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The Bodyguard's Christmas Proposal

Page 11

by Charlotte Hawkes

  And now he was finding it exceedingly hard just to keep himself in check. And this was just the warm-up.

  He felt like a randy teenager, and Logan had never been more grateful when she slowed to a walk...right up until she launched into her stretches. Starting with touching her toes.

  ‘Jesus, Kat.’ The breath whooshed out of him all at once.

  Barely remembering to check no one was around them, he grabbed her hand and pulled her deeper into trees until they were out of sight of the main path. Then, practically throwing her against the oldest, thickest tree trunk, he pinned her there with his body, lacing his one hand through her hair and letting the other cradle her backside. He just about heard her muttering thickly about what had taken him so long, and then he dropped his mouth to hers and drank her in greedily.

  It had been well worth the wait. She tasted of lust and desire, and he couldn’t get enough. He kissed her for a long while—maybe years—feeling things roll through him, supercharging him.

  Kat, for her part, clutched his arms tightly as though all she could do was hold on for the ride, and he found he liked that sensation rather too much.

  He tasted her, and played with her, licking along her lower lip with his tongue, then plundering inside her mouth, revelling in every greedy, unrestrained sound that escaped her. And then he proceeded to explore her jawline, her neck and her throat as she tipped her head back and sighed with abandon.

  He had no idea how much time had passed when they finally, reluctantly, came up for air.

  ‘That’s more what I wanted,’ she whispered on a shaky little breath.

  ‘You should have said earlier.’ He might not be kissing her, but he still couldn’t bring himself to release her. ‘I could have accommodated it.’

  ‘I’ll bear that in mind,’ managed Kat, moving one arm so that her hot palm was lying flat over his chest, travelling over the muscles beneath as though she was learning them.

  ‘Anything else you wanted?’ he rasped.

  She looked up at him, her expression darkening, her eyes never leaving his. But suddenly her palm was moving lower, and lower again, until she was skimming past the waistband of his shorts and then cupping his length in her hand.

  Need exploded within him and he drew in a sharp breath.

  ‘Careful, Kat.’ It was practically a growl. ‘You don’t know what you’re doing to me.’

  ‘Oh, I think I do.’

  Then, with one slick movement, she slid her hand under his waistband, coiled her fingers around him and began to set a slow rhythm.

  ‘Kat...’ He breathed her name then muttered a curse, and she smiled softly in response.

  ‘I’ve been wanting to do this ever since you touched me that night.’

  ‘I’ve not been stopping you.’

  ‘You haven’t exactly been making it easy either.’ He got the impression she was reprimanding him.

  It wasn’t an unpleasant experience.

  He lifted his hands to caress her body, skimming his palms, his fingers, his thumbs over every delectable curve and hollow. Taking his time as his fingers danced down the length of her spine and his hands spanned her delicate waist.

  And then he lowered his hands to her hips, taking the time to explore before tracing his way to the front, in between her legs. He revelled in her ragged breathing as he moved his hand back and forth, her wet heat so clearly evident.

  But whilst the running suit clung so lovingly to every curve and allowed him to feel every inch of her through the material, he found there was actually no way in.

  ‘This is a ridiculous garment,’ he rasped, as Kat changed the pressure in her grip and made him feel as though he was spiralling out of control.

  ‘It’s meant for running,’ she whispered, amused. ‘Not for’

  She twisted her wrist and a low, guttural sound escaped him.

  What she was doing felt so good, but if he didn’t put a stop to this now, he feared he wasn’t going to be able to, and he refused to embarrass himself right here.

  ‘Not here.’ Lowering his hand, he encircled her wrist, stopping her and freeing himself.


  He looked up. They were approximately in the middle of the park, part way between her apartment and his. But they only needed one apartment.

  ‘Jamie isn’t due home for a couple of hours,’ Logan bit out, adjusting himself. ‘We can go back to mine.’

  ‘Then hurry up,’ she urged. ‘Because I was rather enjoying myself there.’

