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Ace of Hearts (Blind Jacks MC Book 3)

Page 3

by J.C. Valentine

  Giving him a shove, he complained bitterly, “If I were gay, I wouldn’t be dating you. Jesus, you’ve got one ugly mug. It’s enough to give a man nightmares.”

  Pretending to be wounded, his sidekick deadpanned, “How can you shame me in front of new people?”

  Mister Too Hot To Be Real immediately recited his line from the iconic series. “If I could make you a little prettier, I would.”

  “You are not the man I met a year ago.”

  Barbara couldn’t help but laugh. The two bikers were like a comedy act that never got old. She thought for sure they had Jane hats tucked neatly away at their clubhouse.

  “Hey, I know that show. Want to know the kicker? I’m Mrs. Reynolds, or Dr. Reynolds, as the case may be. Isn’t that hilarious?”

  Sounding disappointed, Mister Handsome mumbled, “You’re married. It figures.”

  “Well, I’m actually divorced. It’s still funny, though, right?”

  Mister Doom and Gloom barked at them impatiently from the doorway. “Yeah, it’s a fucking riot. Do you think you can patch up my brother, or do you just plan on standing around making jokes about obscure television shows all damned day?”

  Swiveling her head around to look at the man who seemed angry for no reason, her voice was tight and clipped. “I don’t think I like your attitude.”

  His response was quick and ugly. “Don’t give a fuck, doc. Do your job.”

  Refusing to be bullied by yet another arrogant male, Barbara shot him a withering look. When she spoke, her voice was dismissive, even to her own ears. “You can have a seat in the waiting room, and take his gay friend with you. I don’t need any distractions when I…” Shooting a quick glance at the hot guy, she faltered. “When I work. Yes, that’s what I do. I work.”

  “Fine, whatever. Just get the job done.”

  Barbara had already forgotten the annoying pair, in favor of the injured man staring curiously up at her. His soft brown eyes were warm and admiring. She liked that a little too much. There was something about the way he gazed at her that made her stomach do fun little flips. Being an educated woman, she knew it was lust or something along those lines drawing them together. The thing was, she was lost in the moment and couldn’t manage to care.

  Stepping over to the exam table, she felt her heart hammering in her chest. This huge, muscle-bound man was clad in well-worn jeans and a biker’s cut. What kind of man could sit there with his leg torn open and look at her as if he wanted to lick every square inch of her body? Clearly, he was someone with a high pain tolerance and high libido.

  Barbara’s tongue slipped out to slide along her bottom lip. The way his eyes dropped to her mouth and his breath hitched as he watched her made her feel things she shouldn’t.

  Without thinking, she asked playfully, “Want to play doctor?”

  His eyes jumped up to hers. “It beats the hell out of every other option I can think of, beautiful.”

  Flushing with pleasure at his compliment, she took a step closer. “Well then, tell me what brings you in today.”

  “If I’d known you were here, I’d have gotten myself shot up a lot sooner, doc.”

  Shock tore through her. “Jesus, you really got shot?”

  “Don’t freak out. It ain’t the first bullet I ever caught. I’m glad to say this time it was an honest to goodness accident.”

  Glancing down at his leg, she could see the bandage was stained with his precious blood. Her mind immediately formed an image of a bullet ripping through his tender flesh. Empathy welled up so fast and strong for this wounded man that it brought tears to her eyes. Taking a big gulp of air, her chest ached for him.

  “Are you okay, doc?”

  Fighting back the tears, she nodded. “I’m not good at handling pain, and that must have been pure agony.”

  Tilting his head slightly, the handsome man responded, “It burned a little in the beginning, but the real pain hasn’t set in quite yet. I have it on good authority that it’ll kick in anytime now. When you first get injured, the adrenaline and endorphins keep you from feeling it.”

  Not having a clue what the man was talking about, Barbara shrugged. “I heard something about that.”

  Grinning, he responded playfully, “I’m betting that you had really good study partners in college.”

