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A Risky Dance

Page 3

by Monika Summerville

  Riley reached to the other side of the bed, pulled two pillows over to them, and put his hand under her neck. She almost sat up and he wedged the pillows behind her back.

  “Can you see?” He arched an eyebrow and saw her nod yes. “You need to speak, yes or no?”


  “Good.” His fingers tickled through her wet curls to her clit and she sucked in a breath and arched her back. “You are so beautiful. Hold still for a minute.”

  “Like I can move with your ankles holding that board down,” she said.

  “I knew the saucy attitude was in there. Do you hate this?”

  “No, it feels good.”

  He laughed and turned the twist on the clamp on her clit. “You know, it excites the hell out of me to know that what I’m doing to you is giving you some pleasure.” He felt the blood pulse in his hard cock and was so torn to not just fuck her. He twisted the clamp slightly and she blew out a breath and moaned.

  “No, I don’t hate this. I’m just not used to waiting to be fucked. You’re taking your sweet time.”

  He reached up to her nipples and tightened those, too. She tried to buck her hips and panted while he watched her. He moved back and kept her legs spread with his arms. His tongue ran up her pussy and teased her over stimulated clit.

  “I’m in heaven,” he mumbled. He played with her for some time. He’d bring her close to orgasm and then back off. He bit the insides of her legs and then sat up.

  He moved off the bed and walked over to the cupboard. He took out a long-wide dildo. It had steel bumps on it and he tested the batteries.

  He crawled back between her legs, held up the toy so she could see it, and then started to insert it into her channel. Turning the toy on, he flicked the clamp on her clit which caused her to gasp a ragged breath and moan. A stream of sweat rolled from her hair line and he wanted to lick it off of her skin.

  Turning the vibrator up a notch, he put his mouth over her clit. His tongue danced around the clamp and he nipped at the tissue on the end. His reward came when her hips jerked up and down a little. She couldn’t move much, but arched her back and howled. Before her orgasm finished he moved to straddle her chest and when she sucked in a breath he jammed his cock into her mouth. He felt it slide to the back of her throat. When he pulled back, she took another deep breath and he began to fuck her mouth hard. He knew he might be going overboard, but couldn’t stop. She was so hot and the fact she hadn’t stopped him or demanded a safe word made him believe she enjoyed him. He admired her bravery.

  He braced himself against the wall and smacked his penis into her several times before he withdrew. He moved to the board, un-cuffed her feet and removed the dildo from her pussy. He moved close, resting her legs over his thighs, and put his cockhead at her opening. He pushed in all the way.

  “I knew you’d feel great. God, you’re warm. I’m not wearing a condom so I’ll have to come on you. Is that all right?” He looked down at her and tweaked her nipple.

  “Yes,” she squeaked and moaned again.

  “Are you ready to come again, babe?” She looked up at him. “Spread your knees farther apart and put your feet around my neck.”

  She did as he asked and he rode her hard. Every so often he felt the clamp rub against his cock and almost exploded. He could tell by her reactions that she’d had two, maybe three mini-orgasms. He played with her clit and she’d groan and try to buck her hips.

  When he was close to exploding he pulled his cock out of her and palmed it. He rubbed up and down several strokes and kept his other hand over her mound and rubbed her clit. Her back arched again and his semen shot out of the head and coated her stomach and pussy. He smiled down at her and when he could speak again, said, “Next time I’ll have a condom on. You are an incredible woman.”

  A tear rolled out of the corner of her eye and he hoped he didn’t hurt her. He decided to stop for the night and see if she’d explain the tears.

  Once the clamps and cuffs were off, he let her lay on the bed. He went into the bath and turned on the water in the shower to get it warmed. When he returned to the side of the bed she laid curled in a ball. He bent over to pick her up and moved back to the bath.

  “No more tonight, please, no more,” she said against his chest.

  “No more, sweetheart. It’s time to rest.” He walked into the shower and set her feet down. He held her tight and let the water run down her back.

  He cupped the back of her head. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “I’m just...”

  “I understand. You haven’t experienced anything like this before and are a bit overwhelmed.” He turned her and let the water cascade over her breasts and stomach.

  “No, I haven’t experienced some of it and no, I’m not overwhelmed. Those positions are exhausting.”

  He snagged a bar of soap and started to wash her stomach and pelvis. She grabbed his wrist.

  “You don’t have to wash me.”

  “I know, but I want to. Just relax and lean on me,” he said.

  “Are you an alien?”

  He laughed. “No, I’m from Detroit. What about you?”

  “Southern Cal born and raised.”

  “What do you do for work?”

  “This isn’t twenty questions, Mr. Frost.”

  He rinsed her off and then washed himself. Once all the soap was down the drain, he turned the water off and reached for a towel. She put her hand out for the towel, but he held it back.

  “No, I’ll dry you.” He unfolded the big, fluffy towel and moved to her. She wore a deep frown on her lips and her eyebrows pinched together. “You’re not used to being cared for, are you?”

  She looked at him. “I need to leave. Where are my clothes?”

