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Demon Night (The Resurrection Chronicles Book 6)

Page 9

by M. J. Haag

  I rolled to my back, and he immediately started feeling my belly.

  “I think you need to try with Hannah again. Does she know how much you want a baby? Have you ever talked to her about it? You could try starting a conversation about Caden and see what she thinks about babies. You never know where the conversation might lead. If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll be able to use one of those pickup lines I taught you.”

  He didn’t say anything, just continued to rub my belly, and I knew I needed to be the one to get up if I wanted to motivate him.

  He made a grumping noise when I stood but let me be.

  “While you’re at Hannah’s can I use your shower?”


  He didn’t leave.

  I rolled my eyes, took him by the hand and led him downstairs. I even had to hand him his jacket and push him out the door.

  “Go. You’ll be fine,” I said.

  I closed the door on him and shook my head before making my way back upstairs.

  Since he didn’t mind that I’d helped myself to a bed, I also helped myself to one of his large, button up shirts and a pair of string tied shorts so I’d have something to wear when I was clean. I didn’t linger in the shower just in case things worked out, and he returned with Hannah. Even fast, the shower was amazing.

  Clean and wearing Shax’s clothes, I hurried downstairs and used his washer. Maybe I was pressing my luck, but Hannah seemed pretty level-headed. And given her own forced living circumstances, I thought she’d understand why I’d take advantage of Shax’s empty house.

  I was on the couch, watching a movie when the door opened.

  “How’d it go?” I called.

  The door shut a little harder than usual.

  I turned to see why, and my jaw dropped. A dark handprint colored Shax’s left cheek.

  “Holy shit. What happened to you?”

  “Hannah said she never wants to see me again.”

  “What? Why would she say that? Tell me everything that happened.”

  He took off his jacket and threw it aside, obviously very upset. I listened to the thump of each shoe as he kicked it off just out of sight.

  I thought he'd flop on the couch next to me when he marched my way. Instead, he knelt in front of me and put his hands on my stomach.

  He leaned forward and set his forehead on my bulge. My little freeloader made a fluttering kick at Shax’s head.

  “I did what you said,” Shax said. “I asked her if we can make a baby together. She said no.”

  I groaned.

  He lifted his head.

  “What did you like? I will do it again.”

  Another groan escaped me.

  “The wrong kind of groans, Shax. These are the bad kind.”

  “There's a bad kind?”

  “Yes. There is definitely a bad kind.”

  “How am I supposed to tell the difference?”

  “It's all in the facial expressions, Shax. Pay attention to the looks the girl’s giving you. If those don’t cue you in, that slap should have.”

  “I don’t like slaps.”

  I uncurled my legs and patted the cushion next to me.

  “Have a seat. We need to talk.”

  “We are talking,” he said even as he moved to sit beside me.

  “I never told you to ask her to make a baby with you. Of course, she's going to slap you. You can't just go asking someone that. It’s something you lead up to.”

  “I did. I told her I would show her the difference between sex and conversation.”

  I groaned again.

  “You know that's not how that pickup line went. You can't shortcut these things.”

  He made an impatient, frustrated sound, and I felt truly awful for him. He’d be lucky if Hannah talked to him ever again.

  I leaned over and wrapped my arms around him. Laying my head on his chest, I hugged him close.

  “I'm sorry she slapped you. I'm sorry that things aren't working out the way you wanted.”

  He reached around me, his hands stroking down my back.

  “There are so many rules,” he said, his voice still carrying his frustration. “Do not say desperate things. Do not ask to see pussy or boobs. Why can I not just say what I want?”

  “You do know that's only two rules, right?”

  He rested his head on top of mine.

  “I like spending time with you. You do not get mad at me.” His hands continued to move up and down my back. It felt so relaxing.

  “I bet Hannah wouldn’t get mad at you if she spent a little time getting to know you.”

  Shax snorted. “She does not want to know me. She wants things, like you said.”

