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Tall, Dark, and Deadly: Seven Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance

Page 37

by Laura Kaye

  “So you and your brothers were sent here to stop him.”


  When she opened her mouth to speak again, he motioned to their food. “Let’s eat.”

  Sighing, she nodded. They ate the rest of their lunch in companionable silence, and then started back toward their hotel with their masks back in place.

  A few blocks from the hotel, Brynn asked, “What are your lives like at home?”

  What could he say to that? It was dangerous, but she wouldn’t want to hear that. And unfulfilling. “Me and my brothers mostly work, and we’re lucky to have jobs. There isn’t much in the way of occupation in Infernum.”

  “Really? What does everyone do, then?”

  He snorted. “Every demon’s occupation is to avoid getting killed, and for many of them, to find a way off the damn world.”

  “So, you don’t have anyone waiting for you back at home? A wife? Children?”

  Now her questions were becoming too personal for his comfort. “No.”

  Brynn quickly averted her eyes. “Oh.”

  They entered the lobby, and he followed her into the elevator, taking off his mask. She did the same. When her gaze didn’t meet his eyes, he realized she was embarrassed.

  Shit. He hadn’t meant to make her feel bad about questioning him. It wasn’t like she’d known she was going to hit on a sore subject.

  “I would like to have a family,” he grudgingly admitted. “But my world is too dangerous.”

  She met his gaze, not bothering to hide her surprise. “Have you ever thought about leaving?”

  Had he ever thought about it? Sometimes it was all he thought about.

  “I’ve requested clearance, but it’s been continuously denied. One of the hazards of being a productive citizen of my world, I suppose. Those who don’t benefit Infernum are generally the only ones granted visits to the other worlds, since so many of them fail to return.”

  “But then don’t you have to track them down?”

  His lips twisted into a brief smile. “Only the dangerous ones.”

  She didn’t seem to notice when they got to their floor, not until the elevator door began to close and he stuck his hand out to stop it. He held it open for her, trying in vain to ignore the way the perfume of her essence wrapped around him. But when her arm brushed against his chest while she exited the elevator, he couldn’t ignore how his skin heated and his heart thumped.

  This woman was dangerous, and not just to the world.

  Alarmingly out of control, he edged in front of her and walked toward their suite, his legs not moving fast enough. Ronin would provide just the buffer he needed. And now. By the time Brynn caught up with him, he’d already reached the door and retrieved the key card from his pocket.

  She closed her fingers around his arm. “Keegan, did I say something wrong?”

  Damn it. She’d touched him. He glared at the hand that rested on his arm, then slowly brought his gaze up to her face. Something in his eyes must have frightened her, because she inhaled, her pupils large and unfocused. The air around them changed, grew heavier. Blood rushed into his ears with a low, roaring sound, overpowering all his other senses.

  “Keegan?” Her voice came out breathy as she tilted her head in question.

  Fuck it. He couldn’t hold back anymore. He needed to know what she tasted like. Just once.

  He grasped her hand, pulled her forward so that her back hit the door to their suite, until she fully faced him. Even over her heavy coat, he felt the rapid beat of her heart, like a frightened rabbit. Moving slowly enough to give her a chance to turn away, he bent his head toward hers.

  Her lips curved into a smile, clearly welcoming him. He groaned and crushed her to him, claimed her mouth in a kiss that was hauntingly familiar, while at the same time completely new.

  She moaned, flicking her tongue against his lips as she molded her body to his.

  Devil, but she was intoxicating. She tasted of the most exotic essence of fruit, as if she were meant to be devoured. Right now, that was all he wanted to do—peel the layers of clothes off her body and taste every delicious inch of her bare flesh. He would wrap her legs around his waist, sink into her warm flesh, and pound away inside her until he took them both into oblivion.

  No. He couldn’t do this. It was wrong, like the worst sort of betrayal to her and to his brothers. To the damned Council, even.

  Aw, hell.

  Brynn whimpered in protest as he broke away. Muttering an oath, he hit his fist against the wall, leaving a dent.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “We can’t.” He turned around to face her. “No, we can’t do this.”

  “I don’t understand.” Her face, still softened with desire, took on a pleading expression. “So what if things become more complicated? They already are more complicated.”

  She was right. She didn’t understand, didn’t know what was at stake here. And he would never tell her. Damn Mammon. Damn the Council for putting him in this position.

  There was only one way to push her away: lie to her.

  He shook his head, letting out a bitter laugh. “You don’t understand. I’ve already got enough problems having to babysit you all over the fucking place. You think this is fun for me?”

  She stared at him, stunned. “I thought—”

  “Yeah, you thought,” he bit out. “For one second, maybe you should think about something besides yourself. I’ve got enough to deal with right now. I don’t need any more complications.”

  Her eyes went round as saucers. “But…”

  Stomping forward, he swiped the key card across the lock, then pushed the door open. “Get inside.”

  She obeyed, turning to look back at him. The confused, hurt expression on her face almost destroyed him. “Keegan, I—”

  Without another word, he yanked the door shut.