  “Anna, you should rest for a few minutes, at least. I’m not comfortable letting you drive when your body is still in a euphoric state.”

  “Euphoric state? Is that what it’s called?” She smirked and held her hand out. “I can dry myself, thank you.”

  He handed her the towel and watched as she roughly dried her skin.

  * * * *

  All she knew was she needed to get out of this place, now. He’d given her a night like no other she’d ever experienced, but this wasn’t her.

  Since her mother went nuts when Sophie was nine years old, she’d taken care of herself. As vice president of her father’s company, she was tough and demanding and earned a couple of derogatory names that she wasn’t supposed to be aware of. She never let her guard down, whether at work or looking for some man to fuck. She always held emotions in check and wasn’t about to let Riley Frost get under her skin and unseal that resolve.

  After she dried herself off and left the bathroom, her legs shook so badly she had to step gingerly down the stairs. It surprised her when Riley didn’t follow and hoped she could find her way back to her car in one piece. As she turned into the living room, she saw her dress in a pile by the couch and bent over to retrieve it. Her arms didn’t have much strength as she pulled it over her head and saw one of her shoes. She looked around for the other and crouched down onto her knees to peer under the sofa, but it wasn’t there. She stood, looked toward the kitchen, and saw it on the counter. It surprised her and she couldn’t figure out how it got there. They felt rough on her feet and she held onto the counter to get her balance back for a moment. When she turned around to leave, she took a step back. Riley stood in front of her wearing jeans and a T-shirt. He’d put on loafers.

  “I’ll walk you to your car if you really want to leave,” he said and smiled.

  “That isn’t necessary.”

  “This isn’t the safest neighborhood, Anna. I’d be remiss in letting you get attacked.”

  She looked up at him and knew he was being sincere, but couldn’t fall for whatever he dealt. “Fine, let’s go.” She moved past him, found her clutch on a table, and went to the elevator.

  He walked up next to her and put his hand around her wa
ist. The doors opened and they stepped in together.

  The walk back to her car was short and neither said a word until she stopped.

  “You have an XJ?” he asked.

  She stepped off the curb and went to the driver’s side and made no reply.

  “I have an XJ,” he said and moved to her. He put his arms around her, pushed his body against hers and she felt the palms of his hands rest on her butt cheeks. “I have three questions for you.”

  She leaned back away from him and smirked. “Great. What?” He stood too close. Apart of her wanted to touch him, but her tough side said no, keep your arms down.

  “Are you okay to drive yourself home?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” She watched him nod and waited for the next question.

  “Why won’t you sleep with me?”

  This took her for a loop. She didn’t know how to answer him. Should she tell him that she’d fucked many men and never slept with any of them or tell him that she’d only slept with someone once and it turned into a nightmare.

  “I’m more comfortable in my own bed, “she said and backed out of his arms. She pressed the remote on her key chain and the locks clicked.

  “What’s your real name?”

  “Rachel.” She opened the door to the car.

  “Can I kiss you goodnight?” He moved in close.

  She smiled and felt his warm breath on her cheek. “That’s four questions and you said three.” She sat in the seat, swung her legs in, and started the car.

  Riley blocked the door and bent over. “I’d like to see you again.”

  “You’ve seen enough of me, Mr. Frost. Have a good life.” She put her hand on the door handle and looked at him annoyed.

  “I think we will see each other again. I’m an attorney and very good at finding things I want.”

  She looked up at him. “I’m not a thing and I don’t really give a fuck what you want. Please, move so I can leave.”

  He stood up straight and moved away from the car. She slammed the door, locked it and then put the car into Drive. The wheels peeled away from the curb and in the rearview she could see him smile.

  * * * *

  Riley pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. He hit a speed dial number and started the stroll back to his condo. The line rang and then a deep male voice answered.

  “Hejazi, I have a California plate I need traced. AZ55582. It’s a silver Jaguar XJ. I need to know who owns it,” he said.


  “Something like that, but not the vehicular type.”

  Chapter Five

  On Monday morning, Sophie stood at the windows in her office and sipped her double-espresso. She tried to keep focused on the contract she’d reviewed over the weekend. It was dull. Her thoughts continued to turn to Riley Frost and she needed to be honest with herself. She’d experienced more fun in that one night than she felt in years of nights with other men. He’d gotten her to let go of the tense resolve she clung to and given her pleasure. She thought she might have to go into Fellows Bar and Grill again and maybe have a second night with him.

  “A bloody miracle,” she mumbled and chewed the edge of the cup.

  She’d spent the weekend reviewing the contract and preparing her brain for this big meeting with Sherwood Industries. They’d written a new computer program that her father wanted for Pantagen. It would bring the company back up to date and the manufacturing end would be much more efficient. All that remained was to get the contracts agreed to and signed. She doubted it would finish today, but it would be a big move forward.

  She heard a light knock on the door and her secretary, Tara, came in.

  “The meeting starts in fifteen, Miss Pantagen. Some of the Sherwood people have arrived. Your father would like to see you in his office.”

  “Thank you, Tara.” She turned to her desk and threw her empty cup in the trash.

