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Ace of Hearts (Blind Jacks MC Book 3)

Page 11

by J.C. Valentine

  “What’ll you have?”

  She gave it some thought. “Appletini?”

  Ace smiled. “You got it, angel.”

  Barbara slid onto a barstool as Ace jumped behind the bar, washed his hands in a tiny sink, and began mixing drinks like a demon. He slid a candy-apple-red martini in front of her moments later.

  “I thought Appletini’s were green,” she pointed out.

  “Try it, beautiful.” He looked pretty damn sure of himself, sparking her curiosity.

  Lifting it to her lips, Barbara took a sip. As soon as the liquid hit her tongue, her eyes rolled back in her head as the different flavors hit her taste buds and the slow, warm burn of alcohol slid down her throat. “That’s absolutely fantastic,” she praised, aware that her voice had turned husky with pleasure. “You are drink-mixing god.”

  A slight smile curved his lips. “Thanks for sayin’.”

  “Do you mind if I ask what Tiffany meant about saving you?”

  Leaning over the counter, he casually dropped a bright-red cherry into her glass. “Remember when I told you that I went on a bit of a vendetta after I got out of lockdown?”

  “You weren’t thinking straight and were out for revenge over your brother, until you discovered what he’d done,” she recalled.

  “Tiffany’s old man, Ryder, was the girl’s brother.”

  Barbara’s mouth fell open. “Ryder killed your brother?”

  “I suspect, knowing Ryder like I do, he meant to beat the shit out of him. Hell, maybe he intended to kill him, I can’t know for sure. Anyway, my brother pulled a knife, and he wouldn’t stand down. When the smoke cleared, Ryder was standing over my brother’s corpse.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss.” She truly meant it. His brother didn’t sound like a good person at all, but she imagined losing family, especially a twin, had to be pretty painful.

  “My brother was messed up from the time he was born,” Ace said dismissively. “I couldn’t help him, and the struggle blinded me to how evil he could be.”

  Rubbing his arm soothingly, Barbara murmured, “You can’t blame yourself for the things he chose to do.”

  “Most of my scars are from him. Did you know that?”

  She thought of how many she’d seen on the small amount of skin she’d perused during their one-and-only intimate encounter and was horrified. “Sweet Jesus, I didn’t know that.” Bringing her hand up to caress the long scar running down the side of his temple, over his cheek, and down his neck, she tried to remember where it ended.

  “Want to hear the part that I just can’t get over?”

  Nodding, she waited for him to speak.

  “I was so hypervigilant and worried about what he was going to do to me next, I didn’t see that it wasn’t only me he tormented. He jabbed me, scratched me with things, and burned me with a lighter for fun. When he did shit like that, we’d fight. I thought of it as more of an ongoing minor irritation than something I considered life-threatening.”

  Her hand slid down to his shoulder, feeling pain in her chest for what he’d gone through. “No one deserves to be treated that way, especially not someone as nice as you.”

  “Well, I ain’t nice, but I was confused back then. You see, because my mother never showed any signs of being hurt by him, I thought it was something that only happened between the two of us. Looking back at it now, I can see that he mentally abused her and physically abused me.”

  “You can’t know that for sure.”

  “My mother wasn’t strong like you, angel. She was emotionally fragile. My dad was always gone, and the stress of life finally got to be too much for her. One day she just mentally checked out. She’d just sit there day after day with that dead look in her eyes.”

  “How is that your brother’s fault?”

  Ace sighed. “I believe that every time she got herself together and was coming out of it, he intentionally did something to trigger her. I can remember one time when I thought she was getting better. I came home and he had her sitting outside near the fire pit. He’d gotten her a stick and crammed a marshmallow on the end.”

  “That sounds like maybe he was trying to encourage her to participate and be happy,” Barbara said, not understanding where he was going with this. She wasn’t prepared for what he said next.

  “He was sitting across from her by the fire pit, skinning our family dog.”