  ‘You’ll enjoy yourself more when I can touch you,’ he promised. ‘And taste you.’

  He exulted when her eyes darkened with undisguised desire.

  Then, interlocking his fingers with hers, he turned them both around and led them back to the main path.

  * * *

  Kat could barely believe she’d been so bold back there in the middle of the woods where no one could see them.

  She wasn’t sure she’d ever felt so wanton or daring in her life. But, then, she’d never felt as desired as she did when she was with Logan—when he wasn’t throwing her out of his apartment, that was.

  If it hadn’t been for her clothing, she was sure she would have let him take her right there, against that tree. He made her feel like the most beautiful, craved woman in the world. And she liked how strong she felt she was becoming, the more time she spent in his company.

  Hunger and need coursed through her every time she saw him. It was a heady experience, and one that she found she liked more and more.

  Wordlessly, they ran through the park together. A thousand times better than the training run she’d expected. Nonetheless, her pulse thrummed frantically throughout her body as they reached his apartment building and he reached for her in the elevator. Her throat, her wrist, even her knees. And especially between her legs.

  He crushed her into the corner of the elevator, and Kat reached around to hold his backside, nestling him right where she needed him most, driving them both wild as he devoured her with his mouth, leaving her panting and desperate.

  She had never burned like this before. Ever.

  They barely managed to tear themselves apart as the lift slowed and the doors pinged. They tumbled out and half ran, half walked down the corridor to his apartment. And then Logan was unlocking the door and pulling her inside, his T-shirt already off his body and on the hallway floor.


  The sound of Jamie’s voice from in the kitchen had them springing apart. Snatching up his T from the hallway floor, Logan had just about pulled it back on as his son came hurtling around the corner.

  ‘Look who I found, champ,’ he declared as Jamie came to an abrupt halt and gazed at Kat in delight.

  Kat tried to smooth her hair and then, in vain, reduce the flush from her cheeks before a woman, who had to be Logan’s mother, followed. Tall and slim, she wore her hair in a tight topknot, but there was no denying the elegant way in which she carried herself.

  ‘Hello, Logan, dear. We got back early so... Oh, hello.’

  Forcing a smile, Kat tried not to feel like a teenager caught heading up to her boyfriend’s bedroom.

  ‘Mrs Connors.’ She extended her hand in greeting.

  ‘Kat, this is my mother, Zula. Mom, this is Kat,’ Logan instantly took control. ‘Shall we go through to the living room rather than congregate in the hall?’

  And as he ushered them through, Kat was shocked when she felt his hand on the small of her back, as though to lend her support.

  She pretended that the gesture didn’t mean as much as it did.

  ‘She came to see me.’ Jamie jumped up and down.

  ‘Of course she did, pumpkin,’ the older woman agreed, but Kat didn’t miss the amused glint in her eye.

  Kat didn’t doubt for a moment that Zula had noted b
oth Logan’s hand on her back, as well as the fact that his T was inside out. And as nonsensical as it was, given the nature of their non-relationship, Kat found herself wanting to make a good impression on the older woman. So when he enveloped her in a huge Jamie hug and asked her if she wanted to play dinosaurs, she heard herself saying something altogether different.

  ‘Actually, sweetheart, your daddy told me that you wanted to bake gingerbread cookies but they went wrong.’

  ‘Yuck.’ Jamie nodded instantly.

  ‘Well, how about if you and I go and make a batch together now whilst your daddy and nana talk. Will you help me weigh out the flour?’

  Just as she’d hoped, he could barely contain his happiness, and she let Jamie lead her through to the kitchen. She didn’t dare to turn and look at Logan for a moment.


  ‘I WON MEDAL!’ Jamie cried, pride and jubilation bursting out of every flailing limb as he showed off his race medal.

  ‘Careful, champ.’ Logan laughed. ‘But that looks amazing. You’re a winner.’

