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No Turning Back, A Breaking the Rules Novel

Page 12

by A. m Madden

  “No clue.” The thought caused the gallon of coffee I had consumed to churn in my gut. “I haven’t heard any chatter that someone was getting the boot.” That was usually why Doug moved me… to go in, secure the clients, handle the situation until either someone else was hired or he decided I was the best candidate to stay at that location. That was what had brought me to Miami to begin with.

  One of his most trusted agents left for a better opportunity, and Doug threw him out on the spot, considering it a betrayal. I then slipped into the role, becoming Doug’s right-hand man in Miami. I could only imagine the aneurism he’d have if I decided to leave and start my own agency. Again, I didn’t care. If he needed to fire me, I’d be gone. He may have generously compensated me for all my loyalty, but the man would turn on his own mother if he felt it would better his empire.

  “Maybe it’s just a rookie he has his eye on,” Wes said, voicing another possibility.

  “Yeah, maybe.” That had happened many times as well. Ryder, that kid at Penn State. Get him. And then like a good little soldier, I did. It was my ability to do so that made me cockier with each year that went by. Doug needed me. There wasn’t another agent who had my track record. “It’s probably just another fire I need to go put out.”

  “What if it’s a move, though?”

  “Then I’m quitting.”

  Predictably, Wes’s eyes bulged. “Shut up. You’re not quitting.”

  “Yes I am. I’ll walk out today if it comes to that.”

  “And work for who?”

  “Me.” Whether it was my tone or the look on my face that made him silent, I didn’t know. “I’m fucking serious. He’d be stupid to force that scenario. I make him a lot of money. My people love me. He’ll lose every one of them.” That may have been pompous to assume, but I was that confident. Of course, I’d never had to put that theory to the test, and it was time to be sure they would through some casual conversation. “Do me a favor, cancel my lunch meeting. I need to make some phone calls before three.”

  “Okay.” Wes stood with a solemn expression. “For the record, I’m in.” It was my turn to be shocked. Until now, moving to a new city was right up his alley. Wes had loved California, but when we were told we had to move to Miami, he never looked back. He thrived on change, and being great at his job meant I gladly took him along for the ride.

  “You say that now,” I said with a shake of my head. “You and I both know you’d be miserable in a year or two… itching to go elsewhere.”

  “No… I mean it. I love Miami. The nightlife can’t be beat. Besides, imagine me in Chicago.” He exaggerated a shudder. “The cold air would ruin my supple skin.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Ah… now I get it. It’s not me you’re committing to… it’s the hookups and climate.”

  He smirked. “Maybe a little.”

  “Get out. I have work to do.”

  The smirk turned into a full-blown grin as he stood. “Call me the minute you’re out of his office. Don’t leave me hanging.”

  “If that call comes at three oh five, well, then… pack your desk.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Even though I’d been gone only a few days, it was strange being back in my condo. In that short time, Ryder and I effortlessly meshed our worlds… and I loved that we had.

  After Ryder left for work, I had established a daily routine. Still not back to running my normal five miles every morning, instead I’d take Kayla on a nice long walk along the beach. I explored the shops in the area. I even took advantage of the amenities found in his building—of which I’d been scolded many times for referring to it as his. It was our place, as he kept correcting me.

  In the evenings, we’d have dinner in our place before taking Kayla for another walk or relaxing on his balcony. We’d then talk, pleasure one another, and, most important, sleep in each other’s arms.

  It also felt nice knowing every weekend we’d be in Fort Lauderdale enjoying Ryder’s time off work. I looked forward to mimicking our life in Miami, showing him places I have come to love, such as watching the boats while having lunch on the Intracoastal or catching a sunrise at the beach when no one was around. I even hoped to show him Bella Viaggi I while it was docked at port between journeys.

  Kayla and I arrived in Fort Lauderdale midafternoon. I quickly got her situated in my apartment and then ran to the grocery store to get some things I needed. Wanting to be on my turf, I had decided to cook for Ricky and Cooper instead of going out like they’d suggested. I expected a battle with Cooper, and I was ready. My plan was simple—I’d let him voice all his concerns and then tell him I was happy. I knew my friend well… that would be enough for him to flip from protector to supporter, at least for my benefit.

