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Eyes On You: A Blasphemy Novella

Page 9

by Laura Kaye

  And the club was packed.

  A shiver ran over her skin. So many eyes…

  Making her way through the press of the crowd, Liv finally managed to get close to the bar. But trying to find a seat there was a hopeless endeavor.

  A hand fell on her arm. “Hey, Liv. Wanna join us?” It was Kenna, looking absolutely stunning in a silver-and-black sequined cocktail dress that matched the sleeve on her prosthetic arm. She’d lost everything below her right elbow while serving in Afghanistan, and Liv was so damn impressed by her that she already cherished her as a friend. “Some of the other subs and I claimed some couches in the hallway.”

  “That sounds great,” Liv said, smiling at being included. After losing so many friends when she and Caleb fell apart, it felt really good to be making new ones again. New ones who knew the real her. “It’s crazy in here.”

  “I know,” Kenna said, leaning closer. “Cass and I were just saying we want our club back.” They laughed.

  “I don’t know if I’ve belonged long enough to share in that sentiment, but I totally do.”

  Finally, they reached the grouping of couches located further down the same hallway where Master Wolf had cradled Liv in his lap that first night. Some of the other subs turned out to be about fifteen women and a few men, too. Liv didn’t know them all. But she saw Kenna and Cass and Master Kyler’s submissive, Mia, who ran an art gallery in town, all of whom she’d hung out with here a number of times.

  And Liv also saw Willow, with whom she hadn’t yet had a chance to reunite. “Willow!” Liv said, making her way through the tight-knit group. “It’s so great to see you.”

  “You know, Isaac told me that you’d been brought over to the dark side in here. If I’d have known, I’d have happily made that happen two years ago,” Willow said with a chuckle and a hug.

  “Tell me about it. I wish I’d known what I wanted back then,” Liv said, realizing how far she’d come in so little time. All thanks to Wolf offering to help a stranger caught up in the world’s worst date.

  Willow nodded, her soft curls a dark halo around her glowing, new-mother’s face. “It’s a process, trust me. Now that we have Vaughn, we’re figuring out our relationship all over again.”

  “That sounds exciting and scary,” Liv said.

  “Little bit,” Willow said. “But anything’s possible when you’re both in it together, you know?”

  Liv appreciated that sentiment, especially because she felt like she had that kind of a relationship with Wolf. Or, at least, they were well on their way to building it. “And where is Vaughn tonight?”

  “Believe it or not, he’s asleep upstairs in the Masters’ lounge.” With a chuckle, Willow pointed at the coffee table where a baby monitor Liv hadn’t noticed sat mixed in among the drink glasses and appetizer plates.

  “Haha, training him early, are you?” Liv teased with a wink.

  “Oh, my God, lady. You and Master Wolf must be a perfect match, because he said nearly the same damn thing.”

  Heat filled Liv’s cheeks, but only because Willow was so right.

  A warm body pressed to Olivia’s back. “My, my, who have I found here?”

  She smiled and turned in Master Wolf’s arms. “There you are.”

  “I saw your name on the roster and then spotted you on the feed,” he said, pointing up at the corner of the ceiling where a security camera perched.

  “Mmm, were you watching me, Master Wolf?” she asked, heat stirring in her body from being in his arms again and from imagining him watching her when she didn’t even know it. It made her want to perform for that camera. Undress for it. Orgasm in front of it. All knowing he was on the other side. His eyes on her every move.

  “Always, Olivia. And this is giving me some interesting ideas,” he said, eyebrows waggling.

  She laughed. “All you have are interesting ideas, Sir. That doesn’t tell me much.”

  He smirked and leaned in for a kiss. “I’ll take that as a compliment,” he murmured as his lips claimed hers.

  “So do you have time to hang out or are you completely slammed?” she asked when they parted again.

  “I have about fifteen minutes before I have to do an interview,” he said.