  “As a matter of fact…”

  Their conversation was cut short by Lynn entering the room. To her credit, the nice doctor didn’t acknowledge how inappropriate it was for her to be in one of the exam rooms. It occurred to her that Lynn might think he was a friend.

  Before she really thought about it, Barbara announced crisply, “We have an accidental gunshot wound to the right thigh. I haven’t seen the wound, but our patient reports it’s not hurting yet because of the endorphins and stuff.”

  That earned her a smile from her quiet friend. “That will probably change once I begin working on it, so I’m going to give him a local anesthetic.”

  “That’s a really good idea.” Barbara’s voice sounded more enthusiastic than she’d intended.

  “Well, it’s standard operating procedure for a wound that needs stitched shut.”

  “We should hurry because we don’t want him to be in pain.” Shooting her friend a knowing look, she reminded her of their lunch date. “You and I have that other appointment to get to.”

  Lynn’s face froze into an almost smile, and Barbara could tell she was forcing herself not to laugh over her eagerness to get lunch. Lynn immediately started working on the man’s leg, while Barbara tried not to look. The sight of blood always made her feel faint. Just the thought of seeing an open wound was enough to make her light-headed. Their patient must have intuited her queasiness, because he grabbed her hand.

  “I just need a little moral support. You don’t mind, do you?”

  Biting her bottom lip, she thought it over for a moment. After deciding he fell squarely into the doable-once-he-healed-up category, she nodded. “I’m good at holding hands and a whole lot more.”

  “Such as?” The faint amusement in his voice prompted her to wonder what he thought she meant. When it finally hit her, her mouth fell open. He was taking her comment totally the wrong way.

  Searching her mind for a reply that didn’t sound like something a second grader would come up with to cover their social faux pas, she stammered, “I can be supportive to an injured man. I can fluff pillows, fetch drinks, make sure he takes his meds and things like that.”

  “Well, you’re hired.”

  “That’s a nice offer. Unfortunately, I already have a job.”

  Rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand, he murmured, “I guarantee you’d like working for me better.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a second, but I have a rule about working a job for at least one year before I move on. Unfortunately, I’ve only been at my current job for five months.”

  “You’re breaking my heart, doc.”

  The low-level flirting came easily and continued as Lynn did her thing. It made the time fly by, and even the talkative stranger seemed surprised when the last bandage was taped into place.

  Lynn shoved her glasses up her nose, like she was prone to do, and carefully explained his discharge directions. Watching her friend leave the room without a backward glance, Barbra saw the good doctor paused for a brief moment to punch the door lock closed before she closed the door quietly behind her.

  That was clearly the go ahead for her to spend a private moment talking to him. Glancing down, Barbara noticed his privacy drape had shifted. She pointed it out discretely. “You’re hanging out. I can tuck it back into the side of your pants if you like.”

  “Fucking hell, the two you just let me sit here with my dick hanging out and didn’t say a word.”

  Pressing her lips together to avoid smiling, Barbara struggled to keep a straight face. “Dr. Snyder put that modesty drape over your body, so she wasn’t staring him the eye or anything.”

  Trying unsuccessfully to jam it back
into his pants, he grumbled, “You’re a real funny lady. The last thing in the world bikers are is modest. I’ve seen every brother’s junk more times than I can count. Of course, most times they had a whore’s mouth wrapped around it.”

  Jerking back a bit, Barbara let that little nugget of information sink in. “Is that what women are to you, whores?”

  “What? Of course not.” He glanced up at her, looking a bit scandalized.

  “Yeah, well, I don’t like that word.”

  “That’s only because you think being a whore is something to be ashamed of or an insult of some sort. Where I come from, a whore is simply a woman who trades sex for being taken care of by our club. There’s no shame in it, and we aren’t particularly disrespectful to our whores.”

  Shoving at his member roughly, he finally got it out of view. “Those damn ambulance drivers don’t give a shit how much of a man’s clothing they cut off. It’s damn hard to stay modest, even if I wanted to in a situation like this.”