  Brynn stared at the door for several long minutes, blinking back the frustrated moisture that threatened to leak out of her eyes. What was that all about? He was the one who’d pulled her in for a kiss. Then he’d broken away all offended, like she’d stolen it from him or something. Was he out of his mind?

  She stalked into the parlor, throwing the mask to the floor.

  Where did he get off treating her like that? It wasn’t like she’d begged him to kiss her. He’d been just as willing a participant as she was in the whole thing. She didn’t understand him at all.

  She moved out to the balcony and looked below to where crowds of people still milled about, many of them probably headed toward the next parade or to one of the numerous novelty shops. Her body was a mass of quivering nerves, fury blending with the remnants of sexual desire. What a mess her life had become.

  Random spots of color caught her eye as she looked down into the crowd. All the chaos down there was beautiful, in its own strange way. Her fingers itched with the sudden urge to paint. But she hadn’t packed any art supplies when she’d been at her apartment. The demons had attacked before she could decide what to bring, and afterward…well, she hadn’t thought much of anything other than the monsters lying in her living room.

  She could really use her paints now. It was the one thing she could always count on to calm her down. Biting her lip, Brynn glanced back inside the suite. Keegan had stormed off somewhere to do God knows what, and Ronin was apparently still holed away in his room researching. Her gaze moved down to the mask lying on the floor. She wouldn’t foolishly put herself in a dangerous position just because she was angry, but Keegan had said they should be safe enough on the streets wearing their masks.

  She’d find some supplies, maybe even be back before they noticed she was missing…

  He would kill her if he found out. But right now, she didn’t care. Taking a deep breath, she went inside and grabbed the mask, then snatched a spare key card and some money from the coffee table. After a quick peek outside the door to make sure Keegan wasn’t still there, she put on her mask and left.<
br />
  Chapter Thirteen

  “You’re such a dick, Keegan.”

  He’d been called a great many names in his life, but none as bad as what he was calling himself right now. He leaned against the side of the hotel building. What a tool he was. He’d been a total ass to Brynn. And what had she done, other than allow him to kiss her?

  “Fucking douchebag,” he muttered.

  The guy in front of him heard, and must have thought Keegan was talking to him because he whirled around, an indignant look on his face. From the way he stumbled and almost fell, it was obvious he’d drank way too much. But not enough that he didn’t see the deadly glimmer in Keegan’s eye and backed down.

  “Sorry,” the guy mumbled before rushing away.

  How could he treat Brynn like that, all because of his own attraction to her? Because of his own weakness? When she had touched his arm, questions written all over her face, he’d been unable to stop himself. He’d had to kiss her, and damn the consequences.

  It was all his fault.

  He banged his head against the building. If he was going to blame others for his own shortcomings, he was no better than his father.

  He refused to be like him. Would never be like that.

  Keegan pushed away from the wall and strode back into the lobby. He rode the elevator, wondering how he would apologize to her. He’d be lucky if he could spit the words out without her taking a swing at his head. And if she did, he wouldn’t blame her. In fact, he’d probably let her.

  He entered their suite and walked to Brynn’s door, rapping lightly. “Brynn?”

  When there was no answer, he knocked again, repeating her name.

  Again, no answer.

  He hovered at the door, uncertain if he should open it. What if he caught her in a state of undress the way Ronin had earlier? He didn’t want to intrude on her privacy. But at the same time, he had to make sure she was okay and tell her he was sorry.

  Keegan slowly swung the door open and poked his head inside. “Brynn?”

  Her bathroom door was wide open, and the light off. He went inside and peeked around. Anxiety gripped him when he realized she wasn’t there. After jogging to his and Ronin’s room, he opened the door. His brother sat at the small desk, tapping away at his laptop.

  Ronin didn’t bother looking up. “What’s up?”

  “Where’s Brynn?”

  “What?” Ronin jerked his head up. “I thought she was with you.”

  “Oh, shit.” He turned and ran to the parlor, then the balcony.

  Ronin followed, not far behind. “I don’t understand. You two went out a few hours ago.”

  He turned to face his brother and admitted his failure. “I dropped her off here and left about half an hour ago.”

  “Without telling me?” Ronin grabbed the collar of Keegan’s jacket. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Fuck off.” Keegan pushed him away.

  Ronin staggered backward but came at him again, shoving him against the wall. Keegan fought back, snarling, before his brother tore away from him. “Stop. Let’s stop. This isn’t helping anything.”

  Keegan’s chest heaved as the bloodlust dissipated. Ronin was right. Each moment they stood here fighting each other like dumb assholes was another moment when Brynn could be getting farther away.

  “Could she have been taken?”

  Ronin thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. “No. At least, not here. I would have known.”

  “Okay. So she’s out there somewhere. We’ll go look for her. She’s probably wearing a mask,” he said, and described it.

  “Got it. Do you think she’s in the hotel somewhere, or could she have left the building?”

  The most dangerous thing for her to do would have been to leave the building. Somehow, Keegan had a feeling that was exactly what she’d done. “Let’s look outside.”

  They raced downstairs, neither of them bothering to mention the obvious fact that finding her among this crowd would be nearly impossible. He wasn’t going to think about it. They had to find her, for their sakes. For her sake.