  Swinging his son into the air, Logan held the little boy aloft as Kat’s gaze dropped from the delighted four-year-old to the man who was beginning to dominate her life. And not just because of the way he affected her body—although, as she tried to keep her eyes off Logan’s rippling abs, a taut knot was already forming in the pit of her belly.

  Her libido seemed to be in a permanently heightened state these days. No guesses as to why.

  ‘We all got medals,’ Jamie announced, wrenching her attention back up.

  She told herself that was a good thing and lifted her hand up to Jamie’s, to be rewarded with an enthusiastic high-five.

  ‘Wow, that’s super-amazing. Are you going to hang it on your bedroom wall?’

  ‘Yes, yes, yes.’ Jamie wriggled excitedly on his dad’s shoulders, then his expression turned grave as he peered down at this father and Kat. ‘Now, you have to win medals, too.’

  ‘I can’t promise anything, champ.’ Logan laughed as Kat shook her head.

  ‘I’ll just be happy to finish, Jamie. I’m nowhere near as fast as your daddy. Maybe I should have done the kids’ fun run with you.’

  Besides, if Logan’s parents didn’t find them soon, to take Jamie, they wouldn’t be running anywhere.

  ‘You not twelve.’ Jamie frowned, citing the upper age limit for the race.

  A bubble of laughter rose through Kat. It happened more and more these days—always around Logan. Could it only be a year ago when she’d feared she might never laugh again?

  ‘You’re right,’ she told the little boy. ‘I’m not twelve, so I guess I would have been too old for the fun run.’

  Jamie didn’t look impressed.

  ‘Not old,’ he told her airily. ‘Kind. Pretty.’

  ‘Ah, thank you, Jamie.’

  ‘Good recovery,’ Logan added dryly, and as Kat looked at him, his eyes swam with a warmth that heated her very bones.

  ‘We’ll run together.’ Logan shrugged, responding to Kat’s earlier comment. ‘What’s the point of training together if we run separately?’

  Her stomach flipped and rolled deliciously, but she tried to keep her grin light.

  ‘The point,’ she told him, ‘is that you are competitive enough in training. You always push yourself that bit harder. I’m grateful for all the pacing and motivational speeches and all that, but I think I’d rather run at my own pace and enjoy the run.’

  And not be distracted by him. Not that she was about to voice that one.

  ‘It’s a race.’ He frowned before he could help himself, making her laugh again.

  ‘Case in point.’

  ‘Fine. We’ll run separately. I didn’t want to show you up with my costume anyway.’

  ‘You have a costume?’

  ‘’Course!’ he exclaimed, pulling items out of his rucksack. ‘It’s a Santa Dash after all. I have a red tutu and a green elf hat.’

  Of course he did, because that was so typically military of him.

  ‘It’s a fairy dress.’ Jamie eyed his father critically.

  ‘It’s a Christmas fairy. Good, huh?’

  Jamie looked distinctly underwhelmed.

  ‘Fairies are for girls. They’re pink.’

  ‘Who told you that?’ Logan bent down to smile at his son. ‘There are just as many boy fairies as girl fairies.’

  Unexpectedly, he glanced over and winked at her, and her heart vaulted with all the energy of an Olympic gymnast. It was nice to be drawn in as though she was part of their little family.

  ‘And they might be pink,’ Logan was continuing, oblivious to her momentary distraction, ‘but they don’t have to be.’

  Jamie still looked unconvinced, but now there was clear doubt in his mind. As he turned his focus back on his race medal, Logan turned to face her.

  ‘I brought a set for you, too.’

  ‘I like the way you handled that,’ she told him quietly, before she could change her mind.

  ‘I like the way you handle a lot of things.’ He winked, and she tried not to flush, even though every inch of her body was tingling at the insinuation.

  The past week they’d seen each other every day, not including the shifts they’d worked together. They’d been running together, taken Jamie out for festive treats, and had even decorated another room in Logan and Jamie’s apartment.