  “Fifteen minutes, huh?” She hoped her expression adequately feigned innocence as she peered up at him, even though her mind was all Please have some dirty, dirty plans for those fifteen minutes! “And what are you going to do with those fifteen minutes, Sir?” she teased.

  He pressed his mouth to her ear. “Different crowd in here tonight. How adventurous are you feeling?”

  Her belly did a flip-flop. He wasn’t wrong, and that was both a little overwhelming and a lot intriguing. “I know you wouldn’t push me to do something you didn’t think I could handle, Sir.”

  “Mmm, you are feeling adventurous.” His gaze ran over her dress—a white modern, mid-thigh number with sheer cutouts here and there that offered glimpses of her skin beneath. “And that dress is a fucking wet dream.”

  She grinned and did a spin, eager for him to see the cutout located almost dangerously low on her back.

  His expression went all stern and intense, evidence that full Dom mode was now in effect. And she freaking loved when that happened.

  Honestly, she loved every version of Wolf.

  She just…loved him. Every time she admitted that to herself, it felt like her chest might burst open with the feeling.

  “Come with me,” he nearly growled as he took her hand and pulled her into the middle of the mayhem, to a padded wooden bench set up near the dance floor and the couch where they’d sat that first night. “Hands and knees on this bench right now. Head up, eyes forward. And don’t move a muscle until I return.”

  Confusion and curiosity swamped Liv as she got into the position, but that was quickly washed away by the sea of eyes suddenly lighting up her skin with awareness. It was clear to everyone that something was happening, or about to happen, and so she drew a crowd even as Master Wolf melted away into it.

  Thank God he told me not to move and how to hold myself, she thought, because otherwise she’d be hard pressed to resist the nervous energy flowing through her, not to mention the urge to duck her gaze.

  Long—very long—minutes seemed to pass before Master Wolf finally returned. He got right in front of her face, something in his hand she couldn’t quite make out when she knew she wasn’t supposed to shift the position of her head or eyes. “You think you can tease me into taking you before I’m good and ready, little Olivia?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “No, Sir. Of course not.”

  “Because that seemed exactly like what you were trying to do. Tease me into giving you the satisfaction you wanted right when you wanted it.” He held up his hand. “And so I thought, if teasing is what interests you, I’d be happy to oblige.”

  Her heart tripped into a sprint, especially when murmurs and chuckles ran through the assembling crowd. It was a small dildo vibrator on two straps with a second vibrating piece those straps would hold tight to her clit.

  Oh, God. He was going to torture her. For fun. In front of all these people. For…for hours.

  “I’m sorry, Master Wolf,” she rushed out, because she was sorry, and she was also hoping he might give her a reprieve. The last time he’d made her wear a bullet vibrator at a restaurant he’d been especially evil, turning it on every time the waiter stood at their table, forbidding her from orgasming until she was sweating and shaking and damn near to crying. And when he finally had allowed her to come, he’d made her do it so many times that he had to help her walk out of the place—and he’d had to walk behind her, because she’d soaked her dress.

  And, yeah, Master Wolf had made sure the waiter had seen his fair share of it all.

  Between that and the hundred-dollar tip her Dom had left, she imagined that waiter had a pretty damn good night. And that kinda got her off, too.

  Damn Wolf. Maybe he knew her too well. Or at least it seemed so as he grinned
and arched a brow. “I’m going to make sure all these eyes are on you tonight, Olivia. I sure know mine will be.”

  He moved behind her.

  Rucked up her skirt. He’d instituted a no-panties rule for her club attire weeks ago, so his actions immediately bared her ass to the crowd.

  Then he slid the straps over her heels and up her legs, forcing her to lift her knees one at a time as he went. Finally, he inserted the dildo, centered the butterfly-shaped flat vibrator over her clit, and secured the straps.

  He smacked her ass for good measure, two good swats on each cheek, before putting her skirt back in place again.

  He hadn’t made a big show of it, and that almost made it worse—more humiliating—because he wasn’t doing this for pleasure. This was his evil brand of voyeuristic punishment.