  While Kayla slept peacefully on her favorite spot near the window, I cued up a playlist on the Bluetooth speaker and began preparing dinner. Close to two hours later, the last thing to do was to make a salad.

  I had been so engrossed in chopping and thinking that I barely noticed my phone lighting up with a call from where it rested on the island. Tapping on speaker mode, I smiled and said, “Hey, there.”

  “Hey, baby. Are you good?” Hearing his voice instantly sparked a desire to see him, and I selfishly wished he were there with me.

  “Yep. Just made eggplant parm for dinner.”

  “That sounds delicious. Wish I was there,” he said, confirming my desire.

  “Me too. I’ll save you some for tomorrow.”

  “Well, that’s why I’m calling. I have some bad news.”

  My hand froze mid chop. “What’s wrong?”

  A short groan preceded him saying, “I have to fly to LA. I’ll be there a few days, maybe a week.”

  “Oh, you scared me. When do you leave?”

  “Now. I’m heading home to pack a bag. I’m taking Doug’s jet. I’ll call you once I land, probably around ten or so your time.” Just as he said that, my phone pinged with a text alert from him. “That’s Wes’s contact information… just in case.”

  “Okay, I’ll miss you.”

  “Me too. I love you, Ree.”

  “Me too,” I repeated. “Have a safe flight.” When my screen went dark, I stared at it for a while. Sure, he sounded rushed, but there was something else there… a noticeable tension in his voice.

  As I resumed my task, I wondered if it had to do with the fact he needed to travel so soon after we’d come together. I’d have to talk to him about that. Going in, I’d known the demands of his job and wouldn’t want him festering with stress over it.

  While I finished the rest of my tasks, the intercom buzzing broke my reverie. Kayla bolted off the couch. She then began barking and jiggling in anticipation of who was about to appear.

  “It’s not who you think it is, silly,” I announced, knowing it was my dinner guests. I quickly pulled the eggplant parmesan from the oven and placed it on the table. A few minutes later, a short knock sent Kayla into a new frenzy.

  Granting them access, I smiled when she circled around their legs, practically knocking them over while mewling with excitement. If she was disappointed it wasn’t Ryder, I’d never know. In her adorable way, she whined and shimmied, wanting attention.

  “Hey, there,” Cooper said, his hand stroking the top of her head before adding, “Hey, Ree.”


  Ricky kissed my cheek and handed me a pastry box. “It’s those gluten-free, fat-free, taste-free cookies you like.” Ricky winked, and I nudged him with my shoulder.

  “Thank you.”

  While his husband scooted down to Kayla’s level to scratch behind her ears, he admired my dog. “Damon was bummed he couldn’t keep her himself. She’s gorgeous.”

  “She really is.” I’d never tire of petting her silky fur. Just shy of two, she no longer looked like a puppy but instead held all the majestic features of the golden retriever breed. “And such a sweetie pie.” After she properly greeted them, we finally stepped farther into m
y apartment.

  Ricky dragged in an exaggerated breath and moaned. “It smells delicious in here.”

  “Eggplant parm. Hope you’re hungry,” I said, knowing I had made enough to feed a small army.

  “Starving. How can we help?”

  “Get yourselves a drink. Dinner is ready.” I put the cookies on the counter before filling Kayla’s bowl with her dinner and placing it on her mat. Meanwhile, Cooper grabbed a bottle of his favorite beer, which I kept in the fridge, and Ricky poured himself a glass of the merlot I had opened.

  I waved toward the table, all set and ready for us. “Let’s eat while it’s hot.” The sooner we did, the sooner I could get on with what I had to say.

  The guys dug in without having to ask them twice. They filled me in on things that had happened since I last saw them, and Cooper asked me how things were with Ryder. That would’ve been a great gateway to tell him my news.