  Tracing her finger along the edge of his bandage, she noticed that his now-clean skin felt velvety soft over this hard, muscular thigh. “They were just trying to get access to your…umm…wound.”

  “Fuck the wound. You keep on touching me like that and he’s gonna pop right back out.”

  Looking into his eyes, she murmured, “We wouldn’t want that.”

  “We damn sure would not.” The radical shift in his tone from annoyed to almost tender told her he would probably love it if something like that happened.

  “You have a really nice rod, by the way.”

  He chuckled at her choice in words. “It’s a nice, fat cock, not a rod.”

  Feeling a blush creep up her face, she glanced away. “You are direct, aren’t you?”

  “Sorry, it’s been a while since I had a decent conversation.” His voice became more subdued. “I’m a brash bastard by nature, but I didn’t mean to brag.”

  “Well, I have to give credit where credit is due. You do have a nice one.”

  Twirling a strand of her rusty hair around one finger, he stared into her eyes. “I have a nice what?”

  Feeling it edging out against her hand, she refused to look down.

  “I want to hear you say the word, beautiful.” His voice was low and deep, luring her into a haze of lust. One she was all too willing to follow him into.

  “You have a really nice cock.”

  Glancing down his front, he jerked his chin for her to have a look.

  Obliging him, she gazed down at his now proudly erect rod, admiring the thickness, the perfectly shaped head, and his nice coloring. “It’s the best I’ve ever seen.”

  “He likes you, too.”

  “I noticed that. He seems drawn to my hand. I wonder why that is.”

  He was clearly a guy who kept his equipment in good condition, and she’d always had a soft spot for guys who groomed their man parts. Reaching out one finger, she ran it tenderly over one of the numerous bulging veins running down his impressive member.

  Leaning closer, he whispered seductively, “Feel free to play with Little Ace all you want.”

  “You named your rod Little Ace? That’s real cute.”

  “It was a toss-up between Little Ace and Jalicious.”

  “I beg your pardon.”

  “With a name like Jalicious, you know it has to taste great.”

  Barbara pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh that he’d honestly considered naming his rod after a famous brand of jam just because the company’s tagline suited him. The big man was sexy, playful, and absolutely hilarious.

  “I settled on Little Ace ‘cause he’s my ace in the hole.”

  “You’re about too much man for one woman.”

  “You can bring a friend. I’m okay with that kind of thing.”

  Her eyes shot up to find a lopsided smile sitting on his handsome face. “I thought you were being serious there for a minute.”

  “Hell, no, I wasn’t. Let’s face it, a man can’t give a woman his best if there are others trying to horn in on her action.”

  “My ex never managed to get that, even after we were married, thus the ex part.”

  “Then the stupid fucker didn’t deserve you, now did he?”

  “My sentiments exactly.”

  Wrapping his hand around hers, he squeezed it around his cock. “You know when the pain finally kicks in, it’s gonna be hell. How about you give me a little something to take the edge off?”

  He didn’t need to come right out and explain what he wanted. She knew exactly what the handsome devil had in mind because he was still using her hand to stroke himself off. That was all kinds of wrong, and he was definitely taking liberties, but then again, she had been egging him on. Strangely enough, she found his enthusiasm adorable rather than off-putting.

  “I can’t give you a hand job. This is a place of business.”

  Opening his hand immediately, they both watched as she continued stroking him. Why was she doing that? Before she could figure it out, he leaned over and captured her lips in a searing kiss. Being dragged into the big biker’s lust-fueled fantasy flipped all the right switches for her, making her feel a lot braver than she normally was. When his tongue delved into her mouth, teasing and nipping at her own, she rewarded him with a gentle flick of her thumb over the tip of his rod.

  He jerked her closer. “Fuck, yes, just like that.”

  Something about his rough, needy voice thrilled her. It gave her the courage to dare what she otherwise would never consider.