  When they reached the outside, Keegan motioned to the right. “You go that way. I’ll head over here.”

  “Done.” Ronin rushed off.

  Keegan raced down the street, searching every alley and corner along the way. He found a few women wearing Brynn’s mask, and when he’d ripped them away, one screamed, another stared at him dumbfounded, and two giggled and tried to kiss him. An hour later, evening neared, and he’d had no luck finding her.

  With a heavy heart, Keegan walked back toward the hotel. What was he going to do? What if she’d been taken? It would mean disastrous things, not only for the world but for Brynn.

  He was two blocks away when he saw a woman up ahead, moving in the same direction as he. She carried a shopping bag in her hand, a mask tied around her head, and her clothes and hair matched Brynn’s. He raced to her and whirled her around.

  She jumped, a fearful look in her eyes, until she recognized him. “Keegan,” she breathed, looking relieved.

  Damn, he thought he’d lost her. He’d thought…

  He hugged her to him, burying her head in his chest.

  “Argh, you’re suffocating me,” Brynn choked out.

  “Sorry.” He pulled away, closing his eyes for a moment. “I was worried about you.”

  “I’m sorry. I just—”

  Relief suddenly gave way to fury. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her. “What the hell is wrong with you?”


  “Do you know how dangerous this was?”

  A passerby saw them and stopped. “Ma’am, are you okay? Do you need help?”

  “Fuck off,” he said, shooting the man an icy glare.

  The man appeared frightened, but he stood his ground. “Ma’am?”

  Brynn turned to give him a shaky nod. “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Suit yourself.” The man shrugged and stalked off.

  “Come on.” Keegan took her arm and half dragged her toward the hotel. Standing inside the elevator, he punched the button for their floor, taking deep, full breaths to calm his rage.

  “I… I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Take off that fucking mask.”

  Fingers trembling, she obeyed.

  When the elevator opened on their floor, he led her to their suite and ushered her inside. “Go to your room. I have to call Ronin and let him know I found you.”

  Keegan was half surprised when she didn’t argue or bristle at his tone, just walked into her room and closed the door. He took out his cell phone and called his brother. A low beep came from the room he shared with Ronin. Following the sound, he found his brother’s cell phone lying next to his laptop.

  “Shit,” Keegan said, hanging up the phone. Ronin must have forgotten all about it in their haste to find Brynn.

  He gave himself a few minutes to calm down before he went to Brynn’s room and opened the door without knocking. She sat on the bed, her coat thrown haphazardly to the floor in front of her.

  He couldn’t hide the note of accusation in his voice. “Don’t you realize what could have happened if Mammon’s minions had found you?”

  Fire burned in her eyes. Her voice quivered. “I was upset, and I needed to paint. It’s the only thing that calms me. So I went to get some supplies.”

  She motioned toward her shopping bag.

  Keegan sighed and closed his eyes, racked with guilt. He was such an ass. He’d never bothered to ask her if she needed anything to help her relax—hadn’t even thought about it.

  “Why did you act like that earlier?” she asked.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he replied, ruthlessly tossing those guilty feelings aside. No matter how shitty he’d behaved, she shouldn’t have left the room. She should have known better. And he should have known better than to leave like that. “You are not to leave this hotel without Ronin or me, understood?”

  “Listen,” she said, standing. She
walked toward him, stopping just a few feet away. “I know you’re trying to protect me and all, but you need to chill. You said it was safe enough out there.”

  Protect her? That was a laugh. Little did she know, she wasn’t his ward. She was his prisoner.

  “Even if there weren’t demons out looking for you,” he said, “the streets are filled with drunk, crazy assholes.”

  “I had my mask on, for God’s sake. Besides, have you forgotten what I can do to humans? In fact, one drunken idiot did try to feel me up, and all I had to do was touch him with one finger and he fell to the ground.”

  His hands clenched into involuntary fists. “Someone tried to touch you?”

  “And I protected myself,” Brynn said. “Like I’ve done all of my life.”

  His fury built to a crescendo. But not at her, at the nameless guy who’d tried to grab her. He wanted to head downstairs so he could find the man, but it wasn’t like he knew who it was—he’d have to kill every guy on the street.

  “Brynn, you are not to go out alone.”

  She stared at him, chest heaving as her gaze shimmered with unspoken fury.

  “Why did you act that way earlier?” she asked.

  He refused to back down, and he wouldn’t give her what she wanted, wouldn’t bare his soul. She was the one who would answer to him. That was the way it had to be.

  Keegan ground his teeth together as he pushed off the wall and walked to her, knowing full well that his height would intimidate her. But he used it anyway. She had to understand that she couldn’t just waltz out of here whenever the mood struck her. “You stay in the suite. Do. You. Understand?”

  “Don’t talk to me like that.”

  She hurled her fist toward his face. At the last moment, he caught it and swung her around, her back knocking against the wall. He stood in front of her in an instant, imprisoning her with his body. Taking her wrists in his hands, he pinned them above her head.

  This time he didn’t feel so guilty about the fear in her eyes. Not when they unmistakably intertwined with excitement.

  “Don’t push me,” he warned, his face inches from hers.


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