  Oh God. Barbara struggled not to display the full range of emotions playing through her mind. “I don’t even have words,” she managed weakly. It was heart-wrenching to hear about Ace’s life growing up. With his father never being around, his mother being emotionally unavailable, and his brother being an abusive psycho, it made her wonder if the man had ever been truly loved a day in his life.

  Ace continued, “Even then I didn’t get it. I just thought he was being a little shit. We had the granddaddy of fights that night.”

  “Your mother didn’t try to stop you two from fighting?”

  “She sat right there roasting that marshmallow with a blank look on her face, until I came back out hours later and put her to bed. Looking back, it kills me to think of what he might have done to keep her like that.”

  Barbara could see just how much responsibility for his brother’s behavior he’d taken onto himself, and it had to stop. “The evil he did was on him, not you. No one ever assigned you to be your brother’s keeper, Jeremy. We’ve all heard stories about the good and bad twin. I don’t know why your brother was born broken, but I know you’re nothing like him. There’s an innate goodness in you. Whether or not you see it, it’s clear as day to me.”

  A shadow passed behind Ace’s eyes. “If I really were a good guy, I would have taken him out when we were kids. I could have saved my mother, little Rose, and every other person he tormented when I was locked up.”

  “Do you even hear yourself? You’re sitting here thinking you should have killed your brother when you were kids. No good can come of that kind of thinking.”

  “I know, but I just can’t accept that I allowed him to hurt so many people, all the while thinking it was only me.”

  “I believe when people are trapped in overwhelming situations, they aren’t able to reliably process all the details. When I was married, I tricked myself into believing David loved me because he was nice to me, bought me expensive gifts, and seemed to enjoy taking me out. After four or five affairs, I realized he just wanted me in his life for image control. He liked others seeing his pretty, socially adept wife. I was an accessory, meant to make him look good, like the little fake handkerchief he puts in his breast pocket.”

  “It’s called a pocket square.”


  Grinning, Ace took a sip of her drink. “The little silk handkerchief is called a pocket square. They’re for showing, not for blowing.”

  Smothering back a laugh, she tilted the glass in the opposite direction, taking another sip while he held the delicate stem between two fingers. “Yep, that’s me. I was simply a coordinating accessory to make his presentation complete when he was navigating important social situations. I feel ignorant for thinking he actually loved me. People like David and your brother aren’t like the rest of us. We have to learn that by trial and error. It’s a tough lesson to learn.”

  His eyes flashed up to hers. “I never thought about it that way.”

  Cupping his handsome, scarred face in her hands, Barbara kissed him on the lips. “Don’t carry all your brother’s sins around in your heart and head for the rest of your life. You deserve a little peace from all that.”

  His expression turned soft. “I honestly don’t deserve you.”

  “You know what Shakespeare said.”

  “Troubles come not single spies but in battalions?”

  She grinned. “He did say that. You really know your Shakespeare.”

  “Like I already said, I read a lot when I was in lockup.”

  “Well, William Shakespeare also said that if we use every man as he deserves,
who shall escape whipping?”

  “I guess he was pointing out that no one’s perfect,” Ace surmised.

  Somehow, quoting Shakespeare while having her hands on his face shifted the darkness of the moment to something approaching intimate.

  Rubbing one thumb over his bottom lip, she murmured, “Then again, he never met you. You’re totally my idea of perfect.”

  “Bet you say that to all the guys.” His sexy smile made her girl parts flare to life.

  “Please tell me that we’re having sex tonight.”

  Ace’s expression lit up. “You want to have some sex with me?”

  “Did you miss the part about me thinking you’re perfect?”

  Picking up the cherry in her glass by the stem, he brought it to her lips. Parting her lips, Barbara allowed him to slide it into her mouth. Closing her teeth slightly, she waited for him to pull the stem. The intensity of his gaze as he watched her chew made her feel crazy things.

  “Fuck, you are one sexy woman.”

  She smiling, swallowing the cherry. “Another?”

