through my closet.

  “I don’t know, I thought it would make it too real. Plus, you know my dad. He would insist on meeting him.” I laughed.

  “It is real though, I mean you’re meeting his best friend. Guys never let you meet their ‘bro’ unless it’s official.” She made air quotes.

  “I guess… you should come with us tonight.” I thought aloud.

  “I don’t know; I have a lot of work to do.”

  “Oh please, you’re the fun magnet. And I’m actually really nervous about meeting his friend.”

  “Maybe… jeez. Have you even unpacked yet?”

  “I’ve been busy.” As soon as we got back, we moved a few days later then I had to get back to work.

  “I got it.” She threw a simple outfit on the bed. Dark blue jeans, black t-shirt and my ox-blood colored leather jacket. “You should wear those tan boots with it.” I looked at her meaningfully, she still hadn’t answered me.

  “Derek is single.” I sang. She smirked at me and sat next to me on the bed.

  “I’ve never really done the whole relationship thing, remember?” Since I had known her, every attempt to have a relationship was tossed aside.

  “Yeah, but I still don’t want to go alone.” I begged. The way Cade talks about Derek tells me that he is one to be impressed. Especially since he knew his wife, I feel like I have big shoes to fill.

  “Fine.” She sighed heavily and left to go get ready.

  We were going to an advanced screening of some foreign film. I was surprised he liked them as much as I did. We met them there and I spotted them on a spot of the field. He turned and smiled brightly when he saw me.

  “Hey, I brought Laney, I hope you don’t mind.” I said, after he kissed me sweetly.

  “No, of course not. And this is the infamous Derek.” He gestured to his friend. He was a tall, brooding figure. Dark brown hair, blue eyes, chiseled face. It was like they were in a club for the hottest men alive or something.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” He shook my hand.

  “You too… this is my best friend, Laney.” I yanked her so that she would come closer. I couldn’t help but notice his face change when they looked at each other. I felt like a matchmaker.

  “Hi, I’m Derek.” He shook her hand longer than necessary.

  “I’m Laney.” Cade and I shared the same look, we both felt like proud parents.

  I snuggled up next to Cade the whole movie. Laney pretended she didn’t like Derek but I could tell just by looking at them. Their hands were itching to touch each other. I itched to touch Cade all over but I settled for resting against his chest. He would often kiss my head and breathe in my scent, surely I didn’t smell as good as his fresh, woodsy, clean aroma. I felt like a high school girl again, on a date with the school’s most eligible bachelor… he makes me feel all kinds of things.

  “How about we get some dinner.” Derek suggested, as we were leaving the movie. We all agreed and decided on a secluded spot nearby. I ordered the chicken fettucine plate.

  “So, Derek, what do you do with your time?” I asked him, since Laney wasn’t doing any of the talking. We sat across from them at a booth. She avoided his gaze.

  “I’m a music producer. I work in the sound room mostly.”

  “Really? Laney is the quite the connoisseur in music herself.” I bragged. She nudged me with her knee but I ignored her.

  “Really?” He asked her.

  “Yeah. I’m still in school getting my doctorate but I’m on contract composing music for short films.” She said quietly.

  “That’s impressive. We have been looking for someone to work in our film sector for quite a while now. It’s fairly new but promising.” She nodded but didn’t say anything back. She is difficult.

  The awkward silence was immense. I enjoyed the food but Laney was making things difficult. I never really knew why she hated dating so much.

  “I had a really nice time.” I told Cade on the walk back to the car.

  “Why don’t we continue at my place?” He leaned down and whispered in my ear. I smiled and bit my lip, tearing my eyes away from his smoldering green emeralds.

  “Laney, you take the car back home. I’ll be back later tonight, or tomorrow morning.” I added. She nodded and took the keys. I pulled her off to the side, away from Derek.

  “Why are you being so mean to him?” I whispered harshly.

  “I’m not. He asked me to go back to his place. He wants to show me his music.”

  “Well, that’s great.” I smiled.

  “No. I know what that means.” She said skeptically.

  “He doesn’t seem like that kind of guy.”

  “Even if he isn’t. I’m still in the box, you know.” I giggled at her reference. I admired her ability to abstain from sex for all this time, she was waiting for the right guy.

  “I know. Please, give him a chance. For me?” She looked at me and agreed.


  We got into our respective cars and drove off. Before I knew it, I was out of my clothes and in Cade’s arms.

