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Tall, Dark, and Deadly: Seven Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance

Page 40

by Laura Kaye

  Three hurricanes later, Brynn definitely felt warmer, even though night had already fallen. The citrus punch was deceptively mellow-tasting. She was also well on her way to becoming shitfaced.

  Somehow they ended up migrating to one of the countless night parades, and to her surprise, even Keegan seemed to enjoy it. She stood on her tiptoes to speak into his ear. “Guess they don’t have anything like this where you come from, huh?”

  “Like this?” He glanced toward several women who stood nearby, baring their breasts as a float sailed by. His gaze stuck there for a long moment before flashing back to her. “No, not quite.”

  Brynn laughed and shook her head. Keegan might be a demon, but in many respects, he was still a typical male.

  Crowds of people swarmed around them, adding to the street’s pulsing energy. Even though they kept getting jostled around, she didn’t feel unsafe. No doubt it had everything to do with the demon standing next to her. Practically speaking, that blew her whole demon assassin theory right out of the water.

  “Hey, babe.” A drunken college-age kid sidled up to her, holding up a few strings of beads. “Show me your tits, and I’ll give you some beads.”

  “Fuck off,” Keegan said, shoving the kid to the side.

  “Hey,” he protested. But then he sized up Keegan—who towered at least an entire head taller—and must have realized he wasn’t that drunk.

  “Thanks.” Brynn gave him an appreciative smile and he grinned back before tugging her in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her and suddenly, she wasn’t at all cold anymore. Not when she had her own personal furnace, heating her in more ways than one. Her heart gave a little thump in her chest before resuming at a staccato beat that warmed her blood and flushed her cheeks. Despite all the craziness of the past few days, it almost seemed worth it to have this one moment in time.

  With a sudden, blinding intensity, she realized she’d begun to fall for Keegan. Hard.

  If anyone had told her last week that she’d be falling for a demon, she would have laughed him or her all the way to the insane asylum. But now that it was happening, it felt right. Destined, even. Demon or not, he was more like her than anyone she’d ever met. He understood what it was like to be different. He knew what she could do, and he didn’t care.

  She held him tightly against her, and settled in to watch more of the parade. Concentrating wasn’t easy, though, with Keegan pressed to her back. Having him so close turned her on in ways she couldn’t even explain. And if she wasn’t mistaken by the hardness she felt at her back, he felt the same way.

  The parade ended after what seemed like hours. Keegan grabbed her hand and gently tugged her along. “Come on, we’d better head back.”

  They walked a few blocks before she stopped him. “Wait.” She didn’t want to have this conversation with Ronin in the next room.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Sliding her hands in her pockets to calm her sudden shivers, she moved close enough that he could easily hear her. “We need to talk. About yesterday.”

  Keegan adopted a disgruntled expression and leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. “Brynn…”

  “Don’t blow me off again.” She took a deep breath, as if that would help calm her nerves. It didn’t. “We need to talk about what happened.”

  He opened his eyes and shook his head. “We lost control. That’s all that happened. Situations like this…life and death…they tend to work up your emotions—”

  “Oh, come on. You’re not going to tell me that none of what happened was real, are you? Because I know what I felt, and it was most definitely real.”

  “It’s not. Think about all you’ve been through these last few days. It’s natural that you would—”

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it.”


  She inched even closer, so close that Keegan’s heat penetrated her coat, and lifted a hand to his cheek. “I’m being chased by a sadistic madman who wants me just because of who I’m apparently related to. You’re doing a great job of protecting me, but who knows what the future holds? For all I know, I may very well be dead tomorrow. Is it wrong for me to want a little something good in my life right now?”

  He pressed his cheek deeper into her palm, his expression softening, though he didn’t respond.

  “I like you,” she continued, because now that she’d started, she might as well get it all out. “And it must be obvious that I want you. No complications. No strings. What’s wrong with that?”

  Keegan inhaled, his eyes glazing over with a hint of lust she didn’t want him to contain. “Damn it, you don’t know what you’re asking.”