  Without looking away from her, he groped around in his little chilled metal dispenser for another and brought it to her lips. Wrapping her hand around his wrist, she used her other hand to take the cherry from him. Bringing it to his lips, they repeated the whole scenario, only in reverse. Tossing the stem onto the bar, she looked down at his hand. “Your fingers are stained red.”

  “I’ve been handling cherries.”

  Not taking her eyes off his, she brought his finger to her mouth. He swallowed thickly, as he watched her suck his finger. She swirled her tongue around his thick digit, just like she wanted to do to his cock. That concept wasn’t lost on him.

  Hooking his finger behind her lower teeth, he pulled her gently forward. When their mouths collided, white-hot need pulsated through her entire body. Ace was a damned good kisser and those hot lips were making her wild. Sliding her fingers through his hair, she practically climbed over the bar to get more of him, vaguely aware that he was shoving the items on bar to the side.

  The next thing she knew, he’d lifted her out of her seat, dragged her over the bar, and was walking off with her. That he could manage all that so gracefully and without breaking their kiss was nothing short of amazing. Barbara liked everything about this man. His casual dress, open honesty, and protective nature got to her like nobody’s business.

  And now he was about to get to her in ways, she suspected, that no other man ever had.

  ~ Barbara ~

  Ace walked into a room and headed for what was clearly the bathroom. Plunking her down on the counter, he started a shower and began undressing. The more clothing he shed, the bigger she felt the hearts in her eyes growing. The sexy biker had the best body she’d ever seen. Like he’d described earlier, he was covered in scars. However, the way they mingled with his intricate tattoos made him look rough and hot. She was delighted when he finally turned to her.

  Holding out her hand, she ordered, “Stop. Don’t take another step.”

  Freezing in his tracks, his shoulders slumped. “You don’t want me, now that you’ve…”

  “Shut it, handsome. I’m enjoying the view.”

  To his credit, a sexy smirk slipped onto his face, as he allowed her to look him over. His wide shoulders, bulging muscles, and trim waist would have been enough. Add to that the dark eyes, strong jaw, and full, luscious lips and she was a total goner.

  He grabbed his rod, giving it a nice long stroke, then cupped his balls with his other hand. Watching him pleasure himself to the sight of her was the most erotic experience of her life. Strangely enough, her clit tingled as if he was stroking her, rather than himself.

  When he spoke, his voice was rough with need. “I like the way you’re looking at me, angel.”

  “I like looking at you, and I like watching you play with it.”

  “Stop objectifying me, woman.” The teasing quality of his voice let her know he didn’t give two hoots in hell about that kind of thing.

  Laughing giddily, she motioned him forward. “Seeing you like this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Didn’t David ever stoke himself for your viewing pleasure?”

  Rolling her eyes, she grumbled, “Don’t bring him up when I’m having the time of my life.”

  His sexy smirk got bigger. “You ain’t had nothin’ but the floor show so far, sweetheart. Reaching out, he tilted her face up with two fingers. “My eyes are up here, angel.”

  “Oh, I like those too,” she breathed.

  “You’re just full of compliments tonight.”

  “I really like you. You’re so easy going.” Touching his chest, she gave herself permission to explore every magnificent bump and bulge. His body was like a fantastic playground, and she couldn’t wait to have a turn on every ride.

  Kissing her lightly on the lips, he replied teasingly, “I sure the fuck am not trying to make easy things hard.”

  Smoothing her hands down his arms, she murmured, “After the horrible day we’ve had, we both deserve a nice, relaxing evening together.”

  “There’s a large selection of brothers running around here tonight. Are you sure you want me?”

  Was he crazy? “Yes, sir, I am. That’s an inappropriate question to ask, once the clothes come off.”

  “Excuse me, but I ain’t ever been overly polite.”

  Her eyelids grew heavy and her voice sultry. “Undress me.”

  He was now sexy smirking all over the place, and it looked good on him. “I suppose some of my directness is rubbin’ off.”