  “You always feel so good, Salena.” I shivered when he said my name. His lips traveled down my body and didn’t leave a centimeter of me untouched.

  “Cade.” I breathed when he moved to my nether regions. He looked up at me through his lashes and kissed my wet folds. I gasped and arched my back.

  “I’ve wanted to taste you.” He breathed against me and did it again. This time his tongue pressed against my sensitive nub and flicked against it.

  “Oh, yes.” I breathed and fisted my fingers in his hair, latching him to me.

  I rubbed my heel against his chiseled back beneat
h me. His skilled tongue was driving me insane.

  “Oh Cade!” I cried out as I climaxed. I was still trembling when he moved and pressed his lips to mine. I reached down and grasped his growing member in my hand, eliciting a groan from him. I bit my lip nervously and rolled us over so that I was on top.

  “What-” I pressed my finger to his lips to silence him. I was already nervous enough. He took my hands in his as I lowered myself onto him.

  “Ungg.” he groaned, as I surrounded him. I threw my head back at the feeling. He was so deep. He completely filled me.

  I steadied myself in his hand as my other hand braced against his chest. I could feel his heart beating against my hand. He looked right into my eyes as I rode him, steady and not too fast. He shuddered and closed his eyes. I could tell he was as close as I was. I lowered myself onto him completely and moved in circles, surprising both of us and taking us both to the top.

  “That was unexpected.” He gasped, as I collapsed against his chest.

  “Yeah. So was… um… what you did.” I looked up at him as I trailed my finger over his chest. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

  “I guess we’re both full of surprises.”

  I pulled the covers up over us and stared back at him.

  “What do you think of Derek and Laney?” I asked him.

  “I don’t know.” he shrugged. “He has always been awkward around women. I don’t know why.”

  “Well Laney is the same way. She’s never really dated anyone.”

  “Then maybe they will be good for each other.” He laughed. He ran his finger across my forehead and kissed me softly.

  “Maybe this isn’t the best time to say this. I had something more romantic planned.”

  “For what?” I asked him in confusion.

  “Since Nicole, my wife, I haven’t really opened up to anyone like I have with you. I was afraid to get hurt again, and not just because she died but because of the problems we had.”

  “What problems?” I remembered him saying they were about to divorce when she got sick.

  “We had different plans. I wanted kids and she didn’t. That was the biggest one.”

  “I see.” I hope he wasn’t asking if I wanted kids. I never really thought about it but I knew I was getting older. Once things got serious with Cade, I can’t say the thought never crossed my mind.

  “Salena, you’ve captured my heart. Made me have hope again, for a less lonely future. I hope you feel the same way.” He smiled, but I could tell he meant to say something else.

  “I do feel the same way.” He smiled and kissed me again. The last thing I remember was his heavy breathing before I fell asleep.


  “A date on a boat says a lot to me.” Laney sang. I rolled my eyes as I rolled my hair into curls. She was insisting this date was different than the rest but he is just a very extravagant person with expensive toys.

  “How was your date with Derek?” I changed the subject.

  “It was fine.” I turned to stare her down. “Fine. I like him. He’s smart and he loves music as much as I do.”

  “And he’s hot.” She smiled and agreed. I finished my make-up and applied cherry red lip stick.

  “Help me zip this up.” I bought a new dress just for this occasion. It stopped just above my knees. The burnt pink color contrasted against my caramel skin nicely. The front swooped down to my stomach and accentuated my breasts. My hair fell in loose curls across my bare back.

  “Oh my goodness, he is going to love it!” She was happy with her work.

  “Thanks.” the doorbell rang. “It’s him.” I smiled.

  He whisked me away like a princess. When he said boat, I expected something quaint, this was not. It was a yacht, no smaller than 200 yards.

  “It’s new. I wanted you to be the first to take a ride.” He smiled and I looked again, noticing the writing on the end.

  I looked at him, shocked to say the least.

  “I’ll explain later, a tour first.” How could I concentrate? He named a yacht after me!

  It was like a mini house. It had a small kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, even a little sitting area. It was breathtaking. We reached a room just off the kitchen, which was set up with candles and two place settings.

  “This is amazing, Cade.” I said as I turned toward him. His face was serious. He looked at me with those shining green eyes.

  “Salena.” He took my hands in his. “After meeting you, I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone as much as I love you.” I gasped quietly. “I have fallen in love with you, so completely and so deeply. You make me happier than anyone ever has.” I looked up at him in surprise, I wanted to tell him that he made me happy too, that he’s the reason I get up in the morning, but I just couldn’t.