  “I know exactly what I’m asking.”

  “You…” His eyes narrowed into slits while his jaw clenched in an obvious battle for self-control. For a moment she thought he would pull away. But then, with a muffled curse, he reached for her.


  Grabbing her waist, he hauled her to him, crushing his lips to hers, heating her from the inside out. She threw her arms around his neck, unable to stop herself from undulating against him. Keegan severed contact, then led her into a little alleyway between two buildings a few feet away. It was damp and dark and smelled like piss, but she didn’t care about that right now. At least it was empty.

  He pushed her back against the wall and kissed her again.

  “I want to feel you,” she whispered, uncaring how brazen she acted right now. She wanted him and she wasn’t afraid to say it.

  Sucking in his breath, he unzipped his jacket and pulled it open. With deft fingers, he unbuttoned her heavy coat and pulled that open, too. Stinging cold whipped through the air, buffeting her body. But then he moved closer and pulled the ends of her coat around his sides. It acted as the perfect shield.

  “This is wrong,” he rasped, skewering her with the intensity of his gaze. If his eyes hadn’t told her he wanted her, the hardness of his arousal pressing against her would have.

  “No.” She shook her head in denial. If he stopped now, she’d kill him.

  “It is,” he insisted, even as he hungrily ran his gaze over the upper swell of her breasts. His voice sounded tortured and resigned, all in one. “But I still want more.”

  Lowering his lips to hers, he slid his warm hands under her sweater and up to her breasts, where he cupped them over her bra. He slipped his thumbs underneath the fabric and rubbed them across her nipples, and his rock-hard erection burned a hole where it pressed against her hip.

  “You feel so good,” she confessed. She pushed her hands underneath his shirt, warming them on his hot flesh. Like silk over steel. She couldn’t get enough.

  “Brynn.” He breathed her name like it was a prayer. Like she was his salvation. He tugged her tight jeans open and tugged them down until they were low enough to slide his fingers inside her panties. His nostrils flared as he inhaled. “Already so wet.”

  He found her clitoris and used the tip of his index finger to rub against it in a way that made her immediately squirm and pant for breath. She moved her hands to the fly of his jeans and clumsily unzipped them, dropping them low to free his erection. He was so hot and hard in her hands, and merely looking at him made her mouth water.

  He groaned as she moved her hands up and down on him. She slid lower to hold his testicles, as his fingers slid between her slickened folds. He thrust one of them inside her. Unable to help herself, she cried out, and he bent his head to swallow the sound.

  His fingers moved in and out of her, each upward thrust bringing her to her toes. She let loose a throaty moan and, after one final thrust, came apart in his arms. Arching her back, she tightened her fist around his arousal and sucked his tongue into her mouth. Lord, she longed to be closer to him, as close as two people could get.

  He held her tightly as she rode out her climax. Her legs shook so badly she wondered if they’d ever support her again. Keegan made her feel so incredible. So invincible. She wanted to make him feel like that, too. />
  Her breath came out in harsh pants as she worked him once again, and he’d become so rigid he pulsed in her hand. Breaking their kiss, he buried his face in her hair. “If you don’t stop, I’m gonna come.”

  “I want you to come,” she whispered, cupping and squeezing his testicles. Right now, she wanted it more than anything.

  With a low cry, he gave in, jerking his hips as he climaxed into her hands. She moaned and licked her lips. Even though she’d already come, the simple act of getting Keegan off made her hot all over again. She tightened her grip, continuing to slide up and down while he shook with the aftermath of his orgasm.

  Finally, he lifted his head to give her another deep, open-mouthed kiss.

  “Next time you come,” she confessed to him huskily, “I want to taste it.”

  He hissed and shuddered, his eyes glazed with desire. “I—”

  They started as a dry voice with a New Orleans accent drawled, “Excuse me, sir, madam…”

  Brynn tipped her head toward the figure standing less than ten feet away, at the entrance to the alley. Oh great. A police officer.