  The door was locked, she told herself. They had the room to themselves. Suddenly, her mouth was on his neck. Biting, kissing, and licking like a sex-starved lunatic. It had been a long time since she’d cut loose, and there was no way she was going to let this opportunity slip by. Working the buttons open on his cotton shirt, she realized the man had a magnificent chest. She was intent on having a taste of that as well.

  Feeling his hand snaking up her shirt, she murmured a warning, “Hands off, mister. Today I’m running the show.”

  “This is supposed to be a team sport, angel.”

  Moving down to his abs, she swirled her tongue around his belly button. “You can owe me one. How about that?”

  “That’s not normally how I roll, but if it’s the only option on the table, I’ll damn sure take it.”

  He hissed when her mouth landed on his tender flesh. Barbara decided that if she was in for a penny, she was in for a pound. Sucking off a sexy stranger was totally out of character for her, but this would be her one day of anything goes. Feeling like some girl gone wild, she began playing a game where she tried beating her own personal best by taking more of him into her mouth each time she went down. For maybe the first time in her life, she was just having fun with a man and doing what she wanted.

  Palming his well-groomed balls, she fondled him enough to make him say sexy nonsense things. Knowing he was totally losing the capacity for rational speech because she was sucking his rod was a real ego booster. It seemed like whatever she did totally blew his mind. It was nice after being with her ex who always made her feel deficient by layering on one criticism after another.

  Hollowing out her cheeks, she sucked like a porn star as she lifted her eyes to him. What she saw there took her breath away. It was the look she’d always dreamed of getting from a man. One of awe-inspired adoration laced with gratitude. His hand came down to caress the side of her face and sift through her hair. Baring his front teeth, he pulled her back just before shooting his load.

  Jerking his shirt over the mess, his eyes were riveted on her mouth. He pulled her gently up as he leaned forward to meet her. Their mouths collided in a hot, desperate kiss. Pulling back slightly, he rested his forehead on hers to catch his breath. “What the fuck was that all about?”

  “Don’t pretend like you didn’t love every second of it.”

  “Are you kidding? It was the highlight of my entire fucking life, and that’s no joke. What I can’t figure out i
s all the enthusiasm on your end. It cannot be all that exciting for a nice lady like yourself to have my big, ugly cock in your mouth.”

  Barbara let out a relieved laugh. “Hey, back it up. Before we got started, you said it was a real nice one.”

  “Well, you just got your first life lesson in dealing with disreputable men. We’ll say anything to get a sexual favor.” The teasing quality of his voice hit her square in the heart, but his next words blew her away.

  Cupping her face in his hands, he gazed into her eyes, seemingly searching for something. “Thank you for that. It’s been a long damn time since anything this nice has come my way. For you, this might be a random act of kindness or some compulsion to show compassion to an injured man, but it’ll be something I remember for the rest of my life.”

  Feeling her insides turn gooey, she mumbled, “You really don’t think women are motivated by lust, do you big guy.”

  A lopsided smile curved up one side of his sexy lips. “Angels don’t lust, baby.”

  “I’m not an angel.”

  “To me, you are. Will you let me return the favor?”


  “You deserve a nice evening out, a soft bed, and a man who’ll take his time with you.”

  Bringing her hands up to cover his, she nuzzled her cheek into one of his gigantic hands. “You talk like you don’t deserve all that as well.”

  “I don’t deserve any of the sweet goodness you just poured all over me.” Kissing her lightly on the forehead, he whispered tenderly, “But since I’m a greedy bastard, I allowed it.”

  Grabbing a black marker from a nearby table, she shoved his shirt sleeve up and wrote her phone number in small block print. “Call me and we’ll talk.”

  “Your sweet lips and a phone number all in one day. Who needs drugs when a man can catch a beautiful woman high?”

  “You don’t do drugs, do you?”

  “Hell, no. I work very hard at keeping my shit straight. Being strung out on drugs is a good way to wind up dead in my line of work.”

  “Well, stay safe, and I’ll talk to you soon.” She gestured down to his softening member. “You might want to see to that.”


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