  I cringed a little. I shouldn’t have planted that seed in his head.

  “I’m sure that’s not true. Let’s give Hannah some time—a lot of time—and you can try again.”

  Shax's fingers found that spot on my lower back from earlier, and I melted against him.

  “That feels so good.”

  “Tell me more about what women like in men.”

  “Well, attention is good. Women like to know they are important to a guy. And, things that are easy to give. Spending time with someone, doing something you both enjoy. That’s even better.”

  “I enjoy giving foot rubs and back rubs,” he said. His hands proved it by working their way up my back.

  “And females definitely enjoy receiving them.”

  “So, this is quality time.”

  “Yep. This would count. If you gave Hannah back rubs like this, she’d be begging you to be her baby-daddy in no time.”

  He made a rumbling noise in his chest as if he liked that idea.

  “What else can I rub for quality time?” he asked.

  “Anything really. Just ask a girl what she wants to be rubbed. I’m sure she’ll have plenty of ideas if you don’t.”

  I was going to make some woman the happiest girl on the planet with that last little bit of advice.

  He started in on my shoulders, and I groaned.

  He tilted my head back, so I was looking at him.

  “Can I rub your boobs?”

  I grinned at him.

  “You know what? You deserve something nice after that slap. Yes. You can rub my boobs, Shax. Just be really gentle because they’re a little tender.”


  SHAX’S PUPILS dilated the moment I agreed to the boob rub and excitement lit his gaze.

  I turned on the couch and draped my legs over his lap.

  “Hope you don’t mind I raided your dresser. I wanted to wash my clothes as long as I was here.”

  His gaze locked on my chest and the two lumps hidden under the loose material. I wasn’t chesty, but he didn’t seem to mind. He placed his palm over my breast, feeling the shape of it like he had my belly. Once he had the shape, he gave it a very gentle squeeze.

  “Does that hurt?” he asked, not looking at my face at all.

  I smiled.

  “No. It feels good.”

  And it did. Like really, really good.

  I shut my eyes as his other hand closed over my left breast. His touch was light, a borderline caress that made my nipples pebble.

  “I want to see what this is,” he said, touching one.

  “If you want to look under the shirt, we better take this upstairs where it’s—.”

  Shax lifted me and raced upstairs.

  “More private,” I finished.

  He took me to the bed I’d used and set me down. I reached up and opened the top three buttons of my shirt and parted the sides. The way he stared told me this really was the first time he’d seen boobs. I was glad it was with me.

  “Go ahead,” I said softly, leaning back.

  The expression on Shax’s face as he stared was full of awe. When he touched me, it turned to hunger. My face flushed, and I wished that hunger was for me, not just the female form.

  His fingers traced each peak before he started rubbing them again. Ge
ntle lift. Firm squeeze. My breathing grew shallow. When he rolled my nipple between his fingers, I knew we needed to stop.

  “I think that’s enough for now,” I said, taking hold of his wrist and removing his hand. “I’m tired and need a nap.”

  He grunted and stood.

  “I will get some food.”

  “Thank you.”

  He left the room, and I closed my eyes, trying to ignore my tingling chest and the throbbing between my legs. After changing positions several times, I gave up and slipped my hand into the waistband of the shorts. I circled myself and tried to recall the last time I’d done that. Too long.

  “Angel?” The sound of Shax’s voice startled a scream from me as my eyes flew open.

  He stood in the doorway, watching me with a confused expression.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I was checking the baby.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I regretted them.

  “Show me how. I want to check the baby.”

  I could lie some more, show him what I was doing, and have an amazing time letting him “check the baby” or I could come clean like a mature, sex-deprived adult.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s very personal.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Only when I don’t finish.”

  “I will help.”

  I groaned and covered my face with an arm.

  “Fine. I wasn’t checking the baby,” I said. “I was masturbating.”


  I waited an extra few seconds before I lifted my arm to see if he was still there. He was. The expression on his face said it all.