  They’d broken the rules and stolen a few kisses—heavy, and passionate, and ultimately all the more frustrating—in every corner of his apartment, as well as empty consultation rooms at work.

  But they still hadn’t had a chance to be alone, and finish what they’d started that night.

  It was driving Kat crazy. Her body felt like a messy melting pot of wicked desires and unfulfilled urges. She felt a permanent restlessness under her skin, like her body wasn’t quite her own. Like she was ready to explode.

  She craved him more and more, and not being able to have him was only making that hunger all the more intense.

  ‘Don’t tell me you’re too afraid to put them on,’ he baited her, holding up a second costume.

  He was throwing down the gauntlet, and she was trying to think up a witty response. Then those wretched eyes of his twinkled mischievously at her, and they both knew she was lost.

  ‘Fine.’ She feigned a heavy sigh. ‘Throw it over here.’

  A green tutu and candy cane hat sailed through the air, and she shook her head she pulled them on.

  But this was the side of Logan that she liked the most. The goofy side. Pulling the kind of stunts he’d pulled with his army buddies. She knew, because she’d seen the photos and she’d heard his stories.

  And she’d tried not to read too much into it when he’d told her that she was the first—the only—person he’d told this stuff to since he’d been discharged from the army.

  She was helping him. And that was okay because he was helping her, too. But when this...thing—whatever it was—between them ended, what then?

  And it would end. That had been the agreement from the start.

  Shoving the moment of apprehension to the back of her mind, Kat tugged the tutu over her running shorts and rammed the hat on her head, just as she heard Jamie’s shout.

  ‘Nana! Gramps!’

  Embarrassment burned through Kat even as she lifted her head to Zula, and Logan’s father, smiling as widely as she could as the greetings were made.

  Of course they would head over just as she looked a fool. Well, she could be embarrassed or she could own it, and the fact was that it shouldn’t matter to her what they thought of her. It wasn’t as though she and Logan were...anything. Right?

  ‘There.’ She bounced her head comically, making Jamie and even Logan’s parents laugh. ‘How’s that?’

  ‘Very festive.’ The older couple smiled an
d Jamie clapped his hands in approval.

  ‘Pretty Kat.’

  And then Logan stepped forward between the three of them and her, making a show of adjusting the headband, the expression on his face making heat pool low, between her legs.

  ‘Very pretty Kat,’ he murmured, too quietly for anyone but her to hear.

  The moment stretched out and, in that instant, Kat thought he was going to kiss her, right there in front of everyone.

  Worse, she was standing there unable to move, unable even to breathe, waiting for him to. Willing him to.

  And then he turned away sharply.

  ‘Okay, the race will be starting soon so we’d better get going.’ He stopped and dropped a kiss on his son’s head. ‘I want to hear you cheering, champ. The louder you shout, the faster I run—got it?’

  ‘Got it,’ Jamie parroted back happily.

  ‘See you shortly.’

  Then Logan was grabbing her hand and heading off. Almost as if they were a proper couple after all.

  * * *

  ‘What do you think, champ, will it do?’

  Jamie eyed his father’s first-place trophy with awe.

  ‘It’s ’mazing,’ he breathed.

  ‘Want to hold it?’

  Jamie held out his hands reverently, sucking in air through his tongue and his teeth as he concentrated on not dropping it.

  ‘Hardly fair competition, really, was it?’ Kat chuckled quietly. ‘You’re a bodyguard and former soldier.’

  ‘And Christmas fairy, let’s not forget.’

  He flicked his tutu and Kat wondered how on earth it was possible for it to make him look even more masculine, rather than less.

  Possibly it was the all-too-broad, muscled shoulders and the chest that she kept dreaming about licking. Every hard ridge and every defined curve.

  ‘So where’s a fairy godmother when you need one?’ she grumbled, only loud enough for him to hear, and certainly not expecting a response.

  She almost leapt out of her skin when Zula appeared at her shoulder.


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