  Liv was developing a love/hate relationship with it.

  Oh, who was she kidding?

  “Rise, assume the waiting position, and thank me,” he said, voice stern and so damn sexy.

  With as much grace as she could, Liv followed his command, coming to stand with her feet shoulder-width apart, her hands behind her back, her head up but her eyes down. “Thank you, Master Wolf.”

  He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I’ll see you in a little while, Olivia.” He took one step back.

  The vibrators turned on.

  Both of them.


  The high-pitched gasping moan ripped out of her unbidden, and she nearly pitched forward from the sudden surprise of it.

  A murmur of humor and appreciative approval rolled through the crowd, but she kept her gaze on her Dom. It was easy when he was so freaking hot in a pair of black dress pants and white dress shirt with the arms rolled up, and a silver vest. Her sexy businessman fantasy brought to life again.

  But it was those green eyes that always sucked her in most. Watching her, appreciating her, loving her. Did he feel it as strongly as she did?

  “You’re dismissed,” he said, with a wink. “Go have fun.”

  * * * *

  Thirty minutes later, Liv sought some privacy in one of the little nooks off the opposite hallway from where she and the other submissives had been hanging out. Because Master Wolf was making her insane.

  She’d come twice in front of her friends—not to mention the strangers who’d been keeping an eye on her after her Dom’s little show. Her friends understood. Hell, they even envied her, and she’d taken her fair share of teasing because of it. Liv was weathering it with as much good humor and chagrin as she could muster, because they’d all been there. And because she also knew that if she stood in front of one of the cameras and clearly mouthed the word Red, it would be over in a heartbeat.

  Liv was in control.

  But even with all that, she needed a moment to compose herself because he’d had the vibrator set at one of its higher settings for the past five minutes, and she couldn’t decide if she wanted to cry or scream from the torment. What she did know was that her thighs were now wet from her orgasms, and the sensations twisting up tight in her body threatened that the next one might take her to her knees.

  Finally, she found an unoccupied couch toward the front corner of the church and collapsed onto it. Closing her eyes, she could almost imagine that Wolf was there with her, whispering dirty little commands in her ears, using those big hands between her legs, that hard, curved cock pressed against her thigh, promising to make her feel so good.

  She rolled her hips. His torture was going to make her come again. God. So close. She held her breath.

  The vibrations stopped.

  “No!” she cried to the empty room.

  “So this was what you wanted? To be humiliated while everyone watched?”

  Liv’s eyes flew open, and her whole body went cold.


  “What the hell are you doing here?” she asked, flying to her feet. It’d been about a year since she’d last run into him, at a restaurant in the city. And he looked exactly the same. A few inches taller than her, brown hair and eyes, boy-next-door good-looking. But she never in a million years expected to see him here.

  “I’m friends with one of the Masters. He thought I might be curious,” he said, standing in the doorway to the little nook where she’d sought refuge.

  Only to actually be humiliated by her ex-fiancé all over again. His words made her want to vomit and cry and run, but she wasn’t letting him see any of that.

  “You? Really?” She steeled her spine and crossed her arms, making sure her red cuff was visible.

  He shrugged with one lazy shoulder as his gaze ran over her dress. And now she really did want to vomit. “I think about you sometimes.”

  She scoffed and headed for the doorway. “Gee, thanks. I don’t think about you, Caleb. And I haven’t in a long time. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

  He stepped in front of her, blocking her way. “I watched what he did to you. I just can’t believe that’s how you want a man to treat you.”

  Shaking now, from anger and embarrassment and a whirl of emotions she couldn’t even begin to name, Liv chuffed out a humorless laugh. “What I do is none of your business. Hasn’t been for years. And why you’d think I’d care what you think about how a man should treat me after you’d been fucking another woman for months while we were planning our damn wedding, I can’t begin to imagine!”

  “Olivia,” he said, grasping her arm.