  “Teach me.” The husky words sent a shiver through me.

  “I’m not so sure I should.”

  “Do women like men who can help them masturbate?”

  “I’m not really sure it’s masturbating if a girl gets help, but sure. Women like it.”

  He stalked toward the bed and reached out for the string tying the shorts. My heart raced as he untied the bow and eased the shorts down. I felt the heat of his fingers as they skimmed over my skin and held my breath, waiting for his first glimpse. He didn’t disappoint.

  Shax stilled, his gaze locked on the light dusting of hair covering my mound. The way his pupils dilated further and his hard swallow made me feel like a fucking supermodel.

  Instead of reaching for the treasure he’d been waiting for, his hands skimmed down over my legs. I trembled, the anticipation killing me. My breath caught when he paused to rub my feet before removing the shorts completely.

  Naked from the waist down, I waited for what he would do next.

  He set his hands on my knees. Tearing his gaze from the oh so coveted pussy, he looked up at me. I gave him a small smile. It was all I could manage with my heart thundering in my chest and my need pooling between my legs.

  With light pressure, he eased my legs apart and made a soft sound of satisfaction. I could picture how I looked. Unbuttoned shirt with my breasts peeking out. Legs spread wide so he could see everything. And he was seeing all right. His gaze swept over me several times, lingering on my belly before meeting my eyes.

  “Teach me.”

  Heart pounding and cheeks flaming, I reached down and parted my folds. He made a growly sound in the back of his throat that sent a jolt of pleasure through me. I hadn’t thought show-and-tell could be so hot.

  Closing my eyes, I circled my clit with my finger. Jolts of pleasure shot through me and my hips jerked as I found my rhythm.

  A moment later, he pulled my hand away, replacing my fingers with his. His hand was big and hot and very good at mimicking the motions I’d shown him.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “Just like that.”

  Each circle brought me closer to the brink. My legs shook; and I held my breath, reaching for release. When it came, I gasped and arched into his touch.

  The feel of his lips on mine was unexpected. He kissed me hard, his tongue thrusting against mine as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through me.

  When it was done, I broke the kiss and removed his hand before I went blind.

  “That was amazing.” I hoped he could hear me. I could barely hear myself over the pounding of my heart.

  The bed shifted, and he pulled me close, tucking me against his large frame. Warm, relaxed, and clean, I closed my eyes and enjoyed feeling safe and wanted even though I knew better than to fully believe it. What had happened wasn’t because Shax was into me. It was nothing more than the burning curiosity of his kind. At the moment, I didn’t care. He’d made me feel amazing. And no matter what false conditions brought it about, I’d enjoy it while it lasted.

  Yawning, I snuggled in.

  Falling asleep in Shax’s arms in post-orgasm bliss was heaven. However, I woke up alone and with a growling stomach.

  Tugging on my shorts, I went to look for Shax.

  My clothes were neatly folded on the table, along with another box dinner and can of chicken.


  There was no answer.

  Knowing he meant the food for me, I got dressed and started cooking. It was enough food to divide into two very healthy portions. I ate my portion and put the other half in the fridge for Shax. However, as dinner time approached, I decided he probably meant for me to eat that, too.

  I debated going back to my house after the car lights went on. I didn’t really want to sleep on an uncomfortable couch. And Shax said he liked having me at his place, so I knew he wouldn’t protest. And, Hannah wasn’t talking to him at the moment, so there wasn’t really any reason for me to not stay where I was.

  Happy with my decision, I went back upstairs and tucked myself in for a good night’s sleep.

  THE SCENT of bacon had me sitting upright. I was halfway down the stairs before I registered the low murmur of voices.

  I hesitated, one foot in the air. Low voice. Shax. High voice. Was that Hannah?