  Thankfully, her long coat shielded much of their bodies. Keegan drew it tighter around him as he addressed the cop. “Good evening, officer.”

  “I’m sure it is,” the officer said, his tone amused. “While I understand and appreciate how much you may be overcome with the joy of these festivities, you need to take it back to your hotel room, okay?”

  “Sorry, officer,” Keegan choked out. “We’ll be gone in just a moment.”

  “You do that now.”

  Brynn hid her flaming face in Keegan’s chest while the chuckling police officer turned and walked away. “Well, that was just a little embarrassing.”

  “At least we were wearing most of our clothes,” he said. He rifled in the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a napkin, then used it to wipe her hands clean before tossing it and zipping up his jeans.

  She’d been so into him that she’d forgotten about their surroundings. Worse, she wasn’t the least bit sorry about it. Even though it had happened in a foul-smelling alley, it still counted as one of the best sexual experiences of her life.

  Keegan smiled, then took her hand and led her out of the alley. They took a few steps before he put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. “Come on, we’d better get back.”

  She couldn’t help but be happy. She’d never felt closer to anyone than she did to him right now. And the fact that he was one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever met only made it better.

  He’s mine. For now, at least, he’s all mine.

  She brushed aside that little part of her that insisted on pointing out that he wasn’t a man at all, but a demon. What did that matter?

  “Will you come to my room later? After Ronin is asleep?” Asking it that way made her feel like a schoolgirl with her first crush. It was embarrassing and exhilarating, all at once.

  He hesitated a moment, but then he gave her a soft nod.

  Her nerves calmed. Maybe, just this once, she’d get what she wanted.

  As she’d half expected, Ronin waited up for them back at the hotel suite. He seemed frazzled, like maybe he’d patrolled the suite the whole time they’d been gone. Upon seeing them, he stopped and scowled. “Where the hell have you guys been?”

  “Out walking around.” Keegan frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Taeg and I have both tried calling you, man.”

  Keegan reached into his jacket and retrieved his cell phone. “Battery’s dead. What’s up?”

  Ronin sighed. “Dagan’s missing. It’s been almost a day since Taeg last saw him.”

  The stony silence in the room was almost deafening.

  “Could he maybe be with a woman?” Brynn asked. “I overheard you saying he does that a lot.”

  “No,” Ronin said, shaking his head, his eyes grim. “He would never be gone this long.”

  Keegan frowned at the ground, voicing their general fear. “It’s possible that Mammon got to him.”

  Swearing, Ronin strode over to the nearest wall and punched it. As he pulled his hand out of the drywall, his phone rang.

  “It’s Taeg,” he said before answering. “Hello? Yeah, they just got back… You did? Man, I was so worried.”

  “What is it?” Keegan said, striding forward to take the phone from Ronin.

  “Wait.” Ronin lifted a hand to stop Keegan and sidled away before he could grab it. “Hold on, Taeg.” He looked up at Keegan. “He found Dagan. He’s fine. He got himself into a bit of a mess with a woman.”

  “That fucker,” Keegan snarled.

  “What’s that?” Ronin said, turning his attention back to the phone. “Yeah?”

  He gave Brynn and Keegan a funny look, then moved away again before continuing in a flat tone. “Yeah, I understand. Yeah I know…I know, man. Okay, that’s a plan. All right, I’ll do that.”

  “What is it?” Keegan said as Ronin hung up.

  “Nothing. Just Dagan and his bullshit.” Avoiding Keegan’s glare, he forced a laugh. “Taeg promised him a real beating if he ever pulls something like that again.”

  “Ronin,” Keegan said in a warning tone, slowly backing up, “quit messing with me. What’s going on?”

  Ronin took a deep breath. “I—”

  He cut off abruptly, cocking his head to the side. “Do you feel that?”

  Keegan froze. He turned to Brynn, his eyes wide. “Shit.”

  Her breath hitched as she took in his fear. A sudden burst of adrenaline pumped through her veins, skyrocketing the beat of her heart. If he, of all people, was frightened, then it couldn’t be good.