  I didn’t.

  In fact, during our meal, I missed a few opportunities to bring up my current living situation. Like when Cooper asked how Ryder was, or when the topic moved to the results coming in less than a week.

  Once he consumed the huge second helping, Cooper pushed his plate away with a contented sigh. “I’m officially stuffed. That was delicious, Ree. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I motioned to the more-than-half-filled casserole dish. “You guys will take the leftovers home with you.”

  “I accept. I’m sick of cooking for him.”

  “Screw you,” Ricky countered. “You average a meal a week.” I believed that. Ricky often preferred bringing in to avoid the hassle of cleaning up.

  Cooper’s gaze then flipped between Ricky and me. “So who’s going to fess up first?” Confused, we stared at each other. Without beating around the bush, Cooper said, “Riana, I know you moved in with Ryder.”

  My mouth gaped, causing him to smirk. If possible, Ricky looked even more uncomfortable than I did. “How do you know?”

  “Damon,” Ricky responded for him. “That ass.”

  “Don’t get upset with Damon. He didn’t mean to slip and made me swear to keep it a secret until one of you two had the balls to tell me.” Ricky and I looked down contritely as Cooper went on. “Do you think I’m such an asshole I don’t want you to be happy, Ree?”

  “No… that’s not it,” I said, defending myself with a firm shake of my head. “I think you would think we were nuts, and that I was rushing back into something too hastily.”

  “I do think that,” he easily admitted. At my frown, Cooper placed a hand on mine in a show of support. “But the wanting you to be happy part outweighs the wanting to protect you from getting hurt part.”

  “I know… but I won’t get hurt.” He didn’t look at all convinced.

  “He loves me, and I love him. We’ve wasted so much time already. We know what we’re doing.” I squeezed his hand before taking Ricky’s in my other one. “I appreciate you worrying about me, but you don’t have to. I’m happy, and I’ll be fine. Besides, I have three amazing bodyguards who look out for me… and Ryder is leading that parade, Coop.”

  He raised our entwined hands, kissed mine, and nodded. “As he should.”

  It felt as though Ryder’s trip went on for months, and not just one week. Even though I went back to doing just what I had done before he and I reunited, only now with a happy-go-lucky golden retriever by my side, I felt off.

  Seeing his handsome face on a video call every night wasn’t enough. I missed him more than I thought possible. It was different from the last time I missed him as badly… this time the heartbreak had been replaced with promise.

  When I spoke to him last night, he still didn’t know when he’d be back. My only distraction to get through another day was the doctor’s appointment I’d been anxiously awaiting. Two weeks and two days had passed since the IVF procedure, and it was time to see if I was carrying Ricky and Cooper’s baby.

  I tried to pay attention to signs that I could be pregnant during what is commonly referred to as the “two-week wait.” The symptoms I felt were no different than if I was about to get my period, but from what I read, they could also be signs of pregnancy. Still, I kept it all to myself, not wanting to give them false hope.

  So there the three of us sat—Ricky jiggling a leg, Cooper staring into space, and me trying to be the strong one. We received a few stares from other patients as we sat holding hands, waiting to be called in. Hearing a vibrating sound, I pulled my phone from my purse to see a text from Ryder.

  Good luck today. Love you!

  I quickly typed back a response and tucked my phone away to resume the torturous waiting game. A few minutes later, the nurse finally appeared to begin the exam part of my appointment.

  None of us really knew what to say, so instead of words we exchanged anxious hugs, which did little to quell the curious glances.

  “These folks most definitely think we’re a thruple,” Ricky whispered, making me snort out loud. And I only laughed harder when he shrugged at Cooper’s reprimanding expression.

  I remained silent, internally reciting the same prayer I’d had two weeks earlier while the nurse recorded my weight, took my blood pressure, and then asked for a urine sample. Once that part of my exam was complete, she left to retrieve the guys from the waiting room.

  They spoke at the same time after stepping through the door:

  “You good?”

  “You okay?”

  “Just anxious,” I admitted, to which I received robotic nods.