  No one has ever said that to me before and I don’t know what to say.” He stepped closer to me and looked into my eyes.

  “You don’t know what to say?”

  “I do. I just can’t say it.” He breathed a sigh of relief. He kissed my forehead softly and pressed his face to mine.

  “Then I’ll keep saying it for you. I love you Salena Martell.” He caught the falling tear from my face and held me close to him. I was exactly where I wanted to be.

  “We never got to take the boat out.” He said. He whisked me away early Saturday morning. I was glad my fear had subsided. I could be with him I just couldn’t tell him I loved him.

  I wondered where he learned to sail, he was perfect at it. The yacht glided across the water toward the sunset. He smiled at me from behind the wheel and stalled the boat once we were far enough.

  “It’s beautiful.” He held me in his arms as we watched the sunset.

  “Not like you are though.” He smiled. I turned to look at him and he smiled down at me. I ran my fingers across his face and kissed him softly.

  “I love you too, Cade. So much.” I breathed. He smiled against my lips and kissed me, lifting me up and swinging me around.

  “You are my light Salena. You are my love.”


  Bonus Story 29/40

  After the Party

  The first day of college is always the scariest. That’s what Logan Peters’ dad told him the night before he arrived at Roth University. Logan’s dad was an alumnus of Roth and could not have been prouder when his son was admitted. The Peters children had been going to Roth since its establishment. It had become a tradition and Logan was just as proud to share in it.

  As a ‘legacy kid’, Logan was set up with a pretty sizeable scholarship, but his true prize was the huge football scholarship he had been awarded. While other Peters men had gotten into Roth based on their scholastic achievements, Logan was the first to gain acceptance through his skill on the field. He was amazing. There was not a quarterback in his school district that could match him. Since his sophomore year of high school, he was the talk of the town as a future NFL star.

  His family, however, would never allow him to pursue a career in football without a college degree. And so, he was at college.

  It was Logan’s first day, and he sat in his dorm throwing his football in the air. Suddenly, the door opened as a young man in a blue polo and khaki shorts entered his room.

  Logan sat up and looked at the newcomer; smiling. “Kevin?” he asked. The young man smiled and nodded.

  “You must be Logan!” he said. “Nice to meet you.” The two young men shook hands as Kevin proceeded to bring in his luggage.

  “How long you been here?” he asked.

  Logan shrugged. “Probably around two hours or so,” he said. “I claimed the left side of the room. I hope that’s okay.”

  Kevin chuckled. “It’s cool man,” he said. “Just as long as I get the spot closest to the window.” Logan raised an eyebrow, making Kevin laugh more. “Check outside.”

  Curious, Logan moved towards the window and pulled down one of the blinds. What he saw was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen. A bevy of coeds were laying
on the lawn of the quad either playing games, gossiping or working on their tans.

  “Whoa,” he said in awe.

  Kevin smirked as he continued to put his clothes away. “I know, right?”

  “Yeah,” said Logan as he moved away from the blinds. Logan had broken up with the girl he had been dating for three years, at his father’s suggestion. He told him that school was the most important thing and that he didn’t need a long distance relationship to distract from what was most important. Logan agreed, and now he was kind of glad he did. When he saw those girls out on the lawn, he saw a buffet ready to be devoured.

  “Wipe the drool off your chin, bro,” said Kevin. Logan laughed. He could tell he was going to like Kevin very much. The continued their time getting to know one another. Kevin was a football player on the team as well and was a new wide receiver. Unlike Logan, Kevin’s grades in high school were enough to get him into Roth. Logan thought this was particularly good since Kevin was a math major and that happened to be his weakest area.

  Once Kevin had unpacked, the two decided to go down to the student center together where they encountered many more students socializing and getting a feel for the campus. Different clubs, fraternities and sororities had already set up booths to try and recruit new members. Kevin nodded towards the fraternity booths.

  “What do you think?” he asked. “You going to pledge?” Logan shrugged.

  “Don’t know,” he said. “Kind of feels like I would miss out on the college experience if I didn’t though.” The two smirked as they approached the booths. In truth, Logan had every intention of pledging. Because of his low grades, Logan was at first not going to be accepted into Roth. However, a call to a man in admissions, who just so happened to be a brother in his father’s fraternity, was able to help seal the deal and get him in. If the fraternity could help him in other areas of his life, he was willing to pledge to whatever!


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