  “What is it?” she gasped.

  “Demons,” he said grimly.

  “A whole shitload of them,” Ronin added. “And they’re approaching fast.”

  Brynn had time to do no more than take a deep swallow before Keegan grabbed her hand and rushed them toward the door.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Keegan raced Brynn toward the elevators, Ronin only steps behind. About halfway there, the elevator doors opened and a small army exited. The acrid stench of boarg demons assaulted his senses. Why did they always smell like they’d rolled in their own piss?


  “The stairs are back this way,” Ronin called.

  Keegan spun Brynn around to follow his brother, tugging on her arm to move her faster as they hastened toward the stairwell. Seventeen floors were a lot of stairs to take with an army of demons at their backs. But as it turned out, they didn’t make it down one flight before they ran into another group of demons heading up the stairs toward them.

  Ronin halted, staring down at them as if debating whether or not to try and fight his way through anyway. “Son of a bitch.”

  Any other time Keegan would have said, “Hell, yeah,” but he counted at least ten of them, more than he and Ronin could take on without risk of injury. That wasn’t an option now, not when they had Brynn to consider.

  “The roof,” he ordered, doing an about-face and dragging Brynn up the stairs. They’d just reached the top of the landing leading out to the roof when the first group of demons converged with the second, barreling up after them.

  Keegan tried to open the door, but it was locked. He backed up and hurled his body forward, throwing his shoulder against it and easily busting the lock. Closing his hand around Brynn’s, he all but carried her into the frigid night air.

  He froze halfway between the door and the edge of the roof. Brynn let out a harsh gasp beside him but was otherwise silent. The night was dark, but enough artificial light drifted up from the street lamps that the three of them saw what was on the roof—four winged figures. They were hideous, with their leathery gray flesh; webbed, bat-like wings; backward-bending legs; and hooves where their feet should be. Compounded with their seven-foot height and wide, muscular bodies, they were a menacing sight.

  “Guess Mammon anticipated us heading up here,” Ronin said.

>   Keegan nodded. Of course he had.

  “What are they?” Brynn whispered, her voice raspy with fear.

  “Rayamara demons.”

  “They…fly?” she choked out.

  “They fly,” Ronin said.

  They were also very rare, but Mammon had somehow managed to not only locate, but retain, a small number of them. They surrounded the roof, and a small contingent of demons now gathered at his back. They were cornered.

  Just my luck.

  Keegan whirled to face the demons at his back. Scattered across the roof, they slowly stalked forward with devilish smirks on their faces.

  “What now?” Brynn cried.

  “Make a getaway,” Ronin said. “I’ll hold ’em off.”

  “Getaway?” Brynn squeaked. “How can we possibly go? There’s nowhere to go from here.”

  “No,” Keegan said to Ronin. “I’m not leaving you.”

  “There’s too many to fight,” Ronin said.

  His brother was right. They were surrounded by at least fifteen demons.

  “Even if you could hold all of them off, I can’t just abandon you,” Keegan said.

  “Can you…you know?” Ronin asked him.

  Brynn turned to look at Keegan sharply. “Can you what?”

  He ignored her. Now wasn’t the time to answer questions. “It’s never come to me at will before, only by accident.”

  That was the rub of his most powerful ability. It had a mind of its own.

  “What are you talking about?” Brynn asked.

  Ronin ignored Brynn, too. He gave Keegan a look fraught with meaning, reaching out to clasp his shoulder. “Then what choice do you have, man?”

  Keegan fought back the sudden stinging behind his eyes. His brother would gladly give himself up for him, for their cause. But he wasn’t about to abandon Ronin.

  “Come, now,” one of the demons said, stepping apart from the rest of the phalanx. “This is such a touching little family gathering. Why the gloomy faces?”

  “Fuck you,” Keegan snarled.

  “Aw, come on.” The demon laughed. “Why treat me that way? After all, I’m almost family, too, considering I’m here on behalf of your father.”


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