  Together, we waited for Dr. White to appear with the results. Cooper held my hand, voicing words of encouragement. Ricky simply nodded along to anything Cooper said. It felt like an eternity before the door opened, forcing three sets of eyes to swing toward it.

  “Are we ready?” Dr. White asked as she closed the door behind her. We all nodded in unison. “The blood results will take a few hours, and really that’s just to confirm if the UPT comes back negatively.” She flipped open my chart and smiled. “But in your case… it’s indeed positive… so congratulations.”

  Cooper looked from me to Ricky, and Ricky mimicked the act, while Dr. White stood smiling at us. It literally took almost a full minute for it to register.

  “She’s pregnant?” Cooper asked.

  “Yes, she is. I’m going to perform an ultrasound today. Usually, we wait a week or two, but since we transferred two eggs, I want to be sure implantation was successful. There is a risk of ectopic pregnancy, and better to know that now than later.” Their faces fell a bit, interpreting that as a possible problem.

  As for me, I heard everything she said, but it seemed surreal.

  I was pregnant.

  While the nurse prepped the sonogram machine, Dr. White laid me back, adjusted the paper garments to expose my belly, and then squirted a cold gel on me. “Here we go.”

  Cooper stood beside me, holding my hand with Ricky beside him. The aquatic sounds coming from the machine melded with our anxious breaths and echoed in the otherwise silent room. Meanwhile, Dr. White calmly moved the scope over my stomach while typing dexterously with her other hand. She paused the scope and pointed to the screen, where two tiny spots appeared in the grayness. “There they are.”

  “They?” Ricky asked in a hesitant whisper. “So both have implanted?”

  “Yes. Both eggs have implanted.” Her confirmation caused the three of us to gasp. “We’ll do another ultrasound in two weeks to track heartbeats.”

  “Can you tell if they’re identical yet?”

  Dr. White smiled. “No. I’ll be able to see if there’s one sac or two around twelve to fourteen weeks.”

  “Can we refrain from knowing that? We think we want to be surprised later in the pregnancy.”

  “Of course.” The two men by my side finally snapped out of their cautious trances and threw their arms around each other. Tears blurred my eyes as I watched their joy. After they pulled apart, they tenderly wrapped an arm around me as well, thanking
me for all I’ve done for them.

  It was Dr. White who reminded us all that the journey was just beginning.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Shit it was hot out. The way I sweltered in shorts and a polo shirt as the sun beat down made me grateful to have changed out of the suit I’d worn before leaving California.

  “Where is she?” I asked no one while glancing at my watch for what seemed like the hundredth time since arriving.

  It had been a crap week for me. As predicted, Doug had sent me to our LA office to run the show since his senior agent had up and quit without warning. They were dropping like flies, which made me even more suspicious that Doug had something else up his sleeve. There was a vibe I got, and because of it I had Wes keeping his ear to the pavement in Miami. He assured me nothing was out of the ordinary during my absence and even went as far as accusing me of being paranoid.

  Maybe I was. Maybe, now that I had so much at stake, it created a delusional situation in my mind. Regardless, I made all the necessary calls to my clients and, so far, had a verbal agreement each of them would follow. Of course, I couldn’t let on that there was tension at Morton Sports & Entertainment. I spun it more that I was considering starting my own firm, which wasn’t a lie. Sure, a verbal agreement could easily be broken, but only time would tell.

  For now, the only thing on my agenda was to get back to my girl.

  When I’d texted earlier to wish her luck on the appointment she had today, Riana had no idea I had done so from the back of a cab leaving the airport and heading to Fort Lauderdale. At that point, she was at the doctor’s office, waiting to be called in. I had no frame of reference on how long those appointments lasted. After an hour with still no Riana, I grabbed an iced coffee and a sandwich at the café up the street before parking myself on a bench that faced her building.

  I used the time answering emails and having a touch-base with Wes. But two-plus hours later, and with nothing left to do, I decided to wait fifteen more minutes before I called her.


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