  A foolish part of me shriveled up a little that Shax might have gone to Hannah first thing this morning. And I knew better than to feel that way. I wasn’t stupid. I paid attention. I knew how the fey worked. Each one wanted a female. Once they set their sights on one, they didn’t shake easily. In fact, I’d yet to see a fey give up without reason. Being married or underage were the only two reasons they accepted as a real rejection. So why had I put any stock in what had happened between Shax and me yesterday when I knew damn well it had been nothing more than natural curiosity? Shax’s interest in me was strictly baby and body, not in me as a person.

  Frustrated with myself, I turned around to go back upstairs and let the couple have their alone time.

  “Angel,” Shax called. “Come eat with us.”

  Tender feelings or not, I knew better than to turn down an invitation to eat. Changing directions yet again, I hopped down the stairs as if I didn’t have a care in the world. Because, honestly, I didn’t. There was food being served, I was warm, and nothing wanted a bite of me at the moment. That was all that mattered. Romance and happily-ever-afters died with the quakes.

  My stomach did a weird spin when I cleared the corner and saw Cassie. With effort, I killed the happy feeling that wanted to bubble up inside me. Nothing had changed. I needed to keep Shax’s infatuation with Hannah in mind no matter what he asked me to teach him.

  “Good morning,” I said.

  “Good morning.” Shax’s gaze swept over me. “Sit. Eat.” He turned back to the stove, and Cassie winked at me as she handed him a plate.

  I looked at the table and saw a plate loaded with hash browns, bacon, and eggs.

  “I don’t know where you keep finding this stuff,” I said, taking a seat, “but I’m really grateful.”

  “Kerr found a place with boxes of dehydrated hash browns. Just add water. So, we have a lot of them. The eggs are from Julie. She’s been preserving them in her basement anytime the fey come back with some that are still good. She’s using some kind of brine that her grandmother used. It kee
ps the eggs fresh for months, I guess.”

  “I’m glad you guys still have your supplies,” I said. “What you gave me was taken for the common good the day my housemates arrived.”

  Cassie gave me a guilty look.

  “We hid most of our supplies, just in case.”

  “So did I. Under my bed. One of them found it while I was gone. I got the couch and no rations because I was trying to keep supplies for myself.”

  “They wouldn’t let you eat?” Cassie said in shock.

  Shax growled and turned off the stove.

  “It’s okay. One guy in the house did set aside some food for me, and Shax has been feeding me too. I’m not going hungry.”

  Cassie reached out to pat his back and came to join me at the table.

  “I’m glad you’re staying with Shax, now. But, if you’re ever hungry, come to my house. We will feed you. Kerr stocked up a crazy amount of supplies to ensure the kids would have enough to eat. He wanted to go out today to get some more, but with all the survivors complaining about low resources, I think it would be dangerous if he were spotted coming in with supplies.”

  “I think you’re right. It’s only going to get worse, though, unless the people here start taking care of themselves.”

  “Human males aren’t made to fight the infected like we are,” Shax said, finally turning away from the stove. “The females will starve if we do not continue to bring supplies.”

  Cassie and I shared a glance. Shax’s reaction was probably the same thing every fey was thinking. They would do anything to keep the female survivors safe. Females were their future. Even the bitchy ones.

  “You will stay here today, Angel,” Shax said. “I’ll get you more food.”

  He walked around behind me and leaned in to put his hands on my belly.


  I rolled my eyes and dutifully took a bite. Shax didn't leave until my little stowaway kicked him.

  “So I take it everything is going well?” Cassie asked as soon as the door closed.

  “The baby? Yeah, he’s still kicking when fed.”

  “I meant with Shax learning you were pregnant. How did you keep him from telling the rest of the fey? I haven't heard a whisper of your pregnancy.”

  “I made a deal with him. He gets to touch the baby whenever he wants in exchange for his silence. And, I also promised to try to answer any pregnancy related questions he has as long as he asks when we’re alone. I’ve got to be honest, though. I don't know a lot. I’ve told him he should probably be asking you.”


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