  She yanked away from him. “You don’t get to touch me, Caleb. Now move out of my way.”

  “You used to want me to touch you. Maybe I just needed to do it how he does it. Maybe it would’ve been better between us then. I could turn you over my lap and spank you so hard. That what you like now?” He stalked toward her, and ice tingled down her spine.

  “Don’t touch me again,” she yelled, glaring. “You twisted, pompous, close-minded asshole!”

  Finally, someone heard them.

  And not just any someone.

  Master Alex. The most intimidating Master she’d yet met. She’d learned he was a sadist and that she was far from the only one who trembled in his presence. “Submissive, on your knees right this minute,” he ordered.

  Oh God. This was an order she did not want to obey. Not in front of Caleb. Not in a million years. But failing to disobey an order from any of the Blasphemy Masters was crossing-red-line territory for the club’s submissives, and it would earn her discipline at Master Alex’s hands and reflect poorly on Master Wolf, too. She was equally scared of both.

  Liv knelt. Knees spread, back straight, hands on her thighs, head down.

  “Jesus,” Caleb muttered.

  “What’s the problem here?” Master Alex asked.

  “I’m sorry, Alex,” Caleb said. “We were just talking about playing together.”

  Her head whipped up. “We were not.”

  Master Alex’s dark eyes narrowed. “Talk out of turn again and I will take you over my knee.”

  Shaking with rage and bone-deep humiliation, Liv bowed her head. And got even madder when tears pooled in her eyes.

  “I really did appreciate you inviting me, so I am sorry,” Caleb continued. “I thought she was interested.”

  What the hell? Her mouth dropped open and words were out before she’d even thought to say them. “I can’t believe you said that. That’s a lie. I’m with someone else now!”

  “Olivia!” Master Alex barked.

  “But, Sir—”

  “Caleb, please wait at the bar.”

  “Oh. Sure,” he said. With one last glance at her, he was gone.

  The first tear finally streaked down Olivia’s face. And then another. She watched as Master Alex punched a text message into his cell phone, a deep scowl on his face.

  God, he was so mad at her. This was bad. Really bad. And, Jesus, if Caleb was Master Alex’s guest, of course he was going to take his side. And all she wanted was Master Wolf. Where was he?

  After what felt like forever, Master Alex pocketed his phone and
stood right in front of her. The hems on his worn blue jeans were frayed over a pair of black work boots.

  “Look at me.” She did. “Tell me what happened.”

  “He…he found me here. Made some unkind comments about my choices and…interests. Then came on to me despite my telling him not to touch me and to let me leave. What he told you, none of that was true.”

  A storm rolled in over Master Alex’s expression. “I’ll handle him. But what am I to do with you?” Liv knew enough not to answer. “You spoke out of turn repeatedly. Didn’t trust me to protect you. Did it never occur to you that I’d be able to tell that he was lying? How many times have I seen you and Master Wolf together? Besides which, you’re wearing a red cuff. No other players should even be approaching you to do a scene.”

  Oh. He was right. More slow tears fell. What a mess this whole thing was. “I’m sorry, Master Alex.”

  He shook his head. “I know you are, but that might not be enough. I’ll let Master Wolf decide.”

  “Decide what?” her Dom said, rushing into the room. “What the hell happened?”

  Chapter 10

  All Wolf knew was that his Olivia was crying, and he couldn’t not touch her. He went right to her, a hand on her shoulder. “Liv, are you okay?”

  “No,” she said, more tears falling as her face crumpled. “Not okay.”

  Whatever Alex thought she had to be sorry for could wait. Wolf scooped her into his arms and carried her to the couch. He gave the other man a look he hoped communicated every bit of the anger coursing through him. Because some shit had clearly gone down and he was livid.

  And at least some of that anger he directed at himself. Because he should’ve been with her. He should know what’d happened. Fucking open house night.

  “I’ve got you now,” he said, wiping her tears. God, she was so damn beautiful, and those tears were breaking his fucking heart. “And I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”


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