  She wore a black pencil skirt and a white silk blouse with a Mao collar. She picked up her jacket, slipped it on, and went to the mirror in her private bathroom. She checked her appearance and buttoned the jacket. Her hair was up in her usual severe bun and she moved her glasses to check her makeup.

  “As good as it gets,” she said and, on her way out of the office, picked her leather-bound notepad up off her desk.

  Sophie walked quickly down the hallway and ignored the people who greeted her along the way. She’d worked for her father since graduating from college nine years ago and worked her way up the ladder with tough authority.

  Her father stood in the hallway outside his office. The tall, gray-haired man brought her up under his wing, but he held nothing back. If he was pissed at her, and it seemed like he felt angry all the time of late, she couldn’t get away from his acid tongue.

  “The Sherwood team is here and I suppose we’ll have to chit-chat for a few. I hope you’ve prepared for today,” he said and looked stern.

  “I’m ready, sir.”

  “I tried to reach you over the weekend, but kept getting voice mail. Where the hell were you?” he asked as they started to the private elevator. Several other employees and the company’s attorneys fell in line behind them.

  “I was home, Father. I turned my phone off so I could review the contract without interruption.”

  “Did you at least get a decent meal at some point?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  He nodded and they arrived at two private elevators. Both sets of doors stood open and five got on one and five on the other.

  “Father, I thought Jeffrey was supposed to attend this meeting,” she said.

  “Your brother,” the man growled. “Your brother left me a message on Friday that he decided to go up to Tahoe for the week. I don’t know why I put up with his nonsense.”

  Sophie said no more. This wasn’t the first time Jeffrey had dropped the ball. He’d become a costly appendage to the company and now might be a good time to recommend her father release Jeff from his position. She’d become full vice president and it would be better all around. He never held up his end and she did all the work.

  The door opened and the team from Pantagen Industries made their way to the large conference room. They shook hands with the group from Sherwood and made a few introductions.

  As she and her father went to the end of the table one face struck her as odd. “Father, why is Edward Martin here?”

  “Sherwood felt he needed his top attorney here so we’d be sure to understand their contract. Like we don’t understand proper legalese.”

  When they stopped at the end, she set her tablet down and looked again at the Sherwood team. Edward Martin’s back was to her and when he stepped toward the table, she saw a face that almost made her faint.

  Riley Frost stood with the Sherwood legal team. He wore a navy blue suit with a white shirt and navy-black striped tie. His brown hair was combed nicely and he starred straight at her. A cell phone was plastered to his ear.

  Sophie put her hand on the back of her chair and dug her nails into the leather. She watched as he ended his call and put the phone into his pocket.

  “What’s wrong with you, Sophie?” her father hissed at her. “You’ve gone white as a sheet.”

  She looked at him and saw anger in his eyes mixed with very little concern. “I’m fine, Father.” She stood up straight and moved the chair back.

  He grabbed her arm and growled. “Get your shit together, young lady. Do you understand me?”

  She pulled her arm away from his tight grip and looked at him. “Have you ever known me to not have my shit together?” she whispered and turned away.

  Everyone got seated and her father began the Pantagen introductions. George Sherwood did the same for his group and when he introduced Riley, the man only nodded. He continued to stare at her and Sophie felt her heart rate speed up. There must be a reason for the hard look on his face, but she didn’t have time to waste worrying.

  Sophie thought this meeting might turn out to be the longest in her life. Sh
e realized her hormones were turned on and her nipples began to hurt.

  After several opening speeches were made by both sides, Edward Martin stood and began to go over new additions to the contract. The Pantagen attorneys were prepared to review it and would give her father and her final details.

  Sophie held her pen in a death grip and made some notes, but started to feel warm. She glanced at Riley on occasion and found he continued to burn a hole through her. She began to ache and crossed her legs under the table. Her panties were getting wet.

  The meeting went on for an hour and a half and Sophie wanted to scream Hallelujah when her father stood up.

  “I think this would be a good time to take a break. I don’t know about anyone else, but my head is spinning and I need a cup of coffee. Next door a small breakfast buffet has been set up. Let’s say half an hour and we’ll get back to business.”

  The people around the table stood and started to head out toward the buffet. Sophie set her pen down and hurried down the hall to the elevators. She knew once in her office, no one could bug her. The floor where the administrative offices were located had security.

  She flew off the elevator and saw her secretary was not at her desk. Once in her office, she started to take of her jacket, but stopped. On her desk sat a vase with a dozen red roses. She slipped the jacket off and threw it at her chair.

  There’s no way he could have..., she thought and went to the vase to see if there was a card. She found it on a plastic pitch-fork.

  It read, Told you we’d see each other again. Epic Fuck, RF.

  She heard her door close behind her and turned. There he stood and it pissed her off that he seemed so cool and collected. He moved and reached for the lock on the door and turned it. Sophie felt the room get warmer.

  “You should know, your security staff takes bribes. I only had to pay one-hundred dollars for those bozos to look the other way.” He stood with his arms at his side and stared at her.

  “I’ll have to remember that. My father will have a fit.”


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