  Maybe he supposed right…

  Lifting her arms, she let him pull her shirt over her head. Reaching around, she unsnapped her bra and let him pull that off as well. Without second-guessing the plan, her hands went instinctively to the front of her pants. The moment her zipper was down, Ace’s big hands grabbed the sides. She lifted herself slightly as he peeled her pants and panties off. Opening her legs, she positioned her hands on the counter between them for modesty.

  That earned her a little frown. “I don’t think I’m ever gonna get to see the goods with you.” Picking her up with very little effort, he pivoted and stepped into the shower.

  “God, a nice hot shower is just what the doctor ordered.” Tilting her head back, she closed her eyes and enjoyed of the feel of the water flowing over her tense body.

  Within seconds, she felt Ace’s wet, warm tongue lick down the tender column of her throat. “Damn, handsome, everything you do is absolutely perfect,” she praised.

  Cupping her ass in one gigantic hand, he whispered in her ear, “In that case, I’ll just continue taking liberties.”

  Lifting her head, she looked into his eyes. “Maybe I’ll follow your good example. I’ve been dreaming about getting another taste of you.”

  “Fuck no,” he growled. “You can wait your turn.”

  Reaching over, she grabbed some shower gel. Soaping her hand, she began rubbing him down, paying special attention to his impressive hard-on. She was just beginning to really have fun when he spoke.

  “If you think to tame me by making me shoot my load in the shower, you should know that ain’t gonna work.”

  “Jeremy Strond, are you telling me you are the kind of man who comes more than once a night?”

  “You better believe it. If you want to survive the night in my bed, you’d best get the first one out of the way.”

  Unsure whether or not to take him at his word, she began stroking him off. He stood with his head tilted back, enjoying her touch. Going to her knees earned her another of his frowns.

  “You are not blowing me twice before I…”

  “Shut it, handsome. I can follow basic instructions.”

  His expression turned heated as she rinsed them off and slid his thick member between her breasts. His mouth fell open and he seemed mesmerized by the sight of his dick peeking out the top of her cleavage with each thrust.

  Suddenly, he was moving again
st her. “Fuck, you have some nice tits.” Reaching down, he rubbed his fingers over one nipple and gently tugged at it between her fingers. Tilting her head down, she gently ran her tongue over the tip of his cock each time it came up.

  “Fuck, angel,” he gasped. “No man could take that.” His hips came to a staggering stop. Pulling back slightly, his cock twitched and with a groan, he came on her breasts.

  Dropping immediately to his knees, his lips found hers, but it was what he did with his hands that blew her ever-loving mind.

  Running one hand through the mess he’d made in the valley of her breasts, his other hand lifted her leg onto the side of the tub. Pulling her close, he used his own cum as lube to finger a sexy orgasm from her. It was some high-speed sexy move that she wasn’t even advanced enough to think up. If she thought she’d been wild in the bar, it was nothing compared to now.

  Giving her a moment to catch her breath, he held her close. “You like having my cum on your pussy, don’t you?”

  “You better believe it. I love every single thing you do.”

  “Well, hold on tight, ‘cause I’m just getting started.”

  Gazing up at him, Barbara loved the satisfied look on his handsome face. “Somehow, I knew you would be amazing at sex.”

  Frowning, he asked, “‘Cause I’m a bad boy outlaw?”

  “Nope. Because you are hotter than sin.”

  His frown turned immediately to a sexy smirk. She really liked that.

  “C’mon, precious, let’s get you dried off and to someplace nice and soft.” Lifting her from the tub, he pulled a towel from the rail and threw it down on the counter for her to sit on. Jerking open a slim cabinet, he pulled out a few more towels and began drying her off.

  “How did you know to do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Using your…you know,” she said, making nervous hand gestures.

  “I couldn’t begin to tell you.”

  “It flipped all the right switches for me,” she admitted. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so hot for a man.”

  Glancing up at her, he smothered back a smile. “You’re real sweet. I’ll remember you liked that.”


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